
82 Reviews
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Life on Mars (2018)
Some interensting changes brought up
13 September 2023
I thought it was good that the show brought up the difference in how women were treated in Korea 30 years ago. I know that Korea is still a very patriarchal society, and so much so that it drives a lot of Korean women to leave the country, and seems to be very big part of the reason for the abysmal birth rate of Korea (2nd lowest in the world). It also seems like a lot of effort was spent on recreating the Korea of 30 years ago. A big part of the charm of such a show is seeing how things have changed. It seems that from similar shows that take place in the current ear, things have changed a lot.

But not sure it this is so representative since 1988 is right after the constitution reform which followed decades of being under a fairly repressive dictatorship, and I would sort of expect a lot of repercussions from the change, and it does not seem like this is so evident in this series.

I am American, so not familiar with what Korea was 30 years ago. However, there is one fact I was able to check up on, and that was smoking. In 2000 it was about 35%, vs about 20% today, and at that point it was already in a steep decline. That would indicate that it had to be somewhere in the 50% range in 1988, and so few men probably did not smoke--And we see no smoking. See modern Korean series with lots of smoking, which I think it probably excessive, and none in this series. Too bad they did not try to do more to make it truly.
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She Was Pretty: Miracles (2015)
Season 1, Episode 16
This series started so well and ended to be so boring
9 September 2023
There asw a lot of charm in the early episodes, but last its charm pretty much in episode 11. That means maybe there was enough good material for 12 episodes, but after that it got to be another stupid bad korean romance. Seems like a lot of Korean shows should have stopped before the last episode as basically just an epilogue, and epilogues in novels are normally short for a reason. There really is little reason to make it long. So this is a one hour long epilogue for a show that had already become so bad. Needed maybe 10 minutes for the epilogue, not sixty minutes. Ever heard of just giving the audiance enough to titillage thier imagination, and leaving it at that?
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Hwang Jeong-eum somehow pulls it off, but get bad at episode 11
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually wanted to watch this series because Jun-hee Ko was in the show. I really loved her in Posessed (Bing-ui) and Intimate Enemies. There is just so little that she is in. She does pull off cute for very well, and have seen a few Korean dramas that I think she would have been better than the actress that was chosen, in part because she is so tall, like "The King's Affection" which the king was played by 163 cm Park Eun-bin (I did lover her in "Extraordinary Attorney Woo"). Then when like always, the men all seem to be over 180cm. It just looks ridiculous. And in this sow she got to wear heels, and it looked good her playing against 185cm Park Seo-joon. Her role in this show was significant, and it was nice to admire her. Do not think she shinned as much as the other shows, but now bad.

It is amazing Hwang Jeong-eum pulls off the scenes where the goes crazy. Seems like it would end up being just absurd, but it actually works. Of course also kudos for the director since i am sure he was a lot of the reason. So many Korean shows that try to be cute so badly carry it off. Then there are the ones like this that do such a great job (Mr. Queen, and Mystic Pop-up Bar). This may be the best done I have seen.

That was for the first 10, maybe 11 epidsode, but then is starts to become a really bad romance, and the Koreans can do such a great job at bad romances. It loses its great charm. Ji Sung-joon (who is played by Park Seo-joon who always seems to treat Kim Hye-jin (by Hwang Jeong-eum) gets Kim Hye-jin. Is she really that stupid, and the always so considerate and nice Si Won Choi ends up losing out. And the Jun-hee Ko does not get Ji Sung-joon who she has so fallen for. Then I got to epxisode 16, and the series lost a whole star for the 16th episode. For some reason a lot of Korean Series do not know when to quit;

And it seems like whoever does makeup in these korean dramas is really bad, and this may be the worst i have seen with them putting so much rouge on Hwang Jeong-eum. Almost always the lips look fake and wrong on the men, and often wrong on the women.
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Man to Man (2017)
Cringeworthy acting
13 August 2023
It is pretty sad that when you see the star and the one who is supposed to be the bodyguard, and think they got the roles so wrong. Would have been much more believable to have Park Sung-woong as the bodyguard/Ghost Agent K, and Park Hae-Jin as the star. And I found both of the main characters, Park Hae-Jin and Min-Jung Kim to be very irritating, and flat.

