
13 Reviews
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Sense & Sensibility (2024 TV Movie)
It is too bad really...
26 February 2024
I really, really wanted to like this movie and I tried but there are just too many things wrong. Not the casting. I actually thought the acting was quite good with the exception of Willoughby. I would have switched the actor from Willoughby to Brandon and vice versa

Dan Jeannotte couldn't shave for this movie? That kind of historical inaccuracy is unforgivable. They know better. The dresses were too thick. Too brightly colored and generally too flashy. I think the poor Dashwood sisters would not have such jewelry or clothes. And their home was much too grand.

It would have still been so, so much better with an all black cast. Next time please do it that way.
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If your brother is a thief and a liar...
22 January 2024
Then certainly you belong in a romantic comedy! I don't think so. Nobody thinks anything of brother Steve stealing one thing after another. This really bothered me. He steals the silver from a home not his, then a marble sculpture and still nothing. He takes grocery money to put on the ponies and loses the money! Still nothing. The stars deserve better but the brother deserves jail! I know this is the depression but the law was still the law.

I just don't get it but truly don't waste your time with this one. The moderate amusement from Mickey Rooney fronting a swing band or Maureen O'Sullivan modeling are nothing to the pain you'll feel.
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The narrator should be the next victim!
28 October 2023
The basic facts are probably there but the narration is so bad it just makes your teeth hurt. I dispute some of the "facts" but it didn't matter. Get your information from anywhere else but here. I would recommend a good non-fiction book rather than a TV show or a movie. It is an interesting mystery but you wouldn't know it from this show. Basically they take an absorbing historical unsolved series of crimes and make it bland somehow. The lack of emotion or any inflection at all in the narrator's voice makes it painful to listen to. I actually considered putting it on mute and watching it with subtitles. In hindsight I wish I had.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
Do not watch this movie!
19 December 2022
No amount of Scarlett Johanson's naked body is worth sitting through the rest of this monstrosity. It is beyond stupid. No amount of watching or rewatching (as some suggest) would make it any better. There is NO meaning to read into anything that happens. There is no deeper level. There are no levels at all. It is just an exercise in time wasting for the makers of the movie and the watchers of the movie. I cannot believe anyone ever greenlighted this movie, raised money for this movie, or agreed to be in this movie. I have seen a lot of bad movies in my day but I can say completely truthfully that none have been as self-consciously pretentious as this one. Unless you are self-consciously pretentious you will not see any merit in it at all.
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Arguably the worst movie ever made!
12 March 2013
I just don't know what movie these other reviewers saw, but the movie I saw had no jokes at all. It had the set ups for jokes and people who can certainly be funny, Kovacs and Shawn for just two, but they aren't funny here. A complete waste of your time and as far as paying money for it, absolutely out of the question. It does not make fun of bureaucracy in the military. MASH makes fun of that. This just drones on and on with stupid situation after stupid situation. I wanted another "Operation Mad Ball", so believe me I get wacky military humor, that movie had it, this movie does not. Idiotic in tone, concept and delivery. I really hated this movie. No wonder it was buried on Fox Movie Channel. I will not miss Fox Movie Channel. There is a reason that you never hear of these movies.
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What a total waste of time!
6 October 2010
Really, if you have an hour and a half of your life that you want to, even then I am sure you could find something better to do. I was very disappointed. Yes, I know the stars have done good work but not here, not with this tedious play turned into a movie. I was around in 1968 so I am accepting of the fact that the pacing of movies then, (see the original Pink Panther) was simply slower. It is not that. It is that, to put it simply, really nothing happens. Nothing at all. Okay, maybe one thing but who can even tell? And certainly by that point, no one cares. Matthau (even a younger one) as a matinée idol, oh, come on, never. If it were played by Rock Hudson or even Tony Curtis, maybe but Walter Matthau. What atrocious casting! Anne Jackson is certainly more appealing here than usual but there is frankly always something a little pitiful to me about her, a desperate quality and never more than here. Really - rent the Odd Couple if you want to see Matthau,and almost anything with Anne Jackson in it but this!
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Up (2009)
What are you people talking about?The Emperor has no clothes!
29 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Are people just brainwashed or stupid? This is the worst movie I have seen in a long, long time. If there isn't an entirely new generation of children afraid of dogs permanently I'll be very surprised. The lack of imagination is overwhelming. A grumpy old man - my, my, that's never been thought of before. A fat scout, how adorable. Absent father, what a surprise. The entire movie is about loss, that is all. First part is loss of innocence, then loss of a baby, loss of the hope of a baby, loss of wife, loss of will, loss of home, loss of father, loss of dreams. Then when by use of the balloons he does get to his dream place, no one, no one points out that he has to lose faith in the hero of his childhood, he is the explorer who had inspired him and Ellie to want to go to Paradise Falls in the first place! Now he is evil! He also has to be at least 100 years old!! Since Carl is supposed to be 78 and Muntz was his hero when he was 10. The time line is just all messed up, but the whole movie is so messed up. What a pile of junk! Evidently Pixar can put out anything and the clones will line up to praise it and see it, but I won't, never again. I felt robbed since it cost me $11 to see the 3-D version. It was no better. The problem was the plot.
