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The only movie my grandfather couldn't finish
11 October 2018
My grandfather fought in WW2 somehow surviving D-Day. He was apart of Operation Neptune and stormed the beaches of Normandy. He told us a lot of war stories but rarely ever spoke about that day. Before he passed away he did an interview with a local newspaper and detailed what he saw despite it being very difficult for him to speak about. He loved watching war movies... not sure exactly why. Some about that soldier life never really leaves them I guess. He absolutely hated Pearl Harbor cause of the horrible way they portray the military to be a bunch of toothbrush wielding babies who don't know what to do in the event of being attacked. He had a friend stationed there who lost his life and thinks that movie is a disgusting display of ignorance. Soldiers don't take girlfriends on private plane rides. And they most definitely know how to swim. Maybe I'll give that movie a good ripping one day.

But Saving Private Ryan was a respectable "I can't watch this" reaction. He said no movie has come that close to capturing what that day was like. He said it was too realistic. Whether or not the story is based on real or fiction, that intro was 100% realistic. I'm not sure if he ever did finish watching it but he appreciated it for capturing that chaos like no other movie has before. I watched the movie a dozen times now and keep it in my collection as a reminder of my grandfather. A scene he was technically in. Which makes me appreciate how strong of a person he really is.

War is hell and this movie not only shows that while being an entertaining experience but also captured what soldiers are left behind with. My grandfather was not afraid of anything. I've seen this man walk into a cellar full of black widows to get firewood and not even shake them off. The only time he ever experienced fear was when he went to bed. His nightmares of his time during the war would haunt him in his sleep. This movie helped me understand why.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
As a fan of 1987 Suicide Squad comics I was pleased
5 August 2016
First off, this can't be looked at in comparison to The Dark Knight because these are two very different stories in the Gotham Universe. People going into this with that mindset might be disappointed. I know this was more based off the 2011 Suicide Squad comics which I don't mind. I found it odd Deadshot got the spotlight as more of a "main character" type. It was something I could dislike easily because she's usually quiet and menacing in the background. Will Smith ended up playing a great Deadshot. As much as I love Harley, Joker steals the show. I love the classic cartoon Joker and he played it brilliantly.

There's some good character development and the writing was more funny than I expected but DC is just so dark all the time I felt like it enhanced it. It's funny but in a dark twisted way in the comics. If I had to say some negatives... I don't like the shaky-cam action fight that are way too zoomed in to see anything. It was tolerable and there were some great action movie moments. However because they had character development, it allows the audience to care more about the fights/action. You can have a good character piece with bad action cause at least you care about what's going on. Bad writing or bad character presentation with great action will not get the crowd to have a reaction. But I wouldn't go as far as calling it bad. However the editing was terrible. I heard they took this movie into a focus group who knew nothing about movies or proper story structure for that matter and let them dictate what happened to it. David Ayer did a great job, don't ruin his work through editing. I'm reviewing this based off what I saw in his original idea. The movie would get a 9 if they didn't change it.

I can't really judge it on a typical movie goer scale because I go to see the comic book movies for a reason. When they get it right, it's gold. I don't mind a few changes if they positively affect the overall outcome. This movie succeeded with that. I'd highly recommend to comic fans.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Greatest Hollywood Heist
4 November 2015
Jack and Jill is amazing! I've always had a curious interest in heist related things. Like the real life heist at Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum where thieves got away with nearly $500 million dollars worth of paintings. So when it comes to movies I really like Ocean's Eleven both the original and remake. That is why I'm so amazed by Jack and Jill. The movie is terrible, absolutely painful to watch and I won't even go into detail cause they didn't bother putting any effort into making it, why should I care to give it a proper review.

No the reason I like this is because it's a heist movie. They received 80 million dollars to fund this movie, on top of that they had some painfully obvious product placement mainly for Dunkin Donuts and Pebto Bismol. So add even more money on to that 80 million. Now look at the production quality of the movie... how much do you think this movie actually cost to make? The actors are the most expensive thing in this movie. Not even the NBA scene where they went to a Lakers game... they didn't actually shoot a fake game they CGI the actors into a Laker's game. Why? Cause it was cheap as hell to CGI it.

