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Unfrosted (2024)
why the hate?
5 May 2024
Before I watched this I think I read at least 4 articles about how bad this was supposed to be. I am happy to call out unfunny shows. Luckily I went into this with out to much expectations. And you know it was not a bad movie at all. Yes its basically one long SNL with a bunch of mini skits thrown in. But the cameos were great. The jokes were stale but in a good way. It was almost like a Dad joke movie. Silly jokes, funny physical humor, and throwback to an earlier america. I can understand completely why these Gen Z critics didn't get it. That doesn't make them right. I think the ratings are right where it should be this is a good cute movie it may not win Oscars but worth watching any day.
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Love the trenches that were built in one day
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So in the half hour of harvesting (or feels like it) they have a shot where there loading wheat onto a hover vehicles but their out there with sickles from the 1850's . They need this grains so bad but then are going to kill the farmers? Guess they got real harvesting equipment? Or maybe this plot is pointless Never seen "warriors" sitting around whining all the time. I mean this is a copy and paste story but somehow Snyder couldn't even do that right. Instead of one origin story there is like 12. The movie lagged so much in middle I about turned it off but I figured there would be some fight scenes They were ok but not enough to save this stinker.
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Glass (2019)
The train derailed at the end
9 April 2024
Whatever the secret society was I agree with them. Lets look at McAvoy character who killed and ate woman. He is not a sympathetic character even though they tried to make him one. Like a lot of superhero movies the civilians around are just there to die. So I get why that society wants to end them all. And again I agree. They wrapped it all in some mystical psycho babble. But the fact they came out of nowhere at the end of the movie left me wondering why and what was the point would have been more interesting to have them show up in Unbreakable and split Though it makes sense why she treated them the way she did initially in the asylum.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Left a bit unsatisfied
22 March 2024
I liked it enough to binge watch it. The premise is great and interesting. I think by the end I had a lot of questions about how this show laid out. A lot of the charcters especially the oxford 5 made little sense and seemed just to be there to somehow ground us, I guess. Just bored me. All these scientist are supposed to be the best in the world and there all in their late 20's? I never read the book so cant comment on how well it follows it. Im suprised how much information seems left out though. Half way through I was like, they going to need several more series of this to draw it together hopefully.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Was better then expected
11 March 2024
I really enjoyed this more then I have liked his movies. Its a bit slower at start but does move along. The acting was great Good story. Some of the accents lost me at times. But the mix of the old aristocrat families and the crime families was really interesting and enjoyed it immensely entertaining as the season goes on. Why Johnston who has 2.5 billion would worry about a 150 million pot business? Its illegal in the UK still so why take on the heat of police? The brother on brother thing was fun and you can see how these families have gotten so inbred and closeted while controlling millions of dollars.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Its pretty much the same
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Update. After waiting and ignoring it for awhile I sat through watched it tell end. If you hated how GoT ended you will hate this. I was so exasperated by the ending I just turned it off and was totally disappointed. Ill say it again the 1989 version was better, explained more, captured just as much violence and sex as this new version and was done WAY better. This was a series that was ripe for being redone. And even modernized a bit a new generation. I was disappointed completely and have decided 3 stars is it. Watch the original version or read the book

After third episode Ive become very disappointed they cut out so much Blackthrone saving Toranaga was given small shift they didn't ever go into Blackthorne visiting the black ship and getting saved by the other pilot Why did they cut these out or charge the story. The 1989 Broadcast version followed the book better then this. I guess for a new generation but I would suggest watching the original tv show

