
74 Reviews
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Stranded (V) (2013)
Arm Chair "Critics" strike again.
15 May 2024
Going through my collection looking for something to put on I grabbed this, thinking, yeah, a little mellow sci-fi. Had no idea it was a gory alien infection clone thing, really started paying attention once that became evident. I'll tell ya honestly, IMDB can be so revulsive with the trolls and mob bandwagon ranters, I often wonder "Who are these people, what films to do they watch, or are they just professional sad folks who only watch mainstream crap. Because I can tell in their "reviews" if you can call them that, they forgot to have fun a long time ago and are not real film lovers or cinephiles.

I also get rather tired of having to uprate a film (This is actually a 7/10 to me but gave it an 8/10 to make up for the bozo one liner 1 star vomits of these trolls.

The film is actually quite entertaining taken for what it is, a low budget little sci-fi horror film meant to be enjoyed by film lovers with open minds who could care less about thinking themselves a "critic" (What a joke of self delusion that trip is). The acting is fine, the dark atmosphere is fine, the practical effects are fine. It's a perfectly fine little film, glad I have the bluray in my collection. Seems like 90% of these people who take the time to review films on here I'd not allow in my house, and certainly wouldn't watch films with them, what buzzklls they would be. If you like sci-fi low budget horror, and you see this somewhere, it's a fine little addition to your collection.
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Interesting Alternative Slice.
11 April 2024
I admit to being a super fanboi of Haunting Of Sharon Tate, one of the most interesting alternative takes on a historic story I've seen in a very long time. So I was very interesting in chasing down and buying the 2 Bundy and Aileen movies he made. And I am glad I did. Though the Bundy one was my least favorite at 7/10, this one (7.7/10) was pretty great.

Aside from keeping many of the accurate historical facts, the additional fictionalized storyline kept closely in line with the "could have happened that way considering her personality" vibe. I loved a lot of the cinematography, the Dallas/Dynasty dramatic scenes film work, all very retro "night time soap opera" feel was pretty darn cool. Taking this small 9 week slice of her story and turning it into a complete story of it's own was well played.

Peyton List and Tobin Bell were great in their roles, and Peyton captured both her mannerisms and attitude as well as highlighting the real life determinations by many investigators about the things done to her over the years that lead to her actions, this slice of story fit right into those known facts as far as her treatment by others and the monster it made.

The people who rag on these films have a limited scope of imagination and mostly fall in line with the mob mentality of most narrow versioned mainstream movie watchers (Yes, the condescension in that line is both accurate and intended) and flies far over their heads. This film will appeal to true crime lovers as well as film lovers (Not "critics" who are the farthest thing from film lovers) who can enjoy experimental and more eccentric and esoteric films. Which one you are is easy to figure out. I haven't felt much interest in his latest but only because the story itself never interested me much past the real fact, that being the Nicole Simpson thing. But perhaps I'll get around to it eventually.

7.7/10. Nice work.
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Nice Indie Film.
24 February 2024
Found this on youtube, you can check it out there as well. A nice and seemingly sincere little micro-budget Indie film mixing the found footage horror and supernatural genre in a reality show setting. This was pretty fun. Had a good time with it, I liked the story and the acting was pretty good. Didn't expect it to be as entertaining as it turned out to be. I don't mind giving Indie films a fair chance, do it quite often and find really good gems in the Indie scene. Hope the director/creator keeps making films and honing the skills as well as moving up the technical quality with bigger budgets some day. As the creator does seem to have a good eye and imagination for a good story. The cast did very well too, didn't really notice any "poor acting" moments at all.
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Great Beginnings
25 October 2023
I don't usually do shorts, not a fan of short films personally, but this was a fantastic little film, one might think of it more as a "Proof of Concept". Great atmosphere, and intriguing storyline that makes you want to see more of the mythology.

The writer did an excellent job of peaking the viewers curiosity, the actors were great in their roles, and the direction and the atmosphere created had a spooky New England haunting type feel that gave you ample desire to sit back and see what Happens. The mythology building, though brief, was proof the writer could expand on the world building as it had enough content to expand into a full feature with further character development, as well as deepening the mystery and expanding the kill count. Nice first effort and proof of talent.
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Candy Corn (2019)
Nice moody genre fare
10 October 2023
Actually a 7.4/10. But I always add extra point for the horror haters and bombers on these sites. To the film itself.

