
16 Reviews
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Ignore the low rating spam - enjoyable watch
19 April 2024
I looked through a selection of the early 1* & 2 * reviews and it's odd that most come from accounts where no other reviews have been published. Suspicious.

I actually watched the film and enjoyed it. It has a slightly different take on the technology of imperial fleets, with coal power, smoke and fumes, and the obvious need to feed the crew from scavenged grain. I enjoyed the back stories, the acting was fine and the battle sequences were well constructed. I was certainly rooting for the rebels.

Just because someone reimagines the future of space flight and puts a different spin on it with great visuals and decent CGI there's no way it warrants a 1* or 2* anything! Absolutely crazy. Leave a review by all accounts, but review the film rather than show off your lack of intelligence or impartiality.

My suggestion, ignore the reviews and give it a watch. Form your own opinion.
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Argylle (2024)
It's just silly
14 April 2024
Not sure what I expected, but this wasn't it. You can see the Vaughn elements in some of the choreographed fight scenes and there were some laughs, but this is two and half hours I think I would have spent better elsewhere.

I like Sam Rockwell but I wasn't a fan of him in this role, and Bryce Dallas Howard was better in Jurassic World Domination. Neither suited this film. It's a poor man's Knight and Day without the personality and you don't really root for either of the leads in the way that you want Cruise and Diaz to prevail.

The only good point is the lovely cat, CGI I know, but he's done with humour and is quite sweet.
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Painful to watch at times
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so some films date more than others and times change. I'm usually fairly open to watching old films and take them for what they are most of the time. Attitudes change and what may have been acceptable in the 1970s won't necessarily appeal now. I'm not one for joining the modern day 'cancel' culture, but I have to say that this was a particularly difficult film to watch with scenes which depicted the shooting of Elephants for their ivory. I couldn't watch. Modern CGI techniques would have treated this differently, but the standards and technologies of the time suggested that the images of Elephants hitting the ground can only have been captured as a result of some shooting or a tranquilliser of some sort - this made the film painful viewing.

That aside, the film did not date well in other terms. This film may have reflected a true story to some degree, but was from the same era as Roger Moore's role in 'Wild Geese' which was so much better in some many ways. The acting was wooden, the story weird, the treatment of the indigenous population cruel, unnecessary and casual burning of an infant (what did this add to the story???) and special effects that were, well, a bit too obvious. There are very few films that I don't finish and I have seen several thousands in my lifetime but, at well over 2hrs, I suspect that I will never get back to the end of this one.

I was curious when I saw this title pop up, as I had never heard of it before and decided to give it a watch. Not my best decision. Not one that I'll be recommending.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Genuinely took me by surprise
6 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea where this film was going and was hooked as the story unfolded. The acting was excellent throughout, especially Pugh, and I found the direction of the story unnerving at times and genuinely surprising (and not a little bit creepy). I thought Wilde did a great job of building the picture and holding the tension whilst moving things along at a reasonable pace, and the twist on the back story was completely unexpected. The deterioration of Pugh's mental state came across authentically, a testament to the confusion and paranoia her character experienced.

Safe to say I really enjoyed this film and will probably watch it again to fill in the gaps of things I may have missed. As usual, there are those unimaginative individuals who give poor ratings, but don't believe the negativity. Try it for yourself.
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Foul Play (1978)
You just have to love Goldie Hawn
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Confession time. I have several go-to films when I need to be cheered up, and this is one of the top three. It's light-hearted, funny and oddly tense in almost equal measure with tremendous performances from the main actors; Hawn, Chase (when he was funny), Meredith (OMG - the Penguin) and Dudley Moore. This era of Hawn's films are some of my favourites; Seems Like Old Times, Private Benjamin and The Sugarland Express - sweet comedies that do nothing to offend but definitely entertain.

I managed to find this on DVD, after originally catching it at the cinema as a pseudo boyfriend to my sister's Saturday night. It has been been a regular in my DVD ever since.

The story follows an ensemble of characters, each more entertaining that the last, with odd names and almost slapstick attempts to kidnap and / or kill Gloria (Hawn). Fortunately, with the help of her killer umbrella, a rape alarm, can of Mace and a set of knuckledusters she manages to evade serious harm and save the day, ably assisted by Chase (doubling as a love interest) and her bad add landlord Meredith.