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Summer Magic (1963)
Neither Summer nor magic
10 September 2008
I remembered this one fondly from my childhood and I now have absolutely no idea why. What is the point of this movie? It has terrible, terrible songs sung by people with terrible, terrible voices (except for Burl Ives, but the songs he sings are still stupid). It is certainly not Polyanna all over again (which does hold up to a recent viewing) although they were clearly trying to capitalize on the success of that one when they fell for this sucker. Dorothy Maguire does nothing but smirk and simper. Hayley is just wasted. It is interesting to see Jimmy Mathers play the youngest child, his resemblance to Jerry Mathers, the Beaver, will be obvious to anyone. Deborah Walley is also nice always to see but she is given nothing at all to do.
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Eight Is Enough (1977–1981)
What is with these credits?
27 August 2006
What is with these credits? They don't contain all of the family members, and the few that are there are buried in this monstrous list and the stars such as Dick Van Patten are listed as having appeared in only one episode! Are they serious? I also agree with the comment that Betty Buckley's character would NEVER have been called "Abby", no one picks up a nickname AFTER they have been married and THAT name derived from the name of their husband, surely her husband might have been called "Abe" or some such thing short for Abbott, but the only way she would have been called "Abby" is if HER maiden name had been Abbott. I was also, as someone else said baffled by why they did not just replace Diana Hyland, that whole year of courtship was awkward and stupid and the show was all about the kids anyway. Those were the stories we wanted to follow. I enjoyed the show tremendously. I had just had my second child in 1977 and knew for a fact that it was impossible that anyone could ever have eight children and live, two were killing me, so I guess in a way, it gave me hope that I might just make it with two...
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Double Jeopardy (1996 TV Movie)
Perfectly Awful!
6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the other comments are talking about. I've seen lots of true crime movies, dramatic, suspenseful, and enthralling. This was none of the above. I kept waiting for something even halfway believable to happen. She sues him for child support and continues seeing him! Oh, come on. No twists, no turns, nothing dramatic. Why did I waste my time and can I keep anyone, anyone else from watching this movie. Yes, the acting isn't bad, although Teri Garr is wasted, but they might as well be acting in a paper bag, they can't fight their way out of this insipid, even if true, plot and the total lack of anything to keep your interest up, except the faint hope that there will be some of element of surprise sometime but alas, there never is.
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More maddening than anything else!
11 July 2005
Maybe it's just me, but is no one else troubled by the apparent ability of just about everyone in this movie to change who they love and whom they want to marry almost at will. No concept of everlasting love troubles the writer and certainly will not trouble any ensuing marriage that would come from this movie. I just found it disappointing. Joan Leslie is good enough, but haven't we come too far (even by 1946) than to think it's funny that women are stupid. And just too idiotically stupid to continue living. Unlike other commentators I did not think the bubbles from the mouth bit funny at all, I just thought it dumb. Which pretty well sums up the movie for me.
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Interesting Period Piece
16 March 2005
Although not really a comedy, it is certainly watchable on a rainy day. It has a cast that is excellent, you can see two faces of stars you know from TV, Alan Hale (Sr. who looks exactly like his son who was on Gilligan's Island) and Eddie Albert who was on Green Acres (and his son has done a number of things). Plot is thin and so idealistic it could never be made today. I mean Dickie Moore (now married to Jane Powell) plays a a paper boy called "Limpy". Oh, and Alan Hale is actually called Skipper! Really it's a walking trivia contest answer. Too frustrating to be fully satisfying, pathos rampant really. John Litel supports well and Joan Leslie is pretty in her usual vacant way.
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Avalanche (1999)
Not worth seeing
12 March 2005
It really is about as bad a movie as I have ever seen. It is hard to find a single redeeming thing to say about it. The acting was awful; the romance totally unbelievable. I guess I'd never seen Juneau before in a movie. I would recommend that you watch it only if trapped in a mountain cabin room with a TV but no other furniture, books, people, radios or light and if you aren't tired already because this one will certainly put you to sleep. I like disaster movies and can watch the worst of them, and have, but this one has made me rethink ever watching one ever again. It gave a whole new meaning to the catchphrase disaster movie, it is a disaster to watch, not just about a disaster.
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