
44 Reviews
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Napoleon (2023)
Good but should have been great, epic truthfully
4 January 2024
I went through the reviews and almost skipped the flick, glad I didn't but I agree with many of the complaints. I'm a big fan of Scott & Phoenix, but yeah, the kind magic that happened in good ole' Gladiator didn't happen here sad to say.

Many of the negatives pointed out are legit, some are more of nitpicks really and thus exaggerations and then there are bent history buffs complaining. Here are the 3 biggest negatives as I see them with some commentary about them:

1. Lack of emotion, passion & tension - This is probably the biggest flaw as it really ratchets down enjoyment, even in battles which is crazy. These should have been glorious tense exciting feats or defeats; instead all we got were great visuals and well-choreographed battles. Even just a celebration after would have helped, nope, hard to care the way they were portrayed, not even a single outburst in the entire flick. To drive this home a little more, here we have one of the greatest & most famous battle commanders of all time and what we see from him is essentially an arm signal during battles? Epic fail right there.

Outside of battles unfortunately it shows and stings even more, even in his marriage which makes up about half the film. In the films 1st 20 mins Phoenix is completely catatonic which I put on him. He then relaxes somewhat in the role but unfortunately this demeanor is still there throughout the entire film, which I put more on Scarpa & Scott. We finally do see a little emotion from Nappy when he is confronting Josephine about one of her misdoings but even there he's largely flat.

I mostly blame the screenplay for all this but truth is Scott & Phoenix share some blame here too. Even the score is at fault, it could have easily added some tension to many scenes and instead it completely fails to do so.

2. Nappy's missing character - Many have gone on about the historical inaccuracies of which there are but to me the bigger flaw is the incomplete portrayal of one of World's greatest Military Masterminds. There really were no big historical departures, the film followed along his timeline close enough, yes things were embellished in places its fairly rare movies don't do this for the big screen to some degree.

So what we do see is a very uncharismatic military officer who somehow manages to rise through the ranks, gain the admiration of many and eventually become Emperor? That doesn't jive really. Those who have read up know he had insecurities and even social awkwardness, but come on. He was not one-dimensional like we seen by any stretch and what was left out were his more interesting qualities; like the highly intelligent passionate hard working persuasive confident leader with an undying ambitious determination who could easily inspire thousands to follow him. Read some of the first-hand reports about him, it's absolutely criminal that we didn't see any of this side of him, and the movie would have been SO MUCH BETTER if we had, and that goes right back into point 1 I made as well.

Many are blaming Phoenix here and while I'm not letting him totally off the hook this ultimately falls on Scott no matter how the script was written and how it was acted. It's his film and ultimately his decision on how we would see Nappy portrayed.

3. Too much Josephine not enough battle - This comes down to preference somewhat but the majority of people if polled would agree here I'm sure, even though Kirby does a great job in her role and is one of the highlights. At least we could have had more scenes leading up to battles, showing us why the conflicts arose, but a little more battle time would have been nice. Then we could have hopefully witnessed some of his brilliance and why he has been so thoroughly studied by so many, and just look at how the Egypt battle was shown it was pitifully short, terrible.

We could of even had a little more Politics, it's hard to overlook the glaring omission of the fundamental liberal policies he implemented in France & throughout Western Europe, and his lasting legal achievement the Napoleonic Code which was adopted in various forms by many of the World's legal systems. No, instead somewhere around 50% of the movie is just focused on his marriage and ultimately it really drags down the pacing, and the movie.


I've painted a pretty negative impression of the movie but as I said above I still found it enjoyable, it helped that I lowered my expectations beforehand thanks to some of the reviews here.

Its shame Scarpa & Scott took the directions they did it feels like a lost opportunity for a Grand Epic, and in the end I think competently covering his whole political & military career in 1 flick is a bridge too far, which didn't help either.
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
The complaints are valid here IMO, they just don't bother me much
1 January 2024
The script has divided most on this film, and while I mostly agree with the script complaints cited I still found the film enjoyable.

The ending in particular though, is really going to ruin it for some. Funny thing for me is while its really unrealistic I enjoyed how it ended. It elevated the movie from a mostly just average Western flick up to that point, due to the ending standing out. His 2nd last action in particular though is a little too bonkers to be believable, even though acted well.