Took me awhile to find this on Blu-ray at decent price, Finally got it in my collection, knew I would like it. Seeing Seeing Tony Todd, P. J. Soles, and Courtney Gains was very cool, all 3 did great in their roles. Pancho Moler did excellent in his role. The rest of the cast were nice too. I hope Nate Chaney does more villainous roles, I'd love a sequel to this, I mean LOVE to see one. The rest of the cast were, as I said, great in their roles, all of them good for their parts and executed well.

The kills were very nice, especially the spine removal. Storyline was spot on, left a couple mysteries I'd really like to know the answer to. The over atmosphere was quite well done, quiet yet haunting in all the right ways thanks to pretty nice cinematography, The world mythology and world building would make for a good franchise.

It may have cost me a bit to get this one, but it was worth it. I enjoyed it very much, as a horror collector it sits well in my rather large film collection, I'll be doing a video review of it on my YT channel as well. That being Horror And Metal Maestro Redrusty66. Great addition to the genre.
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Hallows' Eve (2013)
Modern Indie Cheese
10 October 2023
So, actually it's a 6/10 but I always add an extra point for the horror haters who bomb pretty much all horror films on these sites.

To the film itself, sure it's typical low budget slasher fare, Good revenge setup, a bit mysterious in the villain, I thought almost to the end it was one person and turned out to be different character. The with the final end kill, well how was that? So left with a mystery. Satisfying. Acting from most was alright, a few were a bit flubby but of no significant level to bother me. Most of the kills were pretty good. A couple even got So the execution was pretty well done for a very low budget film.

I found the dialog, especially the cat fight between Sarah and Ryan at the ticket booth made me howl out loud, very funny smackdowns from both sides. It was in the end exactly what I thought it would be, and I enjoyed it for exactly what it was. Nice popcorn slasher cheese. Fun and entertaining in various ways. I do feel sorry for those who've lost the ability to have that thing...called fun. I bought the Blu-ray and don't regret it, enjoy having it in my collection.
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The Mob Mobilizes
16 September 2023
Blah Blah Blah, I see the mob has found a target. Exploitative? Oh my, a horror movie that exploits some tragedy, real or made up. I'm so shocked at the idea. To this in particular, let me give you (Miss Tate's sister) and all the rest a little bit of facts. There's what 26K people murdered in the US alone every year. 1000's in brutal and horrifying ways. Yet within a generation or 2, they are nothing but a headstone no one remembers. There's been 100's if not 1000's of documentaries, shows, references and films on this one tragedy. From Helter Skelter to Aquarius. Ms Tate was not the only victim. Jay, Rosemary, Leno, Steven, Wojciech and many others before and after. THEY at least will always be remembered, unlike the 10's of 1000's who are brutalized every year who are not.

95% of these reviews have ZERO to do with the film itself, only the pearl clutching outrage of a PC mob. BALDERGASH. The film is fine, I enjoyed the alternate take on the events and the way the film was both acted and filmed. Highly enjoyed it as a matter of fact, and got deep satisfaction from what could have, should have been, the real ending. It took a scene, a moment in time, an event known worldwide, and made an alternate little horror film about it. So what. Not like this event isn't known to the point where any chance any story or take derived from it could possibly NOT be gone and looked up for It's just a film vision of a real event. Get over yourselves. And review films based on the film, not your silly mob rules pearl clutching..
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I really liked it more than I thought..
2 August 2023
I would. How i love finding abused and mob bashed goodies that people hate. From the opening credits (Promising some good flash editing that stayed throughout the film, a style I enjoy) to the story line which kept me really interested, to a nice cast, decent acting, pretty good kills that did not skimp on the blood to a final ending that I did not see coming at all. I do enjoy that genre switch twist ending.

