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Civil War (2024)
I fail to see the 'message' others do. A filed attempt.
14 May 2024
So I have read the other glowing reviews and fail to see what others do. .There are so many glaring mistakes in how this was presented tht I couldn't get past the technical errors to 'see' the message. What was it even? So. Yes, war is hell, but THIS is not the film to document that. Instead it was a meandering slog through a series of misstep only to culminate in what I assume is an expose on the stupidity and lack of honor in our military.

First, there is no background to understand why we are even here. The only thing we know is Texas and California teamed up to secede from the union. Like THAT is ever going to happen. But why? And why is the 'government' the bad guys unless, we are expecting a Jan 6 event to succeed.

If the film is about a photojournalist coming to grips with her PTSD, then it should play a more central role. But as it is I fail to see the true point of this film.

In addition to an uncompelling story, there are so many idiotic moves by the characters, they should would have been taken out early in the drama. Then, I had to laugh at the sound effects. But I guess they needed them to compensate for a slow and ponderous story line until the climax of taking Washington.

Save your money.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Need new writers.......
31 January 2024
So combine the government conspiracy of the X-files, the airplane of Lost, the missing people of the 4400 and you have Manifest without any of the talent that went into those other series.

I started watching this out of courtesy to my wife, but the pedestrian writing quickly had me openly laughing at the screen and yelling at the sophomoric acting. I mean if these were real people, I would have them seek therapy, especially the male cop.

The people who were here and not on the disappeared plane have absolutely no empathy or depth of character. I find that hard to stomach as they constantly demonstrate really low EQ and coping mechanisms.

Bottom line for me is this looks like a high school production with equivalent writing. Too bad, it had potential. .
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The Forest (2017)
A fun romp, but there were some werios issues
25 November 2023
First of all we enjoyed the series. There was enough top keep us guessing. But in the end there were some serious flaws and gaps in the plot. First of all, the lieutenant should never be a cop. She is far too emotional and would never survuvce the hazing other cops would give her for her frequent hystrionics. Secondly, when the murderer is finally exposed, there are some issues with what was set up in earlier episodes that make the final reveal look like, "Okay we are out of money, let's wrap this up." Still, if you are looking for something to fill your time on a weekend and have Netflix, espceislly if your friends need subtitles in another language, it is worth checking out.
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A brilliant amalgam of Edgar Allan Poe's work
1 November 2023
I wasn't sure what to expect from The Fall of The Hpuse of Usher, but was pleasamtly surprised. This is a series that will not age well given its numerous references to current events, but it still held my attention, primarily due to the not-so-subelt references to other Poe works.

If you take the story line on its surface you have the Sackler family and their puching of opiates, portrated as the Ushers. They are the typical money hungry infighting siblings you would expect. But what I didn't expect were all the homages to Poes other works like Murder inthe Rue Morgue, a Cask of Amontillado, the Raven and, my wife's favorite, the Pit and the Pendulum. All these are woven so elegantly into the story that many may not even notice them.

I knew there was a twist coming and was not diasppointed in the final episode. This is the kind of limited series I seek out, but rarely find. NEver have I gen a film or series an 8, and think it is deserved here. If you can get past the odd casting (I appreciarte inclusiveness, but some of the cast are still stretches) the story is engaging with enough jump scenes to keep the heart rate up.
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Reptile (2023)
A good psychological thriller that is a bit too obvious
12 October 2023
I loved this film. Some of the character development was a bit obvious, but the twists and turns deviated fro the formulaic hollywood scripts and kept me wondering whodunit! I love this type of film, and appreciate it when writers deviate enough from the formula to make it surprising.

Benicio del Toro is a great actor that rtakes his roles seriously, and given all the Hollywood pablum tat is produced I appreciated the film for its edge of the seat story arc.

My only wish is that the actual bad guts, weren't so obcious in the beginning to disrupt the thought processes of guessing who the real villians were.
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Silo (2023– )
Too many inconsistencies
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Fr the first few episodes I got sucked into the story, but after a few episodes there were just too many holes in the story and background. Why do they have advanced sensor technology but can't figure out what a PEZ dispenser is? They have forgotten what stars are?