I found the Acting & Directing both good and they carried the film over some of the weaker script parts for me, I think it helps here if you are a fan of Crowe and/or Bale, which I am of both.
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The Outsiders (1983)
VERY underwhelming despite a star studded cast - Script failure
31 December 2023
Here we have all the makings of a classic; Top notch Director, many good actors albeit kids just getting their start, and a good story and yet the whole thing mostly just turns out boring.

The best way I can describe it is it comes out too much of a 'day in the life of' type movie where most of the time nothing is really happening and dialogue is terribly mundane. A day in the life can work and there are many examples of it, but it really doesn't here, maybe narration was needed IDK, or just better scripting.

Its a cute story really and the movie does have charm and some memorable parts but I would bet the book is far better. The directing while mostly 'fine' had some weak spots and could have helped mitigate this but didn't, same as editors, producer etc. Had I watched this back in the 80's I likely would have enjoyed it somewhat more, but compared to so many of its peers in same genre like Stand by Me, Sandlot etc, very disappointing and really shows its age.

I actually wanted to shut it off a couple of times and wanted it to just end (I watched the longer version maybe that amplified the negatives), unreal given the casting (some are favs too) and that the acting was mostly 'ok' given the poor scripting.
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Reptile (2023)
Good overall, the script meant would never be great though
27 December 2023
So I felt like for most of the movie that is was like movie made for TV.

The Directing is good IMO the movie keeps your attention even in the slower parts. The Acting is very good by all, standouts are Benicio & Justin as you would expect. The script is the biggest weakness.

So there is enough intrigue I found, however its not a shocker type or a twisty turner, and as many have noted, and its faitly slow going, so the Director had to be on point to keep the viewers interest. All that is what holds it back IMO, and what makes it feel like an average sleuth flick suited for TV, there is nothing that really elevates it or makes it stand out story-wise.
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The Mask (1994)
That's a SPICY meatball!
15 June 2023
The quote (review title) has always been one of my favorite parts of any movie, not sure exactly why I think he just really nails that part and its funny as hell, it always stuck with me over the decades.

30 years old and still enjoyable, it is a little too slow in parts, and in typical Carrey style over the top of course but the over the top for once here is actually the whole gig really.

Not going to bore you with a synopsis, and the story hardly matters its just there to tie it all together, you watch this to see a star born, and man yep he really puts on a good show. +1 if your a Carrey fan otherwise its probably more like a 6.
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Replicas (2018)
Better than the rating indicates
30 May 2023
So the writing and directing are a little weak for sure, and even the acting especially in the first 30 mins is off, but overall it comes together enough to make an entertaining flick.

Its going to help a lot if your interested in the subject matter, fact is this stuff IS already happening in the world so I found this pretty fascinating to watch. Will also help if your a fan of Keanu too, where again I am, without these two components the movie is still entertaining but you might enjoy it less ofc.

I really had some doubts in the first 10 mins especially, the Directing was really off but thankfully that passed and I was left to enjoy the movie and ignore the lower rated reviews here.
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The Northman (2022)
Another movie let down by weak writing
8 April 2023
Can't really recommend it unless you either love the main actor and/or Viking movies. Even then I actually like both, but am still disappointed overall mostly due to the script

Its full of irrelevant filler, the right move was to make it shorter as it runs a lot longer than it needed too so does drag on. The plot has some really dumb "moves" in it, which can make it a little frustrating to watch. I could go on but you get the idea, Producer and Director are probably somewhat to blame too, but overall the Directing was good other than not trying to tighten this up more

On the brighter side Acting is good, there is some action and it is a revenge movie, though not an original one by any stretch.
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Father Stu (2022)
Good Movie all around but Oscar Worthy is probably a stretch
4 April 2023
Stuart Long was an inspirational Human indeed. Not sure how accurate the script is to his real life but I think its safe to say he went through hell even after finding God, and yet his faith never wavered.

Great casting, acting, directing and a fairly good script so it fires on all cylinders but is not perfect there are some weaker spots. Mark does a great job as Stuart and could get a nod possibly but it would have been more in the bag with a somewhat stronger script.