The film itself has dated a little, but not as much as you might think. Watching Dudley Moore's comic turn as seedy bar / massage parlour frequenting Conductor - who thinks he has scored lucky when asked by Gloria to take her home - will never allow you to listen to Staying Alive again without an image of Moore's boxer shorts. All this with a great score towards the end using excerpts from the Mikado, and it's a film you may find getting under your comic skin for a rewatch. Enjoy it.
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The Mother (2023)
Ignore all the haters
18 May 2023
This might not be the best film ever made, but I actually really enjoyed it. It was an interesting twist on the 'assassin gets drawn back in to their old life' genre. The acting wasn't exactly RADA, but it was sound and the scenery alone was worth a few stars on the rating scale. J-Lo gave a decent account of the physical side of the role and the relationship with her daughter was engaging. I found myself rooting for the daughter as she grew closer to her mother and whilst the end was fairly inevitable, it was a nice story. I don't see how people can rate anything as a '1', but this film was certainly worth a watch.
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Copshop (2021)
Fun and slick comedy / action flick
1 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK so this isn't your standard cops vs baddies movie, but I really enjoyed it.

Gerard Butler plays, well, Gerard Butler - and that's not a bad thing. He tends to play cheeky, stylish and slick characters in any number of similar movies - a loveable rogue with an edge. Opposite is conman Frank Grillo who is being hunted by hitman Butler and has been tracked down to the holding cells of a Police station where most of the action plays out. There are a few twists and turns, with some expendable Police officers walking into unwitting danger (as you might expect of Star Trek security officers in another genre), and some competition for Butler in the form of another hitman arriving to claim Grillo's scalp. It's all good fun and doesn't take itself too seriously.

In the middle is Police officer Valerie Young, played by Alexis Louder. I must admit that I haven't noticed her in the other films I have seen with her in (Tomorrow War, Watchmen), but I thought she gave a stand out performance. Alexis oozed cool and smarts, and it was great to see such a strong female character holding her own between the machismo of Butler and Grillo. Definitely made the film for me.

Overall, this was a slick and enjoyable movie and I would probably watch it again.
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My Son (I) (2021)
Suspenseful and well acted
27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read a couple of other reviews which reached the conclusion that this film had no suspense and no drama and gave below average ratings. Seemingly more of the typical, and sadly too frequent, reviews from the Transformers generation where, if bullets aren't flying and the CGI budget isn't off the charts, then a film isn't worth watching. I have to disagree.

The film was recommended to me by a friend who gave me scant background but I admit I was intrigued at the script-free concept. Having watched it, I can say I found the whole film to be atmospheric, with beautiful scenery and solid acting performances.

James McAvoy was the main focus and the pain and anguish he portrayed were utterly believable. When he overstepped the mark in finding out some information in brutal fashion, I found myself wondering whether I would have done something similar. Where your kids are involved, who wouldn't?

In the climatic scenes, the mood and tension were set beautifully and my heart was beating noticeably faster as the protagonists played cat and mouse around the old house. They thankfully stayed away from the 'Taken' view of telephone narrative between the bad guys and the Dad, and it was clear that McAvoy hadn't acquired a certain set of skills, over a very long career, that made him a nightmare for people like them. However, I thought he played the nervous, underprepared but determined Dad role well and pitched his portrayal at the right level.

The moral of this review? Don't believe the haters and judge for yourself. Not every film is a Shawshank or a Godfather, but taking a chance on an interesting concept can often lead to an enjoyable, if tense, evening.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
You can just see it happening like that!
25 December 2021
I didn't know what to expect with this film and I found it distressing, to a degree. In a world so full of social media nonsense and self-interest, this satirical take on politics and spin provides a view of the worryingly possible. People more interested in the almighty dollar, popularity ratings and pointless celebrity gossip and sticking their heads in the sand about the world around then.

Yes, this is a film; no, it's not real, but the satirical view of modern society gave me a bit of a chill at times - it touched on some sensitive subjects and the polarising views often played out on popular and social media. What I was left with was the overall pointlessness of all the noise and the damage being done to society through misinformation and point scoring. I enjoyed the film, but it made me sad.
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What did I just watch
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't read any reviews so didn't know what to expect, and was initially intrigued but, then, WOW - WTF did I just watch.

I have no problem with powerful female leads, but scaling the underside of a B17 bomber whilst in flight, catching a baby in a box with a hook, climbing back into the plane before falling through a hatch only to be thrown back in by the force of an exploding Japanese fighter plane... what?