By the same I mean its staying pretty clear to the 80's mini-series. You have to understand at the time this was not a normal tv thing. And the amount of sex and violence was big for the time at Primetime network. I like this version ok except for two main things. The awful everyone should be fired from the music department. And whoever graded the color of the film and look its to dark to much at beginning I wish spend more time at the first couple days and how important his time in prison was especially as they have time to add this stuff bug guessing there keeping it for the big battles at the end.
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Popcorn yes, Awards, NO
28 February 2024
Joseph Campbell talked about recurinng myths that go through history no matter the people, place, or time. Its basically Star Wars thats why the film was so big a the time it was a story everyone knew but in Space and will first of its kind special effects. The story wasnt the focus the special effects were. This is Star Wars the plot makes no sense except a brother tyring to kill another for the crown,. And a lot of special effects and room for cameos to come in. But there becasue a point when it was so much CGI I actualy looked at the story. That was the wrong thing to do the wholes were wider then the ocean.
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And I thought Capt Fell was the worst
26 February 2024
When I watched (what I could stomach of it) Captain Fell on netflix. I said this is it. The bottom of the adult cartoon barrel No, someone went even further down into the hole. And its this. I don't know who keeps green lighting this but this is now one for each Hbo Max had life on mars, Netflix had captain fell and Prime has this. What I would like to know is if they do any product testing before launching these? I think I answered my own question they don't! As someone that has loved alot of the different adult cartoons I'm surprised how many that have been horrible lately. Dont watch it thinking its going to get better it gets worse.
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Buffalo '66 (1998)
as weird as the film maker
25 February 2024
Ok I know this was basically an art house picture. And it had its moments but the story is meandering and I cant say this enough. I hate Vincent Gallo needs to be take out behind a dumpster and beaten. I'm sure he considers himself one of those misunderstood genius. I consider him prime douche . I love how his macho ego thinks he could kidnap a very hot Ritchie and somehow she is begging him to do her but, you know, he stops her. Im guessing Ritchie was not impressed with him and he let her have it in interviews later when she was becoming really big and he was mostly forgotten. Why would any one ever work with him again. And from his output in last 25 years It looks like no one did.
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Grimsburg (2024– )
All on Jon Hamm
21 February 2024
Jon Hamm can't hide behind "He was just a voice actor". He knew this stank, stunk, and was roadkill before it hit the screen. He has to know that critics are going to ask him "why?" for next two weeks "why would you make this?". He will own this car wreck the rest of his career. Who? Who? Told him this was good writing? Funny? Nope. I guess that is the review Its not funny. Its weird and not in a good way. I think their trying to do Archer and the Venture brothers mishmash and it doesn't really work. There is some pop Easter eggs but the whole thing comes off and a mishmash of different adult animation in the archer mode but way, way, worse.
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Freelance (2023)
Why is Cena doing this movie
3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
All I can think is Cena and Brie were under contract and had to make a movie. This is as bad as you would think. But because there two A- stars they threw money at it. In special effects but as usual left out writers and a director the has any clue . Brie got a production company and wonder if this is her shot into action comedy. Either way Cena should be filming Peacemaker season two and not this flop of a movie.

