
339 Reviews
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Overboard on Katie
25 May 2024
The whole film the people of the town ramble on like cult members about the virtues of Katie Elder. You would think they were talking about Mother Theresa. After a while the whole thing started getting on my nerves. Katie is supposed to be this perfect mother of all times, yet her sons are gamblers, gunmen, brawlers and lazy good for nothings. In other words, the whole premise of the film is ridiculous. Everyone over or under acts. The bad guys are cartoon characters and totally stereotyped. George Kennedy and Jeremy Slate are both horrible here, way overplaying their roles. Just a fair film to me.
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The Danny Thomas Show (1953–1965)
Despite All The Screaming!
24 May 2024
Seems almost every TV series thinks that screaming and yelling is funny..Examples: Sgt Bilko, The Honeymooners, All In The Family, The Danny Thomas Show and many more. Personally, all the yelling gives me a headache and I don't find it the least bit laughable. With that said, Danny Thomas is very likeable and clearly very talented. The story plots are usually pretty good and with the screaming aside very entertaining. The supporting cast is always good and the actresses who play Danny's wife and maid usually steal the episode. Everyone has good on screen chemistry and the shows are always positive and uplifting.
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Point Blank (1967)
Despite Everything, Outstanding Action Film.
21 May 2024
Yep, I gave this movie a 10 rating. Moved fast, great action and some standout performances. However, the dialogue most of the time sounded infantile and utterly unbelievable. The most ridiculous wad when Carol O'Connor screams, "Walker! You're a bad man!" A lot more, but not worth repeating. The acting by the ladies, both beautiful, was terrible. They sounded like they were reading or just repeating memorized lines. And the plot was unbelievable. With all this said, it was still a great action film. The supporting cast of John Vernon and Michael Strong; stole the film. Both have outstanding performances. Lee Marvin, despite hardly speaking the entire movie was also a standout. Some brutal violent scenes, a complete downer, yet still Great.
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Hardcore Pawn (2009–2015)
Infantile Humor, Disgusting Stereotypes, but Strangely Entertaining
10 May 2024
This show in reality should be flushed down the toilet. The whole thing seems geared to junior high schools kids or adults lacking any type of education. The humor is toilet bowl and making fun of demented or mentally challenged people is not funny. The stereotypes are racist and the Golds help to facilitate antisemitism due to their money hungry attitudes. With all that said, the show can be entertaining in a weird and demented way. Sometimes one has to wonder if most of the show is scripted and fake or do they cruise around picking up mentally ill people, paying them twenty bucks to act insane on television. Who knows?.But more importantly, who cares.
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Senior Citizen Western
3 May 2024
The only interest of this nothing special B Western is the all star faded movie star cast. The main stars were all in their late forties, but all looked like they were in their sixties. I guess in the 1960s, movie stars did not age well. Paunchy Howard Keel was the star of this dull mess. He sleep walks his role and is dull as can be, yet the two main actresses find him totally irresistible. Ha! Yvonne De Carlo gives the films best performance, but it is laughable as she acts like a teenage virgin, despite the fact she is nearing fifty. Miss Maxwell tries her best to be the town's sexpot, but is just too old. Of course everyone in the film is practically a senior citizen, so I guess for them Miss Maxwell was a real hottie. The shootouts were void of any suspense and the whole film is just a boring, dull mess.
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Beyond Stupid
1 May 2024
Sorry, but this movie not only doesn't have any redeeming value, but it is the stupidest movie ever made. The acting is wooden and cartoonish. Antonio is terrible here. His facial expression doesn't change the whole film. He is just a dead pan, wooden, void of expression, boring guy. The film is completely stereotypes with all the bad guys over the top. The coos are either dumb, dumber or dumbest. A big shot lawyer's family is murdered and it gets no news coverage and the police force, for no logical reason, just doesn't care. Like I said, Stupid as stupid can be. Of course the whole film is just an excuse for senseless violence. Bag this film with your garbage and throw it in back of a garbage truck.
