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No where near as good as the first two
13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The inevitable follow up to the first two films I guess. It's not a bad movie, but it hits every cliched beat a sequel can it seems. I rented this movie to watch with my 4 year old son, and it held his attention very well. But that's pretty much to be expected and this movie seems to be for a younger audience than the first two films. Again, it wasn't a bad movie, but it was very very predictable. I figured out the twists of the romantic interest and who the captain really was even before she was on screen. There were no surprises.

What I really didn't like though was the ending of the movie in the "final battle "

Spoiler warning!

The ending is that the ultimate weapon that destroyed Atlantis is a sheet of music... Which Van Helsing starts playing on his DJ booth. It's a rad techno beat that some how mind controls the Kracken into becoming a destructive blood hungry monster... How do they fight this? Johnny pulls out his DJ stand and using Drac's powers... plays more soothing and happy songs to break the mind control. With the first two not being strong enough until they finally use... Macarena... as the song to beat the "evil techno" that Van Helsing is playing. I am not joking. The final conflict of the film turns into a DJ battle to mind control the Kracken. It's the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
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Hotel Artemis (2018)
Great filmed, messed up with the sub plots and redemption archs.
12 October 2018
I actually really enjoyed this movie! It was well written mostly and had engaging characters. At first it seemed to be billed as an action film... However there actually isn't very much action in the movie except in the opening scene and towards the end. Its more a character drama, but it's great!

The acting is well done and the idea of a John Wick style hospital for criminals is a cool one, though it does seem they coped the hit man hotel idea from John Wick as a hospital for this film.

My only issues with the film, and why I'm giving it a lesser rating than full, is all the damn sub plots that are thrown in there that don't really lend to much. It's pretty well done, but in the end it's like. What was the point? And the redemption arch for the Nice towards the end just felt so out of place for her and not earned. Perhaps if we had seen more of her history and past with Waikiki, it could have felt earned. But as it is, it just felt forced.
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New appreciation
5 October 2018
After seeing a preview for this film, I didn't realise what it was. But then an interview on YouTube caught my eye where James Franco and Tommy Wiseau were on a couch with Dave Franco and talking to a host. That's when I realised this movie was about the making of The Room. I decided to rent it and give it a watch and it was good! Funny, and a deep look at the interaction of friends and one crazy guy.

I've actually never seen The Room, but after watching this I do want to now. I have a new appreciation for moves so-bad-their-good. I felt James did an excellent job recreating Tommy's persona and mannerisms. I really enjoyed this film and must buy it some time.
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Blockers (2018)
Seen one seen them all.
5 October 2018
Eh, it's just a sex comedy with most of the usual beats in such films. It's like American Pie or Superbad all over again just with different characters and slightly different plot.

Some of the stuff is pretty funny, other times it's just meh. I had some laughs, I had some cringes. Over all it was an all right movie but nothing special. Though I will say this is where I'm starting to see that John Cena is actually becoming a decent actor. It's hard for wrestlers to do this kind of acting and be good, but he's getting there. Still along ways to go till he reaches The Rock, but he's... at least decent now.
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Hereditary (2018)
Not my thing, but great for what it is.
5 October 2018
Honestly, this type of movie just isn't my cup of tea. I don't mind a suspense thriller here and there, and I do like a few horror films. When it's packed on constantly as hard as this film does it just bogs me down. I'm also really not too comfortable with all the satanic stuff that films like this have, but that's just me.

That being said, this film actually did a really good job at what it was doing. I found myself following along and staying with it regardless. It was well written and the acting was good for the most part. Some of the scenes with the child actors weren't so great, but mostly it was good. I don't really have much bad to say about other than the story itself and the ending are really not stuff I like. But it was done so good that I have to give it a higher rating at least.
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Do these even still make money?
4 October 2018
A typical C movie low budge zombie film with little substance. This is supposedly a remake of the 1985 Day of the Dead film, however I never saw the original so I can't judge it based on that.

The effects are bad, the acting is terrible and the plot kinda stupid. It has an interesting idea with a zombie made from a human that has much higher immune counts than usual only partly turning and being the breakthrough they need to create a vaccine. However, it's just a bad movie. Very little saving grace about it. It's not really worth your time.
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Gringo (2018)
Enjoyable film for at least one watch.
4 October 2018
The film was all right. Nothing special. It started out kinda boring but as it progressed it got better. The characters are pretty good and even funny. The ending was a bit of a surprise actually, but it worked. Could have been better, but it wasn't bad by any means. I enjoyed it, at least once it picked up.
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The Death of Superman (2018 Video)
Pretty good except for a few things
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, 11 years after DC Animation studios started with their line of original movies, we come to The Death of Superman. The first movie they made with this line up was Superman/Doomsday. This new movie is effectively a remake of that film, but set in the new continuity that was created after the events of Flashpoint Paradox.

