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a heavily under-rated kick-arse movie, albeit its flaws...
8 April 2008
Being a martial artist myself, i can understand why others may not feel the same way towards what i am about to say as this film is clearly aimed at a specific audience.

Never back down is a good teen-young adult film. Why is it rated so low? It contains and deals with many issues that are in our every lives. Issues of pride, of bullying, of prejudice, of commitment and above all respect. Its promotional campaign does not do it justice. If one looks below the surface, this movie has some depth to it.

Good things about it: fantastic soundtrack, good acting, great locations, professional fighting and pretty good story, albeit being a bit simple and predictable.

Bad things about it: a bit cheesy, mostly predictable, lack of character development apart from Jake (the main character) and Jean Roqua, the occasional bad technique (from my point of view) and a clear plastic feel to it due to the beautiful people.

I'm not much of a writter, all I'll say is this film is worth watching and is very empowering, particularly if you are a martial artist or have had a bad day.

overall 9/10
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Gladiator (2000)
consistently indescribably superb
28 October 2005
Their are no words to describe this grand historic epic. Gladiator is a film everybody would enjoy, for it has a great story, great action and superb acting (no wonder Crowe got an Oscar!) Gladiator recounts the story of one of the greatest Roman generals Maximus, who was forced to slavery by the corrupt incestuous heir to the throne Commodus (Phoenix) who killed Marcus Aurelius the emperor for he knew he offered Maximus power over his own son. Maximus has then become his worst enemy. Commodus having ordered to kill him and his family, Maximus escapes death and as becomes the general who became a slave, the slave who became gladiator, and the gladiator who defied an emperor. Gladiator has some of the most beautiful scenery and CGI effects I have ever seen. IT really is one of the best "recent" films out there. The script is also very effective and suiting, and somehow adds a poetic feel to it and so does the superb music used. The actors all did very well in their roles, though Crowe dominated, it is also a memorable performance by Phoenix and Nielsen most memorably and also Hounsou and Harris. Gladiator really does deserve all the awards and nominations it has received. I can assure you, that if you haven't seen this films yet, it should really be the next on your list!
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Unbelievably good...
25 October 2005
Ong Bak is a really a fantastic debut for Tony Jaa and others. Though it isn't strong on the story or character development which is very basic, it is all about the brutal full contact, graceful well choreographed action scenes ever present in this film. The story is basically Ting (Jaa) a country boy goes to Bangkok to retrieve a sacred stolen "artifact". That's all there is to it really. Now the action however is the strong point of Ong Bak, what they say is true, no wires, no special effects...everything you see is real and people really get hurt. Tony Jaa really is the next action hero, and at this rate, he'll be a superstar within less then 5 years, probably even the first Thai superstar. Critics say that he incorporates all the likes of Bruce Lee,Jackie Chan and others. Though it is true Jaa is inspired by them, his style is quite different, sure he has the amazing stunts (like Chan) and the full contact brutal force (like Lee) but he has his own trademark, Thai Boxing, different to any Chinese films, completely different and somewhat more realistic. He uses knees and elbows, and as being a martial artist myself I can say this is simply because they are the hardest part of the body. I am very keen on this new star, and Iwish him every luck, I'll be following his career closely, for I know he will be successful.

Watch Ong Bak, it won't disappoint, 9/10.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Good story, good acting, good information!!
17 September 2005
Hitch is like no comedy you'll have ever seen before. Its a comedy, yet it is also sweet and sometimes sad. Hitch stars Will Smith in his typical role, funny guy with slapstick as an extra and a very good feature debut from Kevin James, a surprisingly good convincing actor. In the ladies section is supermodel Amber Valletta and Eva Mendes both delivering memorable performances in their own separate ways.

The film is about New York City's greatest date doctor Alex Hitchins (Will Smith) aka "Hitch" fixing up guys that don't seem to have a chance with gorgeous women but give them hope and advice to pursue their dreams. Hitch's newest client is Albert Brennaman (Kevin James) a not so fit guy who falls madly in love with a gorgeous, rich society heiress Allegra Cole (Valletta). But simultaneously Hitch finds himself a nice lady who happens to be a tabloid gossip reporter, called Sara Melas (Eva Mendes). Obviously a date doctor is a great story and she decides to uncover more about this renowned data doctor. And thus starts all the drama and trouble for our little Hitch, who just doesn't lose hope for her.

Combined with good actors and dialogue Hitch brings you the "cure for the common man" with good advice I think and a good atmosphere to the hole film which is a very pleasant experience indeed. I personally recommend Hitch to any comedy/romance lovers as it is one of the best of the year (apart from the superb Wedding Crashers). 9/10, overall for the story, the acting and the advice baby.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Wow!! One of the best thrillers I've seen in a long time
17 September 2005
Man on fire, is definitely one of the best drama/crime thrillers I have ever seen. Despite having a slow beginning the story is so amazingly complex and sensitive that it sticks together rather well. This is Denzel Washington's perfect role, in which he plays a body guard, called Creasy that is tormented by his past and is an alcoholic but never gives up on his duty to save his latest protégée, Pita. Dakota Fanning plays Pita, the very smart, enthusiastic little girl that loves so many things, and acts in a very convincing manner, she has a great future ahead of her. As I said the story is somewhat complicated, in order to fully understand it, you must watch it a couple of times.