The movie tackles one of the great questions in religion, how do you explain great suffering. Though its quite sad at times and will tug at your heart strings there is some humour too and the movie still comes out uplifting and inspirational which was important to the enjoyment level IMO.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
One flew over the lighthouse nest
2 April 2023
You really have to tame your expectations going in for this one, or possibly don't even go in. Its not a great story, and, its not a nice story either, quite the opposite on both accounts, so right there many should opt out. Don't expect action either, there isn't much of that, and yet the script is well crafted enough to keep the audience engaged. I don't usually comment on cinematography and find it of low importance comparatively in movies, but here with very little story to chew on it really is important and well done, and the Black and White and low dim lit environments really do evoke the right thick dark atmosphere needed for this film.

So if that doesn't scare you off, why would you want to watch this then? Right, so what you're really going to watch here is outstanding acting and on point directing in what could be called a Psychological "experiment". I won't say Thriller because though it borders on it, it probably falls just short of that, but there is some intrigue and tension here that keeps you watching besides the acting and it does eventually culminate.

Very briefly, the premise is 2 men are alone working together in a lighthouse in the middle of no where, with no entertainment and in fairly grim living conditions. Despite the overall simplicity of that and a few things I left out, the script is fairly good considering, but again expectations are key you aren't watching for a deep plot, and do note the overall tone is somewhat depressing so there is that too.

I have actually watched this twice now, once on release, and again now in 2023 not realizing at first that I seen it before. Though I enjoyed it both times once is probably enough for most.
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Fun movie!
1 April 2023
Finally a movie with a good script! So many get let down by that alone, not here happy to say.

Everything works here actually; Acting is great all around, Directing is spot on, and very importantly it has a fun whimsical script that keeps your interest all the way through. It has some really laugh out loud moments to top it all off. I must say too the chemistry between Nic and Pedro really came through here and elevated the movie, the drugged car scene was especially outstanding

My only criticisms are the somewhat strange title and I found the end a little weak, the first act was a little strange too until you knew where it was going but these are nitpicks really and otherwise I really felt it all came together and was great entertainment.

This was a really great surprise I wish more movies came out this good.
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For a Tarantino flick disappointing to be sure
28 March 2023
I'm a huge T fan, absolutely love many of his movies, but not all and sadly this joins the later list. The best way to describe this movie is "A day in the life of a Hollywood Actor in 1969". That is, mostly just an AVERAGE day, which is largely where the problem lies for many of us who expected more here.

Acting is great all around and saves it somewhat but like too often these days I really feel the script was weak. An example of this would be just how often we see Brad Pitt driving around by himself, where really nothing happens; it reeks of filler material but why even have it there in an already long film? Margo Robbie kind of got robbed here to some degree, her character just gets a very very minor role, didn't come off right at all.

A day in the life of in 1969 is somewhat interesting to many but if that is going to be the core it really needed some more Ooommph; like the Bruce Lee scene, German meeting scene and sequences like the ending, which finally had his trademarks all over it. Even though the film does have a "climax", there was really almost no lead up to it, and almost no really story tension throughout, sadly it mostly just plods along.

Really hoping for a return to form for his 10th and apparently possible last film. This film has some charm, which mostly comes through in the great acting, but overall this was disappointing.
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Outstanding in just about every way
20 March 2023
Watched in 2023, up to this point I've seen probably 300+ war movies including some other Vietnam ones, and this is one of the best I've seen.

The first 45 mins or so are somewhat slower (character development typically is) but the direction is good and it keeps your interest well enough. Once the guys go to war the film fires on all cylinders, acting, direction etc everything really comes together and it will pull on your heart strings, not for the faint of heart either some gore too. This is one of the more emotional war films I can remember watching, and Gibson does an amazing job here (as usual) as real life Moore as do the rest of the cast.

The war scenes go on for a long time and are quite brutal, I'm not surprised to see some Vets saying this is what it was really like, very realistically done, no glory in it here just horrible slaughters, but these guys were all heroes for sure.
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3rd Act was good but couldn't save it
19 March 2023
The script is just too weak less a few funny parts, biggest problem is its not a comedy, not historic, not a parody, just something in between which has very low appeal if not really special, and this was not.

