
16 Reviews
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Kudos for shining light on a dark subject
24 March 2024
Many people know sexual harassment, sexual assault and predation has been happening in Hollywood for decades.

"Quiet on the Set" covers Nickelodeon's rise with creator, Dan Schneider, and some of his less-than-tasteful actions to the discovery of three sex offenders working among them. It is an interesting documentary that will hopefully give confidence to those who were previously afraid to speak out.

It's very disheartening to see the support given to one of the offenders by many of Hollywood's "elite". To then find out the offender, not only didn't serve any time for his crimes, but went on to be employed by Disney working on another kid's program.

It's a disgusting look at how the industry turns a blind-eye in keeping kids safe from these people. I certainly hope this documentary will prompt a huge step toward shutting these criminals down and ensuring kids are safe without the almighty dollar being the bottom line.
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Harmonic and Songwriting Perfection
18 December 2023
Whether you're a fan of the Bee Gees or not, this is an interesting documentary that's sure to take most down memory lane. The footage is wonderful, a mix from the beginnings to old interviews with Robin and Maurice as well as interviews with artists recognizing the impact the Bee Gees had on many facets of music. It's really quite bittersweet.

The surprising part for me was the numerous artists they wrote for after the "day disco died" debacle. The best was just getting to listen to those angelic harmonies!

The doc gives some background on how a rock jock contributed to the event that unfolded at Cominsky Park. Personally, disco never died in my playlist...especially if you consider the Bee Gees to be disco. Whether you do or not, if you enjoy musical documentaries, you're likely to embrace this one.
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Just friends hanging out
22 October 2019
I'm pretty sure you'll either love or hate this show. I personally love it because it's not the typical interview style late show. It's just a few comedians talking about unimportant issues. It's very similar in style to Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee...but with several guests in a living room type setting.

The way the guests kinda heckle each other a bit makes it feel like I'm hanging with my friends. Well, my quick-witted ones, the ones I actually love hanging around. With so much tension in the world, it's a delight to just unwind and not have to listen to political slam BS. If you're a Spade fan, you'll probably enjoy. If you're not, it'll be hit or miss.

Thanks Comedy Central for pandering to me. You finally have a late night host I actually find funny!
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Kidding (2018–2020)
Only one episode but unsure of the direction it wants to go...
21 October 2019
I really like the actors in the show, but I'm completely undecided on how it's attempting to deal with processing grief. (Which I'm assuming is the point only 1 episode in). I don't mind dark comedy, but I'm not sure that is what this is.

Only one character is somewhat unnerving, and it's Jim's. (I normally appreciate his characters). His positivity here comes off as fake and almost psychopathic. I thought maybe he is suffering a mental illness in addition to grief. If that's the case, it's not made clear in this episode. If that is exposed later in the series, I would rate it differently. As it stands now, this show is just right down the middle for me.
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Bird Box (2018)
Unexpected Appeal to the Unknown
20 October 2019
This will be down voted because of the high rating. I know this from reading legitimate "helpful" reviews that are heavily down voted.

I do not particularly like horror movies. At least not the blood and gore kind which might be what the negative reviewers were looking for. I DO enjoy suspense/mystery movies. That's what I felt this movie was (with just a touch of gore). It is the unknown I found fascinating. It had extremely tense moments and extremely moving moments, and I was drawn-in the entire movie. I didn't pick up my phone as a distraction at all. I don't know that I've ever done that watching a movie at home. It's THAT good! Sandra Bullock was superb! The edge-of-your-seat action took me back to her performance in Speed. These are the movies she's made for!

I had very little knowledge of the movie as I don't tend to follow the masses or pay much attention to social media. I knew the basic premise about needing to be blindfolded throughout the movie and that was about it. But, it truly tells a story (with a ridiculous concept) that keeps you intrigued. While watching, I completely forgot how ridiculous it was. I was pulled into the movie, feeling the emotions the cast felt. There's a "Sophie's Choice" moment on the river that I could not help but cry. I was concerned about the ending based on a few reviews I read beforehand, but I was not disappointed at all.

This is simply a must watch for the "average" moviegoer!
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Modern Love (2019–2021)
Love Cynic Who Actually Liked It
19 October 2019
Being a cynic of love, I had doubts. But it's a rainy day looking for something different, and I wanted to wander from my Always Sunny/Fleabag type shows I love so much.

It's an unexpected view on love, not just romance. The first episode was around a 6 or 7 for me, but as I continued watching I felt more connected to the overall tone. These were stories of just life happening. It wasn't too sugary or sweet, just real.

I have to add, the one with Anne Hathaway started out cheesy but turned out to be probably my 2nd favorite. If you struggle with emotional issues or depression, you'll be glad that story was told!

