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Enjoyed it for what it was
2 June 2024
This is a character driven story surrounding a maid from Columbia who intersects with a wealthy family from Barcelona. Visually it is stunning, and entertaining with set-pieces and character motivations. I do believe the script could have used work, but for a first feature it is a solid effort. I really could see the transformation of Ana over the course of the film, but would have appreciated more complex characters. The crypto subplot was a nice touch, and interesting as well that the film was funded by NFTs. Some of the story beats were predictable, and I would have enjoyed a bit more surprises in terms of conflict. But overall, I am eager to see more from this director and these actors which handled the material with great skill.
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Challengers (2024)
A riot from start to finish
30 April 2024
Challengers feels like an extremely modern film. It's very playful, and dare I say, sporty in the execution of humor. Everything feels like a little game in this movie. We're not supposed to think the fact that these guys are competing for the same girl is scandalous or the actual conflict of the movie. The conflict of the movie is very much centered on the way they both approach the game of tennis and how Zendaya's character is pretty much the one in control. The boys let her do her thing as she uses intelligence and sexuality to motivate them both. The soundtrack adds to the lightheartedness of the film, and there's no actual big traumatizing moment. It's nice to have such a light, breezy film about tennis that has a great sense of humor and also a ton of depth when it comes to themes like financial security, what happens inside country clubs, and where to go when your uber driver abandons you lmao.
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Campy fun and riveting performances. Genuine scares
22 March 2024
The subversion of the found footage genre is the best part of watching this film. It manages to be stylistic and at the same time hit off on the beats of a traditional possession story, while being suspenseful.

I appreciate a movie that takes its time to settle you into its world, and LNWTD did just that. The quest for ratings and hunger for fame can make people do horrible things, and that's seen in the limits that the audience and host are pushed to.

There are better possession stories out there, but this movie succeeds in allowing you to laugh at what's happening in between commercial breaks, but also be genuinely horrified at what you're watching. Go see this movie if you like found footage and also want to see something a little different for a change!
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Snack Shack (2024)
Irreverent and heartfelt coming of age story
19 March 2024
The first act of this film set it up to be this obnoxious buddy comedy about two scheming capitalists, but the story morphs into a brilliant portrayal of growing up over a summer.

The movie is not as funny as it would like to be at certain points, but that doesn't matter. The strength of the script is in the delivery and the characterization of the two leads and family life.

The conflict can seem a bit silly at first, but then you get it when you realize what life was like at 14. Everything matters until nothing does, and then you fall apart. These actors are admirable, and I respect the fact that they actually look like teenagers.

The script has more f-bombs than Scarface, and it gets loud and obnoxious, and that's what growing up is like. Cannot wait to see more from this director.
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Passable but ultimately devoid of feeling
5 February 2023
An apocalyptic horror would seem to be right up Shyamalan's alley. He has proven himself a master of suspense and with a premise such as doomsday I could not help but be intrigued as an audience member.

But what we get is ultimately an exercise in patience as the audience waits to care about what's happening to these characters...

The movie spends too much time cutting away in a poor attempt at developing the backstory of the couple instead of trying to establish why we should care that these two and their daughter survive in the first place... and whether or not they could even part with one of the members.

The dialogue is tepid and half-baked, I constantly was scratching my head at the foolish "jokes" from these characters in crisis. Maybe it was trying to come off tongue-and-cheek but it just seemed sloppy and obvious to me.

There's no big payoff and you keep waiting for it. And I wasn't even curious about the "why" or the "how" but it was a wasted opportunity to create something that made the audience reflect on their own family, and what they would do to survive or save the earth.

All of the attackers are done decently and the action sequences are well-executed. Dave Bautista is particularly skilled in this role and gives a nuanced performance. Looking forward to more from him.

