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Insidious (I) (2010)
A Huge Disappointment
9 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Insidious confuses me. Not because of the plot, which is endlessly spelled out by exposition-spewing secondary characters and is all shamelessly lifted from better movies anyway. I'm confused as to how so many people like it. A 7.4 on the IMDb, a "Fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and people proclaiming it's the scariest thing they've ever seen... has everyone been taking drugs? Have they forgotten all other horror movies exist? I know I'm not alone in this. Everyone in the theater with me disliked the film. Four girls walked out partway through, people were laughing at the "scary" bits and cracking jokes, and when the credits started rolling, I loudly proclaimed, "Well, that sucked." The crowd laughed in agreement. So what happened? Was my theater somehow screening a different cut of the movie? Is everyone else living in an alternate dimension where this is a good movie? I have no idea.

Now onto the plot. A family has just moved into a big, creepy old house. One of the kids falls into a supernatural coma, because his spirit is trapped in the realm of the dead, and the mother starts seeing visions of ghosts. The dad is skeptical at first, but eventually cannot deny the truth. They move, but it's the person who's haunted - actually stalked by a demon trying to possess him - and not the house. They call in an old lady and her goofy team of supernatural tech experts to bring the kid's soul back into the real world. What's that, you say? It sounds exactly like a sloppy cross between Poltergeist and Paranormal Activity? Well, yes, that's because it is.

Nothing happens in this movie that isn't incredibly predictable. That might be okay if it were done better than most other movies, but it isn't - the apparitions are often more goofy than scary, there's too much comedic relief, dialogue is simplistic and far too expository, and the acting never rises above mediocre (and is usually somewhat short of that mark).

Near the beginning of the film, it's shown that family life is tense. The parents have three kids, and the father, a schoolteacher, has been staying at work late every night with flimsy excuses. That plot point is mentioned once or twice, then completely abandoned. The two kids who still have souls in their bodies, a baby girl and young boy, almost completely disappear from the movie at the halfway point and never amount to anything. We learn that our female lead is a songwriter near the beginning, which is really the only characterization we get, and also goes nowhere other than the standard "mysteriously moved object" scene with some of her sheet music. In fact, the entire film is almost completely devoid of character development.

There are some plot points that carry over, but this is actually another problem. The movie thinks it's much more clever than it actually is, and also assumes the audience is full of idiots. It uses the tried-and-true device of kids drawing out their nightmares, and almost every single time we see what inspired the drawing, the movie cuts back to that picture in case we forgot about it already.

There's also a subplot involving a previous possession attempt on another character by a different spirit, which is clumsily introduced with more over-expository dialogue and of course leads into the telegraphed "twist" ending. This subplot also makes heavy use of the "spirit photography" element, and feels a lot like Shutter or parts of The Omen.

There's even a trek into the otherworld in which a character is sidetracked from his goal when he discovers the origin of two smiling, murdered female ghosts who have no real relevance to the plot other than to serve as a sloppy and unnecessary allusion to The Shining. It's implied they may have been killed in the house that the family moved into at the beginning of the film, but this is not at all important to any occurrence in the movie's story.

These girl ghosts are joined by two other standard ghost types who are highlighted amongst all the inhabitants of the netherworld for no apparent reason: the creepy guy with a disgustingly malformed tongue and mouth who is required to attempt kissing a character at some point, and the playful, annoying, goofy and unscary little kid spirit who's obligated to play "hide and seek" with a victim.

Occasionally, something scary will happen - a few scenes build reasonable suspense and there are several cheap jumps, but these don't override the failings of the film as a whole.