So good special effects and settings but the cinematography was weak beyond belief The should have graded the film it looks cheap the way they did it and the angles of the camera dont help.
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Milli Vanilli (2023)
Needed some more people to be blamed
26 January 2024
The one thing you get from this even if they tried as hard as possible to portray rob and fab as the victims they were not at all until everything fell apart. I remember this very well and even at the time I'm like. "So what they look good and the music is good, this is entertainment so enjoy" But I also understand why people lost their minds when they realized they had not sung on their albums or in person. I think its because people like to believe that talent is natural and not a façade. But alot of people behind the scenes knew what was going on and no one but them really paid the price. 500000 records sold and Rob ended up on the streets and then dead. And we know someone or a whole bunch of people made a lot of money off them. And the true singers knew what they were doing they took the money to and stayed quiet until they wanted more money and the recognition. John Davis Brad Howell and Shaw all acted incensed but then they tried to cash in with Frank Farien right after MV downfall. Good documentary but they needed to get some more people on camera and twist some arms especially Farien who refused to talk.
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The Creator (2023)
I wondered where all the hype went
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It sure looked good in the previews but like many other films the previews were the best bits. The holes in the plot and the skipping around and frankly non sencial things that happen I really got to the point I hoped the AI would all get destroyed. I was thinking through a lot of this its a rip off of Avatar or as I called it Dancing with Blue wolves. Why do robots need to sleep? And I think one was smoking a hookah. The monkey sets off the charge? The director hopes you will be on the side of robots against humans. I wanted humans to win. How did he go through the airport and carry an explosive he put on space plane? I mean everyone looking for this guy and he gets on a space plane with tourists? I bet AI could have written a better script.
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This was supposed to be big budget
22 December 2023
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Well I mean like other have said Star Wars rip off guess I knew it for sure when there was a bar scene and she says nothing to see here just move on. It just got worse from there. And I love the high Scottish brogue in Deep space Most of the town looked right out of Tatooine except you know, they added rain. I think it was just the way this was all filmed and edited its seemed cheap even though the visuals were good. But I cant get around the story. I understand Star Wars was an almamgation of many old myths and stories but it was shown in a whole new way with new technology. A lot of other movies out there use same formula the trick is to make it somehow new and this doesnt.
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Krapopolis (2023– )
I mean we can see what is happening
18 October 2023
By that I mean the first 5-10 reviews are all 10/10 with glowing reviews then regular people like me actually watch and decide to post a review. Like others have said 1. Oh Dan Harmon, what happened? Or were you never the driving force behind the writing on Community and Rick and Morty? 2. Could have been better if executed well. There is supposed to be a story but not sure what its supposed to be. The characters are not interesting or funny frankly, in any way. Matt Berry better tell his agent he is one and done with this. I just see this being slowly taken off the schedule and replaced with Simpsons reruns or whatever fox does now days.
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So over blown and I dont mean the shuttle
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes this a good feel good story. You may even get a tear when the young improvished, Mexican , migrant, farmworker, that worked 12 hours a day, He did his homework by the light of his burning grandmothers clothes, He sold his cousins lungs on the black market, He almost once did a bad thing, his wife is so hot after 4 kids and not the round mound of pound most woman become. But you know he was a math genius and put those lily white snooty nerds and Lawrence Livermore to shame And this his Mexican family opens a Mexican restaurant because a dry cleaners would have been weird. And he goes to space. Wheee . Interesting guy could have been a much better autobiography.
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6 Underground (2019)
4 for the stunt work
1 October 2023
Lots of action Ill give it that. The story is probably number 7 down the list. Good explosions, throbbing music a bad dude middle eastern type and you got a movie you play load and while your "fully" loaded. If you try to watch in the morning you will be WTF is this? Some good burns and not just from Ryan Reynold's The guy that plays 5 now leads Netflix's the Lincoln Lawyer. Remember also those stunt guys are doing that Parkour on those buildings that's not CGI and the choroegophy was well done on all that. Probably ran 30 minutes to long but considering they paid 150 million to make this I guess they had to fill it all up with bangs because the script is junk.
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One Piece (2023– )
Not an anime fan
31 August 2023
I don't like Anime never have especially this older stuff. Never watched one piece the cartoon or know anything about it. After first two episodes I'm just fine never having heard of this or watched it. Can I ask a serious question? Is luffy a pschycopath or mentally challenged? I mean some of the stuff he does is really psychotic This is silly kids stuff. I guess this is fine if your a fan of the original but someone like me that just comes in cold to watch this is not interested real quick. I'm guessing the fans will give it huge reviews and make everyone knows it has high reviews. My guess is after the hype dies down no one will care or watch it again. There will not be a second season to much money and not enough broad appeal even for netflix.. I cant root for the main character as he seems unhinged, I frankly vote for the world government and the marines to take all the pirates out.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Ezra miller back to jail
28 August 2023
Batman is not supposed to kill but in chase scene at beginning of movie he has his motorcycle pop out machine guns and fire away. I mean wouldn't the whole point be to kill bad guys? Also the poor trucker that wrecks and his tanker explodes Batman just passes him on by guess he is toast. Barry Allen works in a laboratory but he has high school bullies and a Crush! When he saves those babies why do all of them look plastic? Ben Affleck looks weird and like they were trying to AI him. I never like Ezra Millers version of the flash to whiny, to weird, to Peter Parker. And his inappropriate mommy love was weird.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Belive the low reviews
23 August 2023
When you see a whole bunch of 10/10 reviews but the whole thing only has a 6 star rating you know something is off. The low reviews are the real ones. Its slow Oh so slow and like they said so many uninteresting plot lines I started fast forwarding through the Japanese and the lord of the flies plot lines Then I started fast forwarding through the whole thing, By the way where is Sam Neil could the not afford him for more then 2 days of work? I guess the actors are ok but the story line is so bad it doesn't matter. I really wanted to see the aliens and it took the whole series tell you saw one. If apple wants to throw money at a seconds season have fun. Wont be watching. Maybe beef up Foundation some more.
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Weak Sause
20 July 2023
I have more questions then answers about this whole story after watching How and why did the pyramid get lost?