This film is made in two parts, there's the first hour, where everyone is happy, nothing's wrong, everyone's just living their lives happily until the kidnapping of Pita occurs and where Creasy is almost killed. And then there's the second part, the rest of the film, where suddenly everything becomes complicated and somewhat gruesome and disturbing, when Creasy's recovered from his severe injury and starts chasing and killing the numerous criminals and "La Hermamdad" that were responsible for the planning and execution of the kidnapping of Pita.

Denzel Washington shows us his most up to date acting talents alongside many other talented actors which have a great future ahead of them. It is a real shame that this film hasn't been acknowledged enough, Washington really deserved another Oscar for his performance, and so did Fanning and the director. And even maybe the visual effects which were of very high quality.

If you like excellent, slightly deranged, suspenseful thrillers, this is the one to see. The most amazing thing is that elements of this film are actually based on a real story and real characters! 10/10
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Jackie Chan at his...physical best
17 September 2005
Rumble in the Bronx was Jackie Chan's first major hit in America. Maybe because it portrayed him in a more American style character, one of very few of his films showing guns or simply because of the owe-inspiring stunts. In terms of action, this is Jackie's best, way before the time of his special-effects mediocre films such as Around the World in 80 days and the Medallion. Rumble in the Bronx combines all a Jackie's trademarks; great stunts, martial arts, comedy, suspense, and a good story!! The story line is basically that Keung (Chan) comes to New York to visit his uncle and help him run his store. When one day a ruthless gang of criminal thugs come and rob the store, Keung beats them and protects the shop (more then less). Seeking revenge the gang cause more trouble by wrecking the shop, when he's not around and meanwhile Keung makes friend with the girlfriend of the gang leader, Nancy. She then realises there's more to life then bribing people and living outside the law. There's more too it then that, but you'll have to see it to know more, and don't want to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet.

But of course, when you go see a Jackie Chan film, its almost never for a great story but because of superb action, combined with comedy for first class entertainment. This was a very good debut for Jackie in America, who failed to enter the American market with numerous attempts with the Big Brawl, Cannon ball run etc. Its a well deserved victory for Jackie.

Now for the stunts, to me this film showcases his most death defying stunt of all, jumping from one building to another, thats over 10m away from each other with no safety net bellow, no wires holding him, no safety whatsoever, and he managed to do it perfectly, in style in one take! This film is full of breath-taking stunts, which is why I watch it over and over again, for that thrill.

If you are a Jackie Chan fan, as I am, go see this film, you won't be disappointed a bit. For the action I give it a 10/10, overall 8/10, as the acting could have been better and the story a little more complex, none the less great entertainment for everybody.
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Vertiges: Koan (2002)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Not a bad film, considering Michael Milon isn't an actor
15 September 2005
This film is relatively good, not because of the actors which are mediocre but because of the simple yet quite interesting plot, based around a typical murder case. The star of the film is Michael Milon (Koan) who was a renowned karate champion from France, who isn't really an actor but demonstrates a satisfactory performance here none the less. Alongside him is Berenice Bejo (Margo) the girl who he knows well that witnessed the murder which happened in her house after a karate lesson with Koan. They run away together as Koan is suspected of being the murderer, and because she's have to testify against him against her will. The actual murderers in fact is a ruthless gang, which just so happens to have good martial artist. The Story really is basic,though it is balanced with the pretty good action sequences and also the good music. Overall its worth seeing once or twice, but its no masterpiece. 8/10
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XMA: Xtreme Martial Arts (2003 TV Movie)
a truly amazing documentary, made by truly amazing people
15 September 2005
This documentary is one of very few good documentaries on the martial arts. This documentary is mainly about the science behind the martial arts, the body mechanics, your physiological structure etc. XMA uses advanced CGI special effects to show us whats happening inside your body. What happens to your bones and muscles when fighting, breaking or performing demonstrations? XMA gives you all the answers. Fight scenes are very well choreographed, and individual demonstrations even better. Alongside the science is the story of an ex-martial arts champion Matt Mullins, a 5 time martial arts world champion who is coming out of a 2 year retirement to compete once again, with his world renowned trainer and good friend Mike Chat (7 time world martial arts champion). And as a third treat a little history on the way too!!

I recommend this documentary to any martial arts lover or student (like myself), mainly because what you see is real, all the kicks and flips are no illusion, its all real and truly breath-taking. When you see it you'll know why I give it 10/10.
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a truly epic film, definitely Oscar worthy
15 September 2005
This film is the best Tom Cruise film ever, alongside Ken Watanabe's superb acting. Though slow paced at first it demonstrates the importance of honour, not judging people on first impressions... This film follows a rather sad story of fighting for tradition and avoiding judging anyone until you meet them. It is full of truly breath-taking scenery in Japan and superb battle scenes. The lead actors are truly amazing which goes very well with a great story. This film really proves that Tom Cruise can act! This film deserves more credit however, it is truly Oscar worthy, for Watanabe's acting and battle scenes mainly.