Min-Jung Kim just does not pull off the cute part very well. I watch her act and keep thinking of how Jun-hee Ko who played parts in Bing-ui and Intimate Enemies would have killed the part by doing it basically the same way she played in those two movies. When I watched Min-Jung Kim try to play cute, it just seemed way too soapy-I would constantly cringe.

Then Park Sung-woong was just unbelievably flat and stiff. I watched the way that Park Hae played his role, and again, he would have been a better choice for Ghost Agent K just playing it the way he sometimes played the part of star Yeo Woon-gwang. The way that Park Sung-woong the part would have made him stand out as being way to unemotional/stiff, exactly what a spy does not want.

Maybe it was the director, maybe the writers, and not the fault of the stars. I do not know. But for the two main actors to be so bad immediately ruins the series. I do remember seeing Min-Jung Kim in Mr. Sunshine and thought she did a very good job, if not excellent, but that was a very different role. I have watched some of the series that had other roles of Park Sung-woong, but do not remember him so I cannot judge.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Www so much better than all those similar shows
10 July 2023
Really love this show. And generally I have disliked or hated shows like this. Did not really like Shadow and Bone, really hated Wheel of Time (of course they had totally screwed up what Robert Jordan had created), and also hated Rings of Power. It seems to me that this show is partially original. Does not seem to be a rehash of all those other. The characters they created were so different, and the sets were so different also. Normally shows like this are in the same sort of rural or village settings. In many ways the story reminds me more of the crime shows than the normal fantasy shows. You would think with the way all these shows like Wheel of Time and Rings of Power had created so much hate and I do not think I have seen any hate on this show, they would continue the show for another season. Of course keep that campy tiring Killjoys and dropped the much more interesting Dark Matter. Guess I just do not have normal tastes.
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I really dislike inaccurate war movies
15 April 2023
How many ways can they be inaccurate. Having to swim to the beach and then run an open beach in machine gun fire. The losses would have been massive, and the enemy would have made sure to have forward positions on the beach so can sweep the beach with machine gun fire. Charging in the open, will be seen an targeted. Considering that the ship was grounded long before is expected to be grounded, I realize it was a LST, so indened to go up on the beach. But for untrained troops to cross all that ocean in bad weather and not a lot die. If the battle was accurate the number killed would have been extremely high. Then for the North Koreans to let them just sit behind that berm when they had a mortar. Maybe it would have been protection against a howitzer, but not mortars. The peopel that wronte this script knew nothing of war. And really, having a UH-1 helicopter which was introduced in 1959 during the Korean War. Even MASH was not so crass. Basically extremely inaccurate.
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Alchemy of Souls (2022– )
Part 2 was a Yawn.
21 January 2023
I watched the first part of this series and found it alright, but not one of my favorites. The second season fell totally flat. Most of the blame falls I think on Jung So-Min. She just does not pull off the part of the jilted woman at all well. And maybe a lot of the repetition of the same character with so little new. Just so very boring. I watch Jung So-Min try to do her part, and she just fails so miserably. I watched her try to act cute but it falls so flat. I think of how well. I every episode of Mr. Queen, and a lot of the success I think was Jung So-Min. The whole part she nailed, and so much of it required playing a very similar character to what Jung So-Min plays in this show. Of course, there were many other very well-done roles in that shoe. Maybe Jung So-Min would not have done well in the first part of the series, but for me Jung So-Min fails miserably in playing her part which was so critical in the second season.
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So why do elves seem like humans with ears
4 January 2023
How about finding some writers that love the genre instead of hacks. And of course the fighting which start the series is a joke Of course audiences know nothing about how fighting actually happened. Really where is the writing for this show at all decent, and where does it seem to maintain the traditional differentiation of the different people. That is right, just write script that might work for humans with all thier classical debauchery and put ears on them and call them elves. How about finding writers that have read so much fantasy about elves, and know something about how fantasy writers portray elves.

And everything seems to lack any depth, and why should I care for any of the characters. And the overdramatizing. Think there would be plenty of writers that love fantasy, and understand and love the world of humans, elves, orcs, dwarfs, and others. The writing again just is so bad. Exactly what is good about this series? NOTHING.

Incidentally apparently they know nothing about war axes. They are built light, not like axes for chopping war since need agility. But then again the entertainment industry seems to be totally ignorant of fighting in the ear before gunpowder, like how prevenient chain mail was.