So this movie barely cost anything to make... Adam Sandler doesn't even have convincing female body prosthetics. Jill is always wearing a lot of clothes to hide the fact that he probably just has socks in that bra. Just throw make-up on with a wig and do the nails. So how much did this movie actually cost? We'll never know the truth cause this was a scam. Grossed $150 million, budget $80 million + product placement. You didn't watch a movie you watched a heist, and they got away with it.

So the score? Well I'm amazed with this movie. I'm not making this score to get you to read this, I'm scoring this an 8 because as a heist, this was amazing. If you watched this you didn't see a movie, there's no conflict or plot, it's just fat people jokes and even a little racism too. No, what you just saw was a heist being done right before your very eyes.
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An interesting story
28 September 2015
First off I want to point out the negative reviews I've seen, opinions are opinions but honestly if you are not a fan of hip-hop this really isn't the movie for you.

I love hip-hop but I wasn't a massive fan of NWA. I knew their music but I preferred KRS-One, Tupac, Biggie and Rakim. Regardless, I had a lot of fun watching this movie. The beginning of the movie has some good humor and you see some important character development. The acting isn't something I'd praise though, however they wanted to cast people who looked as closely to the young NWA crew and in that regard they did very well.

One thing that shocked me was the character Jerry (The NWA manager) and his character development. This isn't a spoiler he's well known to be shady when it comes to money. I was expecting him to be an evil mustache twirling villain but I was wrong. There's a scene where Jerry stood up against police officers that were harassing the young NWA crew outside their studio. He genuinely showed care for them as told the police officers they were a disgrace and they had no right to harass people by the color of their skin. They also showed African-American police officers being prejudice which was something you would see in the LA area at that time. So the movie wasn't anti-white people.

The drama is played up well as you see these characters be put into difficult situations. They covered the NWA song F The Police while later in the movie they show the LA Riots and what anarchy looked like. It wasn't too preachy though, there were scenes that had me laughing a lot. They mixed the emotions up enough to show the good times they had which made their moments of struggle more effective.

It's not a cinematic masterpiece by any means but I feel the movie was very entertaining and had some interesting moments as well. People say negative things regarding the party scenes, but haven't we seen movies with sex in them before? We're adults here right? Lastly, the comments regarding anti-sexism... there was a scene where they treated a woman poorly but it was inside a crackhouse. Later in the movie we see Dr. Dre with a nice respectable young woman who is treated like a proper girlfriend. They are not always degrading women in every scene.

If you're a fan of hip-hop I would recommend it.
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What is wrong with you people?
2 August 2014
What do I mean by you people?! I mean you internet critics, are you just so pretentious that not even good movies are up to your standards? If it isn't a Christopher Nolan or James Cameron film then it's just garbage? Okay, preference in movies is opinionated I get that. But as film critics you are not there to judge overall films by simple minded "Duhhhh did I like it? No" you are supposed to break them down in characters, story, imagery, acting, scenery and dialog. Also you won't be able to correctly judge a film without empathy.

Sorry, I just wanted to make sure people understood how to critique a film. Because for this film to win almost a dozen Razzies one of which being "The worst film of the decade" for 1980's clearly shows the majority of critics forgot how to critique a film. I guess it's possible the Razzies never had a sense of good judgement to begin with but wouldn't there be at least one person there who would come out and say "Maybe the films we make fun of aren't bad maybe we're just stupid?" sadly it hasn't happened it.

Anyways on to the movie... Mommie Dearest is a movie adaptation of a book written by Christina Crawford the adopted daughter of Joan Crawford. The book is about Christina's childhood and relationship with her mother, who is a famous actress. The book showcases alcoholism, child abuse, child neglect and the cold harsh reality of Hollywood. The book was praised by many writers but it was also lashed at by many of Joan's friends. The book had caused a bit of controversy whether or not it was true. Christina's brother was mentioned in the book to have witnessed many events. He defended Christina and the book saying "I never for one moment believed our mother loved any of us. It was all about publicity for her."

This is important to the film because it was around this time the book had become a large debate. Many said it gave Joan a bad image and those claims were not true. This is where the "comedy" claim comes in, afraid whether the events were true or not as well as the growing reputation the film was a comedy the producers decided to add a tagline "Meet the biggest MOTHER of them all" but they never claimed it to be a comedy. It was not because the movie bombed at the box office, as a matter in fact it did the exact opposite. The budget and cost was 5 million, they made 39 million if that's a bomb to you then you failed basic math.

