
17 Reviews
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Foundation (2021– )
Mind blowing
22 September 2023
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I knew Issac was a biochemistry scientist but never read his books. Considering how science was at its infancy with no knowledge of quantum consciousness cloning robotics as of today the story was mindblowing impressive with quite good actors in it. Never boring. I liked Issac view he sort of tried to create a 0 concept he didn't deny a God but also demised religions as of what they have become today unexplained not testable and contaminated with politics. Seldon was a character a scientist who cracked the collective consciousness sth he could exploit to affect the events of future to help human civilization survive. It sort of reminds me of Akashik field in ancient tribes to be translated into an algorithm program sth maybe all humans have to access to live better 🤔 totally worth it to wath.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Nice storyline but poor execution
31 May 2023
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Story. Was somewhat interesting in the beginning but the final idea that your kid turn into some sort of professor Xavier to help parents get rid of whole seemingly government related corrupt entity is obsurd and idiotic. Couldn't they become leaders and simply change the way that organization was working? It is creepy to think anyone with this ability showing no ounce of empathy and they kill without even thinking like it is super just and easy. First half gave me some excitement but then second half seems to like shredding the idea of movie in a paper shredder just to look out of blue unexpected and original. That is why I gave this movie a 6 out of 10 because of the effort but it remains a 3 out of 10 in my mind.
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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
Not sure what was the goal of show
26 July 2021
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This is totally messed up storyline. I watched it maybe it is going to end interesting. Maybe fantasized about a polygamy would fit fine🙈 I can't be ok with shows really showing this them cheating like fantastic extraordinary pleasant experience. This is not right. It questions then the whole point of marriage. Then everyone should just unleash their wildest desires and live their daily life like f** anybody they want. It seemed to me more of an addiction issue.whole world would be living like this if it was sth good for mental and well being. Ofcourse not. Cheating never good. Addiction can happen to anything. People instead of trying to repair what they have they just run to obvious solution.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Very entertaining to watch
6 July 2021
I wasn't sure of it since my all time fav super man was actually portrayed by Brandon. I watched it back to back surprisingly didn't blink until it ended.pretty cool storyline very realistic how it look like to have a misfit family. I wish somehow they come to a peace all family members at the end.
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Messiah (2020)
Good weekend watch
31 January 2021
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I don't get all complains and people who want to find sth there disagreeing with their religion. Show creates a very special fictional situation that how people would react indeed if either Jesus or anti Christ would appear . The truth is (my hopothesis) he is neither of those since in one scene he doesn't answer directly the reporter question if you are him? He could be anyone and anything from an Angel testing faith of humans(which explains why he really doesn't drink or eat or sleep much or why he repeatedly says will of God ) a test by God and even an imposter alien with supernatural power or a human vessle posessed by a deamon . Show will stretch the borders to what extend charachters would go to either test their own beleifs or disapprove of sth which makes it very interesting. It is very similar to The path which indeed ended ugly. I wouldnt be surprised to see end of this one will be very bloody or chaotic.
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Mama Weed (2020)
Quite funny
15 January 2021
As francophone movie was easy to follow. Plot had holes and some actions didnt make sense but overall liked it. It could be definitely better. Neighbors were cool they shouldve got more screen time. Not sure at the end it was one time only smart villain role playing for main charachter
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Trickster (I) (2020)
Interesting plot
8 November 2020
I do not necessarily agree with some reviews violence drug etc almost exist in a majority of drama I personally never judge a drama by watching only first episode the atmosphere and filmography want to reflect horror and thrill which truly transferred it is not likely a happy ending drama but apparently is aiming on growth of a charachter from drug and crappy life to finding a purpose for his existence fighting for his fathers traditions. I always have been a fan of all native writings and mythology. Raven symbol reminded me of my readings of Castaneda.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Nice filming and special effect not original story
24 August 2020
I quite suprisingly watched it back to back and in some points I felt this TV series kinda lacking originality. Watched Fringe predistination 11 22 63 and Dr who😅🙃 I didnt find mind blowing concepts in this TV series although visually nice to watch. If alternate realities and parallel dimensions are true it wont hurt to have multiple endings happy or sad.Sometimes thinking about the purpose of our existance I feel that every creature has a beginning and the end that ending never changes.totally disagree with whole idea of snake eating his tail symbol and ending is a begining. but along the ride how our choices make our life and others affected matters we all get to Point B eventually but infinite number of choices we could make that put sb else in our path and how slow or fast we get to point B. Will be a life after death that wont be a begining after the end it would be continued journey either yet to point B or an upgraded version of a path to destination C as a bonus! I did enjoy watching butterfly effect frankly more than this TV series.The acting of adult version of main boy role was great compared to teen version with dull and unconvincing dialogues. I could watch a whole adventure TV series or paranormal drama with adult actor acting in it. I cant really score it more than 6 sorry
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
storyline doesnt have a punch but it packs a good last adventure for Captain Picard
20 March 2020
Typical story line without enough punch and villains and action scenes but it is feeling great to see old Picard on screen and some characters from past. It feels like a slow pilgrimage for Picard to reach to the point that history repeating itself and how the end would unfold will tell us if Picard would have the ending it deserves. expected more honestly. Startreck discovery had me more on the edge of my seat
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Westworld (2016–2022)
a great storytelling line and shocking surprises!
