
19 Reviews
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Some people will always complain
23 June 2022
I thought the series was great. Devoted fanbases will always have a loud minority who complain. "The writing is so bad" blah blah. I felt six episodes was too short to explore as much as they could have. Really episodes 5 and 6 are where the series shined.

I would have liked to see more episodes so they could spend more time on Reva's backstory so she was a character I actually felt invested in.
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A pleasant surprise
11 March 2022
This was a funny and heartwarming, emotional movie with solid fight scenes. Ryan Reynolds and the young star pair well together. Overall a really really fun movie to watch.

Some of the effects are excellent, while almost any CGI or special effect that involves a person moving in a fight scene is somewhat of a noticeable eye sore. The worst is a particular scene that makes an effort at de-aging where it almost looks like someone talking to a cartoon version of themself.
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Better now that I am the target demographic
30 November 2021
I saw it in 2009 in theaters and I remember thinking it was terrible. I was also in college and saw it purely because it was a Vince Vaughn comedy. I watched it again recently now that I am married and have kids, and it is so much more relatable. Now I can see the difference between being the target audience, and not.

It's no wedding crashers for sure, but still good!
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Solid ending to season
29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode did a good job of getting to the important part of the episode. It was about fun and the TEAM. Not about winning State. That's the culture of the old Ducks.

Some good jokes with Bombay and the Ducks coach.

Then of course the second intermission jersey swap. Old D5 Ducks vs the new Mighty Ducks.

For those who notice ... yes... there are player jerseys that weren't on the original ducks, such as Julie Gaffney that you will see on the ice. It's not a mistake, the writer knows. Just assume at some point they all had those jerseys sometime outside of the movie.

They even did the flying V to win it all. Hearing "Charlie Conway!" Was cool The only thing missing was a shootout. Needed Evan Morrow to do a triple deke.
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Huge let down after last week
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was just a big gap filler. The thing that made the movies better than this show was the quality of hockey being shown. This episode was just too lame.

They are mad at Evan, and then they go to Bombay's childhood pond rink and play tag and bond again over playing tag and skating around blindfolded. The extreme kid wants to quit... until they say "hey we will call you X-factor" and he says "oh that nickname is cool, I'll stay then"

They pull off a last second victory in their game by apparently getting the opposing team to just stand there because the Don't Bothers have their eyes closed? Not to mention they skate and pass in slow motion even with their eyes open.

That's the biggest let down, the hockey action is just brutally bad.
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Airplane Mode (II) (2019)
Funny if you're a 12 year old Youtuber fan
10 July 2020
This is just plane stupidity. It's a bunch of YouTuber who aren't funny. The end
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Typical never-satisfied whiners
7 July 2020
Ignore the negative reviews. The final episode is great like the rest of the series. There are always going to be the loud crybaby minority that are never satisfied with a finale unless it's a giant fan service episode.
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Just a fun movie
4 July 2020
It's a billion times better than movies like Holmes and Watson. It's a good story, with lots of subtle comedy. They are just adorably ignorant and positive. The musical numbers are awesome too. Just enjoy it. Most Americans won't realize just how many cameos are in this movie of former Eurovision contestants.
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It's a show - not a documentary
30 June 2020
It's not the worst show ever. It's also not great. Anyone giving it 1 star due to historical inaccuracies.... come on ....
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Legendary (2010)
A nice inspirational movie
27 May 2020
This is not meant to be some mind bending deep thought drama. It's your typical redemption movie. The actors who play the villain students / his quirky friend are pretty darn awkward and cheesy, but the main three put in solid performances.
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Capone (2020)
Be smart - ignore hyper negative reviews
26 May 2020
This was a well acted, interesting story. It has pretty darn big name cast who all do well. It's a small window biopic not a gangster movie! Anyone who says "I turned it off after 20 minutes", your review doesn't count.

It's a fairly slow moving drama, it's not a movie I would ever watch again because there's no need. So it's just simply a good movie with little replay value.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
cheesy, terrible acting
19 April 2020
Oof... lot going on here. The dialogue is lame and the way it's delivered is Hilariously bad. They are such overactors. And the action sequences ? It's like some of them don't have an athletic bone in their body and don't know how to even run.

