
173 Reviews
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Hyperdrive (2006–2007)
Lick my balls!
21 July 2021
Oh my! A very young Nick Frost and Miranda Hart! 2006? British scyfy is right up my wazoo! It's so funny I'd just wet myself laughing! Enjoy and post your thoughts too! Luv Murf.
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Trump Supporters Watch!
18 July 2021
A wonderful and stirring story of labor unions and the WMF in 1913. 73 people including mostly children died by capitalist greed and insatiable struggle for power. It is interesting to note Woody Guthries song (sung by Steve Earle) towards that ladder part of the documentary in the end. Also, note how history is playing a repeat today almost a hundred years later. I also fear the Great Depression is almost upon us again, as the great stock crash of 2021 is approaching! Murf.
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The Inbetweeners (2008–2010)
Wank away!
17 April 2021
Will has the dual problem of having a hot Mum and being a geeky pre pubescent teenager from a posh school. The show revolves around prepubescent teenage boy humor and sex jokes. The girls likewise. Many of the Junior High Jokesters are spewing lame alcohol and gay jokes around like confetti. In a non conforming pissing off adult mentality. Everything is shockingly alcohol and sexualized fueled anarchy! Many not for the feint of heart really, but laughingly intoxicating oh so dumb outcomes. Enjoy and laugh along with the Inbetweeners with wanker mentality and Wills hot Min! Pax , Murf.
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Evil happens, when good men do nothing!
14 April 2021
What a beautiful and poignant movie to watch. Israeli undercover agents and doctors open a diving resort to aide Ethiopian refugees to Jerusalem to safety, amid religious Islamic radicals trying to kill them. This story is one of courage to do the right thing no matter what American political musings were at that period (1980 I believe?). I remember Michael Jackson stepping up with Live Aid o help with famine at that time as well. As a famous post once said (Churchill?): "Evil happens, when good men do nothing!". You see, in the end, your legacy consists of you doing the right thing to help your brother or sister make life's journey along side yours, (don't you agree?). Pax, Murf.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Fascinating and good CGI.
11 April 2021
As you probably already know, Jonathan Frakes is on of the directors here, with this above average version of StarTrek. It is interesting to note that "Picard" just started as it's own, independent showing, with a slightly higher rating in itself. We have here, a female captain (black) with highly commended acting skills. However, some have commented that many scenes appear to be "over" acted and staged. Personally I find this show highly entertaining as a "trekkie" myaelf. I like my Trek shows to be more intellectual, than animated mostly, and it's show pleasantly fits the billing you see. Enjoy, may the force be with you, as no woman (or man) has gone before! Lol.....pax, Murf.
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Poke ah choo!
15 March 2021
I certainly claim ignorance with all things Pokemon. I've not been raised in its culture and don't really comprehend its lifestyle amongst its many fans. I do know there are four different characters that hide and take refuge inside of its corresponding ball. Pokemon being the exception as it exudes some sort of electrical energy to maintain its unusual life force and entity. The movie is well constructed and follows the life of a ten year old wanting to have his own pet you see. The unusual antics and calamities unfold with hilarity and typical cartoon microcosm. Watch and learn as only young Japanese children do everywhere. I can only guess how it became so prevalent on American shores as well. I suppose these trends and collectables are a good thing as they consist of joy and delight for all ages everywhere. Pax and love, Murf
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Why ask why?
12 March 2021
Such promise and then confusion and lack of clarity. Ok, I see that the eclipse is important, but why? The beginning shows the food situation, but why? We jump into the twentieth century, but why? Why ask why? Just watch the movie and enjoy the good acting, but the story line needs either a series or a longer movie imho! Don't you? Maybe I'm a Dullard and maybe I'm a simpleton, but horror and supernatural plots certainly need explaining, don't you agree? Thoughts? Pax and amore, Murf
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Hardy Bucks (2010– )
Irish Punks ride again!
10 March 2021
Mark Blank enjoy this outrageous Irish Comedy of sorts. Its Eddie and the band of village idiots out to get plastered and make a quick buck to go vacation in Ibiza, Spain. (That is their Disneyland that they all aspire to to meet chicks and get wasted, lol). The really funny part is that they're always looking for a quick buck when they all know that happiness and joy is found right here at home. Pax and Joy, Murf
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Mulan (2020)
Mulans got balls!