The cast were both attractive and competent and like the first film, kept me guessing and anticipating who was doing what and why. I think many do not realize this is in the same universe but 100% a stand alone film that only connects at the very end and even then, only in spirit (pun intended). I LOVED the Gunge Metal, Skate Punk, Nu Metal soundtrack. I also really enjoyed the cinematography, especially the flash edits as I mentioned before. It may sound facetious but I SO love being a film buff/collector that has in no way become jaded or restricted and can go into a film like this with pretty much ZERO weight being placed on bashing reviews from trolls on places like this. When it works out well for me I feel sorry those so jaded they have forgotten how to have fun and just sit back and watch a film with no prejudice.9There isn't a critic I've seen to date I don't both despise and feel true sorrow for, seems when they cross that line and think themselves a critic, they lose all ability to enjoy films.

So, if you are of like mind, and love horror, this film is really worth a try, I am very glad to own it, it's a great popcorn flick with lots to love about it, from story, to the eye candy cast, to the nice kills, engaging story and great cinematography, and surprising ending. Lots to love here and nice little hidden gem for horror film lovers, IMO of course. With near 2300 BR/DVDs in my collection I'm happy to have this one in it.
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One Serious Misfire
2 August 2023
I must say it's been a while since I ran across a film I felt sorry for. Like a little "thing" that could have been something but wasn't allowed to be. Serious waste of actors as well. Joey Lawrence, Chad Allen, Jeff Conaway. The story was interesting, as you waited for "the secret" anyway, which of course then led to a serious wave of disappointment when there really wasn't one worth mentioning. After each kill I was like, that could have been something. Then you had Chad Allen and Joey L. In their prime and no butt shot? Really good kill potential and you do it mostly off screen? Was in the world was this rated R for when it seemed like a tame lifetime movie? The ending was so "nothing". I mean it does tell you who and why, kinda why anyway. Leaving you to just assume

Although I am a pretty serious collector, and not as bad a some I know This one is about my limit of how empty a film can be, and such a waste of potential on so many levels, I will allow in my collection. And I like a lot of films others bash on, (I'll always know what you did last summer for instance, I love that film). So I have a pretty "buff" tolerance for low budget and indie films I think they can be better than big budget films. But this one just wasted so so so very much. Give me just 300K and I could make this a b-movie masterpiece, they just left out all the goodies that could have made it so leaving only a shell and the thought of ""What could have been".
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Afflicted (2013)
Excellent Dual Genre Entry
17 June 2023
About half way through I began to experience the WOW factor. Was going through some found footage films for my YT horror channel and FF Week. Chose to spotlight this one, started nice, found the build up interesting, One the "Affliction" began (For some reason I thought this was going to be Zed horror, not Vamp horror. But as the affliction progressed I saw where it was going. Once the action reached fever pitch I was most certainly invested.

The way this film slowly ramped up in intensity was excellent, getting more and more intense. By the time the last 30 mins rolled around it was edge of your seat engrossing and fulfilling. It certainly shot into my top 20 V-Horror films ever and I was more than satisfied. The surprise (Interwoven with the final credits) 2nd ending was something I did NOT see coming either.

It scored a solid 8.5/10 to me, but as usual, due to the irrational hatred of horror films by the trolls and mainstream film fans on this site and others of its kind. I always round UP my score. If you don't own this one yo9u should, if you've not seen it, you'll be glad you did. Provided you are a horror fan anyway.
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The True Ressurection
7 May 2023
I was so happy when I heard this was going to be resurrected by Culture Shock Releasing. This is such an hilarious horror comedy, still completely 80's despite it's 1989 original release, it's totally 80's from the music to the clothes to the actors and performances. SO many hilarious scenes, from the demonic baby to the NUs with Guns scene which is my favorite gut buster. I love the cheesy storyline and the chemistry between all the actors just bleeds off the screen. You just can't watch this film without having a total blast.

Although some of these boutiques are nothing but greedy parasites taking advantage of desperate film collectors, there are some of them that actually care about resurrecting these films, remastering them and actually making print runs at decent prices to get them out to the masses. Hopefully Culture Shock will be one of the good ones if they can avoid the softcore pornish stuff and greedy practices like Vinegar Syndrome and it's ilk. This new 4K remaster bluray was a JOY to find and get in to my collection. It's a beautiful new transfer, with some awesome interviews in the extras. The film itself is just hilarious and cheesy in all the right self aware ways to make it a classic among stuff like Nail Gun Massacre, Gutterballs and other deep independent slices of historic B-Movie cheese.