Faye Dunaway's performance in this film is some of the best acting in film. Joan Crawford was over the top, she was the queen of being over the top. Faye not only portrayed the pain and suffering of what it was like to be an aging female actress in the cutthroat Hollywood world but her desire to be loved and adored. The scenes of child abuse are chilling. If you think the coat hanger scene is funny, I'm sorry but there's something wrong with you. A child being beaten with a coat hanger shouldn't come off as funny, unless the child is the kid from the Star Wars prequels.

In all seriousness if a friend wanted to see a good example of acting I'd show him this film. Faye is not only gorgeous but extremely terrifying, it's such a misconception that it only makes her more evil. Faye playing as Joan... yeah I can't help but find that attractive. She lures you in then makes you regret it. I will admit later in the film we see an older Christina Crawford and yeah that acting is slightly odd but if you were beaten with coat hangers, yelled at then sent off to a boarding school cause you were the one being "bad" you would be slightly off too.

I don't really like drama movies, hell I'm a comic book nerd. I do reviews of video games. I shouldn't be the voice of reason here! I will repeat myself for the morons over at the Razzies... actually considering how incredibly idiotic they are I should say their name to get their attention, might be a good idea to jingle keys in front of their face just to keep it long enough to say this but whatever.

David Denby / New York Magazine David Sterrittt / Christian Science Monitor ...Christian Science what is that the Justice League for Religion and Atheist? And of course the ring leader Head RAZberry John Wilson

Your heads are in a very censored place for a IMDb review, would you kindly remove your heads from this dark crevice and GROW UP! Or go pursue a career in something else, something that doesn't require thoughtful analysis.
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Wired (1989)
As a fan... this hurts
28 July 2014
When I was 8 years old I remember watching a Saturday Night sketch with John in it. It was so funny I literally crapped myself, it was so funny I waited till the sketch was over before running to the bathroom. Immature way to say I thought he was funny but hey, that's a true story. And Blues Brothers is without a doubt my favorite movie, to say I like John Belushi would be as much as an understatement as saying the guy in Stan liked Eminem's music.

When I started writing reviews I incorporated comedy into my articles, not funny trendy internet meme's I mean stupid crap that I found funny. It gave it a personality, and that's why I had more readers than I could ever imagine (I imagined maybe 6). John was by far my favorite comedian, can someone who may have not lead the most perfect life be a bad inspiration? No, not at all. While he didn't make good decisions he was always nice to fans and cared about his work. Doesn't make him a saint but... he was still my inspiration and a good one. Blues Brothers was actually the first movie review I ever did, I didn't actually review it I just praised it. Although breaking down every little piece of comedy, breaking down every little scene and line actually revealed interesting details I never knew before. There's so many hidden laughs to have at this movie and breaking it down only made me love it even more.

So why the hell did I watch this? Well excuse me for thinking Hollywood would make a touching biography about one the greatest comedians of all time. You'd think a little, tiny sliver of respect would be in here somewhere. Somebody during the filming would say "Hey I liked John shouldn't we make him... oh I don't know, NOT look like a total druggy loser with no redeemable qualities?!" For ****s sake the man was in Blues Brothers... one of the most well know (and funniest) people on SNL.

This film makes me sick to my stomach. The imagery of John screaming for help laying on an autopsy table... literally hurts me to watch. It doesn't help Michael played this role so good... too good (he's a good actor). I feel guilty for being apart of the crowd that hated Michael Chiklis but as I grew up I learned who to really point my finger to. Actually going back to this movie after all these years I realized Michael Chiklis is the best part of this movie. Not many people could... no one could fill his shoes but if there was someone who had to do his sketches Michael Chiklis would be the next best thing.