Seems like it wanted to be a Guy Ritchie type movie but it doesn't pull it off again due to script mostly. It pretty much plods along and goes through the motions without ever truly coming alive sadly, and that is where direction could have helped

I was really leaning towards a 5 but the 3rd act and the acting were good, a shame the rest of it was not up to par. Its mildly entertaining and the story is just passable, if you like Depp well you probably seen it already, otherwise you are not missing anything here.
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A flawed but very beautiful and moving gem
27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For it's time a really beautiful film in many ways, note that I watched the 4 hour long D. Cut which I highly recommend if you think this film is for you.

DWW tells the story of a somewhat despondent Officer who ends up "finding himself" while out in the great Frontier. This largely happens through his deep friendships made with the Lakota Indians and then him finally fully integrating himself in their tribe and their ways including marriage to one of their own.

Its a magnificent tale told beautifully overall and many have gushed over all those details. I will focus a little more on the flaws which in the end (including the end...) still nagged at me and kept it from my personal top tier favs. Some of these are more Nit Picks for sure, and none of these really take too much away from the entire film in the big picture, which I do highly recommend. Alright here we go:

First Act - His Journey to the Frontier and his first month at his new post so about 40 mins of the film is just very slow. There is at least some intrigue present so I would not label it boring but others might.

Emotional lost opportunities - This is one of the biggest ones for me if not the biggest, and its not a huge flaw by any means there are still some heart-string tugs but it bugged me none the less while watching. Several times in the film we see a very moving part take place, but very little emotion shown. One example is when several in the tribe risk their lives to rescue him and once successful, not even a thank you escapes his lips, at least 3 or 4 others like this.

Wolf - I imagine there is a bit less of him in the 3 hour version. Here anyway, it kind of goes back to emotional lost opportunities again, I really wanted to see him take the wolf fully by his side, instead they just tease each other with friendship. This is a very minor point but the Wolf was important to him.

The Ending - This was another big one for me. Again its part of emotional lost opportunity flaw, but moreover it left me unsettled. So we see him departing with his wife, and then right after, we see the Army arrive. They show the Army is "working with" the enemy of his tribe, this is already weird, as they don't show the Indians being prisoners but maybe we can assume it I guess. We see the enemy lead them to the tribes camp, but it is abandoned now, but freshly abandoned as they find smoldering fire. Then we see Dunbar and Wife riding off in final shot, and the Epilogue role, which makes no mention of Dunbar. I didn't like that loose end, we find out what happens to the Tribe down the road but not him, and the way it was shown I felt like maybe the Army caught up to him (but apparently they didn't).

More on the Nit pick side of things:

Relationship - This might be personal preference but I would have rather of seen him fall in love with a Sioux Woman to really complete his full integration into the tribe, even though his choice was fully part of the tribe she was white like him.

His promotion - After a display of sheer despondency a promotion just due to an unplanned distraction giving their side an edge seems off.

Stands with Fists - Her family murdered by Indians when she is a Child, she flees into the Wilderness only to go and live and grow up amongst Indians? Yeah, not something most would have done....
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A genius from the start, Quentin that is
13 February 2023
So the story itself is nothing special really, but what is special is how it was told, just masterful and it keeps you interested the whole time.

Scripting, Acting and of course Directing are all great here, it really fires on all cylinders, also as usual his music choices are fantastic too. I liked how he made it into a bit of a mystery while the whole story was being told as well.

The weak spot for me was just in how it ended, maybe its just me though. I just felt the whole movie was portrayed extremely realistically less one wrinkle in the end, the ending could definitely happen this way its just pretty low odds-wise IMO. Great flick overall and amazing debut to jump start his career.
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VERY disturbing movie due to how realistic he made it all
13 February 2023
Ever since the first time I watched this movie it stuck there somewhere in the back of the my mind from then til now, for me anyway truly unforgettable (extra point given for that), and I've watched it once or twice since then as well (though its not one you would normally re-watch)

The way Evil is portrayed and worshiped here is just really creepily realistic. The entire movie is also just really well done, its very intriguing, well written, acted and directed and it all comes together in a great way.

