
19 Reviews
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
Good, but not great
27 March 2009
Having seen the stage production on Broadway, my expectations were high and I was mildly disappointed. The movie does excel in 3 places. The Greek Island Location, The wonderful ABBA music and Merril streep.Merril's voice is so good, especially with "the winner takes it all" one just can easily ignore the obvious point that she simply looks to old for the part. At the end of the stage performance, the audience was dancing in the aisles. This after standing ovations after each number. Just didn't happen with the movie. And Pierce Brosnan, come on. Go back to being James Bond. This is worth seeing if only for ABBA's music. In checking out the trivia in IMDb, I was amazed that Mz Streep did the winner takes it all in one take. Hard to believe. You have to be quick to catch the two ABBA original cameos.
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Superman 1 and 2 Much Better
16 December 2006
Having seen all the Superman movies, I would have to rank it somewhere behind 1 and 2. The positives are fantastic special effects, Kate Bosworth's very good Lois Lane and an adequate Superman. Kate is so much better than Margot Kidder's Lois yet it just doesn't save the film. Kevin Spacey's portrayal of Lex Luther doesn't have the comedic affect of Gene Hackman's Lex. The worst of this film though is the child of Lois and Superman. One gets the impression the director is trying to show his frustrations and confusion because of special powers he just doesn't understand he has. The film dies when the primary focus is the child. His performance is bland and boring. If you got nothing else to do, the film is worth seeing if only for the special effects.
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A Great Performance By Sarah
22 November 2006
Having seen this performance live in Atlantic City, I was anticipating a very good DVD. Having recently watched it again Its absolutely fantastic the way the producers packaged this performance. Sarah is at her best. The closeups, the expanded scenes, etc. are brilliant. Just watching Sarah strut down the ramp prior to her singing "What a Wonderful World" high up on a swing is worth the price of the video. This wonderful performance should be shown to anyone who has not seen or heard Sarah Brightmans beautiful voice. Only she can reach the heights of operatic magic and come off brilliantly with her version of "Dust in the Wind". Other reviewers might have watched the wrong DVD. The only appearance of Phathom music was a brief lead in to "wishing you were here again". Her mixture of soprano and pop was just perfect. This DVD is one that can be watched over and over. Recommended very highly.
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The Day Reagan Was Shot (2001 TV Movie)
Entertaining, Informative And Scary
12 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw this film and It had my attention from beginning to end. Richard Dreyfuss's performance of Alexander Haig is a masterpiece. A fine portrayal of Nancy Reagan also. The turmoil and power plays as depicted makes one really wonder if in fact contingencies are ever truly practiced. At times this film in a strange way is funny.The scene where Nancy Reagan is trying get her critically injured husband to sign a bill to show the country he's not incapacitated could cause a few unintended nervous laughs but propping him up for the hospital bed photos made for a very sad scene. The hunt for the "briefcase man" caused a chuckle when he was finally found in a toilet stall. Not ending this particular piece of chaos, the presidents wallet containing the all important key couldn't be found for a long period of time. If the director was trying to create a sense of complete turmoil he certainly succeeded. This has to be one of the best made for TV movies I've ever seen. I recommend it highly.
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RV (2006)
Avoid This Bomb
9 September 2006
How Robin Williams, a fine actor and comedian got involved in this mess is anybodies guess. Williams appeared to be going through the motions. His acting was bad and he simply wasn't funny. Maybe the rest of the cast got on his nerves too. The wife gave one of the worst performances I've ever seen and the kids, yipes, they will send chills up your spine. You may find yourself hoping Williams would dump his family somewhere in the desert. This stinker seems to be a very poor attempt to follow in the footsteps of "Family Vacation". Clark Griswald, where are you.? Don't waste your time or money on this boring, unfunny garbage.
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Eight Below (2006)
A Beautiful Movie
24 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Heartwarming and ultimately a feel good experience. The location was extraordinary with one wondering how were some of the scenes filmed. The stars of this movie were the sled dogs. The acting with the exception of the dogs left something to be desired. You never really felt the inner torment of the dogs trainer who only projects a mild case of guilt for leaving the dogs behind. The movie starts off slow but once the film is turned over to the stranded dogs, the viewer will be mesmerized. Bring along a tissue. There are some moments of sadness but the ending will bring tears of joy. See this on the big screen if you can, if not, get the video, sit back and enjoy. 8 stars for a great performance by the sled dogs.
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A Terrible Remake of a Wonderful Film
4 February 2006
Anyone who found this castastrophe an enjoyable experience probably never saw the original. The children in this farce were dreadful. Their parents were even worse. The parents just didn't seem to mind to much about bad things happening to their kids. And the kids really didn't seem that bad at all. Remember Baruka in the original? well this Baruka, in comparison probably was raised in a seminary. Johnny Depht was just OK as Willy. Tim Burtons terrible directing (remember planet of the apes?) kept him well in check. The oompa Loompas were about as good as the rest of the bunch. What the heck was the jazzy garbage during their "to long" appearances. I found myself fast forwarding to much. In looking for that real good ending, I almost laughed. What the heck was that ending? Give yourself a feel good experience and rent the original Gene Wilder masterpiece and forget this garbage. one star for just OK special effects
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Could Make Top 10 Worst Remake
13 January 2006
What was Spielberg thinking of? Did he ever see the classic original? Probably not! This has to be one of the worst remakes in movie history. Does anybody really care about the turmoil between Tom Cruise (divorced) and his kids? It seems Spielberg went out of his way to get a teenage actor who looks like Cruise. Who cares, why this complicated subplot. Even the special effects, given all the modern technology, had much to be desired. The scene in the basement with the "snake eye" was the best part because it gave me a real good laugh. Tim Robbins, a really good actor, probably gave his worst performance. Did he really think he was shoot those things down with a shotgun? Add in a ridiculas ending and one gets the impression Spielberg figured he didn't have to put to much into this farce, money would still be made. One star for just OK special effects.
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Brilliantly Spooky
3 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is bad, the cinematography is atrocious, bad background music, but one of the scariest films ever made. Incredibly, all its faults contribute to the brilliance of the film. In the same class as Night of the Living dead. A young lady believes she just survived a car accident not realizing she's actually dead. At times, nothing abnormal is happening but on occasion, she stops hearing sounds like birds chirping or people talking, nor does it seem that anybody sees or hears her. As fast as these moments happen they go away. The most chilling part though is the sudden appearances of a white faced ghoul (he actually directed the movie). Your on the edge of your seat every time she looks in a mirror. Watch this movie late at night. Pleasant dreams.
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A Riot
20 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
To enjoy this farce, one must not get lost in the ridiculous plot. Leslie Neilson is as funny as ever. An older looking Presilla Preslie is just okay as his long suffering wife. Although it starts off slow, the movie evolves into one hilarious parody after another. To name a few: The Prison scene with Nielson eating the paper plans.

