
10 Reviews
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Lorna Doone (2000 TV Movie)
22 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie one day at the library. I had never read the book. I knew next to nothing about it. When I watched it, I couldn't get enough of it. It felt like a roller coaster ride. I loved the love triangle and that you faced one thing after another. Amelia Warner was wonderful as Lorna. I was extremely thankful she played Lorna as a girl who could stand up for herself and as someone you're not always really sure you can trust. Aidan Warner (Carver) was extremely evil,but you can see how much he loves Lorna. However, I hated that Carver really didn't age from the beginning to when you see him all those years later. Richard Coyle was unbelievable as John. I loved how much he frought to keep Lorna. Still, I felt that John's and Lorna's courtship was much too rushed.
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A Miracle
17 April 2005
I watched this movie because I wanted to see what Andrew Lloyd Webber was up against. I honestly thought it was going to be horrible. After, I saw the movie not only was I very impressed, but I couldn't get enough of it. I loved the cast. I was extremely pleased not none of Yestin's and Koppit's songs were used.(Now, I saw the Yestin's and Koppit's play long before I even knew a movie of it had been made.)I didn't like what they did with Eric's background story. I felt that it took away from his character. I hated that they didn't make Philippe more of a hero and that he had scenes in which he smoked!!! I was disappointed that we only saw Eric's face once and that it wasn't more believable. His face also really wasn't scary. I also thought that young Philippe, young Christine,and young Eric should have, at least, some dialogue.
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Timeline (2003)
2 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie. Finally, a good movie with a good story that mixes adventure, science fiction, history, modern day,and at the core has these bittersweet love stories. What more could you ask for? I felt at the beginning when they're introducing everyone and explaining where the Professor is and how he got there went a little too fast,but I guess it worked in the end. I also felt that we should have seen more of Lady Claire and that Andre's and Claire's love story was too rushed,but I guess it couldn't be helped. Yes,I loved the love stories. I loved that that Chris's and Kate's faced a modern problem while Andre's and Claire's was more classical and,in my opinion,more romantic. The only thing I hated about this movie was that it felt like every other line someone cursed. It was like enough with the cursing already just get on with the movie! Thats why I gave it a nine.
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Evita (1996)
22 March 2005
The singing , music , and cast was spectacular . I hated " Goodnight and Thank You " . It wasn't the singing or the music just the story behind it . I also did not understand Che 's part of the story . Was Che in love with Evita or was there something between them we were never told about ? I kept wondering that though the movie . I believe he did. I loved the sets . My favorite song and scene was the " Waltz for Eva and Che " . I thought Evita 's funeral was beautifully done . I never thought Che would show up . Also , why did he hate Evita so much? Why didn't someone explain ? Anyway , great story . The costumes were beautiful .
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Good and bad
22 March 2005
Now I don't know all of these musicals , so I'm just going to comment on the ones I do know . Evita was beautifully done . I loved Antonio Banderas . I loved that his eyes were filled with bitterness and guilt . He did a fine job singing . Elaine Paige was wonderful . I wish they had used " You Must Love Me " and " The Walz of Che and Evita " . Cats was great . Again , Elaine was wonderful . Still , I wish they had done more from Cats . " The Phantom of the Opera " well .... The overture was ingenious . Antonio Banderas ' acting was fantastic . He really made you believe that he was drawn to this woman . I hated his costume . I'm not trying to offend anyone , but how can you be the Phantom if you don't at the very least wear the mask ? As for Antonio 's singing , it sounded like he was pushing the sound a great deal . I know that this song is not easy to sing . Still , I'm very impressed that Antonio did the job he did , but he wasn't ready yet to sing this part . I admit I was disappointed that Michael Crawford wasn't there , but I'm not trying to play favorites . Sarah Brightman 's singing was wonderful . However , her acting was awful . Though all of " The Phantom of the Opera " , and " The Music of the Night " all she did was stand there, sing, and move her arms . Her acting in " All I Ask of You " wasn't that much better , but at least she moved . I loved Michael Ball . I thought he over sang a little , but he still did a very good job .
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O .k .