Its a slower paced movie so won't be for everyone especially coupled with the subject matter, but if you like horror this is a great watch.
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Jackass 4.5 (2022 Video)
Some of the jokes really are too old
4 January 2023
Overall its well done as usual but I just find they are doing too many of the same things over and over especially when it comes to butt holes, dicks and puking lol. We just don't need to see it multiple times really, once is enough for these types especially in the same movie.

They did put in some new stuff, I mean hell even the fear of flying made for decent material, and the conveyor belt a simple idea that worked out okay too. I think creativity was a little too low for this one especially after a 10 year hiatus, and if you are going to recycle old pranks use some of the better ones not just another firecracker in someones butt.

Having said all that, it still had my laughing many times, and I have to admit using Pontius's Penis the way they did for the opening scene in forever was great creativity.
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Judging it on its own merit quite enjoyable
27 December 2022
I was worried going in somewhat and through the first half hour, but then those all just melted away and I got lost in the wonderful world of Avatar as cliche and cheesy as it sounds, that is what happened.

Too many movies and series today suffer from weak writing, imo this isn't one of them. Yes the story is nothing original and not the strongest but its compelling and tugs at your heartstrings so above average.

Visuals are indeed great in many scenes but I found the 3D weak and not worth it at all, like pretty much every movie sadly. I don't remember too much of the first one but it doesn't matter too much this flick mostly stands on its own less a few tie-ins.

Overall I say well done JC.
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Andor (2022– )
Up to episode 4 & hopeful it will elevate soon - Update it did!
20 December 2022
Updated - Up to EP 9 now and really enjoying it now. IIRC EP's 4 & 5 were quite slow and I have to say boring really, the writing really let these down, but it really picks up again from there and never looks back. The Acting is really great in this show all around, and I was stoked to see Andy Serkis get a strong role and Forest Whitaker also in here very nice surprises.

A lot of the "side show" stuff such as Empire scheming and what not up to EP 5 or so was really not very interesting or intriguing less 2 characters roles but that too has improved or at least I feel come to fruition and doesn't drag anymore.

I'm excited to see how this finishes and hoping they bring us at least one more season


Older comment - The first 2 episodes were pretty good imo, but up to episode 4 my wife is really bored and wants to quit. I think episode 3 was good also, but episode 4 was a drag, there is just a lot of set up in it, but they probably could have split that into 2 episodes so there could be more action in it.

Everything has been great though so far, its maybe the writing that is the weakest link. Right now I am counting on this being a slow burner and hopefully we'll get some Star Wars quality soon.

Rogue One was one of the better new SW flicks IMO, and so far you see shades of it here but it has not come to fruition as of EP4 anyway, will update.
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A decent thriller and very well acted
20 December 2022
Don't have too much more to say really. My wife never liked it much at all and would rate it a 5, I enjoyed it more thus my 6. Its a little light on the horror end of things, not necessarily a bad thing just noting it. Instead its more on the realistic side but it probably could have used some more scares or creepy scenes . Its also a slow burner but it does just enough to keep you interested most of the time with a slow but steady stream of incoming reveals.

The story is intriguing so its really that and the acting that stands out and makes it worth watching I think. Just don't expect a top notch thriller or mystery because it really isn't.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Slow start but be sure to watch to mid-season!! Update - OMG they really borked it
21 October 2022
Update: What a disaster. They finally built it up to getting near GOT standards, we get somewhat attached to the characters etc and then they burnt it right to the ground all in one episode (6). They really are rushing the timeline, this is a writing failure, changing (some, which is laughable too) actors and actresses mid-season is just ridiculous wow, again some age a decade (more?) and others not a day lol. They could of had lots of action in the shows without rushing to future bigger events and resorting to these drastic measures good grief. There are some other writing failures in this episode too which I won't mention to avoid spoilers but suffice to say its one big flop (did they change writers too, crikey).