Maybe people liked it simply because it reminded them of some of their favorite older horror movies. I'm of the mind that references don't work unless the movie they're in is good on its own, and I didn't find this to be a good movie. It wasn't even bad enough to be fun - just 103 minutes of generic, disappointing, and uninspired horror tropes. I suppose I'm happy for all the people who like it; I certainly wish I'd enjoyed it as much as they did. But I can't say I see the value in this movie. I didn't think it was OFFENSIVELY bad, so perhaps you should take a chance on it since so many others think it's great. Just don't be surprised if you walk away feeling like you wasted your time.
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The Apple (1980)
An experience - you need to see "The Apple"
10 November 2008
I've read terrible things about this movie. I rented it on the understanding it was the worst musical ever made, possibly the worst movie of the 80s. I'm a connoisseur of sorts of B-Movies. Uwe Boll? I'm there! Crappy old monster movie? Sure! But it took me a LONG time to finally get around to seeing this...

And you know what? It blew me away. Is it a bad movie? Hell yes. Are some of the songs ear-bleedingly terrible? Check. But still, it has an absurd charm, a ridiculous, unbelievable air. It left me breathless at the end, and I felt I'd just spent 90 minutes of my life very well.

This is the story of two simple Canadian musicians trying to make it in America. The biggest music corporation in America is Bim, run by a nefarious Mr. Boogalow. He is the most powerful agent/manager in the industry, filling the world with soulless pop and rock. He sets his eyes on the Canadian couple, Alfie and Bibi, and tries to get them to sign a contract. While Bibi is happy to, Alfie has a vision of Mr. Boogalow as the devil himself, the contract the apple from the Garden of Eden, and refuses. But with Bibi being pulled into the corrupt world of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll, and Alfie struggling to make it on his own as a love song writer in a world without love, how can they go on? Did I mention it's set in the far flung future of 1994 as envisioned in 1980? A lot of the songs are catchy - "Speed" was stuck in my head for a week after watching it, "Cry For Me" is a fine example of the long distance love duet, "Where Has Love Gone", while a bit whiny, sounds nice, and "I've Found Me" and "Child of Love" are just pretty. Plus the title song... I'm not going to forget that for a LONG time.

Of course, the opening number, "Bim's On the Way", is absolutely terrible. But I think that was a part of the message - look at the pop culture our world is worshiping. This isn't art! Also focusing too much on the message and sounding horrible because of it is "Life is Nothing but Show Business in 1994", sung by a mish-mash of performers waiting to meet Mr. Boogalow.

The rest of the songs are rather unremarkable... except for a catchy but horridly written song made entirely of innuendo, "Coming". But the less said about that, the better.

The acting is largely mediocre or below average, but it works with the cheesiness of the movie. Also, the movie has a VERY fast pace, cramming 14 songs into its 90 minutes.

Many of the dances, primarily "Bim's On the Way" (First and Reprise), "Life is Nothing but Show Business in 1994", "The Apple", and "Speed" are gloriously over-produced, with elaborate mass choreography, sprawling sets, and lots of rayon and spandex and inventive lighting.

Plus, it has the BEST LINE EVER. You'll know it when you hear it.

Overall, you NEED to see this film. Trust me, it's going to blow your mind, one way or the other.
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Shutter (I) (2008)
Worse than anything Uwe Boll ever made...
27 April 2008
Going into the theater to see this film, I had never seen the original. I was looking forward to this film after seeing the above-average remake of The Eye, but this was just terrible. I kept waiting for the movie to get to the scary part, or at least the INTERESTING part. It never did.

The ghost in this film is the least threatening movie ghost since Casper, I swear. Apparently she kills some people, but we're not ever shown what her involvement in the deaths is. She doesn't even look or act scary. She's just... there.

This movie also falls into the same pitfall of confusing gross with scary that the One Missed Call remake did and gives us lots of bugs and other creepy-crawlies rendered in mediocre CGI.

However, unlike One Missed Call, there isn't a single piece of genuinely chilling imagery here to save the film. We are shown a few things that are supposed to be creepy, but they're just gross or boring.

And the story is completely uninteresting. There is no sense of foreboding because the story never hints that the ghost is going to do something violent or scary. Maybe this was intended to make it scarier when she did, but that doesn't matter because it isn't at all scary in the first place.