This is a new way of telling the same story, and this time having the Justice League fight against Doomsday. They tried to up the violence in this film and in many ways it does work. The animation has come a long ways since the 2007 Superman/Doomsday, but not devoid of mistakes as I can easily spot.

This time around they did make the fight between Doomsday and Superman much more brutal, and gave it a feel that Superman was really struggling. Though some parts of the original film did do that better. In both they do end the fight by crashing down back into the city from space like a meteor and I will give this new film props for doing that scene better in every way. In the 07 film, Superman just holds onto Doomsday and dive bombs right into the city with little hint of struggle, and the impact alone is what kills Doomsday. Superman walks away and then collapses with just a little blood coming out of his mouth before he "dies." In this film it's done much better. While falling down from space, Doomsday is just whaling on Superman the whole way not letting him have a chance to fight back much or steer their decent, showing that there was a reason they fell back into the city endangering more people. And Doomsday just walks away from the crater leaving the bloodied Superman helpless as he heads towards Lois. And they give Lois a very awesome and strong moment here. The way Superman does finally defeat Doomsday is amazing. And they did similarly to the Batman V Superman film where Doomsday kills Superman at the same time by stabbing him pretty much. But it's done much better... And Doomsday looks great in this film. Unlike the that cave troll "thing" that was in Batman V Superman. The animated version looks ten times better and even more realistic than the live action CGI crap. That's just sad. Hell the 07 Doomsday looks better than the live action one.

The emotional moment of Superman dying in Lois' arms is also done much better in this version and even brings tears to my eyes. One thing I don't like about it and the main reason i'm giving this 4 stars instead of 5 is the start of the fight with Doomsday and the rest of the Justice League. He does completely wipe the floor with them... but it's done I a very "fluffy" way I should say. To that point, Doomsday had been show to grab and kill people in an instant. Like grabbing the Atlantians that find him and crushing their skulls in a single motion. But in the fight with the Justice League he suddenly becomes much less vicious or dangerous, with his fighting dumbed down so that the animators don't have to have members of the League being killed. And this even happens very frustratingly bad later when Lex Luthor tries to step in and fight Doomsday. Doomsday rips open his mech and grabs Lex, pulling him out and just holding the mortal human there. But oh, we can't have Lex being killed off like that now can we? So rather than doing what would actually happen with Doomsday crushing Lex or ripping him apart limb from limb... this violent rage monster of gore that has no restraint just throws Lex like a baseball where Superman can swoop in and save him unharmed...

Another thing I don't like about the film, is how Lex is portrayed. He's just a whiny brat with a squeaky voice. I didn't like his voice in the 07 film either, but even that was better than this. I don't know, maybe it is just because I grew up hearing Clancy Brown as the voice of Lex for so many years. It's hard to hear a high pitched voice behind the character and take him seriously or have any credibility at all.

The 07 Superman/Doomsday is more like two films rolled into one though, with the fight with Doomsday and Superman being killed just the first half. With the second half of the film picking up with a clone of him made by Lex trying to take over until the real Superman comes out of his coma and is strong enough to fight his clone.

This film is all about the fight and death, with the film setting up the continuation in the next movie for the Rise of the Supermen. I'm really looking forward to that next film. This one is good, but some parts could have been better. But that's just my opinion.
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211 (2018)
Cage is the only good part
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well the idea for the story sounds pretty solid itself. But the film is poorly excited. Much of the writing is bad and the dialog clunky. When the lady cop and her rookie partner are talking, I would swear it's like listening to dialog and acting straight out of The Room. Many of the plot threads that are started see to go nowhere. Nick Cage's acting is really good as he tends to be but again, he's the best in the film and the only one really trying. Well that and the kid. The kid playing Kenny is pretty decent for a child actor. And I will say the guy playing Steve isn't awful. My main problem is with the villains. The merc team robbing this bank are supposed to be super intelligent and crafty in getting out of these situations. Yet in the end they literally rush out hauling heavy bags of money on their shoulders into the line of fire of the swat team and other cops and get gunned down in seconds. Yeah... brilliant plan there guys. The film falls flat in action sequences, realism and lots of stupid characters. One construction worker even stupidly and for unknown reasons elects to sprint into the line of fire between the cops and thugs and gets shot... like what did you think would happen dummy? And at one point the kind is shown suddenly to apparently be very smart with electronics and is able to rig a phone charger with a key and a 9 volt battery to charge his cellphone... but nowhere else in the film does he do anything remotely like that aside from getting his head shoved down a toilet by bullies.