The digging of the escape tunnel, getting rid of the dirt.

The obvious fake plastic dummies (escape from Alcatraz)used to fool the guards while digging an escape tunnel (notice that tunnel looks much like the tunnel from the great escape?) Getting rid of the dirt.

Whomever thought up the Oscars sequence is a comical genius.

How about Anna Nicole Smiths stripping in front of Neilson. Her shadow showing not only gigantic boobs but a surprise penis. Remember that movie? Neilson of cause runs off puking into some band players tuba.

The only distraction is OJ Simson. This was his last movie and one can't help but think that he's in the process of planning to kill his wife.

Sit back, watch the video and just laugh.
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A Gigantic Stinker
14 October 2005
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Other then appearances from the very good Ocean's Eleven cast, this movie has nothing. Fine actors are totally wasted in this gigantic bomb. The script is so convoluted, it's impossible for any sane individual to figure out what the heck is going on. Save your money and forget the video. How could something fail with George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Zita Jones (wow}, Carl Reiner, etc. Well this does. Whoever wrote the screen play must be expert at crossword puzzles. A prediction: This movie will make the top ten worst movies of the year. I'm being very generous by giving this mess 1 star.
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Downfall (2004)
One of the Best films Ever Made
9 August 2005
One will be amazed at the historical accuracy of this masterpiece. Anyone who is a Nazi Germany buff would agree it would be hard to find anything that would be considered off track. The acting was phenomenal. The world was very lucky to have Frau Junge alive for so many years allowing the world to hear the story of the last weird days of the 3rd Reich. At no time did this viewer move from the screen. The director captured all aspects of the horror related to the Russian attack on Berlin. This film is highly recommended to anyone to has any interest in the last historical days of Nazi Germany during world war II. And if you don't have any interest, view it anyway, you won't be disappointed.
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Phenomenal, Gorgeous, Fantastic, Need I say anymore?
11 July 2005
Having seen the Stage adaptation and loving it, I couldn't wait to see the movie. Well, when finally my wife and I had time for the movies, it was no longer showing. Like it came and went in a flash. I thought, wow must have been a real stinker, guess the critics were right. Loving the music, I figured why not check out the video. What a surprise, we both loved it. The sets were great, the acting was fine and of cause the music was as lovely as ever.

Anyone who's seen the stage production will love this version. I could never quite understand the relationship between Christine and the Phantom but now, all the pieces were put in place.

I was especially surprised by the performance of the Phantom. He starts off kind of slow but then grows on you. They could have made his disfigurement a little more horrifying though.