If you are a collector or are into these types of fantastic film history slices the resurrection and remastering of this film is an awesome addition you should add to your collection. Perfect and tasty, check it out, and support physical media by grabbing you a copy for your collection.
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The Nail Gun Massacre (1985 Video)
Glorious Cheese
14 April 2023
Granted this rare gem of cheese is near impossible to get for a reasonable price, so I managed to find a HD rip file. I think you really have to love fun intentionally cheesy stuff like Gutterballs to fully experience the joy a film like this brings. From the OMG nudity to the camo nail gun toting killer with an air tank on their back...LMAO To the I CANNOT BELEIVGE you got me twist at the end where I was so stunned that the killer was not whom I was 100% sure it was!.

The acting in some scenes is soooo bad that you can tell it's completely intentional. I personally loved the cast, from the "Walking Tall Caricature" of a sheriff to the Attractive skin tight wardrobe wearing cast, both make and female (And let's have a nice cheer for balanced nudity, there's ample nudity of both genders in this beautiful mess..

I liked the story, I laughed heartedly at many of the scenes, the kills were down right funny and yet satisfying at the same time. I truly don't believe anyone without a sense of humor AND love of slashers should watch this film, as it's just WAY above your ability to appreciate what's being done here. I thoroughly enjoyed myself with this one and I hope beyond hope some film boutique will pout of a bluray (TALKLING TO YOU SCREAM FACOTORY or ARROW) as I'd pay reasonable cash for this one. In the meantime I'll just have to enjoy the rip I have, but I highly recommend this to anyone who loves cheesy slashers intentionally meant to thrill you with a "So bad is a masterpiece" state of being.

This is a great way to enjoy getting nailed.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Warner Brothers goes bad
7 March 2023
Disclaimer : Is the movie, cast, writing, cinematography and overall film good? Sure, or I wouldn't have bought it. So would this be unfair? No, as you see the disclaimer above.

If you haven't heard the recent industry news regarding Warner Bros (WB) releasing LOTR 4K box set with precanceled Digital codes with an expiration date of 12/30/23 and telling $80 buyers "Oh well". Then now you know just the tip of that iceberg. WB has decided to basically mass cancel just about everything more than a couple of months old. Leaving 100's of 1000s of Bluray, DVD and 4K + Digital combo packs on RETAIL store shelves for the retailer to deal with the customers who buy them.

Why? Because they want to keep you enslaved to their services, streaming subs and rentals and locking your content behind paywalls (where they can, AND DO, jerk the licenses at any time). It happens quite often. (Netflix, Itunes, Movies Anywhere ect, ect). They couldn't care less about the retailers who have to deal with the returns, CC chargebacks, customer complaints, bad reviews and losses.

How is this obvious? Because the answer is so simple, IF Warner brothers wanted to limit digital copies it is as SIMPLE as doing a print run with +Digital combos and then doing a second run WITHOUT digital. Once those sell out at stores the remainder will have to buy the run without codes in them. Film Boutiques do it all the time, they do a print run with certain affectations and then print runs with less for a cheaper price. No one feels cheated, no one gets TRICKED or SCAMMED by false advertising and you aren't left with PART OF Your PURCHASE defective (It no longer works).

Would you happen to know the effort and work it takes to have to compile, track, keep record of and instigate redemption services to cancel millions of digital codes? If you don't, Then speak with a studio like Lions gate, or Anchor Bay. Or even Big ones like Disney, Sony or MGM. It's quite the time-consuming and costly endeavor, and then on top of it to cause widespread discord, animosity, distrust and ill-will, and for what? This is the explanation they will give you. It's just not worth the time, the cost OR the bad public relations and customer dissatisfaction. Even greedy corporations like I mentioned refuse to do it, the trade off isn't worth it., There really is ZERO purpose for doing such a thing and leaving 100's of 1000s of misleading items for sale. I bet you cannot think of one reason why such an action would be "feasible" for a company. Because there isn't one. It's mean, ugly and unethical. (Like any con artist right?).