5 March 2021
I will no longer hide my CHI and become a great warrior of peace and love! What a great movie about love, redemption and finding one's own way in this poignant tale about a young girl's coming of age story. The is so much better than the animation with humor, horror, and the pains of a terrible unholy war and even about sexism in the traditional past of Chinas own history. You'll love Milan as she is conscripted in her crippled fathers place to fight in that war, to take his place to preserve that family's honor and pride. Women don't do that sort of thing, but Mulans got balls and CHI ! Who knew? Pax and amore, Murf
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
The Hell with it! Lol
2 March 2021
What a great show! The good, the bad, and the crispy. We've got it all with the most divine and dysfunctional family in the universe. What do you think about the end of the second season (my place currently) and the eventual outcome of Lucy (Lucifer) ? I am really enjoying this slowly and completely. I usually jump around a lot on internet TV, because eating ALL your ice cream is no fun, as I really enjoy savoring every morsel and lick. Speaking of licking, I like every flavor imaginable, because, after all, isn't that what culinary delight is all about? Join Satan and family for a good, bad frolicking time in the balance between good and evil. Pax and Agape, Murf
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Rough ruff!
28 February 2021
What a lovely and poignant tale about a young boy who discovers "the beast" up in the French alps. The story begins with his grandfather and he rescuing a young lamb who's mother was shot by the locals. (Ignorant of killing a breeding female in the height of summer). The dog finally get a bath in the alpine streams and lo and behold! It a female! Belle! Well I stand tell you how this story unfolds, but taking place in 1943, Nazis and dangers lurk about. Of course the beast is really Belle, as she guards the boy Sebastian, well enough. This is originally a French story and movie, dubbed into English. And oh, Sebastian mother is from the other side of the alps in America. So sad....Pax and enjoy, Murf
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I'm turning Japanese, (I really think so!)
27 February 2021
Wow! We are so lucky to get tis stellar show from Japan. Nobunaga and the gang are going to show us all about feudal Japan and their cultural historical references. The Age of the Samurai, ewwy yyaaaa! How exciting this series will be I'd hoped. I'm just starting out as a freshman tonight with episode One. Please watch along side me so all of you Japanese fans can comment as well! pax, Murf
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Utopia (2020)
More conspiracy theories than trumps presidency!
25 February 2021
I'd just finished episode 7 of 8 and figured out Mr Rabbit!.wow! This is quite the show that Amazon copied from British television. (I plan on watching their version next). It is so very good that I might not get to sleep tonight. There are more conspiracy theories going on than four years of trump in the Whitehouse mind you. Its all fun, but really makes you think, as all good scary sci-fi should! Enjoy, and tell me your thoughts? Pax, Murf
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Freaky deaky!
19 February 2021
Wowwee....! What a mind bender of a psychological thriller. As most of you know, (or care to know), we are whom we hang with. Ill take that a step further and say that we are creatures of habit, and tend to do what we love. Most plumbers don't enjoy painting, while a school teacher probably wouldn't enjoy five semesters of chemistry to fill prescriptions their whole life. ( Have you ever seen a gay man become a Gynecologist?) Before you admonish me, ask yourself, why do you love what you do? I seriously believe that those of us who hate our jobs, are uncomfortable about a lot of choices we've made, right? I say that the happiest individual is one that adapts and embraces change, (which is inevitable anyhow), and is naturally gifted with altruistic tendencies and giving love. After all, we all love, love now don't we? Cheers everyone, and feedback on this thriller? I thought so! Pax and amore, Murf
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The Point (1971 TV Movie)
RCA dog has a pointy head also!
15 February 2021
What a fantastic cartoon with Ringo Starr narrating the film. Fun fact: Harry Nilsson narrated the album, with the obvious hit, "Me and my Arrow!". On the cover of the album, the RCA dog had a pointy head also! This story unfolds in a world of " cone heads" whereupon a little boy is born with a rounded head, Oblio. This boy is intimidated and ridiculed for looking different and upsetting the Count. The Count goes out of his way to created a big conspiracy theory about Oblio and his rounded head. (What would you do if your daughter dated Oblio? GASP!) The King has a big trial and I save that part for you to watch. You know this movie is quite pertinent today with (the one who shall not be named) creating hate and conspiracies in his regal wake. I would also say this individual has quite a pointy head of his own. I remember listening to the song, "Me and my Arrow" as a kid and enjoying the stellar memories of Harry Nilsson's music in the seventies.....Pax, Murf
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Spotless (2015)
Bloody Hell....oh my!
15 February 2021
Two French brothers get involved with the mob. The happy one on the right is married and has a good job as a crime scene cleaner. (Reminds me of the time I had to clean a liquefied body out of a closet in Ft Pierce as a paramedic). We scrubbed it down with bleach and tore out carpeting. The brother on the left is a neer do well that's gets his younger bro into trouble you see, in London. The series is in British English and is somewhat of a dark comedy with a great deal of violence and bloodshed. It probably wouldn't do for American TV, but then again Americans are quite violent and gun happy anyway. Enjoy this limited series and comment your thoughts on this topic. Pax and Amore, Murf
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Dorohedoro (2020)
Ma no Amake!