Anyways, as with most people's lives which end in such tragedy it's important to take lessons learned and remember them so we don't make the same mistakes. But don't make their entire life based around those damn mistakes, he should be remembered as one of the greatest comedians of all time and a good person to his fans. Penny pinching bastards that made this piece of **** deserve to have their dead bodies paraded around on a film then shown to their family members as punishment. Oh too harsh? Well that's what they did to Belushi!
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The Raid 2 (2014)
Did that really just happen?
14 April 2014
Please tell me this is the most popular movie out right now. Please, it deserves to be. This movie is without a doubt my favorite fighting film since Bruce Lee's and Tony Jaa's work. This is the best action movie in a long time. To understand why this movie is so amazing you really have to be a fan of martial arts or kung fu movies. A movie with a camera positions that's actually zoomed out far enough to see everything. Actors actually punching/kicking each other (not hard obviously) to really make it look legit. Fight choreography, that you can't see being choreographed. I'm so happy right now, I haven't seen a movie this awesome in a while. The undercover cop isn't anything new but the way they made their spin on it is perfect. I know they are Indonesian but I they seem like Yakuza to me with their traditions, honor, fighting instead of guns and pride for their territory.

So details (no spoilers don't worry) Raid has always been high paced fast gory action. I enjoyed the Raid Redemption but as far as overall cinematic quality goes it was just gory awesome fighting, without context we won't really care who's fighting who. But Raid 2 provides that context and makes you immersed in it's story and characters. Honestly, I don't mean any offense but I'm surprised this was made by the same people. This movie has amazing shots and they give a great sense of character development by showing us who they are. So Raid 2 not only stands on a high leg from it's amazing action but the cinematic quality is just beautiful. The sad moments really are tragic and the actors display raw emotion which help builds the tension and atmosphere of a scene. And when a character is supposed to be blank, cold and brutal you see that too. Baseball bat boy... oh man he's awesome. The imagery in this film is just perfect. I really don't know what else to say. Yes it's a gory film, over gory? Maybe but it's realistic, if you shoot someone in the face with shotgun they won't have a tiny whole in their head... it will be in pieces everywhere. So I don't see over gory as much as somewhat realistic. Oh it has a lot of gory scenes but I don't think it's over the top.

Please go see this movie, it deserves your money. It works hard for your money. It wants you to have a good time. And a good time you will have. Seriously I want to see more movies like this.
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Ghost Rider (2007)
I'm ashamed to call myself a Ghost Rider fan...
3 April 2014
The fear I have whenever I say "I'm a fan of Ghost Rider" stems from the thought that people who do not know the comics will think I'm a fan of these movies. This is one of the worst comic book movies of all time. Captain America with Reb Brown? No, bad but fun to watch. The Captain America movie from 1990? Close but... not the worst. The original Avengers movie from 1998? Easily 2nd place. No this Ghost Rider movie takes that title. Because we didn't expect those other movies to be any good. Ghost Rider on the other hand had every chance to be a good a movie. It's not hard to make a good Ghost Rider movie, your character is a flaming skull... that should be instant awesome but no this movie goes out of it's way to spit on the fans.

Before I tear this movie a new ***hole let me say what I like about it. The visuals were about the greatest part of the movie. They did capture Ghost Rider comics very well, because the concept art, props, characters and settings all came from the only department with people who actually work on comic books. Everyone else were a bunch of Hollywood snobs. So the Rider's bike, the Ghost Rider himself, the Phantom Rider (the original Ghost Rider that looked like a cowboy) and his demonic horse were all visually amazing.

That's it, even when they have something awesome they make sure to destroy it as fast as possible. I'll sum up the entire movie in one scene: The Ghost Rider and the Phantom Rider are about to head off to the final confrontation. The Phantom Rider says he's coming with Johnny Blaze and they take off together making one of the most visually awesome build ups to an ending. The Phantom Rider... A flaming skull under a cowboy hat riding atop a flaming demonic horse riding next to The Ghost Rider on his flaming demonic motorcycle. The level of awesome this is cannot be described... and what happens? Right before the battle they stop and the Phantom Rider says he can't go any further then just leaves?! That was his last transformation really? He couldn't wait till they got there then transform so he could actually help in the fight. They tease you into thinking a demonic cowboy with his signature flaming whip and hellfire revolver is going to team up with a demonic biker with his flaming chain... but no that scene would be too good for this movie. It would actually make the movie awesome, so they didn't want to do that. He just rides there and ****s off.