So what can you do, you are helpless and at their mercy right. Only you are not. That is what they want you to think. It is what any big Corp wants sheep to think. You only have 2 weapons, that is true. Your wallet and your keypad. They care very little for your keypad, aside from it being used to expose them and share information on how to fight back. But they care a great deal about your wallet, it is in the end ALL they care about. Use the keypad to share advice, advice such as, how to download for free instead of buying Warner Bros offerings, how to charge back retailers with your credit card when they sell +Digital combos that Warner Bros has canceled instead of returning the NOW DEFECTIVE combo back to WB. Or perhaps stop carrying WB releases AT ALL for fear of WB rendering the compos FALSE ADVERTISING or DEFECTIVE (A key justification for your bank or CC Company approving a charge back and denying the retailers appeal if they even make one). That is after all how I got my money back and kept this movie. Warner Brothers "took my cash" and I TOOK IT RIGHT BACK. If you say nothing, WB will continue on their fit of immoral greed and unethical trickery with these combos. When the whole issue is LAUGHABLY easy to solve without cheating anyone out of anything. I feel terrible for the 4K LOTR buyers and I hope they class action the heck out of WB. But that's only a small number of people who are RIGHT NOW buying combos at retail stores (Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Amazon and smaller stores all across the nation that Warner Bros has rendered false advertising and defective by canceling the codes. And there's not one single legitimate reason for doing it, except consumer fraud. You can stand up, do any number of things; avoiding WB products is a good start. Feel free to copy and paste this wherever you feel appropriate.

For me, I'll be charging back every single combo they leave on a retail store shelve that I buy and find canceled and leaving this review on every release they put out that has done so. IF I happen to mistakenly buy a release of their anyway from now on, since where WB is concerned, I'll just be getting them for FREE from now. My money can go to a studio and a company who isn't quite so thrilled to so blatantly cheat and defraud their customers who are nice enough to buy one of their releases.
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Patient Zero (I) (2018)
Only Downside Is No Sequel
27 February 2023
I really enjoyed the premise, and I do love the genre. This was a very good entry, I only really rate it a 7.4/10 but I try to round up due to the mass of low brow self absorbed horror hating couch critics that infest IMDB, LetterBD and that silly tomato place. Stanley, Natalie and Matt are great in their roles, as are the supporting cast. I really liked the premise of an immune person being able to communicate with the Zeds in their own language. The fact these Zeds are like a new species, thinking, fighting and evolving in effort to take over the Earth and wipe out humans for MORE than just mindless rage reasons is a nice change-up.

It really deserves a sequel to see where the story goes and it has great potential. If you are a fan of the genre this is a nice little fun addition to it. I like the Zeds in this film as well, each film in the genre, though sharing similarities comes up with their own version of Zeds. The design and behavior of the Zeds in this one are my preferred kind of Zed.

Give it a shot if you are into the genre and remember to offset the TROLL votes of the horror haters with an extra point. Maybe now that IMDB has put a stop to one line troll reviews perhaps at least the reviews will be more legitimate.
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Alone (XXI) (2020)
Silly Mob Strikes Again
19 February 2023
It's just an Americanized #Alive, a Korean film. Blah Blah Blah. Actually it's an Americanized The Night Eats The World. A British film a very similar plot and some exact themes and scenes for that matter.

Who cares really, except of course, the couch critic mob of IMDB fame..lmao I've never seen #Alive, nor do I plan on subtitling may way through the same story. IF IT IS. I'd much rather watch this and Night Eats The World back to back, as though they are both extremely similar they are different enough to be equally good for this particular theme ( Alone and barricaded while a zombie apocalypse goes on around you and dealing with the isolation and survival aspects of such a situation. One that everyone claims THEY would bein during a zombie apocalypse notice no one says "I'd be dead during the first wave", they all think they would barricade, isolate and survive, well, let's see how it's done then.

Both ALONE and The Night Eats The World tackle the subject excellently and the psychological and practical considerations of such a situation on ones body, mind, spirit and nerves. The "Ohhhh but it's a foreign film" cred that so many couch critics think makes them so cosmopolitan, well, it just makes me laugh at the silliness. Funny that other countries say the same thing about anything foreign to their cinema. What's up with that? Is the other good? Quite possibly so, but is it a crime to like a more relevant cultural or language version of a film relevant to your own?