12 February 2021
A very strange Japanese Anime, with a lot of weird violence and fake blood of course. The reason I like it is a hallucinatory and creative way they perceived animorphs, or animal humans to represent the protagonist and antagonists. Its so bizarre, I feel like I'm high or tripping during certain audio- visual experiences and light shows. I can only imagine what the show would be like if a smoked a doobie, lol. It imagines your plot and characters with great originality! Wow! Murf
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Paranormal (2020)
Rafaat! Rafaat! Where is your wife Reefaat?
8 February 2021
Rafaats Law: The Monster in your mind is scarier than the monster itself! This is a mummy shlock horror film in Arabic from Egypt. And Hey! They know their mummies and daddies well. This is fun for the whole family as the Black Sharon pick them off one by one. Get your popcorn and bandages out, with plaster of Paris and gold paint, and you too can mum lift someone soon. (Hopefully not I). Enjoy and as always tell me your thoughts? Pax, Murf the Mummy
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Kung fu fighting!
8 February 2021
"Everyone was kung fu fighting, they were as fast as lightning"... you know China has gotten really really good as Hollywood lately with sci-fi , fantasy and CGI in recent times. You'll be pleased to enjoy this film in Mandarin, dubbed into English you see. Its a bit disneyesque in a Chinese sort of way, but delightful in its presentation of gods, demons and angelic spirits you see. For a deeply spiritual country it seems to have come full circle back to its soul of every man. Ill not ruin the plot for you but it follows much of the spirit of the serpent and all that it entails....hmmmm... Lol. You must see this as a children's flick although it portrays the deeper philosophies of Yin and Yang. Pax and Agape, Murf
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Cute kid! Steals the show!
6 February 2021
A very cute Korean scyfy movie! Its exciting and follows a terrific story line. Unlike American movies that are two hours long (90 minutes + commercials) A Korean movie is actually 120 minutes! A young girl who is weapon used is caught up with a motley crew of space cowboys. She is so cute an endearing, she quickly steals the show. Not to tell you too much, its a must see. Enjoy, and give me feedback? Murf
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Beer lady is a hoot!
6 February 2021
Top billed cast! (Doesnt equate with a stellar story line though, hmmmmm) Quite a creepy crawly of a legend! Its a bit of dark and light humor, spinning a very dark ghost story of a mound and a lake? A bit silly if ya ask me, which is it? A mound or a lake? Kind of both actually. That's what is is so fun about this B grade shlock film, its all over the place. Wait till you meet the beer lady! She's A real hoot! Enjoy and tell me your thoughts on this film? Pax, Murf
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Cursed (2020)
Anything but cursed!
3 February 2021
I absolutely love Katherine Langford! Her acting skills are above par in most TV circles. I believe she's British too. Have you seen this series yet? Its so good I try and watch one episode a week, as not to wear myself out on the story line yet. She's played the dead girl in 13 Reasons Why, and outperformed everyone else! Give yourself a real treat and start with the Pilot and tell us what you think. Slowly absorb and then post! Please 🙏... Pax and Amore and Agape! Murf
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23 January 2021
I think Jurassic World (animation) is quite the series this year. It just released season two. The story line is Disneyesque, with a real touch of fearful dino monster terror inducing horror, in a kind of Godzilla feel throughout. Enjoy, and tell me what your thoughts are on this anxiety inducing animation? If you'd prefer something more lighthearted, Wes Anderson's stop-motion animation Isle of Dogs is now on Disney Plus. Pax and Amore, Murf
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Its rough, arf, rough!
21 January 2021
I think that all you doggie people would live to watch this movie about ceiling dogs! At first glance you see right away a plague has broken out among the canines. Secondly, people have banished all said canines to the Isle of Dogs. This is to prevent the spreading of Snout Fever to humans. The dogs, at first, fight over resources, as predicted. Human are scared of their once best friends.... You must watch this clever Japanese anime in length on Disney this month. Its great! If you're an animal lover as I, you'll be pleased with this foreign film. All humans and their dogs speak the untold language of love through Millennium. This twist on a sad tale from the future will bring tears to your eyes of love, loyalty and perseverance as even Jack London would have appreciated. Pax, Murf Pax and Amore, Murf
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Brady Bunch meets Columbian Coqueros!
18 January 2021
I'm watching 👀 the German Series, "HOW TO SELL DRUGS ONLINE". It's a hoot! During S2, Ep5 ...they're rubbing an entire pig 🐖 down with seasonings for a drug dealer pig roast. I've never even seen this done before (with the entire body!). Wierd, eh? They high school boys are obviously way over their heads with ecstasy, lol. It's quite the German farcical comedy entertainment this year. (Think Brady Bunch meets Columbian Coqueros!). Oh my! Each episode they get beyond sanity. It's light humor with good acting and story lines. Enjoy story plots from Europe such as this my friends! Pax and amore! Murf
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