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Demented Trash With No Redeeming Value
28 April 2024
What is the point of this film. It is just sick, sadistic toilet trash which needs to be flushed a dozen times down the toilet bowel. Watching "Rambo" come up with a thousand ways to kill is suppose to be entertaining. The whole show is stupid, cartoonish and totally unbelievable. A total war is going on and no one notices the explosion...Stupid! The bad guys are completely stereotyped and are just ridiculously idiotic. Honestly, who can find this senseless violent film entertaining. Hard to find enough adjectives to describe this mess. Stallone should be embarrassed by this whole thing. This is not entertainment. Flush it!
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Shocking Prediction of Things to Come
28 April 2024
For a film made in 1940, it was shockingly violent and brutal. It was savage. Graphic details of sadistic torture with no horrible detail left out. Hearing it reminds one of the savage brutality of World War II and later Viet Nam. It is extremely rare for a 1940 film to show psychopathic behavior in war. Torture, decapitation, sadism and cannibalism were not pleasant subjects to address especially for prewar American. On a more pleasant note, the acting was outstanding, especially Spencer Tracy. Outstanding battle scenes and incredible scenery. Definitely not a film for everyone, especially young children.
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The Sergeant (1968)
Homosexual Panic
26 April 2024
This was an extremely controversial film for its time. It is well acted, especially by Rod Steiger. The supporting cast, for the most part, is okay. The film is very slow paced and most of the cast appear as very dull, listless and without any real energy. What I felt was weird throughout the movie was that numerous people would say how there is something strange about Rod Steiger's character. Seems that as soon as Steiger arrives at the military base that everyone developed homosexual panic. Why would a career master sargent suddenly make every other soldier uncomfortable. A lot of sexual symbolism throughout, a lot of strange stares for no good reason and of course everyone is in a homosexual panic. John Phillip Law was so wooden and void of emotion that it is hard to believe that anyone, male or female could be romantically interested in him. Outdated today, but still interesting.
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Three's Company (1976–1984)
The Gay Deceiver
24 April 2024
Outdated, but still fun. Politically incorrect today, but who cares. The Gay jokes were milked for all its worth and after a zillion times it just loses steam. However, putting the show in it's time zone, it is funny, lighthearted and entertaining. Also, the threesome theme still generates laughs, but after so many times it just loses its flare. John Ritter was at his slapstick best and had on screen chemistry with all his co-stars. Tragic that he died so young. Don Knotts and Norman Fell were both great and added to the comedy of the series. Of course all the ladies were not only beautiful, but had comedic talent. Entertaining fluff.
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Point Break (1991)
Stupid, but fun and entertaining
20 April 2024
Cartoonish film with over the top characters and less then believable plot, . ArGbut still a lot of fun to watch and very entertaining. Most of the characters are basically stereotypes of what Hollywood believes surfers look like and act like. The FBI is shown to be "Keystone Cops." The surfing dudes are out of control daredevils who do whatever they want without any consequences. Not sure if most of the movie is made for laughs as most of the scenes are funny. Mr Reeves is not at his performance best. His acting here is mediocre at best, but he looks good at the beach and I guess that is good enough. Gary B. Steals the whole movie with his typical zany over the top performance. Lots of pretty girls, good looking surfers and fights and shootouts. Just a fun time at the movies.
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Great Entertainment despite historical inaccuracy
19 April 2024
This is a real old fashion entertaining film. Fast paced, well acted most of the time, lots of action and also humorous. Mr Flynn is at his dashing best; handsome, tall, and of course heroic. The film is stolen by Arthur Kennedy as Flynn's nemesis. Kennedy's facial expressions throughout the film are outstanding. Of course the entire film is pure fluff and one hundred percent historically inaccurate. Pure propaganda regarding military glory and pride. In typical Hollywood fashion, the hero and company face certain death with a smile and a shrug of shoulder. In a sidebar, reportedly three stuntmen died in making the film which is tragic. And of course the Urban Legend of Native American sports hero Jim Thorpe knocking out Mr Flynn with one punch in an off camera dispute. Yep, an extra is going to knockout one of the biggest movie stars at that time and not get fired or arrested. Definitely, true.... Not!
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Not that bad
19 April 2024
Alright, it's not Macbeth or even Gone With The Wind, but it's entertaining enough. For it's time, the special effects were pretty good. The main standout is Richard Jordan. He is excellent here and looks great. Tragic that he died so young. He definitely has screen chemistry with Ann Archer and he is makes the film. Jason Robards is not bad either, and though his scenes are limited, his acting abilities shine through. Ann Archer is as beautiful as ever and she is not only attractive, but likeable as well. The whole premise of the film is interesting, and you kind of want it to be true. But, it's only a movie.