Why cannot Netflix see that Henry Cavill knows what he is doing, and make him responsible for the Witcher series. Of course when the fools did the Wheel of Time they did not take advantage of Brandon Sanderson. Are they actually asking for failure. Another expensive disaster like Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, or Resident Evil. Why are they trying so hard to alienate the fans?
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Familiar Wife (2018)
Too many episodes
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What makes this interesting is the going back to the past and changing the future. Sixteen episodes and go back only 3 times. In my mind too much irrelevant filler. Whole episodes that contain little, and I did not find that any other aspect did much to bring me into what was happening. And seems like some real issues with the story, in particular when Cha Joo-hyuk was married to Lee Hye-Won (this was after the second time going to the past), she just seemed to disappear from Cha Joo-hyuk life for many episodes. Another other issues with how it seemed that Cha Joo-hyuk and Lee Hye-Won relationship fizzled--why the change. This tells me that the writers did not know how to fill 16 episodes. They could not figure out how to have Cha Joo-hyuk deal with both Lee Hye-Won and. Seo Woo-jin. Should have been no more than 8 episodes, and maybe only 6. I got through it all, but mostly it was so irrelevant and boring. Really the writers could not have not have played more with the going back in time to change things again. Maybe spend a lot more time in the past, and a lot more time adjusting to the changes the past wroght on the future. What a waste of the concept.
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stupid, stupid, and hate all the main characters
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, getting to hate every one of the main characters in the first episode. Hate Chauncey for blackmailing the main character to go back to her work as an assassin, Hating Jenny Franklin for not being resentful, and wanting to kill Chauncey, Hating Chris for working for such a creep as Chauncey. And it seems only to go downhill. Instead of wanting to employ Jenny in her specialty, she is just another version of Alias, or Nikita, or anyone of a hundred other shows. Lets see can we make it much worse and give her Marvel superhero ability to morph into a different person. Seems like the show is confused at exactly what type of show it is supposed to be.

Oh can we even make it so much stupider. Chauncey goes into a room of bad guys and pulls a gun on them, and they suddenly all bring out guns, including what looks like a 20mm machine gun. Stupid.

In the first part of the show Janny refuses to admit who she is and Chauncey has a hundred thugs try to kill Jenny. Yes, she starts beating them all up and throws herself out a window without checking what is behind it, and just happens to be that this was the plan all the time and there is a landing bag she falls onto, and so is not hurt. And Chauncey is there with a bunch of more thugs to capture her. Suddenly she meekly surrenders. And where is this big organization for the rest of the show--for the rest of the show it is really only Chauncey, Jenny, and Chris. Talk about bad writing and it does not seem to get better. Just keep hailing the show.

The show just keeps reminding you that it is very much done on the very cheap, and so many stupid stories. I keep thinking back on how I keep hating this show, and how much it reminds me of another Netflix disaster called Resident Evil. And now the acting is so much getting on my nerves.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Just too well done not to give it a 10
13 December 2022
I remember that at the time of the Addams Family TV series in the 60's there was also the Munters. Never was much of fan of the Monsters, but really liked the Addams Family. To me. John Astin as Gomez and. Carolyn Jones as Morticia were awesome. The chemistry was so great, and then there was the great addition of Ted Cassidy as Lurch. How the ended this show after only 2 seasons is beyond me, and the success of the follow on movies is quite a testament.

Now that I have introduced what I really liked about the original series, I will follow with the disappointment of the movies, Carolyn Jones was so much what I remember with the greatest fondness, and the people that were cast for her in the movies just did not have the same elegance that Carolyn brought to the show. However I have seen the comic strip, Luis Guzmán and Catherine Zeta-Jones are visually just so perfect for the parts of Gomez and Morticia from the comics, but miss marvelous chemistry between them. The affection that Luis shows towards Catherine Zeta-Jones just is misses the mark from the TV series.

The biggest hit for me in the show from the original was Victor Dorobantu who did Thing. Head and shoulders above the series, and to me one of the biggest draws for this show. Victor Dorobantu is able to bring such energy to the character.

Jenna Ortega does a marvelous job with Wednesday. Maybe could have been better. There is just a little something that she is missing I feel, but still she does a great job. Still think maybe Samara Morgan who has done Wednesday on Youtube in some ways is better.

The third excellent character was Fred Armisen who plays Uncle Fester. When I first say him, he did look so much like Jackie Coogan form the original series. Started to see difference, but I thought that the Uncle Fester of Fred Armisen was much better.