There's Ghost Rider in a nutshell. Visually building you up and then completely ruining it with stupidity. A massive disappointment, and I didn't even go into the fact that they completely destroyed the comic book lore and re-writing everything to fit their stupidity. If you say "Well the Phantom Rider only had a little more juice and he just wanted to ride there, they travel faster when they're transformed so if he didn't it would take forever" No no... no. Ghost Rider doesn't have juice, he's a demonic being under the control of the devil who breaks his control and thus serves under the body he is in, Johnny Blaze. There is no juice, power level, it's not a super power the Ghost Rider is a being. So the Ghost Rider can't be in two bodies at once, but I was willing to let that major screw up slide had they joined the two together in combat to team up. They did nothing, it was a trailer shot. You got tricked, they already had your money... screw you leave the movie early if you want we already got paid. And that is EXACTLY what they did, the proof is in the trailer for Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance. They trick you into thinking it's going to be a good movie leave you with nothing but pretty visuals.

Ghost Rider 2 Spirit of Vengeance turns out to be worse. The Ghost Rider with blue fire is a COMPLETELY different person, Johnny Blaze isn't the Ghost Rider with blue fire. He's the next Ghost Rider after Johnny Blaze and his name is Daniel. And they had a character named Danny to trick you even more. Spirit of Vengeance isn't the Ghost Rider either he's a villain in the comics. But according to the movie's story Johnny Blaze is still the Ghost Rider only now the Ghost Rider has blue fire cause he's the Spirit of Vengeance? That's like saying Superman is Lex Luthor, that's like taking The Joker and revealing it's been Batman all along! It's BULL**** They knew they were tricking you into thinking it was going to be a good movie, they knew we all thought Nicholas Cage was being replaced with a new Ghost Rider. I'm going to do the Rider justice and burn this decrepit movie and pee on it's ashes. Oh my god that reminded me Ghost Rider pees fire in the sequel.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE THESE MOVIES!
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**** this movie beyond all means.
28 August 2013
****ing dog**** filled ***** of **** movie!!! Oh sorry, ahem. Yeah no seriously I hate this movie. I am a fan of Ghost Rider comics, so this is coming from an angry nerd. But this is coming from someone who made this comic popular, everyone who owns a Ghost Rider comic you made this series popular. And I feel its just as much ours as it is Marvel's. We sat through the first one watching amazing ideas like bringing in the Phantom Rider (the first Rider who was a cowboy he had a horse, whip, and revolver) and the Ghost Rider's awesome bike and I'll admit the Ghost Rider when he transforms is cool looking... but cool ideas don't mean anything if they are in a stupid, dull story full of horrible one dimensional characters who couldn't display a single human emotion if their life depended on it. And yes I hate Nick Cage now because of what he did to my favorite comic.

Okay so clearly we hated the first one, fans aren't going to see the second. Oh but wait the trailer shows promising things... it shows the blue flamed rider who is a new rider in the comic. In the comic a person named Danny replaces Johnny Blaze (aka Nick Can't Act Cage) as the new Ghost Rider and Danny has blue flames, I see a character in the new movie who's name is Danny!! So I see the character name and blue flame Ghost Rider!!! They HAVE to be replacing Johnny now. Oh man and I see a REAL villain from the comic named Deathwatch who has the ability to steal life away from living things. Although he looks more like Blackout, but his powers are strength, agility, and light generating fields? Whatever NO MORE CAGE. And oh what's this?? Idris Elba is in this movie? He is a great actor.

OH BUT WAIT NO **** FANS! Nick Cage turns out to be the blue Ghost Rider and is doing a horrible job at it, Danny is just some kid who's the son of the devil, Deathwatch and Blackout aren't in this movie, although it seems like they took the villain duo and merged them into one villain for the story (The villain in the movie looks like Blackout but with the power to decay sounds like sucking the life out something which would be Deathwatch's power) the Spirit of Vengeance (Who is supposed to be a REAL villain in the comics) is... Nick Cage too? **** YOU MARK NEVELDINE! And wait a minute they clearly made a story goof as well, in the first movie the Ghost Rider couldn't be transformed while in the sunlight or he would turn back to normal but in the second movie that just... goes away magically? This is a sequel right? Don't tell me this is supposed to be a remake and they cast Nick Cage again! The entire monologue in this beginning tells a story but not the same one from the first movie?!