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Warlock (1959)
13 April 2024
Yep, this was definitely a film with Gay overtones, which is fine. Anthony Quinn is clearly madly in love with Henry Fonda; almost obsessed. Also, he travels around with curtains and various other dwelling trappings to decorate their hotel room, which Fonda allows him to do. Yep, a very nice couple. Why Quinn had to have a clubfoot is perplexing. Maybe some sort of symbolism of a crippled soul. Remember this was from the 1950s and "gay" characters in films usually had physiological issues and almost always ended up dead. The whole movie had a psychoanalysis to it. Seemed all the men had manly issues and were way overboard trying to show how manly they were. With all this said, I enjoyed the film. Most of the acting was good and Fonda and Quinn worked well together. Richard Widmark was his typical excitable and hysterical self. Warlock is worth a look.
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Havana (I) (1990)
More Show Then Substance
6 April 2024
I liked this film, but it is only fair, yet entertaining. Redford does his best with what he's given. Corny dialogue which seems written instead of flowing with reality. The film presents a very romantazied version of what Hollywood wants the public to believe was the Cuba of the 1950s and the Revolution. Playing 1950s background music to people being tortured and murdered just seems way off base. If the film makers has presented a realistic portrayal instead of the glossy postcard look, maybe the movie would have been a lot more successful. As for the acting, well, Alan Arkin overplays the typical gangster in a role that has been respected a million times. Nothing new here. Everyone is a characture and come off as fake and even cartoonish. Great card. Great fashion. Great music. Great sets. Beautiful women. The rest is nothing to write home about.
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Father Knows Best: The Gold Turnip (1959)
Season 5, Episode 38
Beyond Cornball
5 April 2024
I like this series and for the most part was entertained by it. However, sometimes the writers went way overboard with their ideas of family values and the American Dream. Of course, if all people could follow the overall concepts of truth, honor, dignity, justice, patriotism, etc we would be living in a utopian world. But, as we all know, the real world is not Father Knows Best. This is why I think this episode, which starts off interesting enough, morphs into a soapy, overboard, preachy propaganda lesson in tradition. It's almost embarrassing watching Robert Young try his best, giving this speech. Far from great, but still entertaines.
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3 April 2024
I wanted to like this film and was looking forward to seeing it. However, when everything was said and done, I was greatly disappointed. Based on a true story, it seems that they wanted to include every single historical note. In other words, it was way too long and generally became a rehash of the same thing over and over again. The acting was good, but not great. Seemed like everyone was stereotypes and a lot of the cast overplayed their parts. No suspense at all. The script was a continuous rehash of the same storyline which seemed endless. The movie started off fairly well and then got bogged down. The ending was extremely too long and I started to lose complete interest in the whole thing.
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Father Knows Best: Bud and the Debutante (1959)
Season 5, Episode 31
Poor Little Rich Girl
3 April 2024
Great episode with Bud dating rich girl Molly. Of course in the perfect world of Hollywood television, Molly is the poor Little Rich girl who thought beautiful and rich, can't seem to get a date. Of course Bud tried to keep with with Molly and her rich friends and of course he can't pay the bills. The actress playing Molly reminds me of a young Audrey Hepburn. She is very beautiful and gives a standout performance. It always amazes me how many very talented performers are unable to become successful; maybe their agents had limited connections. Of course, this is a typical cornball romantic episode, but it is very entertaining.
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Shocker For It's Time
1 April 2024
I was a senior in high school when this played on TV and it was not only a big hit, but a big shocker. Plus the fact that one of the Brady Bunch girls played a run away who becomes a street walker added to the shock. Today, this made for tv film would be nothing to really write home about. Most of the acting was just average and Bo Hopkins as Swan the pimp basically overplayed his role, which was also very stereotyped. The content matter was raunchy for 1976. Not only female prostitution was addressed, but also male prostitution. Of course this was made a few years before the Aids epidemic, so it sort of lessens the impact. For it's time, pretty good.