The basic premise is fine, but if yo are going to create a world that has forgotten its past, then there should also be technological amnesia as well.

This would have been a great limited series, but in the constant desire to squeeze every penny out of a series, they dragged this out out too far. This would have scored far higher if it had been more consistent in the backstory and not just made it a long drawn out good against evil story.
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Missing (I) (2023)
M'eh. A movie for Millenials
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I chose this film because I really like plot twists, and there are certainly several in this film. Admittedly, I have not seen the prequel, Searching, and therefore the heavy dependence on screenshots and webcams was a 'new' twist, but I found it annoying and felt it was an attempt at keeping the budget down.

As for the story, it is an interesting take on abused person goes into hiding, but there are too many holes to make it credible after you learn the backstory. As is often the case with technology based films, Missing overestimates the ease with which information is obtained and the timing of event defies credulity.

As for entertainment, is is entertaining and I did manage to sit through the film to get to the final twists, but even then the twists are focused on social media and influencing and everything that defines Millennials.

Definitely not a film that will show up on any 'classic' or 'best of' lists, but if you have time to kill better than many other options.
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That is certainly NOT a German accent
8 October 2022
After listening to. Julia Garner's accent I simply couldn't get into the story. If the casting/acting was that bad, it could only go downhill. I'n not sure what that accent actually is, but it isn't Germen or Russian or anything that can de defined.

Even after starting to watch thinking this might get better, I fond it too drawn out. The series seemed to take almost as long as her crime spree. The fact that Netflix paid more for the story rights than she stole, it doesn't bode well for the programmers at Netflix. It seems they are getting desperate to find content and taking interesting stories and dragging them out as long as possible.
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Uncharted (2022)
An exercise in absurdity
5 September 2022
From the opening scene, that represents physically impossible stunts, it only gets worse.

This film is juvenile and vapid at best. At worst an utter waste of time. I am seriously struggling to find a redeeming comment. And since I can't will simply leave it at this.

I fail to see how it managed to squeak out a 6.4 rating on IMBD and can only assume it is from folks who have no sense of art, depth and intelligence.

Perhaps if you are 15 and have nothing better do then this will kill that time you would otherwise spend with Playstation, a sponsor of this film.

So be forewarned that this is almost two hours of your time you ill NEVER get back.
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The Booth at the End (2011–2012)
Utterly brilliant!
30 August 2022
This is by far the highest score I have ever given a series. The minimalist style the series uses is a supreme example of the form and is not easy to achieve. The writing is excellent and the pace really keeps things alive and moving. The multiple storylines would be a challenge for a regular series, but to manage them in 5 episodes with the outcomes they achieve is nothing short of genius.

It doesn't take long to get sucked into this series as the concept of someone wanting something and in exchange must accomplish a task is a fresh take on the genie and three wishes. Only the tasks are sometimes distasteful. Yet we learn they all carry specific meaning to the person involved.

No spoilers here as that would just ruin the whole experience. The downside? No third season!
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America rah-rah BS glorifying war
23 August 2022
Why do they have to portray Americans as mindless cretins? While Clint Eastwood has done some good work, American Sniper is merely a movie riding the "rah-rah, aren't we great" wave after an illegal war in Iraq.

Instead of being a propaganda film, it would be better if the horrors and brutality of war were shown. Perhaps then we would have fewer mindless recruits embracing the path to PTSD.

For one thing, the path to becoming a SEAL is GRUELING, and this film makes light of it. Also, killing another human is not s simple as this film would have you believe.

I wnt to see more of the gore of war so the cretins who sign up will realize it is not the boy scouts.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Good premise, but a bit too USA Rah-rah
2 August 2022
This is a good anti-corporation story about how the Military Industrial Complex uses our troops as fodder fo the war machine. But I found the character a bit too brutal and the series full of a lot of gratuitous gore and violence.

The whole concept that "I am over there fighting for you" is an old trope that only serves to justify murder.