So... so terrible.
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Stop complaining and just watch
7 April 2020
Why do people actually care what critics think about this kind of movie? Or any movie for that matter.

This is a violent, super vulgar over the top comedy. Nothing more, nothing less.

I mean seriously, even some of these user reviews are ridiculous. Stop rating every movie by comparison of being a Best Picture nominee. Just be entertained
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Ignore the pompous "professional" critics
1 April 2020
Nothing more than critics trying to show solidarity for Hollywood. The bad reviews are backlash against Gibson and Safinia for false rumors about their conduct on set. Icon productions and Voltage failed to complete the script which left huge plot holes. That was Gibson and Safinia's gripe and lawsuit. They wanted the movie COMPLETED not FINISHED.

It's a great film, great story (fill the gaps by reading the book synopsis) , great acting. Just enjoy it ! This was a passion project for Gibson, Penn, and Safinia and they were screwed by the production companies.

This is why I almost never look at critic reviews. I've seen countless movies that they drool over that I think are trash, and have seen plenty that I find entertaining that they rate collectively below 30%
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Reef Break (2019)
Just another regurgitated show
17 July 2019
Crime mystery in a tropical climate...where have I seen this 100 times before ? Cheesy...boring .... Dialogue is corny
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Da hong zha (2018)
Okay it's a CHINESE movie
21 June 2019
Alright, so China has just a very different way of making movies, for those of you who have never seen one. China has been trying to make big moves in the film industry in recent years. Now yes I'm amazed this had a $65 million dollar budget, but you really just need to understand Chinese films. They aren't targeted at American audiences. Heck, watch 10 minutes of the Monkey King 3 on Hulu and you will get what I mean. Different humor, different idea of what is dramatic. This isn't just a cash grab by actors. They get paid a lot but ya know what... China is doing their best. The script is pretty cheesy, as is the voice acting. Id prefer to just read subtitles. Bruce Willis is reading the script he is handed with terrible dialogue with some other actors speaking Chinese.
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I am sadly wanting the series to just end
14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I started to notice the repetitive story lines and lack of evolution of any characters in season 3. I was thankful they announced they were ending it in season 5. The problem is this season, every single episode seems like a random and hastily thrown together story to try and rush to an ending that the producers originally didnt prepare for. I find myself wondering what the end game of this series is.

Mostly what bothers me is the actor playing Bruce is simply not a good actor. When he tries to be angry he just scrunches his face and sounds whiny.

Also I'm a fan of Jim Gordans character but the trial scene was hilariously stupid.

Another frustration is there is zero consistency in the fighting abilities of characters. Bruce was trained by the league and was basically an assassin who could move in the shadows. Now suddenly he throws a wild awkward punch at ivy and she ducks it and just steps behind him and holds him in a chicken wing hold? Give me a break. I am an avid comic book reader. I'm aware characters especially villains come back. But "Joker" has come back about 10 times at this point and the series is just too heavily saturated with the same things happening over and over. I mean seriously. At the table reads dont the actors go "didnt we just do this exact same thing? Are we intentionally making characters never correct their past mistakes?" It just comes off lazy.

I hope they can give some proper resolutions to this series by the finale but. I have a feeling it will all just be rushed and at the end we will be going ".......k...."
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Aquaman (2018)
Another DC redemption
22 December 2018
I thought it was awesome. Visually cool. The fight scenes were solid. For me the music was a bit odd. I found myself going "oh...that's an odd choice for this moment in the movie" but still not bad.

The runtime of 2.5 hours actually works in my opinion. I never sat there going "alright let's get this over with".

It's a simple movie that explains everything to you. It gets all of the backstory stuff out if the way. Here you go, he is aquaman. Everyone already kinda knows about him, okay now to the action.
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Fuller House (2016–2020)
Ignore the negative ratings
18 December 2018
Guys ....its not meant to reinvent television. It's a nostalgic "golly gee" wholesome family entertainment. The writing is solid, actors do a great job. Stop overthinking it.
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