
8 Reviews
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Could have been great....
11 November 2023
This is a fantastic story. Too bad the makers of it didn't invest in great writers. I know the cast is super talented, but I felt at moments that both Ruffalo and Laurie were miscast. But the dialogue at times was just plain bad. Things were said two or three times that should not have been said at all - like the audience was too stupid to understand unless they spelled things out explicitly. Still, it's worth a watch just because the story is excellent, and other than the occasionally bad writing, the rest of the film is enjoyable. Most viewers will like it - only snobs like me will find any issues with it.
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An Inspector Calls (2015 TV Movie)
Blah blah blah
20 June 2020
The script is weak and the moralizing has no end. Only the rich are responsible for their own actions.
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Frozen II (2019)
Disney had their B team on this one...
22 March 2020
The story is so convoluted, the songs so forgettable and the dialogue, (especially for Olaf, who is supposed to be funny for kids), so....uh - randomly philosophical that this movie is practically worthless for entertainment value. There are some nice scenes visually.... Scenes that remind me of the light show at Disney World. But, man - from the very beginning of this movie it was hard not to tune out. Just...was this really worth the money they put into it?
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Veronica Mars: Spring Break Forever (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
Disappointed in this season (so far)
12 September 2019
Man. What a disappointment. Maybe they think they've created a Veronica that is just more "grown up" but essentially, she's lost all her charm and humor and sass and is simply ....jaded and sad. The script is mediocre at best, and the characters have lost most of their personality. Instead of wit, the script is filled with bad language and sexual comments, some of them really disgusting. We almost stopped watching during the middle of the first episode. The second episode was somewhat better on that count, but the characters still didn't have much personality and there wasn't much in the script to laugh at. Veronica hardly smiles at all. Logan isn't sarcastic. I guess I'm not surprised - this is what often happens when trying to bring back a show after many years.... just not the same. We haven't decided if we'll watch the rest of the season.
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Grantchester: Episode #4.1 (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
Wow. Such a disappointment
16 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I could barely watch this episode all the way through - in fact, I haven't finished it yet. It was that bad. Sidney suddenly decides he's in love with another woman - a woman he just met? Sorry - I totally just lost all respect for him. The old Sydney would never get over Amanda. Sleep with a random person, fine - but not love another woman. Not to mention the whole episode is totally rehashed content. Way too long. It was dreadful. Update - I finally finished this stupid episode and it's even WORSE than I thought. Sydney wants to leave Grantchester to go be with this woman (with whom he has zero chemistry) from the States that he just met. This is the same Sydney that chose the church over Amanda after three agonizing seasons? So maddening. So frustrating. So disappointing. What on earth are these writers thinking? If they need to write James out of the script, have him leave to go find Amanda. That would at least be satisfying as a love story. I'm not sure if I'll watch the following episodes. so sad.
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A.P. Bio (2018–2021)
It's funny - not sure what other reviewers are talking about
6 March 2018
It's a funny show. Not deep. Not important. Not filled with great character development or awesome story arcs.... just funny. There are lots of sit-coms that are popular that we don't find amusing at all, but this one is smarter than the average sit-com. If you are fans of humor with intellect, try it!
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Remember Sunday (2013 TV Movie)
Sweet, but not great.
17 August 2013
I really love Zach Levi, and I love romance films, so I just had to watch this one. The first time I watched it, I thought "That wasn't too bad for a TV movie" and truly, it isn't bad, it's just not great.

The acting is great, (of course!), the characters were interesting and sympathetic, but the writing was mediocre at best, in my opinion.

The strongest part of the whole film was the premise and the plot - except I felt the reveal was badly done - Alexis's character reacted so unrealistically that they really should have thought of a better way to do the reveal.

I wish I could watch this movie done with a strong script, and I'm sure I'd give it 10 stars. As is, 6 is as high as I can go...
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Man of Steel (2013)
I'm a disappointed girl....
8 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This may have a small spoiler - depends on what you call a spoiler!

I'm not a critic - just a girl who grew up on Superman movies, and has loved all of them....even Returns, although it wasn't my favorite one. I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this movie since 2011, when I found out it was being produced by Nolan. When I left the theater I felt very much like I had watched a Transformers movie, and not a Superman movie. This was a summer blockbuster special effects movie and not much more. I thought the actors were great (although I did think Zod was miscast) The writing was fine, for what it was, and it seemed like they were trying to give some depth and character development in the first half of the movie, but then....nothing... except grand explosions and superfluously long battle scenes.

By far, the biggest disappointment to me was the Clark-Lois relationship, in which there was no chemistry, (they didn't take the time to build any - although the actors could have portrayed it splendidly, I think), no suspense, and basically no romance - although I THINK the movie wanted us to believe they were in love.... That's how badly done it was, I couldn't tell if they were in love or not. I went from thinking "This is a good start to a friendship" to "they just kissed, why did they do that?"

Lastly, what's up with Lois shouting Clark's name while he's wearing his Superman tights? OK - seriously, they should have known better than that.

This film isn't even close to the same level as the Batman Begins trilogy. Just too much action and not enough character development and relationship.

Essentially, they turned it into a "guy's movie." As someone who's not interested in explosions, I got quite bored and a bit depressed with the last half of this movie. Richard Donner still has my vote, by far.
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