16 December 2016
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i watched back to back the episodes and the thing i loved most about this show was that i didn't care when the scenes were happening and in last episodes when i realized how timing and chronology was meant to be i was deeply shocked.consciousness is always a bit cliché in movies and stories since it is still a subject beyond scientific experiments, however, it was not boring to follow this topic in this drama. i appreciate the effort in showing future technology and how it could be abused by human to have fun only. the ending felt sick and i really didn't have a good feeling about it. i wish it could end a better way than bloody revenge.dialogues were great and moving
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
impressive start but ends up cheesy at the end
17 July 2016
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I really liked the first episodes. they really gave me chill but the rest of series got really predictable for me. I think if they didn't show a real physical figure for the alien whatsoever until the end it could be more interesting. knowing that we are dealing with! some douche carnivorous plant head aliens that are not really that scary and easily can be knocked down by kids just reduces the excitement of the series.flashbacks were not that amazing still kinda predictable. I could imagine what she had gone through in a classic 80s crazy scientists' experiments myself.Overall it was fun to watch it back to back but not really seeing the potential for this TV series to go any further for having more seasons.
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lazy adaptation but great visuals
4 July 2016
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Absolutely amazing visuals, great special effects, and OMG locations are just without a doubt best jungle panoramic views I have ever seen in a movie. I am very very disappointed with the fact that Tarzan childhood was shown only as flashbacks. We all have a great memory of our childhood watching Tarzan and it could be way more creative storytelling. maybe more emotional connections. I could not really connect myself to the characters. It could have more real cool action scenes. Overall storytelling was a bit lazy. Maybe more dialogues or more profound character? Honestly, they killed tribe chief that soon that non of the viewers really cared he died
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The Physician (2013)
total disappointment in staying true to historical site but fun to watch
25 June 2016
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I start from the story i gave it a 8 because it was fun to watch an exciting journey but honestly as a science student i know that the portrait of Aveccina was totally wrong. He died from a disease that he easily treated at that time but since he was always taking care of patients he never paid attention to his health. at the old age he had already achieved an amazing level in medical science that has never repeated in history of mankind. he was a genius at only very young age he had mastered all scholar texts of his time. they could merely put focus on the young English physician and show that Avicenna actually supervise the surgery not learn it! totally ridiculous scene! such a shame! if anyone wants to know the accurate history site watch Bou Ali Sina TV series made in persian in 70s i have watched it over and over and i cant get enough even if it looks pretty old but still amazing to watch maybe available in Eng from ifilm.
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Damien (2016)
Interesting plot but not depth characters
2 May 2016
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Honestly i cant say where the story line goes. If an anti Christ tried hard to redeem himself that might be an interesting storyline with more action supernatural fantasy realms and fights etc. Damien is a dark character in routine life at the same time he wants to deny his true nature. he even doesn't believe in a God existence so what? would it be really important caring for others for him? Overall i get this title a score of 6 since it has some sort of suspense that i want to follow it to the end. i expected more bad ass characters from church side not a nun-like sister. I really don't agree with a 7 for this title. at the end it is type of TV series that supernatural lovers watch but it remains at surface and characters not give enough depth of emotion except my queen of heart!
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Chef's Table (2015–2019)
what a descent documentary about culinary journey!
17 May 2015
I am just loving this. I always had a different perspective about those having top restaurants in the world. They do live in luxury and just enjoy opening their new branches around but my image was totally ridiculous after seeing this documentary it is not only about culinary journey it is about how determination and hard work produces sth extraordinary. Creation, invention and doing sth completely denovo every time a high degree of pressure and stress as well. I only was hoping to see also a very very short instruction of one of those remarkably astonishing foods at the end but anyway this is absolutely recommended to watch to all ages. I was crying my eyes out how we never realized we could look at messed up things in another way.
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A very nice effort in displaying the journey through imagination and beyond consciousness
5 April 2015
I extremely enjoyed this movie. I personally do not like slow rhythm movies but I confess I didn't even forward a second. The actors were great the concepts and symbolism all over the movie scenes challenged my mind to think more deeper. The story connected love,music and infinity together. The only lame part was that elevator. it could be sth else. It was more cooler that that girl only existed in Jacob's dream and he could bring her back to reality. It is one of the few movies that show consciousness as a whole new world yet not fully discovered by human. I strongly recommend this movie. I am not an expert to criticize the movie but in general it was a really nice effort and i don't get why its ranking is not over7.

that view from the top of the stairs that looked like an infinite spiral was amazing. The ending can be interpreted in many ways. I want to accept that Avril stays alive in real world but there is also the possibility that the real reality was that one Jacob traveled to at the end so he dies and leaves the virtual reality.
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Devil's Pass (2013)
completely cheesy specially at the end
14 April 2014
that story of creatures and those guys passed the lightening path at the end turning into some kinda monsters was completely cheesy in my own idea.what a waste of time on this movie! I really expected sth cool and more creative at the end. it could be developed into a really realistic exciting story like finding some sort of top secret docs,running from the mountain being chased by those Russian troops and exposing the mystery behind lost of Russian hikers.or another option was developing the story in a way that they had discovered aliens technology on earth and they could use the path to enter the other world or even time travelling to save those Russian hikers. I just felt lack of creativity in developing the storyline.
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