Why only 9 out of 10? Well, you can't change a cynic in one day. :)
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Apollo 11 (I) (2019)
Visually Stunning Feat, Emotionally Stirring!
15 September 2019
Authentic footage with unbelievable clarity! The visuals show great detail while also demonstrating the massive size of the spacecraft. The only audio is actual communication between craft and control center with a very understated score. There is periodic small text on screen to relay time, speed or distance. Nothing about this is distracting to diminish the experience, and the images from space are emotionally moving! At no point did I lose interest or become bored, which is why I never go to movies. I stumbled across it on Hulu on the 50th Anniversary of the landing. My love of space tuned me in, the beautiful way it was done allowed me to watch until the end. I'm actually watching for a 2nd time which is what led me to write the review!

If you have any interest space travel or historical documentaries, you will not be disappointed!
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Complete Disappointment
15 September 2019
I had hoped to learn new info about Holmes and be somewhat fascinated. This is NOT the place for that. The B-rate horror footage, drawn out narration and ridiculous music create a film I can't even imagine those involved found appealing.

For me to rate a topic I find enthralling so low speaks volumes. I finally stopped watching with only 10 minutes left knowing there was no way the ending would be satisfying at all. I wish I had read the other reviews before watching and avoided this!
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MUST See for NE fans...or any music lover!
14 August 2019
As a teen of the 80's, this was the ultimate in entertainment! The story was so wonderfully told. The entire cast was spot on. And the music...well, I don't even need to tell you! With the Face, Reid, Lewis and Jam flare, you know it's magic! So many moments brought a genuine smile to my face. Even the filler music was phenomenal. You will be blasted to the past and learn so much about this brotherhood. I loved these guys before (mistakes and all), but I adore them now! I'm certain I will watch this numerous times for the music alone. Any New Edition fan will not regret watching this!
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Interesting and Entertaining Throwbacks to the 80s
12 May 2019
I'm not a lover of sci-fi/fantasy, but I really enjoy this show. I read a lot of reviews saying it's for kids, but I feel like older folks like myself may enjoy it more. All of the 80s movies this tapped into (Stand By Me, ET, Poltergeist, etc) really kinda pulled me in. It felt a little slow at the beginning, but once the pace picked up, the momentum continued to gain speed. It's a great cast, but Millie Bobby Brown (aka 011) is amazing! She beautifully portrayed some intense and emotional scenes for such a young girl. And Noah Schnapp was phenomenal at expressing the trauma he's enduring with his connection to the upside down!

I'm not sure why it took so long for me finally binge both seasons, because much of it was filmed in my hometown. I drove past a local restaurant on the way to work one morning and saw several police cars with lights flashing and the sign covered in Oct 2015. So, I Googled what was going on and read about the show filming and thought it sounded very interesting. For some reason it took 3 years to finally watch, but I'm very glad I did. I actually enjoyed the fantasy aspect, and that's saying something!
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The Detour (2016–2019)
Pretty Great Show for Grown Folks
8 April 2019
I came here looking for S4 info and thought I'd give my 2 cents. This show is definitely raunchy and twisted. If you're cool with that, then check out at least a full episode. I read other reviews making comparisons that I don't exactly see. Here's my comparison that others may not see. The level of crass and political incorrectness is similar to IASIP. The style is completely different however. (Nothing can really top Sunny for me). If you are a fan of IASIP, this will probably entertain you.

The kids in the show are very likable. I find most kids on TV to be "white noise" but not these two. However, I would not let kids watch this show. Watch first to make that call for yourself. And Jason and Natalie are really fun to watch!

I disagree with some opinions of S2. That was the absolute best season for me. S3 was a little weak although I loved the setting. I just read a Jason Jones interview that sounds like S4 has a lot of potential!

Random trivia: A lot of season 1 was filmed around Atlanta. (i.e. Salvation, Florida on the show is actually Stone Mountain.) Pretty cool for this GA girl here.
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The Kids Are Alright: Nine Birthdays (2019)
Season 1, Episode 15
Best Episode So Far!
3 April 2019
This episode is like a flashback that appears to be set just before the first episode. It's been my favorite so far. Probably because now that I'm familiar with the characters, this gives a little background to how some things came to be, specifically how Eddie and Wendi got together. The entire episode has lots of little nuggets, but the story around Eddie's birthday (and Lynn) was too cute. Pat's role was great. And the last birthday celebrated, Timmy's, displays how much fun they have as a family. Very entertaining!
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The Kids Are Alright (2018–2019)
Nostalgia at its finest! #SaveTheKidsAreAlright
15 February 2019
Edit on 5/28/19 Simply editing my review in an attempt to bring more eyes to this show. ABC made the terrible decision to cancel this heartwarming show. I'm putting the word out on all social media hoping it will be saved or picked up by a network with the right appreciation for humor and entertainment.

