
12 Reviews
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Just sit back and enjoy myself?
6 July 2023
That is the title.... less Question Mark.... of one IMdB review. Glad he was able to. For me, it was an uncomfortably long hour forty-five. I'm a Wes fan. Well, at least a casual fan. Everyone likes Hotel but my fave is Moonlight Kingdom. But wow, this was a tough watch. I know I missed a lot of the references that are important in really appreciating what is being said. But I got some, read about others, and still they seem rather pointless and dispirited. There are some clever interesting moments, but not enough to make an engaging watch. As some have stated, hardcore Anderson fans will probably like this. But I was disappointed. Will give 5 stars of 10..... Four for the Film and a bonus One for the amazing nude scenes of Simone, who was absolutely breathtaking!
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Rogue Agent (2022)
What a Surprise!
15 January 2023
Recently, during a recent week where I was mostly stuck inside, I watched a dozen films. This one was the big surprise. I'm in almost total agreement with Top Dawg Critic: Try not to read about the plot beforehand. However, unlike some, I do Not believe the film started slowly, or should have been trimmed. For what it does, the presentation is damn-near perfect! Even the opening minute ride showing Freegard alone, driving to meet his 'associates' was expressive.... fascinating as my mind tried to guess What is really going on here! James Norton, Lacie's little brother in Black Mirror's Nosedive, is a BIG force this time and just a commanding presence. Thoroughly enjoyable, while powerfully emotional.
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Wanted to Like this Movie more that I Liked this Movie
20 March 2022
Captured the 70's nicely; both in style, theme and subjects of interest (waterbeds, pinball machines, etc).

Captured a love story almost too much.... Boy gets Girl, Boy loses Girl, Boy gets Girl again, Boy loses Girl again, Boy gets Girl again, Boy loses Girl again, Boy finally gets Girl..... we think.
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What a Roller Coaster Ride!
5 November 2021
My main warning is a little different than most reviews. Story is powerfully told. But because of this, the movie has a Lot of sad moments. Be prepared.....
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Wildlly Over-Rated.... even for the avante-guard 70's
8 August 2021
Have been an avid film buff over 60 years. Had seen and enjoyed many of Paul's works, ranking Total Recall among all-time favorite SciFi. So I was cautiously optimistic about T/D. Wow. I actually could not watch more than 10 to 15 minutes without stopping and continuing later; forcing myself through the film. I can handle obnoxious, obscene, gross, and even idiotic. But it's really helpful to have a Purpose behind it all. Or at least something redeeming that I can look to, in order to make the viewing more watchable. It's tough when off the bat I had no care at all for the lead.... Rutger, who I have loved in so many pictures. And it is not my 'American sensibility' that causes me to miss the point of this Dutch mess. I've seen 100s of European films; if this is, according to one source, the 'Best Film ever made in Netherlands', then I give up on watching any others! It is, as also described: earthy, naturalistic, erotic, and even occasionally humorous. But it's also overtly unpleasant, needlessly callous, and it's seemingly ONE point of poignancy is over-wrought and takes Far too long to reach. Ugh; unless one wishes to say they've seen EVERY Verhoeven title, I'd advise taking a pass.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
For Me: Best Series Ever
5 December 2020
While I've not seen as much television as many, I try to catch noteworthy, well-reviewed series. Stranger Things, Six, Rome, Penny Dreadful, so many excellent choices. But this exceeds on a couple levels. It is most intelligently written series I've seen.... if this were a parlour-drama, that alone would be impressive. But given that it's chronicling History, violence, sexuality, morality, a host of fascinating characters so large it can make your head spin, and is all truly wrapped up after 38 amazing episodes, it's an extraordinary achievement. Furthering it's brilliance is it's alternate universe.... a parallel-world to ours. It starts with the premise of the REAL situation in the early 1700's: the issue of pirates, how they lived, interacted with land locals, but particularly the unique situation of Nassau, a British port city on the island of New Providence, now the Capital of the Bahamas. Against the many interpersonal relationships, social relationships, issues of Commerce and Slavery, is the constant backdrop of Nassau, understanding of it's past and control of it's future. Then, if this were not enough, the writers have brilliantly taken many of the known characters from the beloved novel TREASURE ISLAND and added them to the mix of REAL historic figures (Edward Teach aka Blackbeard, Calico Jack Rackam, Charles Vane, Ned Low, Ann Bonney) as though they were part of the true developing story of this fight. As an aside, I was a cruise director for Holland-America and worked in the Caribbean many years, been on Nassau 100+ times, and know well their storied saga. Excellent costumes, sets, special effects, portrayals (I dislike 'acting'), music, all add their own to this amazing series. Finally, I have never seen a situation as that which develops in Season 4, where things coalesce into two generally opposing camps (but each with their own internal bickering, espionage and twists). However, one sees and feels sympathy and understanding for EACH side in the conflict. It is so wonderfully fairly-presented, instead of the typically seen 'good guys' vs 'bad guys'. If this description has any appeal, I highly recommend viewing. For maximum enjoyment, you may wish to check out the online Black Sails Fandom wiki, which helped me after some episodes where I was not exactly sure I followed all that had occurred.
