
2 Reviews
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Veronica Mars (2004–2019)
Not so fast! Veronica Mars isn't as implausible as it may first seem!
15 October 2019
Firstly, I did not watch VM when it was on network television for two reasons. One, I never thought of UPN or WB as actual networks and most of what I tried to watch was not for me. Secondly, once I started watching paid streaming I knew that it was the only way for me to go.

I happened upon VM on Hulu about two months ago. I watched every episode of the original three seasons and was impressed with the writing. I read every review up to now and agree with many of them with some qualifications.

The notion that a high school girl couldn't or wouldn't find herself in those situations is probably true for an average girl. However, having been in and around high school, specifically gifted students for over twenty years, many things Veronica gets into are not that implausible, perhaps not so many things each week.

The writer, Rob Thomas, gave the Veronica character a great depth and potential that she demonstrates. The constant yo-yo love interest phemon is certainly a high school reality and is what it is.

I had to stop watching the first episode of season 4 because so many things needed clarification for me. I bought the movie on Amazon Prime and watched it before continuing on with episode one of season four. The movie was very consistent with the original series, however, season four tried to grow up fifteen years at once. I don't disagree with the attempt and I am looking forward to seeing where the next season goes. I am not sure why the fourth season ended the way it did and at first, I was confused and maybe a bit put off. After having some time to digest the ending I began to think of the entire storyline and decided that it wasn't so unrealistic and feel that it would be the ultimate ending given the family history.

As with most television shows the good ones pick us up, take us on a journey, then return us to where we started. I especially like how each episode of the original three seasons offered tidbits from the past. Like, Lily was never in the show. She was only a recollection from Veronica's memory.

Inside humor can be entertaining and it's even funnier if you understand the reason. After the brief appearance of Paris Hilton in the second to the sixth episodes, she was occasionally mentioned for the following two seasons in short quips. Almost like insults, but are highly subjective without knowing their origin.

From an electronics standpoint, most of the gear used by Veronica Mars was reasonably accurate for the time.

Little things I picked up on, like Logan, Jason Dohring, must suffer from allergies or have a nasal condition because in most episodes in the original three seasons his mouth is open while not speaking indicating he is mouth breathing. Being a sever allergy sufferer myself, I can spot the telling signs. In season four he doesn't seem to be suffering from it anymore.

The choice to use previous characters might have been a decision based upon availability and how they look now. Many have drastically changed in appearance and might be hard to relate to as being the same actors. Luckily, by 22 most people will look about the same through their lives notwithstanding significant weight gain or mayor cosmetic surgery. Kristen Bell was 24 yrs old when episode one of season one was made. The other high school actors we're around that same age but all look very young and pull it off quite well. However, with time, age begins to show on everyone. Kristen Bell still looks just as youthful albeit more mature.

I like the series but had some doubts about trying to resurrect it. However, it is in a good place now and it looks like it has a chance to do something not many have done before. By sticking to the original formula and keep it fresh & relevant should keep it as popular as it was back in the beginning.
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Manhunter (1986)
Under rated film of its genre
19 August 2019
I agree with all of the reviews that I read. I, too, feel that Brian Cox was far more convincing and the whole film being color bare forces us to pay attention to the actors. The music, most of which I already heard, was so compelling that I bought the soundtrack. Of course, Will Peterson is outstanding. I couldn't wait to watch CSI when I found out he was cast as the lead. I always tell people who say they liked Red Dragon to watch Manhunter, then tell me which do they like best. Manhunter, naturally.
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