If you believed the expert critic reviews and missed this in the theatre, do yourself a favor and get the video, you won't be disappointed.
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Mobsters (1991)
A Big Yawn
23 March 2005
This movie could have been much better if it stuck to the facts related to all the real characters portrayed. The only reason one might take in this travesty on fact is to pick out all the "it didn't happen that way" episodes. Also, one must wonder what ever happened to Vito Genovese who was entirely left out. Genovese being Luciano's right hand man and later under boss. A joke, was the renaming of Marranzano to Farranzano. This viewer chuckled every time his name was mentioned. As far as fact goes, that misnaming was just one of many blunders. For example to name a few: Marran ooops Farranzano was not responsible for Luciano being left for dead. This episode happened when Luciano was very young and it's not clear who was responsible.

No, Luciano's crowd didn't kill Mad dog Cole. The scene in Marran oops Farranzano's office is again a joke. Marranzano (gotta use his real name) was shot and stabbed by 4 Jewish gunman posing as police officers. He wasn't thrown out a window.

Tommy Reina was not killed because he set Luciano up. Maseria had Reina, who was a Maseria ally, killed for business reasons. It had nothing to do with Luciano.

Interested in what really happened during these times? Read Joe Valachi's book "The Valachi Papers", it covers this world A to Z.

It's a shame that Anthony Quinn, a great actor was caught up in this towards the end of his career. He was fine, but all surrounding actors, including Christian Slater seemed to be miss cast.

Two stars only
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Ray (I) (2004)
A Gem
13 March 2005
An extraordinary performance by Jamie Foxx. His portrayal of Ray Charles has to go down as one of the best ever performances. As good as the supporting cast was, they seem lost in his phenomenal performance. Anyone who loves Charle's music would crave for "Ray II". I would have given this movie 10 stars had there not been so many flash backs. The feeling of responsibility over his brothers death along with how his mother drove his independence was established early on. It became a distraction as Charles strove for stardom. A wonderful screen play that not only focused on his great music and rise to stardom but also covered the many devils within Ray. A must see for everybody.
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8 March 2005
"Austin Powers the International Man of Mystery", was a gem almost equaled by "Austin Powers, the Spy who shagged me". The primary difference was the killing off of Elizabeth Hurly in II. In II, we were introduced to "Mini Me" who really makes II in spots, absolutely hilarious. We could have done though without "Fat Bastard". "Gold Member" has none of the class and fun of the first two. This viewer has tried on at least three occasions to get through this bore without success. Throwing in a number of big star cameos seems to be only a last minute producer gamble to give this bomb a shot in the arm. Stick and laugh with the first two and pass on this.
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Night and Day (1946)
Skip Delovely and Catch this One again
9 February 2005
After suffering through "Delovely", I had to feel good again about Cole Porter's music. Where Delovely focuses on Porters Homosexuality, a subject that Night and day ignores, Night and day performs his music in brilliant fashion. Forget the corny fictionalized screenplay and just sit back and enjoy:

Mary Martins version of My Heart Belongs to Daddy.

Cary Grant singing "Your The Tops".

Cole Porter's stirring "Night and Day", "Begin the Beguine". A song that Delovely totally butchers.

"It was Just One of Those Things" The Haunting "In the Still of the Night"

And so many more.

This is strictly for Cole Porter's music. If your interested in how he enjoyed his spare time, Delovey is for you. For me, I just enjoy his music.
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Open Water (2003)
Jaws This Is Not
13 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, if you're looking for a real scary shark movie with much mayhem and blood, pass on this one. Nothing really happens. Two people are accidentally left behind because of a miscount on a scuba diving excursion. Beyond this, the movie doesn't provide much more. A few hand waves to passing boats, some glimpses underwater of sharks, man bitten by shark dies, women gives up and dies. Oh wow, there were some scenes showing search missions. No drama whats so ever in this bomb. It seems the full frontal nude scene in the beginning was thrown in as shark bait hoping to hold up this bore. One leaves this mess wondering what was the point. Jaws 5 where are you?
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De-Lovely (2004)
Dark and disappointing even with Cole Porter's great music
8 January 2005
If you simply want to enjoy great Cole Porter music and lyrics, this will not be your cup of tea. In its attempt to portray the real Cole Porter by magnifying his homosexuality, it falsifies his relationship with his wife Linda. This marriage was nothing more then a business relationship between two very rich individuals. Delovely is a story of both Cole and Linda's true love relationship including sex that never happened. Porter's music is heard throughout the story with Kevin Klein doing an OK job of portraying the no voice of Cole Porter. The music is nothing more then a background to Porter's wicked ways. Viewers should be prepared for the worst rendition of "begin the Beguine" ever portrayed. This viewer suggests Cole Porter fans would be better off taking in "Night and Day" a fictionalized story of Cole Porter's life starring Cary Grant as Cole. It's corny but who cares when nothing but Porter's outstanding music and lyrics are the primary theme.
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