Both Tyler and Donald are just great in this film, Donald chews his 15-20 minutes with expert marksmanship. I love this story and the execution of it. The Night Eats The World handles the same basic scenario expertly as well. A great double feature for the genre. Thinking you're bumping your cred by screeching about the Korean version is a joke. You can like it of course, but all this comparison and bashing the "Other adaptations" doesn't make you a critic, or wait, well, since "Critics" are all jokes themselves, I guess maybe it actually does. Only you think that's a good's really not LMAO.
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Inmate Zero (2020)
Great addition to the Genre
3 February 2023
If the self absorbed silliness of the "IMDB" armchair critic wasn't so OFF and untrustworthy it would be funny, unfortunately since it leads many viewers and film fans astray and is direct cause of them missing nice little decent fun films it's more of a "Film fan crime" than the joke it should be. Hopefully (As I've noticed recently) IMDB seems to have implemented a 600 character minimum for reviews (IMO it should be more like 1000 or 1200. Hopefully it will cut out at least some of the one line bash and troll reviews on these films and make IMDB more friendly to actual film fans.

Inmate Zero (As it's released in the States) is a great little entry into the zombie/contagion genre. It's no masterpiece of cinema but then it's not suppose to be. It is a unique little zombie film set in a prison with an interesting storyline regarding the main lead and overall good popcorn fun. I saw about 20 mins of it on a streaming service trail and felt it worthy of a DVD buy so picked it up for my collection as I deemed it worthy from the preview I gave myself of it. I wasn't disappointed, it's got a lot of good points and was what a film like this needs to be, watchable and fun to the end. As I love to say, and am PROUD to say, I am not "Critic" I am a film fan, especially horror, and a film collector in general. And with 2K+ in my collection, I feel I can spot good from bad by now. And this little film is quite decent, if you like this genre, feel confident in your own individual judgement to give it a watch or add it to your collection. It's a decent effort and I had satisfying fun with it. Decent case, decent acting, decent story and decent effects. Nice little B movie.
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Sometimes you really shouldn't
20 January 2023
That being. Make a film without funding. LOL. I mean what was this made for $5.95? Now I'm not one to rag on indie films, I love them, have a real passion and tolerance for low budget, Indie or both. This was a good idea, no fault there, the set up is also good. Lead actress is ok so no real super problem with her. But WOW are the SFX bad. Terrible CGI, very poor execution of the "Scary scenes". Some of the dialog was good, and delivered fine by the lead and the northstar customer service guy.

Unfortunately, even with a liberal dose of suspension of expectation, I was unable to forgive or tolerate the horrid fight, kill or scare scenes. About the only time I found myself not eye rolling was the dialog in the SUV. Good idea but sometimes you just shouldn't release something that was beyond your ability to film many of the scenes with the what seems to be near zero special effects or even a special effects manager? If this film did have one, he should never work on a film again. A real shame, this could have been a decent film, just please secure some funding OR a talented SFX manager. Otherwise just keep it on hold until you can. Sorry, no addition to my collection with this one. I don't think I'd even waste the space if it was in the dollar bin.
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After Earth (2013)
Mob Rules
18 January 2023
Yes the mob mentality strikes again. Why so many have so little individuality that they must take a seat on "The Bandwagon" is pretty strange but considering the events of the last 5-6 years in the US especially, it's not a surprise.

I only recently saw this, having avoided it, or more aptly, ignored this film based on the mob hate of it that I never paid attention. So I was bored and sitting with an UNWATNED trick 30 day A-PRIME trial, so I saw it sitting there and decided to see what all the tears were all about. Surprisingly I found myself NOT hating it in the first 15 minutes, and by 25 I was like "Wait, this is ok", and by the end I had to admit I had a really good time with it. It was decent. I even went and bought the BR/DVD/Digital combo for my collection. Jaden acts fine once he got into Ii I think, Will is great, the story was good enough. I'm actually a bit put off that I ignored it without giving it a chance for all these years. Especially since I ABHORE and despise "Critics" and am not exactly a follower of the mob, I prefer to make up my own mind about films, yet this is one of those that I allowed the mob tears to make me dismiss without making my own opinion.