The one thing I really miss though is the Lurch from the series. They did almost nothing with this character in this series, and it left me frustrated. Hope he becomes a more significant in the next season.

Definitely a show enjoy, and I think those that enjoyed the Mandarin series will like this since Thing should be quite a draw like Yoda.
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Who Rules the World (2022– )
Very fun series
4 December 2022
It is very much a fantasy series, with interesting twists. There are a few of the characters that have something like supernatural abilities that come out mostly as fighting. Some running across water and flying. During the fighting scenes fantastic acrobatics that is amazingly visually appealing, and there is definitely anti-gravity is at work. But it is fun. The heroin uses ribbons of fabric in many of the fight scenes to mostly confound her opponents but seems like many do not survive the falls. At the end there are a lot of massive battle scenes. Of course, not particularly accurate, but that is normal. In truth the sword for Chinese armies was a secondary weapon and the much more effective spear was the primary weapon, and much too much cavalry and not enough regimented infantry which would have been much more hectically correct. I believe that the primary weapon of Chinese cavalry was the bow, and defiantly not the sword. That means no cavalry charges which would imply spear armed horsemen. At times it does get a little slow but mostly a good pace.

Another Chinese production that shows the amazing skill of the Chinese entertainment industry, on par with the best of the Korean, who seem to be the best at producing entertainment in the East. Of course, that could just be because only the best reach the west.
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Just not even close to the original
14 November 2022
The original was an absolute classic and such a well-done war movie. The battle scenes were fantastic, the acting great. This is almost completely and action movie with very little content besides the fighting, and it did have the original material to draw upon, but it still failed to really provide the feeling of the war. Considering that the original was done only a few years after the war, and so many of the people watching the movie would have been in the war, and it was so well received should have been indicated that it had to fairly well represent the conditions. But yet is seem that again the people creating this film failed miserably in creating a movie that was representative of the war.

The charging would have been in lines, not so spread out, the craters would have been small (75mm guns), the machines guns would have not been firing when the men were not also firing. Basically, really badly done. And where are all the horses, the artillery. And for the troops there must have been a deadness with death surrounding them and did not feel this in the movie. And the forest scenes with none of the scars of war within close proximity of the front lines. Think I am being generous with my 4 stars.
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The Assassin (2015)
Visually amazing
9 November 2022
This film is amazing from the visual standpoint. The locations are beautiful and almost surrealistic. There is some use of black and white at the beginning which I think really represents the film. No matter which scene it is, everything is just so stunning and elegant. The costumes are beautiful, the hair styling is amazing. Do not know if I have seen a film that is as beautiful as this one, and it continues scene after scene. The fight scenes are extremely well choreographed and there is a great beauty in them also. The story is not bad, just very slow. You really have to be enjoying the visual element of this film to be able to get through it.
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Such a well done series, and I did not expect this from Chana.
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was amazed at the quality of this series. It was so good in the cinematography, the locations, the acting, and the choreography of the fight scenes. I was not expecting this quality from China. I most commonly watch Korean dramas which I find are very well done, and noticeably better than those from other Asian dramas, and this was up among the best of the Korean dramas. The reason I marked it down was just something about the story that felt a little off kilter, and maybe it was just that Xu Youyi (played by Nan Zhang) was too much of a spoiled child at certain times, and then you would get the really strong character. There were what I thought were a few awkward scenes that demonstrate to me the writing could have been better, such as when Xu Youyi goes upstairs of the photography shop followed by the assassin Yan Wei (played by Yihan Sun). There Yan Wei has to keep Xu Youyi from being killed by the traps while also keeping her ignorant of them. That these traps exist are used later on when detectives break into the shop, but is really is not necessary. A few parts seem too slow, and it does a good job of throwing new twists into the plot.

This appears to take place somewhere from about 1930 to 1950, and this was a puzzle since during this period the situation in China was really bad with the revolution, and the Japanese invasion, and China was still struggling badly into the 1950s. There was not sense of the upheavals in the series. The conditions seemed more what you would expect in the west, not in China. I could be very much mistaken, but I think it really is not a good representation of Shanghai during this period. But I can understand. Putting it back in time gives the producers a lot more leeway in the story, given that it was before the current government, and it also adds charm. But I like to think I learn a little about history when I watch historical dramas.