Who was Huni and why was he important?

Why are these finds important other then to stroke the ego of the main guy?

There was a lot of info squished into the documentary that should have been explained better.

Also it turned me off right at start when he complained about "foreigners" if it wasn't for these foreigners there would be no Egyptologist or frankly many digs as they finance most of them There are more then a few scenes where its all about him and his legacy then about what they found.

Would never watch a documentary featuring this guy again.
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Its more true to the comics
19 July 2023
I thinik this is the best conan movie of them all other then I have to agree Schratnegger brought so much to the screen no matter what critics say. Momoa was fine just not quiet the same. Now I like the stories becasue I read the old conana comics from the 60's and 70's and they were a lot like this. Kill and a quip bed the woman and move on with his buddys that have a ship or an army or something else. Its more along the lines of the comic books quick stories of him killing a bunch of people for the good of humanity and taking out bad guys and getting some T and A all in a short period. Got to love it.
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65 (2023)
Im not sure what you could say to spoil this
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Adam Driver will look back on this 20 years from now and facepalm himself. But the whole premise completely of the story is part cliche and part lost oppourtunity. So 65 million years ago a race that looks exaclty like humans goes on a survey mission they somehow hit a bunch of asteroids and crash on Earth only survivors is the pilot and for some reason a young girl that doesn't speak his language. They have to rush for their escape craft which split off on landing because, get this, they have landed two days before the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs is going to land. Thus wiping them out and starting the evolution of mammals and then humans that look JUST LIKE the aliens that escaped That's the plot. Yes I know I know. I thought at first they would survive and would be our forefathers there actually isnt that much dinosaurs in this and way more taking or whatever they do between the pilot and girl. I managed to watch it in 15 minutes thanks to fast forward. Maybe Adam Driver will become a huge star and he can buy the copyright to this film and destroy it for ever.
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Its hard to watch when you hate all the charcters
6 July 2023
I'm not going into the religion part of this its a pretty good satire on some of the mega churches especially in the South. But its overplayed. Everyone is detestable even John Goodman. And I understand there going for satire and to skewer these big churches that rack in millions then turns out the pastor is a raging pervert or a con artist stealing money. But is more a dark comedy and goes way over top in some of the portrayals . I just hated every character so that the comedy is was almost mean spirited. I got into second season and it just got worse and way over the top gave out before third season and will not watch third season.
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Interesting concept but turns into an informercial
3 July 2023
This wasn't so much a documentary but something more like Pawn Stars. All of this is staged and for maximum exposure for Goldin auctions. Jake Paul and Payton Manning are both investors in his business so of course they make the obligatory on camera appearance. Now I was interested in seeing some of these private collectors collections but it seems so in-authentic especially the farther it goes into story. I think I said thats enough when in one of the episodes Rick Flair shows up at Goldins and on way out one of the employees donned a real wrestling outfit he even had the correct shoes. If your way into sports collectibles you do get a look at things that you will never get to own or get near in your life because you see who owns most of this stuff.
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