It's not exactly a terrible movie. But it's not good either. It's boring, slow, predictable, and has stupid "smart" bad guys.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Boring and couldn't finish
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie from Red Box

I honestly couldn't finish the film. It wasn't really bad... but boring. It just felt like the same thing all over again with just a different twist of having a female cast. It feels like it was trying to cash in on the female Ghostbusters thing... which did't work out anyways. I only got maybe 40 minutes into the movie at most and took it out. Just boring.
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Future World (2018)
Couldn't even finish it
3 October 2018
Ugh... This film... I couldn't finish it. So what is it? Well. Apparently it's a post apocalyptic future where the last robot is a hot chick and some dude is trying to find some temple by a lake to cure his dying mother... But I couldn't finish this movie. I only got about 27 minutes into it and couldn't sit through the next hour of this crap. Some movies are so bad you enjoy watching the train wreck unfold... This is not one of those movies. This movie is bad, and is boring. I just couldn't sit through it. Nothing inspired, no vision, no originality... And to think that James Franco himself was the director of this film! Like... the hell? How did he get Snoop Dog into this? Or Milla Jovovich? Milla is literally credited as just Drug Lord... and James Franco is Warlord. And get this, they got Lucy Liu into the film as well. And how is this bad ass martial artist actress used in the film? She's lying in bed sick and barely talks.

This movie is bad, boring, and uninspired. Just skip this one.
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Really could have been a lot better
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really on the fens about this one. I would put it between 3 and 4 stars if I could. If the rating system was on a 10 star level, I would have put it at around a 6 or 7. The Jurassic has definitely had it's ups and downs, and while this not the worst of the bunch by far... it still lacks a lot. The characters are bland, and Chris Pratt is not given much room to shine in a dull and uninteresting character. And with his character being the second best in the film... that's a problem. The story has begun to devolve to much into a cartoonish like battle off good dinos vs bad dinos with stagnate humans padding the run time.

It was a bit refreshing when I saw the military leader guy not being portrayed in the stereotypical gruff military colonel fashion that his type of character is usually portrayed as. But then that was ruined by him turning on the main character. If he was the stereotype, the betrayal would have been expected. So it happening like it did actually was unexpected... but not in a good way. It came off as an eye rolling disappointment of "Oh great so it is that kind of character after all" just when I was starting to like the guy.

The visuals in the story are great, and I won't shy away from admitting the fact that I almost shed a tear on the Long Neck on the lava dock scene... you know the one. But the whole movie felt like a rushed, half-assed segway trailer to part 3.
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Loved every minute
3 October 2018
Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the world's best hitman, Gunther. He's world famous but nobody knows who he really is. Well this other group of people get the idea to be the ones to kill Gunther, so that they can be famous for being the hitmen that killed the world's best hitman. But nobody would believe them without evidence... so they decide to film the whole thing. The movie is a mockumentary about this group trying to set up traps and situations to trap Gunther and take him out while getting it all on camera. However things don't go according to plan as Gunther seems to be 3 steps ahead of them every time and tears their plans to shreds! It becomes a hilarious action comedy of a game of cat and mouse... where the mouse is the cat's worst nightmare!

Honestly I think for a low budget film like this, it's great. The jokes are funny, the characters work well and it's just a very well put together film for what it is. And I swear, the creators had to be fans of CinemaSins as some of the jokes are almost direct references to things he points out. Like the line about the "Zoom and enhance cliche" was priceless. The acting is pretty good, the special effects look great, the humor is on point, and Arnold is as hammy and funny as ever. The only down side is that Arnold himself actually doesn't have much screen time. He's sort of the mysterious figure in the shadows for the first two thirds of the movie till he finally reveals himself. And the twist at the end is great! Fits him perfectly. Hell both twists... HELL ALL three TWISTS!

And the movie actually manages to be a bit unpredictable, which is a very big breath of fresh air.
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Tag (I) (2018)
Hilarious fun
3 October 2018
Hands down one of the funniest movies and one of the best comedies I've seen in years. I was laughing from start to finish. I loved the movie, I loved the idea, and they really did great with it.