Every I time I say "I'm a fan of Ghost Rider" people are going to think back to these movies instead of the comics, and for that I will hate this movie and those who produced it for my entire life. Let people forget this tragic horror to the world of comics, no more sequels just let it die along with my childhood!!
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9 out of 10? Really?!
28 August 2013
I'm sorry but I can't judge a movie based on one character. Had this movie featured Heath as the Joker for the main character and it was more of a background and story on him then yes 10 out of 10 for me. As a comic book fanatic I can't even begin to describe how happy I man to see a great representation of comic lore. Finally a character torn right out of the pages and put on the big screen. Too often than naught comic book movie are horrible, Hollywood is losing their creativity and they revert to nothing but remakes and comics. If your going to do it, DO IT RIGHT. The Joker isn't as his name seems, a comical villain with a nasty sense of humor. He is a murdering psychopath with a strange love of knives and bombs. Also he loves making people smile, mostly against their will. Heath did the best COMIC book Joker of all time. Sure Jack Nicholson did a great Joker as well, but he was doing the cartoon Joker.

Okay enough of Heath Ledger's amazing performance, the rest of the movie just falls apart for me. Aside from Alfred and the Joker I don't see many characters I could understand. Fox was okay but his biggest problem with everything was hacking people's phones? He'll make tanks and weapons but hacking phones is not cool? Uhh that was just conflict for the sake of conflict. Christian Bale did an amazing Bruce Wayne, literally picture perfect but that's a small part of his personality. Batman doesn't have Laryngitis does he? He had a deep dark voice sure but it was still human. And the ending with its overtone of I'll be evil to be good was just stupid. The Dark Knight comic was easily the Batman's greatest moment in comic history and while I will say I enjoyed this comic book movie a million times more than the other sh*t I see.... *cough*GHOSTRIDER*cough* I will admit I loved watching it.

But this movie has no right being called better than Citizen Kane or Goodfellas... or any of Stanley Kubrick's work. Again good movie just not legendary.
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Stuck in the middle for me
28 August 2013
I'm not giving a low rating because I'm against whats popular. Shawshank Redemption is a great film, its actually one my favorites. The characters are portrayed very well, except for Andy. I know he is supposed to be an emotionless socially awkward guy who only has one facial expression. In that case he played his role perfectly but I don't think its a wise choice to have a... main? Character like that? I'm not sure if Red was the main character, he is our eyes and ears so...

Either way the film shows cinematic genius and truly amazing story telling. I enjoyed every second of it, some say certain areas of the story dragged on too long but hey its prison. Every moment in prison is dragged along. But I don't know about being the greatest film on IMDb. I would say Citizen Kane should be number 1. Citizen Kane is so amazing its actually art. So again loved Shawshank Redemption and I wish more movies were like it, but I don't know about greatest film of all time.
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Goodfellas (1990)
Cinematic genius
28 August 2013
Sure this is a gangster movie and in the genre of gangster movies this stands as one of the greatest of all time. But I think this movie holds that title even out of its genre. I think this is one of the greatest movies of all time. From realistic characters and some of the finest acting in movies, to an epic story full of humor/suspense/drama/tragedy, the colorful dialog that feels so organic you wouldn't be able to tell the actors are reciting lines from a script and the most amazing part of it all is the fact that this all actually happened. I can't help but feel more drawn into movies that are based off real events. Sure its a movie but its telling a real story that I haven't heard before, I don't know who lives and dies in this story and because these characters represent real people I can't help but think when someone dies in the movie its possible that person they are playing was actually killed in real life. And that makes me care about the characters in the movie so much more.

This is an example of a gangster movie that doesn't need action to be a good a movie. There aren't crazy shoot outs and explosions going off every 5 minutes, its the mob. The real mob... the "cut your throat in your sleep quietly" mob. Every aspect of the movie was done so well. The actors play their roles perfectly, the director shot this movie to make every scene an amazingly epic visual spectacle for the audience, the writer drenched every part of this story with realistic human emotion and Henry Hill got to tell his story through an amazing piece of cinema.