I won't reveal the final twist, but be warned... it's only unpredictable because it's so freaking stupid and not scary that you can't believe they put it in the movie.

Overall, I can honestly say that this is the worst movie I've ever seen.
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Sonic R (1997 Video Game)
Fun game, Bad control
4 September 2006
Sonic R is a fun game, which, contrary to that one guy's belief, was for the Sega Saturn and then ported to the PC later. There is a good variety of tracks with multiple routes you unlock by collecting rings. The racers each have their own stats and advantages, and the graphics are quite good for the Saturn. The music is excellent, complete with vocals. If there is one thing I would say I don't like about the game, it's the control. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep your racer on the track while playing the game. If you get stuck in a corner, you can't go backwards, you have to turn ALL THE WAY AROUND. This is painfully slow and often reveals glitches in the graphics as the camera passes through the walls. This would be a wonderful game if it weren't for the heinous control.
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Boa vs. Python (2004 Video)
25 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this movie, because I loved Python and thought Boa was okay. Unfortunately, these are two completely new snakes, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Boa (aka New Alcatraz), Python, or Python 2 (although that may be a good thing considering how much that one sucked). It does keep the spirit of Python 1 alive, being rather tongue-in-cheek and not taking itself too seriously like Python 2 did. Also, the cover is LIES. The snakes fight for about 10 minutes. There's plenty of other stuff happening, but when the movie is called Boa vs. Python you wanna see a Boa fighting a Python dangit! Still a fun movie, but don't expect the kind of action the cover promises.
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Python 2 (2002 Video)
Ouch... my eyes
25 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Things I like about Python 2: -It has snakes. -It's a sequel to a decent movie... Things I hate about Python 2: -This seems unbelievable, but the CGI is actually WORSE than the first one. This was just terrible, and sad. Oh so sad. -The plot makes NO FUDGING SENSE. Why where those snakes in that container (for that matter, how did they FIT INTO the container)? What was the opening scene about? And WHAT IS UP with the blonde dude from the first movie? Who is he working for? WHY!!? Who thought his big "plot twist" was a good idea? -Where are the other actors from the first film? I guess they read the script... -And finally, this movie makes the same mistake as Anaconda-it takes itself far too seriously. The first one was littered with dumb gags and innuendo, but they tried to make this movie about GIANT SNAKES a WAR DRAMA!! What's up with that!? This is THE worst Sci-Fi movie I have ever seen.
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Python (2000 TV Movie)
Fun Flick
25 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Python certainly isn't art, and it's not gonna win any awards. However, it IS a fun little movie for a night with some soda (or, if you're old enough, beer) and popcorn. The snake changes size many times, (at one point it hides in a garage behind some boxes, but he is then suddenly 15X the length of a car.)and even the marketing is messed up-the cover says it's "sixty feet of pure terror", but the scientist in the movie says it's 128 feet long. The acting isn't the greatest and the CGI is terrible (the snake's "acid" looks like expired Jell-O), but the movie is a good one to watch and let your brain go on autopilot. For B-Movie fans, or people who thought Anaconda didn't have enough stupid jokes, this one is an absolute must-see.
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Carnosaur (1993)
Great flick
29 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Better than Jurassic Park, even though the SFX suck out loud. Then again, it is a Roger Corman film. I personally like some of his other films like Pirahna. Way scarier than JP could hope to be and gorier, especially when the hippies get eaten! Still, it has an anti - pollution message in there... If you turn it all around and upside down and use a wrench. Did I mention there's an actor named Raphel Sbarge? And one more "coincidence"... Diane Ladd, or Dr. Tiptree, is the mother of the little girl in JP. Overall a good movie. Carnosaur 2 sucks, C3 rules, and Raptor ("C4") sucks worse.

9/10 for minor plot holes.
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