The story is basically about an American captain (Cruise) who is tormented by his gruesome past that is hired to train the army to kill the samurai which are raiding the country. He faces them in battle with rookie soldiers and therefore lost and was captured by the samurai leader Katsumoto (Watanabe) which kept him alive simply because he is like every samurai very spiritual and believes in his dreams and knew their was a purpose for him to live. After a the long slow process of trying to find out information about his enemy, Algren (Cruise) simultaneously begins training in the way of the samurai and comes to love their way of life and develops a friendship with Katsumoto. After a series and turn of events the story develops like a roller coaster ride and fight together for their survival.

This film is honestly one of the best dramas/war dramas I have ever seen, combined with a superb story, and action of amazing creativity in the dialogue, setting and all the scenes! Truly Oscar worthy, ashame it didn't win any, they makers really deserved more credit.

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real comedy geniuses at work
15 September 2005
This comedy is definitely the best of the year. Its a comedy so you expect to laugh, but their's a strange very well-executed twist to the ways they can make you laugh one minute and almost cry the next. Its a very effective blend of emotions mixed up by all the main characters. Along with the great comedy, was also an ingenious plot. This is a comedy that will be remembered, it stars 2 perfect actors in their roles, Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, their first film together, and I hope it won't be the last. And to add a touch still has old greats such as Christopher Walken. They are all the perfect actors!!

Now lets go on to the story line, John Beckwith (Wilson) and Jeremy Grey (Vaughn) or life long friends that have known each other forever and work together and share a common summer past-time, wedding crashing! Where they always make up story's to basically sleep with women they meet at wedding's, but one day they go to a very big wedding, over 500 people, and the girl Jeremy meets falls in love with him, which is never part of they're plan, so in a hilarious way both agree to come with them for a weekend, and they're Jeremy always wants to leave, not knowing John is falling for Claire, who has a boyfriend. On a slow, hilarious route to discovery the character development is demonstrated and the props are ingenious. Enough said.

Every scene is this film makes you laugh in one way shape or form, maybe because its funny, maybe because its embarrassing or outrageous or maybe because its sad and emotional. The amazing thing is, this film combines many aspects of real life, and shows the importance of friendship and having someone by your side. It also has many genres, comedy above all, romance and drama.

The reason so this film has made so much money and so many people have seen it is because of the rare combination and sequence of events and the clever twist it gives and the image it demonstrates is very appealing.

Overall this is a must see film, its in no way perfect, but hey which film is anyway, but it is worthy of being acknowledged as one of the best comedies so far this century. I give it 9/10
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Jet Li's splendid European/American debut
15 September 2005
I must say this was a very good film, despite what the critics and online reviews have said. It contains all the elements required for a great film, it has a very good plot and very good action combined with a wide range of different characters that are equally developed through the course of the film. Jet Li proved his validity on screen with great action and good acting. Tcheky Karyo that french cop is a terrific actor, wonderfully complex and stubborn, and Jessica (Bridget Fonda)was also very well in her skin, they were all the perfect roles for each other.

The Story is basically that Liu Jiuan (aka Johnny)(Jet Li), one of China's top government agents comes to Paris from Shanghai to assist Richard (Karyo, who is in fact a highly corrupt french police inspector, with many men by his side. The original mission was to uncover an international drugs conspiracy, which goes horribly wrong as the man Li came to help betrays him. Here the mission changes as Li managed after a fantastic action sequence to escape, now Li's mission is to bring Richard and his accomplices to justice (as he has proof from CCTV cameras) and Richards aim is to eradicate him along with the proof. Now Accused of a murder he didn't commit, Li befriends in a charming fashion an American women (Fonda) who was forced to prostitution by Richard. They go up against their cunning, ruthless enemy Richard through a promise they made each other, which could compromise everything.

This may sound complicated, but in reality it is far more simple then this, when you see the use of all the props to illustrate some points. Overall this is a must see film for anybody that likes great thrillers (one of the best I've seen) and action films, combined with drama and a great story line. And of course a bit of martial arts, a come back from Jet Li, no wire work, almost no special effects at all, unlike The One, which was sincerely horrible in comparison

On the whole it is worth 9/10, probably more if they kept the original mission in mind simultaneously, but that would have been difficult.
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Unleashed (2005)
a surprisingly effective film!!
27 August 2005
This marks a new beginning in Jet LI's acting career. Imensely different from any of his previous films, being a fan, I can tell. Morgan Freeman was good, Bob Hoskins had an unusual role for him and pulled it together rather well despite his character being very complicated. The story is very good and so was the action and martial arts scenes. You could see Luc Besson's contribution clearly which helped maintain the realism. The story is simple yet complicated simultaneously. Danny (Li) is in his 30's and has been raised like a dog by his master Brt (Hoskins) and soon meets his savior (Freemn) playing piano, they quickly become like family. Then DAnny gets captured again as he has no common sense and barely knows how to talk, which helped massively and...I'll let you watch it before spoiling it. 9/10 - great film, well worth seeing, great story, great acting, great fighting. What more can you ask for
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