It was a nice reminder for me, a film collector with 2K+ films in my collection, to remember my mantra. Ignore all "Professional critics" outright, and take the word of "the rest" with a grain of salt and make no judgement until I've seen it myself. This is a nice little sci-fi film and I enjoyed it. Watch it yourself, and make up your own mind.
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Two Days Back (2011)
And Now Would Be The TIme
10 January 2023
The trailer doesn't look half bad, doesn't look any worse than any other low budget indie slasher. I have a feeling it's ok for those who don't mind low budget films...BUT, that's not the real point here is it.

NOW would be the time at which we see whether whomever was behind this film has more than 2 brain cells in their head. THAT would be the question at hand. With the events in Idaho, NATIONAL MENTION (free advertising) that this picture exists, on such shows as 48 Hours and a plethora of true crime channels. The association to this event by familial relation and ending with the "talking piece", and "collector's tingle" owning this film would be for those who collect films, Whomever owns or has rights to this film would be SO ditzy to not ALREADY by heading to a dvd or bluray manufacturer with a transfer to get some physical copies on sale at Ebay pretty much NOW.

For example, the first thing I did when learning of this film on 48 hours was go to ebay and search for it to see if I could be it. So to whomever is sitting on the master transfer, you would be very very silly not to get some physical copies made ASAP and throw them on ebay. These unknown actors would probably appreciate that fact as well. SO let's see how smart whomever owns this film is over the next few weeks. I know I'd have copies on sale at ebay in less than 2 JS.
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Don't Grow Up (2015)
Nice Zombie Genre Entry
21 August 2022
A group of young foster care kids in their late teens ranging in age from 15-18 find themselves alone at the facility when their warden goes into town and doesn't come back. After a day or two of enjoying the freedom they head into town themselves only to discover an "Apocalypse Virus" has turned all "adults" into rage zombies, and soon realize they will turn as well upon reaching adulthood, and since they are already close, it's not as far off a terror as they would like. Survival or lack thereof ensues.

This film was very intriguing, I like the premise, unlike most Zed Films this isn't a virus you worry about catching, that part is done, it instead is the dramatic understanding that "it's coming" as that unstoppable force known as AGING always does. The dramatic elements are done nicely as these troubled teens, already the result of a bad life, are faced with it getting even more bad, I know myself I would laugh at the irony and be none too happy. Granted there isn't a huge amount of no stop action or gore, but there is a sufficient amount to please, and when it occurs it isn't pretty. I found myself quite disturbed by several of the kill/death scenes and equally distressed at the ending. Could it have been bloodier, yes, but no real need, could it have had more action, sure, but again, I found it quite well balanced.

I ordered this on Bluray after viewing it tonight on the DVD I had bought blind. I found it quite worthy of my collection and of upgrading to bluray as the bluray can be gotten brand new for less than a ten'er on the big EB The premise of this virus, being unstoppable (Reminds me of the Star Trek original series episode Miri.) as it is attached to the aging process quite interesting. Where IS Dr. MCCoy when you need him I say. I would have liked a sequel, what happens next, as the ending, though quite distressing leaves room for more. If you like horror and Zeds, this is a nice addition to your collection, a bit more subtle, but still full of horrors.
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Greenland (2020)
itunes shill
10 July 2022
I just purchased Greenland, bluray/DVD/Digital combo only to discover the Digital code only work on ITunes, no where else. I've given the movie the lowest rating possible on all film rating/score sites, and left a horrible review (Regardless of my love of the film) on all review platforms. Due to your decision to offer itunes only when not everyone wants of has that stupid service and false advertising for stating it was an itunes ONLY code. Can't be used o movies anywhere or vudu. I'll spend my time trashing your film now instead of praising it. Thanks to having purchased a worthless digital code as I don't use itunes.
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Uncanny (2015)
More Ex Machina Plus
7 July 2022
Fell in love with this film the first time I watched it. I know some call it an Ex Machina clone when in actuality this film, though released a year after EM, was filmed BEFORE EM. So who's cloning who is a good question for an AC/DC I do SLIGHTLY prefer this film to EM, because not only does it ask most of the same questions as EM does, but it even adds a few.

The shocking twist in the final act was, for most who go into it blind, very unexpected and certainly a WTF moment that brings it all together. This twist, and the final credits scene, were both stronger than the conclusion twists of EM, and a lot more shocking as well as bringing up some deep questions about the A. I. issue. Don't get me wrong, I own and LOVE both of these films, but if being honest, I slightly would choose this one over EM if I could only choose one. Thankfully that hypothetical question is rarely true for any movie out there, and we thankfully can own them all if we choose.