Yes it is an action film that will get your adrenaline pumping, but I would have liked to see more of the anti-corporate story line and less of the rah-rah Navy Seal one.
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Finally another perspective to America's illegal wars anf hubris
1 August 2022
I am American and am so totally OVER the American rah-rah war films, when in fact, we are usually an invading and occupying force. Valley of the Wolves pulls back the curtain of American exceptionalism to depict what our troops in the fog of war are really like. It also removes the veil of why we are int he Middle East, while not explicitly acknowledging how Britain, France and the US destroyed the natural order in the Middle East after WWI.

In many ways it shows the US as engaging in a 21st Century crusade against Islam, which given the wave of 'Christian Nationalism' in the US is pretty accurate, since most Americans have no clue about Islam. In particular I loved the scene of the Sufis dancing. It was beautiful.

In reading the one-star reviews, my take away is these are most likely American reviews expecting another 'rah-rah, America is perfect' reviewer unwilling to take another perspective of how the rest of the world views our love of war. I see this also as an artifact of the disease afflicting the US population in their delusion they are the only free country int he world.

If you seek to refresh your perspective on how the US is perceived by others, this is a must see, despite the technical inaccuracies the anal-retentive reviews note.
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12 Strong (2018)
America Rah Rah Rah
14 July 2022
Yes, this is your typical America we are so great film. But what it fails to capture is the fact that we invaded another country that didn't want us there. I am tired of the America aren't we great films that portray the US military as the 'saviors' of the world and not the mercenaries they are.

Will someone PLEASE show us the tragedy of war as it REALLY is?
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Gravity (2013)
I really tried to enjoy this film
12 July 2022
I love sci-fi and really wanted to see a good sci-fi film. But THIS IS NOT IT. The science and physics they try to convince people of is absurd. I can usually suspend disbelief when the film is clearly fantasy, but when they try to be 'scientific' about it and fail miserably, I just want to puke.

First, there is way the training would only last 6 months. Second, there wouldn't be someone as incompetent as the person Sandra Bullock plays.

From one laughable scene to another the film descends into absurdity pretty fast.

If you don't care about any semblance of reality in a film that wants so hard to be believable, then this is fine. Otherwise don't waste your time.
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The Mist (2007)
A film that underscores our times.
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed The Mist, not knowing it was based on a Stephen King novella. Initially I thought it was going to be a rip-off of the old horror classic The Fog, but no, this story is more about what fear does to us, as clearly stated on the movie's poster: "Fear changes everything." I especially liked it because it is NOT a typical Holywood "sunshine, lolipops and rainbows" kind of film. In fact, the ending is a tragic irony you could see coming, but still watch in disbelief.

The film is really an allegory to what fear does to people and how they respond to the unknown. But there is a much clearer message sent that takes religious zealots to task, namely that for people who can't explain phenomena, they always attribute it to 'God' and expect others to follow because their understanding, of course, is better then everyone else's. This story is as old as humanity itself.

Examples of how fear invokes irrational behavior, the zealots blame the military members present since there is a military base close by for creating this terror. When that doesn't work, the only explanation left is "God is punishing us" and the zealots attempt to stop the rational folks from leaving. I loved it when the crazy leader of the zealots takes a bullet in the head, manifesting what a lot of folks think quietly to themselves.

When the rational folks finally do leave in search of safety, they include two old folks, a young woman who has ben watching the protagonists son, the son and the protagonist, who, one their vehicle runs out of fuel is faced with an impossible choice after deciding that suicide is the only option, as b ring better than being consumed by the monsters: five people four bullets. After shooting the other four, including his son, the protagonists goes outside and waits for the monsters to come get him. But they don't! The mist dissipates, making his impossible choice moot and leaving him to live with his guilt.

Whoa, not what I was expecting and therefore a winner.
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flying scenes save this vapid effort
28 May 2022
It is clear that Tom Cruise is aging and can't keep this up much longer. So in order to pad his retirement he made this film. It is a clear 'remake' of the original with a storyline that has countless references, direct and subtle.

For Cruise to STILL be in the NAVY after being denied promotion or having rank reduced is simple not going to happen. Then to simply hop into an f-14 that is fueled, armed and ready to go is absurd to anyone who know flight operations. Then to have a Tomcat beat an F-35, or equivalent is equally absurd. (I wonder if the use of the F-14 was a jab at Iran, since they are the only ones who even use F-14s anymore.)