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Arthur (I) (2011)
Among the worst Remakes ever
23 October 2019
I like the actors involved in this film and tried to go in to my viewing with an open mind. I'm admittedly an older guy who has seen the original several times and LOVE it. Verdict? Wow, this film was near unwatchable. Almost embarrassingly bad. The front page reviewer nailed it with his criticisms. Best let this ARTHUR pass you by.......
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How is this Rated 5.6?
23 October 2019
Generally speaking, there are a LOT of weak, to awful, Remakes. But this one is definitely the exception. Funny, touching, clever, bombastic, and Murphy is brilliant in his numerous roles (including his two portrayals of the Professor). So I was surprised when I saw the film comes in at 5.6. Huh? I thought I would check out the 106 reviews and the vast majority heap the same praise that I believe The Nutty Professor deserves! There must be a lot of low voters who decided not to express their reasons. This movie is NOT mean-spirited to overweight people; and in fact Sherman Klump is presented in a very kind, sympathetic manner. I actually was so impressed that Murphy could convey that so authentically. If you have not seen this, Highly Recommended for a fun date-night or when in the mood for some amusing madness.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Surprised at the Strong Negative opinions
11 October 2019
I enjoy horror films more than my girlfriend. When I saw the description of this one, with a combination of humor, romance and horror, I thought she might like, so we went. We both really enjoyed Ready Or Not. The profanity was nothing 'out of place'.... it's stuff real people would (and DO) say every day. The plot was clever and fun, film production excellent, well-acted, there were a few scares, a number of very funny scenes and spoken lines, and we were engrossed the entire way. Spoke with the couple sitting near us afterwards and they liked it too. There are a few graphic shots but nothing felt gratuitous. It seemed real and you felt for the plight of the entire family. Hey, we all have opinions but for some of the reviewers to be throwing around words like putrid, stay at home, waste of time..... that's ridiculous. If you don't like this genre, then don't go. It's not a classic, but we were certainly amused!
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Proof that Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
16 May 2019
I am a fan of most Mel Brooks films, with Y/Frank ranking among my all-time favorites. But wow, I felt Men in Tights was more than a let-down.... most of the jokes and gags were flat-out Lame! I re-watched recently and it was as excruciating as 25 years ago when I saw it with my nephews.... young boys (perhaps the target audience?) and they even barely laughed!
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Beirut (2018)
You've seen "thoughtful", "tense", "historical"..... It is!
16 June 2018
My girlfriend and I saw BEIRUT yesterday. We both hedged and went in with moderate expectations. She doesn't like overly-complex films that are tough to follow. I don't like high-action films that feature characters doing mindless things without consequence. Note: Tony Gilroy, who penned the script, also did the Bourne Identity films, which I did Not care for. This film easily exceeded expectations! I give 8 and 1/2 stars. I was an adult following the Mideast situation (admittedly from America) in the early 80's and can say that the film presents a Fictional story, but set in a very historically accurate setting. I was shocked that a few reviewers gave this excellent piece a '1' based on their believe that Beirut was not accurately presented. Not true. Yes, situations were created for the STORY, but the overall feel of a city that had once been a striking locale, now bombed and unsafe, was captured. Yet within the turmoil, hotels, lounges, taxis, schools and others tried to forge-on their daily business. We found it a powerful backdrop. All factions were treated in an adult manner, showing their strengths, and exposing their weaknesses. There were some very cool late-film surprises, especially a 2-second shot one could easily miss, showing 'how' the Israelis found out about the final meeting. And as stated by another reviewer: Jon Hamm may well be the new Bogart......
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I am shocked, but not surprised.....
18 January 2018
By the number of ridiculous reviews which give this well-made film a 1 or 2, and shout "Racism" at the top of their lungs. This is the voice of the 21st Century. Young progressives must paint all products in terms of cultural appropriateness, and of course on their own hypocrytic terms of what is considered acceptable. "I expected a picture about Bruce Lee", moans one. Hey, here's an idea: Approach the picture with an OPEN MIND. Oh sorry, I keep forgetting that those who try so hard to desperately preach tolerance are the same who show no tolerance to Anything that bothers them. Apparently, a white male attracted to an Asian woman is so horribly stereotyped that it incurs the wrath of a 1 out of 10. Apparently, changing details from the historical event evokes such disappointment as to elicit hatred.... and this despite opening titles that state this film is Inspired by the November 1964, (and hence not a reinactment of it).

OK, for those of common sense, and fair values that are looking for an interesting, visually attractive and hearty film, then don't listen to the hateful loons. BotD has genuine features: a nice romance, many expressions of wisdom, characters to care for, beautifully choreographed fight scenes. Yes, the improbable end is totally fictional, but should we thus pan the entire experience for it? It had my girlfriend and I cheering (I won't spoil 'why' but it was well-made and a terrific ending to an inspirational film). Like Wong Jack Man, I feel sorry for those who do not comprehend, but instead close their minds to what could be........
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