Realism is by far this movies best aspect. The story is being told by Henry Hill and the movie portrayed the actual events from the actual point of view it was lived from. In this movie you won't know anything Henry Hill doesn't know. For example towards the end (not a spoiler don't worry) Henry Hill's wife was told to go into a shop and pick up a dress, she felt as if she was going to walk into a trap and get whacked. So she left in hurry, we aren't told whether she was actually going to get whacked... we aren't shown a piece of evidence other than there are people in that store and they stopped talking the second she walked up. We don't know if it was actually going to happen, because the real Henry Hill didn't know if it was actually going to happen. That is realism, that is a movie that stays true to the person's point of view.

There are tons of those tiny little details like that in the movie. And while they maybe minor details to the story, they actually show the true cinematic genius that went into this absolutely amazing movie.
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The Village (2004)
Bad M Night Shyamalan Bad!
28 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(I'll warn you before I talk about the ending)

I know people like this movie, I know that in the grand scheme of things it could be a good movie. But it isn't... let me count the ways; stale, boring, lifeless characters under the genre Horror to NOT have any horror and a cheesy down right stupid twist ending make this movie not only pointless but terrible. You could argue that no one saw that coming, sure and you'd be right. The reason why people couldn't see that ending coming? Cause its out of place and stupid. I know he is a good director and a good writer but this has to be him laziest work ever. (I take that back because he has out done himself with Happening and Last Airbender) It doesn't help that there are no scary moments and the actors are dreadfully boring.

Not a single scary thing happened during this entire movie. It's now labelled suspense but the trailers during its release made it look like a horror movie. Which is why I saw it. I like horror movies and this wasn't horror. Two cheap jumpscares that wouldn't scare my mom, extremely dumb monsters that you only see a few times and they never built the horror up to be suspenseful or have any tension/atmosphere. This movie failed in every aspect.

!!::WARNING SPOILERS IN THIS PARAGRAPH::!! Okay... so they are going to create their own perfect village away from crime and blah blah blah. If the story is set in the present time why the hell did they go and make their village ye-olde times? Wouldn't a nuclear war that killed every part of the world except for their village be better? Or a virus swept across the world and they were immune? You could wear normal clothes and have normal tools just don't bring any cell phones or computers to the village. Anyone who isn't an elder doesn't know a damn thing, kids only know the world they live in by what they are told from parents.... if the kid doesn't find out on their own. You don't even mention phones to them and they will never know that technology existed. Or hell pretend your Omish at least, that way you can have the helpful tools for crops and farming but no technology for them to ever find out what happened. Going outside the village? Anything would of been better than dumb people in costumes! Tell them there isn't anything out there but barren wastelands and dangerous mutated animals. Poison gas, radiation or the scariest thing of all... people. Tell them there are groups of dangerous murdering psychos who all have their own villages or something. Anything would have been better than "we live in ye-olde times" cause there a tons of things that could ruin their cover up.

I'm not writer I'm just a movie go-er but I was not at all shocked or scared by this movie. I'm sorry I know people say there are some really amazing cinematic skills in this movie but I can't get past how stupid it all is.
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Buried (2010)
Ow my soul
28 August 2013
(No spoilers here, careful about reading other comments though you don't want to have this ending ruined) I rarely give a 9 or 10 but this movie its just a kick in my judgmental *** I mean I don't exactly like Ryan Reynolds' movies. Don't get me wrong I got nothing against the guy but he seems to have a case of George Clooney syndrome. You know... the one where he can only play a role as himself. Though it may not be his fault, directors usually tell actors how to portray a character so maybe its not him. Either way I saw the trailer and said "Nothing but Ryan in box for the whole movie? No way is this going to be good" sure enough at the end of the movie I had to contemplate life and reassure myself what happened to him would most likely never happen to me. That is the impact on this movie, it is just so heart wrenching and sad while being extremely uncomfortable and scared. I actually felt claustrophobic during this movie, I felt as if I was in that box. I felt the air slowly getting heavier and I felt every emotion expressed by Ryan.

That never happens to me in movies, I can't be immersed like that I don't know why. But this one definitely got to me and I could actually feel myself getting choked up at times. This is by far Ryan's best performance. That fact that this entire movie takes place inside a box with no real face time with any other actor other than Ryan Reynolds and actually pull off a great movie is NO easy task. This takes serious dedication to his role and some great writing to make the story work around this one setting.