It's refreshing to see their still is the ability to make a good comedy these days without TOO overloading it with sex and drug humor. Granted their was some of that in the film, but it wasn't the focus or over done. Though a lot of people would say it's too much.

The writing was wonderful, with the jokes and interactions between the characters being engaging and funny. The occasional slapstick was also greatly executed, and from the first couple scenes had my rolling. And the emotional moments of the film also hit pretty hard. Just all around amazing movie and I would love to buy it. So glad I rented it.
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Really underrated.
3 October 2018
I feel this movie gets a lot more hate than it deserves. Sure it may not be as good as the second one, and let's face it it's hard to top T2. But that doesn't make this a bad film. I actually like how John Connor is portrayed in this. Sure he's a bit whiny and a bit of a coward, but that's because he has not grown yet into the person he will be. He's unsure, and full of doubt. He has to grow.

And this movie has one of the best movie trailers I've ever seen!
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Looking Glass (I) (2018)
Almost works well.
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So what's the story? Well, Ray (played by Cage) and his wife Maggie are trying to escape their past and get a new start on life after the death of their daughter. They make a deal with an old man to take over his motel. So they move out, get set up and start running a motel in a strange little town. But things are... odd around those parts. Ray begins to notice the odd behavior of the people but he doesn't understand what's going on.

Well while working on the pool service room, he discovers a secret tunnel that leads to behind the mirror of room 10 at his motel. And the mirror is a 1 way mirror allowing him to spy on whatever goes on in that room. He starts using it to watch an old trucker get it on with his various prostitutes for the night, as well as watches a lesbian bdsm scene. However, things start to get even crazier after one of those lesbians turns up dead on the news from murder. A dead pig sliced down the middle appears inside the pool, red paint is thrown on his windows, and he gets caught in a spiraling mess out of control of trying to figure out just what the hell is going on, keeping his wife safe, keeping his own little secret, and trying to stay sane. All the while trying to do his own investigation to find out what happened to the murdered lesbian.

Sounds like a decent suspense thriller from that, right? Well yeah, and the film does have it's high points. Just the bad thing is this film has poor pacing. And often times it just drags on, and is boring. Also, despite the premise of a voyeur one way mirror and a lesbian sex scene... there is disappointingly next to no nudity in the movie. Hell the lesbians are pretty much fully clothed as they choke each other and kiss. There is one moment while Cage and his wife Maggie (played by Robin Tunney) where you see her tits. But that's it. Just a couple of shots of Robin's tits. And she's no stranger to getting nude on camera. For a rated R film with a subject matter like this, you'd think their would be more nudity... The acting in the film is decent, with Cage again being the best performance. And I will admit that the film does keep you guessing till the end just what the hell is going on and who the murderer is. It does a decent job at that. But it just drags on too long and feels boring at times. It's an all right film. But really could have used some work and polish.
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Jackie makes the film good.
3 October 2018
To be honest... this movie could have been better. But I really enjoyed it. It's nice to see Jackie in a sci-fi action movie like this... Thought he film as a whole doesn't make a whole lot of sense and there are about a trillion plot holes. And it's never explained how Andre and the Woman in Black have such advanced technology and even a freaking space ship in the year 2020 while everywhere else is more or less modern. Jackie is amazing as ever, and still doing all his own stunts and is fantastic, even at the age of 64 now. (Hey my favorite number!) Also the humor in the movie is freaking hilarious. I found myself roaring with laughter several times and almost peeing myself. Jackie's been doing this for over 5 decades now and he's really mastered how to get great slap stick humor down pat. The movie itself isn't that great, and would definitely fall flat without Jackie. But he just brings so much to the table you can't help but love it.
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Ahead of it's time, over looked under rated, and shaped me to who I am today
3 October 2018
One of my childhood favorites. I watched this movie so many times as a kid, and it still holds up to this day. This film gets a bad rep unfairly. This is one of those tragic cases of Box office slaughter, as this film had the misfortune to be released in theaters the week after the first Jurassic Park was released. And the film suffered BIG time.

This movie is largely responsible for my tastes in film and music to this day. I remember the emotions it would cause me as a kid popping in my old VHS for the 50th time and seeing that credit sequence for Jack Slater IV with MegaDeth, or the car chase scene playing AC/DC's Big Gun. To this day those are still two of my favorite songs of all time thanks to this movie. Other than Star Wars, I can't think of another film that has had more influence in my life.