The flying scenes are truly incredible and if you go for that alone, you won't be disappointed. (But spare me the Tom Cruise statement at the beginning of the movie that the F-18s and the 'Gs' ae real. The actors obviously didn't experience the high G's based on the skin on their faces not moving.)

So the bottom line for me is the story is terrible, but the flying saves the film. Note to To: Get better writers.
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My Name (2021)
Totally engaging
29 October 2021
I continue to be really impressed with Korean TV series and My Name is no exception. What especially garnered my interest was the constant need to reevaluate what was really going on in the series as Yoon jiwoo character appears to be playing both sides of the conflict while at te same time being targeted by them.

Unlike American crime series where everything comes down to the guns, the Korean police only use batons and knives making close combat essential and leading to some amazing fight scenes. The choreography is over the top impressive without the need for special effects.

The story line is full of twists and turns that raise more questions than answers. But since American viewers don't like loose ends, it does all get tied up in the two final episodes.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Too much of a good thing makes it a bad thing
6 October 2021
This series should have stopped at the end pf the second season. I loved how the plan was so carefully executed and considered so many different contingencies. But after the initial plan succeeded and everyone lived happily after, the greedy bean counters at Netflix had to take something good and destroy it with incomprehensible plot twists and increasing levels of stupidity on the players that never would have passed the initial scrutiny by the professor.

Such a massive disappointment.
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Puffed up reviews because it is on Amazon
2 July 2021
This was a totally mindless sci-fi movie that barely rates a 5. Flat characters, simple, improbable plot and marginal CGI make this essentially a waste of time.
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Once a Marine (2020)
This proves war is stupid
10 June 2021
I have no sympathy for these guys as they chose to be part of an invading force. It also reaffirms my belief that most combat types are idiots and stupid.

That said, the movie is good for ANYONE considering joining the military to show how it can utterly destroy your life as well as the lives of those you kill in combat.
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If you want to like this film, sety a low bar
16 May 2021
I had high hopes with AJ in the lead, but the entire film was predictable and extremely disappointing. I am glad I watched it n HBOMax as I didn't spent any money on it and saved the time of going to a theater.

The entire basis pf the film is a forensic accountant has information that would implicate important people in the Government. But there is no closure to that point as the 'information' is never revealed. Loose end!

It seems the whole film was intended to showcase the fact that at 46 AJ still has the chops to do an action film and has the draw she did as a younger femme fatale. Aside from that, the character are flat, the storyline is weak and the CGI is not particularly good.

Watch this is you have 100 minutes with nothing else to do.
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Time Trap (2017)
Conceptually brilliant, but.....
22 September 2019
The idea behind Time Trap is really interesting and thought provoking, as others have pointed out. But the flaw with this film is that its potential is totally lost in the poor writing and acting. I did manage to get through the entire film, but it was painful watching C actors (the dog was pretty good) recite a B (at best) script.

In the hands of better writers, directors and actors, this could have been a true 7+ film.
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Vapid and pathetic
19 November 2018
So I watched one episode of this while in Thailand. What a pathetic group of people. It was obvious that the Americans are all psychologically damaged and seeking something that doesn't exist. In every case, the people they met were disappointed and clearly not into the Americans.

First, it was clear the woman from Georgia had misrepresented herself to the guy from Nigeria, not to mention that she was over-the-top clueless about being in a different culture. Then the guy who met the girl from the Philippines was oblivious to the fact that all she wants is to get out of the Philippines.

I could go on, but in every case the person foreign person was so clearly not interested in their partner, that it was pathetic and depressing. But what is more depressing is that TLC would take advantage of these poor folks for the voyeuristic appetite of the rest of us. That is why I hate these 'reality' shows.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Predictable and mind addling
17 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this film because it was recommended by a friend. My expectations were low to begin with, but the predictability was off the charts. Way too many last second saves where Dwayne Johnson escapes death. Okay, that may be acceptable to most, but my intelligence was totally insulted when they used the fire suppression system to remove the air from the fire with DJ and his kid in the same room. Now, excuse, but wouldn't that have extinguished their 'fires' too? But then we see the building still smoldering away in subsequent scenes.

I'm sorry, but this was a total waste of 110 minutes.
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