If China can continue to produce shows like this it will be able rival Korea as a source of entertainment. And maybe with more success internationally by Chinese production companies, the producers will be given more latitude in the contents of their material. It would be good if Chinese entertainment companies could produce popular material that take place in the current era, but maybe with time that will be possible. China certainly has proven to me that it can produce top notch material.
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No magic in the show
31 October 2022
Another review was so very right in comparing the failure of this show to the failure of the Wheel of Time. There seems to be a thread that connects the failure of both series. It just falls so flat overall, although there were some enjoyable parts. Would think that something like this would really be something I could get into, and it was not bad, but just not close to what I was expecting. Probably the fault lies with the writers, and maybe the producers. There cinematography is really very intriguing. Of course I have a lot of issues with poor technical details from either lack of knowledge or just ignoring the truth. Long swords again on back which will be impossible to draw and not protected under the cloak from weather. The sword has been a secondary weapon in military battles since the spear is much more dangerous and the idea is to keep forces in a line and not let the men get intermixed, the shield war. Of course also the standard armor for many centuries was the coat of mail with a gambeson under. I really do not understand what is the problem with trying to be more accurate. Of course swords allow the camera to be closer. The filming of the fight between the Viper and the Mountain in the Game of Thrones proves that it will work.
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Mr. Queen (2020–2021)
One of the cutest K-Dramas I have seen. Much fun.
16 October 2022
I found out about this series because I had seen another series with the main actress, Hye-Sun Shin, who I must have really liked, but too long ago to remember what film, and the trailer I saw impressed me. And part of the reason I pay attention to this actress is that she is tall at 172 cm. I get tired of seeing Korean films with leading actors that are over 180 cm, which is very tall for Koreans, and women that are at best average. Let's me feel like the actor is playing opposite a child. So, I like to see tall actresses getting parts. I have to say that Hye-Sun Shin really made the series, and that is good because she was the most critical character for the series. She just did such a great job of making the situation of being a man from the modern era as a queen in the Korea of the past so funny. And there were excellent actors actress around her. Chong-ok Bae as the dowager queen also did a great job of creating an interesting character, Cha Cheong-hwa as the head of the Hye-Sun Shin's head of household, and Hye-Sun Shin as the head of the Royal Kitchen also added so much to the amusement and interest in the show. So many other great supporting actors and actresses. Really did think the casting was really great. I cannot say the lead actor, Na In-Woo, impressed me but it was not a really demanding role, and maybe a much more subtle character was better. The casting I think was excellent and helps makes this film a lot of fun to watch, and mostly kept my attention.

The plot of course is silly. It has some disconnects mainly because the main character is a man in a woman's body that still finds himself attracted to women, and that has to move to a falling in love with the king, and I think it stumbles a little bit, but only a little bit. Lots of twists, but not as shocking as some other k-dramas I have seen that really keep you off balance.

Since there a number of times when Hye-Sun Shin was impersonating a man, it actually was somewhat believable since she is about as tall as a lot of men, although a very slim build and an effeminate face. Not like the "The King's Affection" which came across as so ridiculous with 163 cm Park Eun-bin. And in that film she is playing against KBS Ro Woon is 190.5 cm tall, Nam Yoon Soo is 186 cm tall and Byung Chan is 185 cm tall. How could anyone be fooled. But at in this show Hye-Sun has the height to reasonably pass off as a man, and there are some very cute scenes where she it impersonating a man. There are also a few cases where her height over other women is useful in creating a better sense of her being intimidating.