Last Action Hero holds a very special place in my heart and it's truly a fantastic film. Grossly overlooked, whoafully underrated, and a cigar smoking dessert eagle totting Schwarzenegger one liner load of fun.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Worth the wait
3 October 2018
It's been a long wait. 14 years since the first film and at long last we get the continuation of the story. This movie picks up right where the first one left off. Supers are back in the light and the public opinion is mixed as always with the law not taking too kindly to the Incredibles' efforts. Honestly with how the movie goes, I can see that their really wasn't much else they could do with the story or where to take it and it still feel like Incredibles and carry the same spirit as the first film. It could easily have just become just another super hero movie with the family stopping some big threat or some other. They went deeper with this story and kept the similar tone of the first, and it works wonderfully. It may be more of nostalgia talking, but the first film still seems to hold up better. Then again I've only seen the sequel once in theaters so far. I was not disappointed and think the movie was wonderful. Just hopefully we won't have to wait another 14 years for part 3... if we ever get a part 3.

Also. Whats up with the girl Evelyn looking almost identical to Roxanne in Megamind?
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Favorite DC Film
3 October 2018
Hands down my favorite movie from the animated DC series. Very well done, I love the story and the ideas. The characters are great, the twists good. Just an all around great movie. Even if it did spawn the... iffy New 52 universe and continuity as a consequence of The Flash's actions. But this movie on it's own is wonderful. It's so far my favorite animated DC film, and my second favorite animated super hero movie. (the first being Marvel's Planet Hulk).
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First movie I saw in theaters, 5 years old
3 October 2018
Lots of nostalgia here. I grew up watching the TV show. And as far as I can remember, I believe this was the first movie I saw in theaters. It has it's ups and downs, the acting is on par with typical Power Ranger acting, but it has it's greats. Jason David Frank as Tommy is amazing as ever. And Ivan Ooze is one of the all time best Power Ranger villains period.
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Truly hope filled and blessed
3 October 2018
I'll admit, it's not hard to get me to cry in movies. Emotional scenes, some really well written love stories, the reunion of family, the ending of Toy Story 3, and so on. This movie had me crying at least half of the time!

I actually wasn't aware that the I Can Only Imagine song had been around for 20 years now. It's amazing the impact that song has had on the world. Sure it's over played now but this film did give me a renewed appreciation for the bit. I loved this movie, and watched it with my parents.

Whether you're religious or not, this film will have an impact on you and I must highly recommend it.
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Double Dragon (1994)
Guilty pleasure for a 90's kid
3 October 2018
I'll be honest, I can't hate or even dislike this movie. I grew up watching it, much like a lot of other "bad movies" from that time period but as a kid loved them. This film is one of my guilty pleasures and for a while was my favorite film as a kid. I never actually played any of the Double Dragon games, but as a movie I think it's not bad.
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Distracted by it's own self righteous political agenda
3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is an odd one. It's set in the Arrow-verse but also not. It supposed to serve as a prequel to the Crisis story line in the Arrow-verse but done animated. Several of the cast in those shows come back to voice their respective characters, but not all of them. This was done as a 12 episode TV mini series but spliced together as a movie on the DVD. It appears the animation and story was rushed, and it shows. The animation of the mouths are especially weird, as the upper lips on most of the characters are shaded too dark and it just makes everybody look like they have a really thick mustache for an upper lip... Especially The Ray.

This story can't keep track of itself. It's supposed to be about a new superhero trying to learn his powers, and come to terms with himself and his place in this world. Or the other one. However the film quickly devolves into more of a political agenda film more interested in Ray struggling to come out to his parents that he is gay and how him not doing so is making it so he can't effectively use his powers. The Councilman figure he works for is a very unrealistic character in today's word, even publicly stating on TV they wish to have a community built of people only they see as desirable and actively evicts people who are different like Muslims. Honestly, he would have fit in perfectly as a character on the Nazi overrun Earth X, but being a high office holding figure on the modern Earth 1 set just doesn't work and him having been able to keep his office.

It's all done as a plot device to ram into your head that the main character is gay and that him coming out to his parents is the real struggle here...

You know, and not that he has the super brain of a robot from another universe over run by Nazis and that those Nazis are actively looking for it and threaten his world and the multiverse... Oh no, that's not important at all. No the Nazi Supergirl with Hitler's ideals wanting to raise the Nazi flag over all the Multiverse isn't important at all. What we must focus on most of all is how ever will Ray come out of the closet to his parents, stop a Councilman from shutting down his humanitarian department and trying to keep his new powers secret from his secret boyfriend. Yeah, that's the more important story! Screw the Supergirl Nazi that threatens everything in existence, We must make sure his parents find out he's gay in a special way.