I cannot recommend this enough, and recently loved doing my discussion video review on it on my youtube channel. If you are into this genre of film, you really should have this one in your collection.
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From the Dark (I) (2020)
Well If For Nothing Else
15 May 2022
Despite the creators stating they had no idea lead actress was really Tucker Moore-Reed, a real life killer, who's best acting was done in delaying the case until they pled out to manslaughter, and her co-conspirator mother got off with nothing. When everyone who looks at the case will know it was a 1st degree Lie In Wait ambush, it is an interesting fact that many collectors collect for many reasons, even morbid ones.

Looks like they didn't have the ability though to release physical copies or I admit I would probably buy one just for the oddity of having it in my collection. Not to mention a couple of the guys looked pretty hot which is refreshing to see a modern movie with at least a couple guys who haven't shaved their heads and grew a dog's butt bush beard as is the latest fashion fad LMAO.

Maybe you creators should take notice of this fact...I wouldn't rent it, but I'd probably buy it as a curiosity. I mean, I suppose I believe you about not knowing, after all, she is one heck of a liar right. I'd play it up and release a batch of DVDs, I wouldn't be the only one who'd pick it up for its morbid curiosity value. (Shame on me...but I'm
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Spaghetti Western with extra sauce!
1 March 2022
Although my huge collection is mostly 70% horror and all it's sub-genres from slasher to sci-fi, I do love my spaghetti westerns, and have a nice section of them as well. Always on the look out for more as though many people believe that genre hasn't been active since the 70's aside from some big name forays into like The Hateful eight or Django Unchained and the like, there's actually a lot of them made each year, you just have to look for them.

This is a nice one for sure, there can be a few duds each year like with any genre, this one stands up pretty nice as an entry into the genre, the acting was fine, the story was fine, gave me a few intended laughs and I enjoyed the movie from start to finish. The third act, so creepy, psychedelic and WTF that you certainly got a feel for the reason it is touted as a dark and slightly supernatural take on the genre. The ending really blew my mind. If you are a cinema buff you know better than to pay attention to the usual trolls that seem to inhabit IMDB like termites dropping 1-3 stars on everything, if you pay attention you'll notice the same ones on movies of all genres, feel sorry for them and their lack of sincerity. If you are into spaghetti westerns then as a fan myself, you should find this one both entertaining and worthy of being in your collection.
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Cupid (2020)
Decent Fun Effort
14 February 2022
My my, color me surprised, the 1-2 IMDB troll club is alive and well on this one. There's a BIG reason why IMDB doesn't have a "reply" feature to these reviews LMAO. It would certainly put a cramp in the silly 1-2 bomb club that loves to attack films pretty much en masse, as they are just as silly and fake as troll reviews giving a 10 score to 5-7 movies at best. Any fool who watched this expecting Scream or Urban Legend or some big budget dance is completely lame and has the credibility of serial killer being asked to teach a kindergarten class lessons in being polite and kind.

The movie is actually decent, obviously low budget but pretty good practical effects and I really like the creature (Cupid) itself. The story is fine, the acting is 90% acceptable for what it is. The pacing and evolution of the story likewise is decent. The kills are pretty cool, with some unique Valentine themed kills I'd never seen before, and are pretty imaginative in keeping in line with the Valentine Theme. I had a good time, and with a SERIOUS lack of Valentine themed movies I bought this for my horror collection from just the trailer alone, I would never make a decision about adding a movie to my collection based on IMDB score or "most" of the reviews, nor should any serious film collector, especially where Horror films are concerned. I did NOT regret in the slightest my purchase of the DVD once I viewed it, (just prior to writing this).

If you're into horror, and aren't stricken with a narrow mind towards indie, or B-movies, you'd probably have a decent popcorn time with this film. It is a tad short for me and seems cut off at the ending, which could have been slightly better. But overall, it's flaws do not cripple the film overall. I had a good time and will now record a video review of it for my YouTube horror review channel, a POSITIVE one at that, a good 7/10 for effort on story, practical effects and characters, Cupid lives and love kills.!
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