16 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing I hated about this movie was how fast it went. I can understand them rushing the film till we get inside the Shrieking Shack. However, when Lupin and Black are explaining everything they needed to slow down. It was like bang, bang, bang Sirius is innocent. How did that happened ? Now I loved everything else. Yes , I'm looking forward to the next one. I wonder if Ron and Hermione are going to get together. I'm also wondering if something is going to happened between Harry and Jenny. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I wonder what Percy would do if Harry and Jenny got engaged. I love to see his face. Is it true that someone will die in book six and seven ?
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
O.k .
15 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know what to say. This movie isn't awful, but it isn't at all wonderful. There was way too much language and sexuality. I hated the songs they used. I loved Gerarld Butler as Dracula! The thing that scared me to death about him was his eyes. All you had to do was look in those eyes to know who he was. I loved that! However, he did need a haircut. Justine Waddell was amazing. The movie started out pretty good. I felt the ending was a bit rushed and kind of corny. They also really didn't do a good job explaining why Dracula wanted Mary so desperately. I thought the whole new religious twist about Dracula's past was extremely inappropriate. I loved the idea of moving a classic story into modern day, but they should have kept the story in Europe. I also loved Mary's part of the story. Still, I felt that the movie was too short. They also should have used the longer version of the scene between Dracula and Van Helsing in Mary's and Lucy's house. It really explained a lot more about Mary. I loved that line of Dracula's , " She will love me." It scared me to death!
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Pride and Prejudice (1995– )
Loved it
19 February 2005
I have fallen in love with this sires. The sets and costumes are fabulous. However, I'm not crazy about the low neck lines. Colin Firth (Mr.Darcy) did an outstanding job. He really made you feel like he was tormented, and a cold man. However, I felt that they didn't make him as cold and proud as they should have. Yes, I think he was very handsome. Jennifer Ehle, who played Elisabeth Bennet, also did an outstanding job. In my opinion, she gave Elisabeth just the right amount of intelligence, and laughter. David Bamber (Mr.Collins) and Alison Steadman (Mrs.Bennet) did a fine jobs. I could not stand either one of them, and I would not have it any other way.
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19 February 2005
I loved this production of Pride and Prejudice. David Rintoul was magnificent as Mr.Darcy. All he had to do was walk into the room and you knew who he was. I loved that he played Darcy as a very commanding character,but also as a man who is desperately in love. Elizabeth Garvie played the best Elisabeth Bennet I have ever seen. I couldn't get enough of how she challenged ,and often bested, David at almost every turn. I loved her singing scenes. I can't speak very much for the sets. Sorry. However,I loved Elisabeth's costumes. I must say I liked them much better than I did any of the other women's costumes. No offense. I thought Osmund Bullock did a extremely fine job of playing Mr.Bingley, and loving a woman at first sight. He didn't seen like he was acting at all in his scenes. Sabina Franklyn (Jane Bennet) really did a good job playing a sweet girl, but I really didn't believe she was in love. I'm sorry, but I didn't. Marsha Fitzalan, who played Miss.Bingley, did a fine job of playing a woman you just want to give a good kick because of all that she tries to do. Judy Parfitt played Lady Catherine de Bourgh to perfection. I loved that Judy gave her a will of iron. I could not stand Malcolm Rennie (Mr.Collins) or Priscilla Morgan who played Mrs.Bennet which is wonderful! They were both dead annoying, and I cannot be more grateful for it.
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28 December 2004
This movie was a 1,000 times better then I had even imaged it would be.Gerard Butler was amazing.I hope he goes on to play the Phantom in the play.Emmy Rossum truly did sing like an angel.Patrick Wilson was spectacular.I have never understood why so many people hate Raoul.I love him and the Phantom.Was Gerard Butler better then Michael Crawford? That's up to you.All I have to say on the subject is this: I hope Michael is very proud of Gerard.The sets and costumes were breathtaking.My favorite song was "Music of the Night."My least favorite scene was "Point of No Return." I hated the way the Phantom and Christine were looking at each other. I also hated how the Phantom kept touching Christine. Now I love the song, but I'm furious at how it was done. Because of this scene, I encourage parents not let any young children to watch this song, and give it eight stars. Shame,if it hadn't been for how "Point of No Return" was done, I would have given it a ten. I mean that.
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