So my rating for EP6 would be a big fat 2, sadly. You feel lost as you watch it because too much time passed, too many things changed and worse the same atmosphere is just not there with the new cast, not to mention just how jarring it is and it was SUPER boring to top it all off. EP5 would rate an 8 or 9 it was really great. Apparently it does get good again in EP 8&9 but to be honest I really feel let down by the writing and cast changes and am very tempted to just stop watching, what a cluster.

---- Original review below -----

So it is not up to GOT standards, mostly, and that shouldn't surprise anyone since that is one of the best (if not THE, my fav for sure) shows ever made. Acting, Directing, Writing etc are all decent to good; probably writing being the weaker link and production also some scenes are WAY too dark can't see anything at all. So there are little issues here and there for sure, not a single blond actor chosen for Targs LOL, worse they forced the racial card sticking blonde wigs on black folks, yes it looks as dumb as it sounds. They skip large amounts of time and some kids grow up, and the Princess doesn't age a year, etc things like this. You can let this stuff bother you, or you can let it go and enjoy the show.

It starts off a little slow sure, but there is some intrigue there from the onset and some characters show, they are, "characters" indeed (Daemon in particular...). Every show draws you in a little more as the "pot stir" starts ramping up more and more, and you get some action in different ways in each episode as well. All fairly pedestrian though to today's standards, but then BAM! Things ramp WAY up in EP5 and you really get that GOT vibe again nice! So much stuff happens, remember EP 9 or 10 in GOT, yeah, it was just like that! Good stuff and glad I ignored the negative reviews.

My rating before seeing EP 5 would be 7 or 7.5, but EP 5 was so good I give it a full 8, at least for now.
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Fight Club (1999)
I'm in the over-rated camp but it scores extra for being unique and unpredictable
20 August 2022
Both of those things are really important for me in movies, and this one has them both in spades. I really didn't like the first 30 - 40 minutes, the rest is okay but its not blow your socks off or anything like say the Matrix. The final act and twist kind of makes the movie and brings it all together.

I watched this when it came out and really didn't like it. Just watched again now in my 50's and appreciated it more because my expectations were so much lower this time around. It does have its charms and good points but it is full of flaws too, for me its a 6 that won extra points to be 7.
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Bullet Train (2022)
The 5 - 6 /10 Reviewers have it right, its "ok" but greatly misses the mark
19 August 2022
They really blew it at the start of the movie IMO, the first 25 mins are just dull and muddled; you have no clue who is who, what is happening and where it is going. That can work sometimes but really didn't here imo, some background in Act 1 would have made Act 2 more enjoyable. As for the flick as a whole, I think the writing is where it goes off the rails, it just doesn't quite pull it all off. I am going to quote another reviewer who nails it in a couple of sentences imo and echoed my exact thoughts during and after the film, really comes off as a kill bill wanna-be. PS - the funniest scene is about 1 minute into the credits don't miss it lol

"Instead of anything original, the viewer is subjected to an endless stream of sub-Tarantino and sub-Guy Ritchie guff that someone apparently thought was clever. Even cameos from Channing Tatum and a painfully face-lifted Sandra Bullock add zero to the experience.

In sum, this expensive fiasco is like an evening gown that incorporates $10,000 worth of material in a design by a JC Penney junior assistant: gaudy, vulgar and a colossal misfire."
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Dune (2021)
Excellent movie but it pays to know some of the story beforehand
1 August 2022
I can see why some would feel it is going no where or plodding on, even though the entire movie is well done. The thing is the story has a fair bit of depth to it that can't be easily relayed in the first act, so it helps if you know just a bit before watching. The story is great and the movie did a good job of keeping it intriguing.

Just a touch slow in parts but overall great writing, directing, acting, etc and very enjoyable rendition.
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They Live (1988)
Movie is surprisingly good but the message delivered is 10/10 and the main reason you should watch it
13 July 2022
Its nice to see convid woke up so many more people, its sad though that it took such a ridiculous overreach of power to shake people out of their slumber. The evidence of what is really going on and how deep the rabbit hole really goes has been out there forever, just follow the $$$ and open your mind and your eyes its plain as day. Seek and you shall find.

Yes they live, and unfortunately their plan of keeping the masses asleep has been VERY VERY effective.

Put down that Fluoride drink and WAKE UP!

Great flick, movie 7/10, message 10/10.
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