Then there is the issue of it taking place supposedly in the same continuity as the Arrow-verse. Most of it I can see... and I may be wrong on this as so far I've only seen seasons 1-3 of Arrow and seasons 1 of Flash. But in the movie they suddenly have to go off and fight a giant.... robot that's rampaging through the city. Like building size robot and have to stop it with a web of laser arrows. This kind of thing would work fine in an animated film like this sure. But this is supposed to be in the same universe as Arrow and The Flash. Which would mean that you could have done this movie fully in live action and it would have fit. But I can't see a giant robot like that in this very cartoony fight happening in the Arrow-verse and be taken seriously as a story at all.

Honestly this doesn't really feel like a Superhero movie, but feels more like a coming to terms with sexuality movie and political agenda that had a Superhero skin put on it and forced into the Arrow-verse. It doesn't flow, it gets distracted by itself and has it's priorities all wrong. These two things could potentially go good together, but this film does not pull it off. It's not a terrible movie and when the story is focus on the hero stuff it does get pretty good at some points. And the exchanges between Cisco and Ray are hilarious. Just when the movie switches gears to force it's political agenda, it comes to a grinding halt and then the animation of character lips looking like mustaches, even on the girls, is just super distracting.

And then I come to the thing that really rubs me the wrong way with this film. I had to come back and edit this part of the review after I gave it some more thought and I'm downgrading my rating to two stars because of this. The main character, Ray, portrays himself as the victim and is put in a position of the film where the film makes want you to think he's the social justice warrior fighting for equality and all that... when the character is actually a huge dick. And there are a few examples of why I say this. Number 1. He doesn't fight for his man. After he admits to his boyfriend in the film, Jacob, that he can't come out to his parents because they are "very conservative" Jacob basically breaks up with him on the spot because he doesn't want to be a dirty little secret. Which I understand. Ray doesn't say anything back and just lets him walk away. He just sulks and this causes him to doubt himself more and struggle with his powers which forces the whole point of he can't master his powers until he accepts himself as gay angle of the film. And at the end, he never goes back to make things right with Jacob.

Number 2. He abuses his powers to get what he wants. Yeah, it might be seen as a way of getting social justice for this moment, but it doesn't excuse the fact of what he does. The Councilmen shuts down his humanitarian department so he can't help people any more. What does Ray do? He tries to right a wrong with another wrong. Once he gets his powers, he breaks into the Councilmen's office, literally breaking in through the window, and threatens him and blackmails him into opening the department back up. Not a very heroic thing to do... but the movie plays it up that it was. And his friend even calls him out on this but he just shrugs it off. This also never plays into the film again. We never see the department reinstated and only just hear a press conference the following day of the Councilmen turning over a new leaf... We never see any other positive benefits of this... nor any bad ones. The Ray gets away with this scott free with no consequences what so ever. Some role model there, kids. Black mail and threaten your politicians to push them into making changes that YOU think is right, whether you are or aren't.

Number 3. And this is the biggest issue for me. So in the film after Overgirl beats the crap out of him and gets away with Red Tornado's cortex, he finally comes clean to his parents and tells them he is gay. They accept him completely. Tell him their love for him is unconditional and that they are happy if he is happy. That's all they want. Things are going good for him. So then after Ray goes over to Earth X and fights off the Nazis... he decides he's needed more there and won't return home. Well that's all good and all, but he refuses Vibe offering to send him back to Earth 1. So what's the big deal? Okay so Vibe and Cisco are the same person on Earth X or Earth 1, and each has the ability to send Ray back and forth between universes. Ray refuses to go back home, where he left his parents with no clue as to what happened to him. They don't know he's a superhero now. They don't know he's gone over to another dimension to fight super Nazis and save some other Earth. He just came out of the closet to them and they accepted him whole heartedly unconditionally. And this was after Overgirl blew a hole in their home through Ray's upstairs room and he took off. This hole never got fixed so he took off leaving them worried with not knowing where he is, and left them with massive property damage that they have no way of explaining. He leaves behind Jacob also, never making things right just so he could stay in another world and fight Nazis. He has the ability to travel back and forth with Vibe and Cisco and make things right in his own life and have time to fight Nazis... but he doesn't. He leaves his parents sitting after they did so much for him and accepted him after he came out to them. I'm sorry but this guy just really rubs me the wrong way.

To clear the air, my political, religious, and sexual views are not influencing this review at all. It's the content of the movie, the message it's trying to get across and the very messed up bad way it's doing it with flawed characters and logic and bad animation that are causing this review.
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