Original post: Nice, clean humor. I really enjoy the simplicity of this show, the way I remember the 70s. I had doubts about such a large cast of all male children, but it works. The assorted personalities are fun to watch. The brotherly hijinks are a pleasure among a slew of crass humor that abounds these days. It's not over-the-top hysterical but extremely entertaining. Just feels like family.

So much of the set brings back delightful memories that had been long buried. (I hadn't thought about the GMC Motorcoach my neighbor had until this show.) Those nuggets brings a smile to my face! This show deserves a watch to decide if you'll be hooked like me.
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Mom (2013–2021)
Late to the Game but a Fan Now
30 November 2018
I only started watching this show in reruns in early 2018 and quickly found its charm. I've since binged the entire series. It's probably the most "real" sitcom I've seen. It IS a sitcom, but it approaches some really tough topics. Although there have been some character changes throughout, Bonnie and Christy are the key players. Their extended group (which is a great balance of different personalities) are in a recovery program and have dealt with relapse, death, jail time, etc. These are issues that a person in recovery would truly deal with. (Having family/friends go through AA and Celebrate Recovery, I've seen it firsthand). I really appreciate that it depicts even the messy part of life. I wouldn't think this could be done well on a sitcom, so I'm impressed "Mom" has managed to do it. There is a sweetness in each stumble, and a lesson to be learned. Everyone who likes the show has a favorite character. Jaime Pressly is the one that never fails to make me laugh, but the entire cast really play off each other very well. It's really a fun show to watch! And probably is very meaningful to a person going through recovery too!
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A Million Little Things (2018–2023)
Relevant Show Addressing Depression
30 November 2018
I was drawn in within the first 5-10 minutes of the pilot. I would venture to say anyone who watches to that point will be able to decide if this show is your style. My opinion has changed about some of the characters after watching several episodes though. I actually like it more! As I continue to learn some of the back stories, I can see why they probably are the way they are. I feel it's easy to become involved with each of them.

As a person who deals with depression, I feel this shows gives us a voice, some insight to the internal dialogue we deal with. I would like to think that those who don't understand what it entails will learn a few things from watching. The character named Rome often has conversations stating what I feel but can't express, so that may be my draw to the show.

Yes, there is occasional cheesy line, but I find it easy to look past it as the show progresses. For those comparing this to This Is Us, I personally disagree. That show just doesn't speak to me. With that being said, you can see I'm not one to follow the masses. I think it's worth investing 15 minutes to the pilot to decide for yourself if it's worthy of your time. I'm glad I did.
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23 September 2018
I believe this is a show that you will absolutely love or absolutely hate. If you look at the number of reviews, almost all of them are either 9-10 stars or 1-2 stars. I'd say that's a fair assessment. The appreciation of the humor of the show is personality-dependent, and I'm one who greatly appreciates it. I will say it took 4 or 5 episodes before I really started to feel the groove. But once I did, its been true love ever since. There is also a lot of great 80s and 90s songs in many of the episodes that's a big plus for me!

I didn't start watching until s12e1 and within a week or two had watched every previous show, all out of sequence. In retrospect, that was a great approach. The characters never really changed (with the exception of Danny DeVito after the end of s2). I won't elaborate for any newcomers wishing to form their own opinion.

As for recurring characters, SHOCKING change! I first met Rickety Cricket in s6, the 2nd Sunny show I watched. I didn't see his beginning (I think s2e7 The Gang Exploits a Miracle) until watching s6-11 first. My mind was blown! And I think at that point, I truly appreciated the writing of the show!

When I try to tell others about an episode, I hear the words and think this sounds terrible...and I suppose the topics are. But the writing and cast are so genius with the delivery, they make taboo subjects hilarious while making you look at your own attitude about the subject matter. As warped as their attitudes can be, there is always one if them that is the voice of reason.

After watching all of the episodes several times now, I still laugh out loud watching the mannerisms and facial expressions of the cast in the background that I didn't notice the first watch.

The recurring characters are phenomenal as well. Artemis, Cricket, the McPoyles, Waitress, Gail the Snail, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Mac, the attorney, Zee, and the busboy are just some of those characters that add to the depth of the show. There is not one character that doesn't embody the personality to perfectly drive a point home.

For those who are looking for a "cheerful atmosphere" or "feel good endings", this show is NOT for you.

If you're looking an honest perspective of real attitudes of mankind, as twisted as they are. You'll probably appreciate the show.

Great first watch episodes (IMO): s3e9 Sweet Dee is Dating a Retarded Person s9e10 The Gang Squashes Their Needs s11e5 Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs s9e1 The Gang Broke Dee s4e7 Who Pooped the Bed S6e6 Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down s8e10 Reynolds v Reynolds: The Cereal Defense

Other great watches: s6e8&9 should be watched together and any episode with Lethal Weapon in the title

s4e13 Night man Cometh is awesome, but I don't think it can be appropriately appreciated without knowing a little about the characters.

I hope this helps any newbies find their own love for this creatively genius show.
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