This movie couldn't have ended any other way, no alternate ending, no directors edition, this is purely realism at its finest and that is a movie experience I hope I continue to see. For movies that don't want to take chances again just look at what can be accomplished if its done right. And setting people off on a roller-coaster of emotions is not easily done by pushing a cute kitty into on coming traffic. Shocking imagery can not compensate for realistic human emotions and Ryan did just that. You will feel as if all hope of him getting out of that box is gone and its the end of the line for him but wait they can actually track him down and they are on their way right now? The Air Force just bombed closely to his area he is buried so the Air Force can just send the coordination of where they just bombed and dig him out right? And that roller-coaster of hope will have you at the edge of your seat, feeling every second of worry, doubt and hope the main character feels.
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I wish this was more popular
27 August 2013
I could care less about the cast, whether they are A List celebrities or not it doesn't matter. A movie can be great without a star packed cast. But these are people who have been around the Hollywood block and Sir Ben Kingsly sure knows how to play a great role. This is my favorite movie of all time, are there better ones out there as far as cinematic value and legendary statuses? Sure, but I can't explain why this had me at the edge of my seat. How the guy who annoys everyone by guessing the big twist at the end of any movie, and being right all the time, can't figure this one out. They didn't make it obvious but they didn't hide it all too well. I guess I was immersed in the story to much to pay attention.

Either way this movie just hit me right on the head with enjoyment. It has its small bits of action which I loved. I don't need an explosion every 5 minutes to keep my attention and I hate it when everything ends in gunfire and crappy one liners. It has suspenseful moments that truly make you giddy with anticipation. It has its drama which will require more empathy if you can provide such immersion when watching movies.

But what it does best is its twist ending. It's not all in your face like M Night Shamalyn.... Shamamalyeen I don't know the guy that did Six Sense. Ohhhh he's an amazing director for that movie and deserves more respect, no thanks not from me. I paid... ahem sorry WASTED 15 bucks too see The Village in theaters and if you saw that movie you'll know why I hate him. And Avatar the Last Airbender. Either way this twist is slick with it's entrance and it fits so right with the movie. Every thing about this movie is absolutely awesome in my mind. And of course it has its humor, which Josh does an excellent job with.

Yes this isn't a review, this is just a fan expressing his love for his favorite movie and I am completely bias when it comes to its overall performance. Considering I'm not too easy to please when it comes to movies I would say then, maybe it will be your favorite too.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
Fun movie with great moments
27 August 2013
People giving this movie 1/10s need to lighten up. Not every gangster movie will be as great as the Goodfellas, Godfather, Casino or The Untouchables. This movie may not be in the list of legendary action gangster titles but what it does is provide a fun and interesting spectacle. The drama is done well, the action (while dragged on sometimes) is great and it has a decent twist at the end. They foreshadow it a bit too much but hey this movie reminded me of my favorite movie Lucky Number S7evin and now I have to go and watch that movie again.

It may have a list of some pretty big stars but I hold no fandom over most of these people except for maybe Ray Liotta and Common. I think they may have tried to do a similar style in writing and direction as Quentin Tarantino does. But the dialog in his movies are always more realistic and colorful, also this went a bit too Michael Bay with the action.

This is punk rock, gangsta shooting, LA Noire crime story with a dash of hip hop. That combination could of easily gone south had they not done it in light dosages. Too many themes can feel a bit unorganized and I can see the pandering to each stereotype here. Ben Affleck and his ground more of the Brooklyn regular average Joe's, the punk rock Mercs, the hip hop gangsta women, the psychotic Latino slasher and the Irish/European hit man playing the deadly assassin. Had this been branched out too much and did multiple lead roles from each group it would have been a failed wanna be Tarantino movie. Luckily... well most those groups aren't focused on too much. I don't want to get into the story more as it would cause spoilers.

So is it a legendary piece of film? No, should it be branded a horrible movie because of that? No... this is just a fun action packed movie. Nothing more, nothing less. So easy with the criticism, I'd consider this to be a way better action movie than most of the junk in the movies theaters now.
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