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Wasted Talent in Worthless Stinker
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, what was the point of this film. Not one appealing character. Everyone is filthy dirty, dishonest, sadistic, crooked and violent. David J looks like he has been on a months long drinking bender. He basically sleep walks his part, mumbling most of his dialogue. They make him irresistible to women, yet he looks like a homeless drunk from the gutter. Jean S looks as beautiful as ever, but her part leaves a lot to be desired. Whoever wrote this garbage should have their head examined or be committed to the insane asylum. Miss Seberg is brutally beaten, humiliated and violently raped, and then she falls madly in love with Mister Macho. The whole movie left a bad taste in my mouth. Surprisingly their is a solid cast of good actors who are totally wasted here. Flush the whole thing down the toilet.
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Star Trek: Tomorrow Is Yesterday (1967)
Season 1, Episode 19
Ed Peck Steals Show in Great Episode
18 March 2024
I think this is one of the best, if not the best episode of the entire television series. What makes it great is not only the outstanding acting by everyone involved, but the outstanding dialogue. The story has just the right mixture of drama, excitement and humor. The big surprise for me is the standout performance by veteran character actor, Ed Peck. Peck had many good performances in numerous films and tv shows, but usually very small parts. Here he is just perfect as the Air Force officer who is totally befuddled by Captain Kirk. Peck even manages to do his own stunt when he gets knocked cold by Captain Kirk. Peck went on to have a good role in the Happy Days series. This is a great episode. Enough said. Beam me up Scotty.
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Excellent despite some bad acting
15 March 2024
The Longest Day. Almost a great film. The war scenes are definitely some of the best in war film history. The majority of the cast do well in the acting department, especially the German actors. However, some of the standout stars do a less then credible job. Cases in point, Robert Mitchum. He doesn't act, just screams. He is way over the top almost bordering on hysterica. He runs around the beach like he is out for a Sunday morning walk. Just overplays his part and seems not to really try to add any realism to the whole thing. John Wayne is not much better. He yells his part in and seems more like he is playing a civil war officer then a World. War II officer. He looks too overweight, old and paunchy to be taken seriously as a paratrooper commander. Standouts include Richard Burton, Henry Fonda and Eddie Albert. Worth seeing.
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Hardcore Pawn: Trouble Inside (2010)
Season 1, Episode 6
Paintball Massacre
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This whole episode was just basically disgusting and contained senseless violence which bordered on sadism. Seth tests a paintball gun set on one of his employees who volunteered to be a live target. After the employee lifts up the back of his shirt to expose horrible welts from the paint gun pellets, Les Gold is seen laughing thinking the whole thing is funny. Do they stop? Nope, Seth continues shooting paint pellets at the employee who doesn't seem to care about the pain or welts. This type of "entertainment" is geared towards sadistic psychopaths or sociopaths. I wonder if Les or Seth would be laughing and having a great time if they were the targets of the paint gun pellets. The whole episode left a bad taste in my mouth.
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Rock Hudson tries in fair film
14 March 2024
I wanted to like this movie, but it was pretty difficult to do so, as it is mediocre at best. A young Rock Hudson looks like a hunky movie star as he runs around showing off his bronze muscular body. However, once he opens his mouth, he just doesn't cut it as a Native American. The dialogue is basically a cartoon character of what most people think Indians sound like. Rock tries his best, but comes across unrealistic. Even the dramatic fight scene between Hudson and an extra appears cartoonish. Rock is stiff, wooden and devoid of any emotion, but like I said, he does try. The rest of the cast isn't much better, but the fault lies in the ridiculous dialogue. If you like Rock Hudson, the film is passable, if not, forget the whole thing.
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Wolfen (1981)
Overlooked, but Great
11 March 2024
This is a great horror, suspense, mystery film. All the acting is outstanding, including those of the supporting cast and extras. What really adds to the movie is the physical and social decay of New York in the early 1980s. People for the most part have forgotten how messed up New York had become with countless abandoned and run down buildings. Albert Finney is outstanding in his role of the police detective. He plays it straight, no glamour or Hollywood heroics. He has seen it all, or so he thinks. Gregory Hines is excellent as well. He and Finney connect and their on screen pairing seems very realistic and fluid. Some brutal violence, some nice twists and turns, and definitely some great on location scenery of a decayed New York. The scene on top of the bridge will leave you breathless and it is clear that Finney did his own stunts for that scene. Great movie.
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