The final straw for me came when she goes hand to hand with the Gremlin and succeeds in beating it to death with its own arm which she's ripped off with a (pretty decent, admittedly) martial arts block and arm break manoeuvre. I don't mind stretching the bounds of reality but this, for me, went into the realms of the ridiculous. Not something I could recommend to anyone but feel free to make up your own minds.
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A touching and heart-warming insight into the possibility of redemption
2 August 2020
A criminal court judge uses his own passion for running and his compassion for the possibility of redemption, to help addicts get their lives back on track.

I found this documentary to be very moving; seeing their achievements, successes, and their dreams being attained gave me an overflow of emotion. It's a fascinating insight into the difficulties people can fall into and their struggles to move forwards. But it is the support and belief of a criminal court judge, more used to sentencing offenders that underpins the whole story. The open friendship he offers to those at a stage of their lives when little hope exists shows that a little passion and belief can move mountains. Well worth a watch - you may shed a tear or two on the way!
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Locke (2013)
Refreshingly different
1 August 2020
I get sick of reading 1 star reviews on IMDB from people with no imagination, who all seem to expect stunning visuals, action and Williams-esque scores. But every now and then, along comes a film that tells a story which you can relate to, where you can really understand the pain of the main characters, and which doesn't follow the standard formula. That is Locke. This is the story of a man that usually plays straight down the line and is now trying to make right a mistake - taking big decisions to do the right thing and Hardy plays it brilliantly. The essential calmness of his motorway journey and yet raw emotion bubbling under the surface are palpable, in stark contrast to the background of a whole film shot in the confines of his car. A great idea - the viewer can only concentrate on the dialogue and imagine the seismic implosion of everything the main character held so dear up to that point. Suffice to say that I really enjoyed the film, and the short window on Locke's world (and those in it) that I experienced. Give it a chance.
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The Hunt (2012)
Stunning characterisation
15 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I saw that someone has given this film a 1/10 rating - because they didn't believe the reaction of the main character to the accusations. I just don't understand how that is possible. Quite apart from anything else, the quality of the acting, the scenery and the rawness of the story and emotions must warrant a higher rating. With this type of issue being much more sensitive and reported nowadays, how would any of us react to such an accusation? Anger, indignation, incredulity - any number might fit so how does that particular reviewer disbelieve such a powerful ensemble performance?

I thought this was a beautifully told story of a painful subject, through which I could see the reality of the reactions both individually and from the community around them. Group-think is a terrible possibility when the subject is the safely of children, and the mob mentality that we are probably all capable of could well be overwhelming. This film was beautiful in so many ways with a sharp reminder that we never forget thrown in for good measure.

Do yourself a favour. Watch this film and allow yourself to really understand the power of a lie from the lips of the innocent.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
Don't see how anyone can give a low rating after just the first episode
5 November 2019
I despair at some reviewers on here. How can anything be given a rating of '1' especially if they haven't even watched the whole of an episode? The start of any such series will need to build a story and will take a while to develop characters. The scenery and CGI alone must warrant a high rating given the atmospheric mood they create. You just can't please some people who seem to think this stuff is easy!

I enjoyed the first episode and am looking forward to the rest, to watch the story unfold. However, I won't add a rating at the moment because I haven't seen enough to judge it fairly. Ignore the '1' and '2' ratings - I think there's a low IQ convention in town.
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Warm hearted and heart breaking
14 October 2019
Life affirming and beautiful; I didn't know what to expect from this film but was totally hooked within the first 5 mins. A great story and well acted, the whole ensemble brought the viewer into their family to experience all the joy and pain that many would recognise in their own families. Billy Connolly makes a perfectly irreverent Grandfather, and the kids were a delight to watch. I laughed out loud at their many innocent questions and observations, and cried at their humble childlike reasoning for fulfilling their Grandfather's wishes. It's a story which reminds us what should be important in life and what we should let go of. Watch it, it's worth the investment.
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Quite enjoyed it...!
8 October 2019
OK, so the acting wasn't top notch, but the story and sentiment were pretty good. All relationships have ups and downs, but the message of hope, mixed with the main characters' desire to rekindle lost feelings, was a positive one. I found myself hoping he didn't stray again with the hot girl he met even though the outcome was predictable. Rating reflects the formulaic approach, but overall I enjoyed this RomCom.
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