This is a very amusing film with a lot if very cute scenes.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
Some things just irritate me
4 October 2022
Using swords and motor vehicles and cell phones, really, Swords on back again, where they cannot be drawn, no spears when they are much more effective than swords. The unbelievably stupid Bloom Peters. And not only is she really stupid for one season, but really stupid in the other. Of course if not for her absurd stupidity things would not get so bad. Makes it hard to like her and the stupidity of her friends not to realize that she was putting everyone in danger and they needed to get help. And Farah Dowling too immature to realize that keeping information from Bloom was creating mistrust, and then stupidly going out on her own to face without backup of a woman that has just taken so much energy. All it took was coming up with decent plots. Why are writers so incompetent and a bad teen drama, again.
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Cafe Minamdang (2022– )
Corny to the extreme, and not much redeaming
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have issues with corny when there really isn't anything funny or endearing. Did not feel anything for any of the supposed good guys. The story line is often so ridiculous like when Jung Ha-Joon was impersonating a woman--he fairly big and 186cm tall. Seems like a lot of the acting is very stilted, maybe the director--Just came off so fake. And considering the central part that Seo In-Guk, his seeming so fake really totally ruined the show alone. Seo In-Guk was fair but not great. As I indicated, to have so many bad performances must mean the director was just very bad. Much better shows to watch. Would recommend skipping this one.
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Just does not compare to the origional
15 September 2022
There are a lot of issues with this show. It is always hard to come up with something that is as good as a truly successful show like the Spanish version because it did combine everything so well as to become a hit. The writing just less believable than the original, and that hurts the show. Also the casting for Tokyo, Berlin, and the Professor on the original was just so good, and that was a lot of what made the show so successful--they really carry the show None of the Korean actors come across nearly as well, and I just think the lack charisma. Not even sure most of the others were were so good. I did really like. Yunjin Kim as Seon Woojin in the show, and I guess that the produces recognized her talent and made her much more central to the show. Yoon-ju Jang also seemed to be very well in character with a certain charisma.
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Legend of the Blue Sea (2016–2017)
Kept me interested
21 August 2022
I have a lot of problems getting into dramas, but this one had little problems. The mermaid part was of course part of what made it interesting and learning all the different attributes of mermains. Wanting to see the evil stepmother get her just desserts kept me involved. In Korea they tend to go for very tall men, and this one had quite a few with the lead being.187cm tall which is even on the tall side for western actors, and there is an actor at 185 and 185 so it was nice to see an actress that did not look like a child next to the lead...Jun Ji-hyun is 172 cm tall, and there was also Hye-Sun Shin at 172 who was the other interest of the lead actor.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Yes this show is another worthless show.
14 August 2022
Lest see we take Mean Girls, Adam West's Batman, and resident evil and combine them. Just so much weird in this show. Why teenager girls? Are they trying to also compete with Stranger Things? They failed to come at all close. There seems to be nothing that is redeeming. And to think Netflix has money issues. Could have saved a lot of money by not bothering with this crap.
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Normally I do not like anthologies because too long
7 August 2022
I find I hate most anthologies because there just is not enough to hold one's interest for a full 40 minutes to an hour. The Twilight Zone was.25 minutes, and I think that is part of the reason I think for its success--it was not too long. There is normally only one thing of interest in most episodes and by the time it is done it has long exceeded my interest in the subject. At worse I only getting a little bored with some of these episodes, never downright bored and frustrated at the episode, just wanting the episode to end. So for me this format works so much better than any other recent anthology.

Another interesting aspect is that many if not all of these episodes are fully animated, and it is amazing the level of animation that is possible today. Some it is obviously animation but sill amazing animation.
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Unriddle (2010–2012)
Just missing a lot that I am use to in K-Dramas
23 July 2022
The quality of so much of this show is not up to what I normally find in the Korean dramas. This is almost 10 years old, and maybe comparable to the K-Dramas at the time. Everything seems a little stilted, and lacking a feeling of realism that I am use to. Hu Xiaoman use of Lin Zhengyi as effectively a partner just does not cut it, and being able to use Lin Zhengyi family (know it is not really a family but similar) just does not hold water. Sorry, K-Dramas to me are generally much better.
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My Mister (2018)
Do not watch this if you are depressed
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is a series about how difficult life always seems to be, and the struggles to deal with what life throws at you. The main actor (Park Dong Hoon) is very kind man that is struggling emotionally despite having a very good job, more so than his two brothers who have it worse having failed in good positions and are now running a cleaning business. And how the main actor and his wife messed up, mostly by not communicating. The main actress (Park Dong Hoon) plays the part of a young girl that is struggling under her debt to a loan shark that physically abuses her who is also the son of the man she murdered in self-defense. She also has been left to take care of her grandmother who cannot move and is deaf and mute. She starts a new job where she takes advantage of her new position to make money by bringing Park Dong Hoon and his boss by wiretapping his phone. There is a lot more complexity with all the other characters as we see them also struggling with life. Such a great script with so many actors/actresses that do such a great job with their characters.

Think almost every one of the main supporting characters should have gotten awards, and this series should have gotten a lot more recognition. With how sad this movie is I was very surprised to see how well people rated it. That should say a lot about the series because it is so hard to watch. For me it cut to the heart.
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