But at the end of it the family just seemed like a bunch of actors thrown together to pretend to love each other, and what we're left with is not really caring what happens to them.
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Causeway (2022)
Well-equipt actors, demands better writing
5 November 2022
What starts as a moving story about trauma slowly develops into a exploration of friendship that isn't all that fun.. Not that every movie needs to have fun to be compelling. Nor does it need to be fast paced, in fact, this type of story benefits from a bare bones approach. The two main actors do their finest but the script is .... thin. There is little explication and characterization through behavior, what we get is a series of dialogues that explain away the number one rule: show, don't tell. Or rather, these characters NOT telling seems to be used to try and create depth. The cinematography is fine, nothing to go crazy over. The strengths here really are Lawrence and Henry who add much needed levity to the writing. I left this movie feeling like I understand very little about these characters or what they actually want.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Very familiar...
5 October 2022
The plot was basically a mixture of Lights Out and It Follows, two fantastic horrors. SO.. the actual plot of this movie owes a lot to the tropes within the genre It shouldn't work, there's not much fleshed development behind "the why" of the monster so this movies spends a while figuring out "the how." It was a bit tedious to discover what was happening in terms of the curse, the way it jumps from person to person. The typical "main character is not believed because she's a hysterical woman" plot device. I mean, that's been going on since Rosemary's Baby, but that plot was much more developed and there was reasoning behind it.

There's a wonderful performance from Sosie Bacon at the helm. You really root for her character. But the fiancé is a cliche, you wonder why they're even together.

Overall, what makes this movie are the jump scares. They are effective and unpredictable. The cinematography is also very moody and atmospheric.

You will be frightened. A good effort and looking forward to more from the writer/director.
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A cult tv show in the making
22 May 2022
The writing is fresh, the jokes land. Drama particularly intensifies as you question the morality of each of the characters embracing where the stories go. Excited to see Jenn Lewis and Melanie Griffith both being used completely to their talents, and really digging the contrast between the darkness of the driving plot to the lighthearted bits in between. Cannot wait to see how it pans out.
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Housebound (2014)
What an incredible horror-comedy
6 October 2021
This movie was completely bonkers in the best way. It begins in a style where you have no clue where it's going.

The performances are admirable, Rima Te Wiata in particular shines as the chipper and talkative mother with a troublesome daughter.

The action takes you on a ride, and the movie never loses its sense of humor all throughout, which is a rare thing for horror-comedies that are largely plot driven.

It's a mystery, an investigation, a recovery story, and even gets a bit emotional. Such a treat to see something that shakes up the convention of what a ghost story can be.
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Cam (2018)
Really creative concept with good execution
12 May 2021
This is a movie that is edited to perfection, and the best part is how it creates it's own hyper-real world that's candy coated with whimsy fun but layered with thoughtful subtext.

Not to disenfranchise others opinions, but this movie is intriguing and the payoff comes in the themes, not the ending. It seems like people expected a different direction. It mixes horror and dark comedy in a really unique way. The use of humor does not feel shoehorned in but instead used to color in the characters and the weird world they live in.

I love that movies like this are being made and still have ways to be creative with the doppelgänger story and new camera tricks. And solutions to the weird conflicts introduced. The ending may not be everyone's liking but there is a pretty magnificent climax.

I fully understand why this isn't some people's cup of tea, but you have to admit this movie did a lot with pretty unique concept. Deserves higher than the score it has and suggest you check it out for some good fun and insightful social commentary.
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Six Feet Under: That's My Dog (2004)
Season 4, Episode 5
It's traumatizing and a realistic scenario
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The misunderstanding about psychology coming from people who have watched the show this far is surprising...

With a show like Six Feet Under, you recognize that relationships are complicated. David himself is alone, seeking companionship. That's my dog! Here's this cute boy on the side of the road who he can save.

Anyone who thinks he could have just heroed up and punched his abductor does not understand David as a character. He's supposed to be sensitive, and attempts to use reason to be let go. Instead, this is an unreasonable situation from a guy with a gun who sees David as a pal, and psychologically torments him so that he wouldn't dare to escape.

Not to mention .... he has a weapon. Panicking in situations like these is normal, and David was humiliated in the process. It's an important story arc concerning his sexuality, and this episode managed to entertain as well as horrify. People seem upset because they were confronted with a dire situation that was too uncomfortable for them, but when you're watching a show like Six Feet Under, what the hell do you expect?
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Even if superheroes aren't your thing, this cast is superb
9 April 2021
I gave this a shot wanting to watch a mindless show with Elliot Page at the helm, but it's actually great.

The family dynamic is funny, the characters are developed well. Sure you get some cheesy humor at times but then the brilliance comes with the emotional heft. Not a superhero show to balk at, it's rather endearing and glad I gave it a shot.
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Smiley Face (2007)
Self aware and endlessly quotable stoner comedy
22 January 2021
It's almost nihilistic in presentation. Stories about burnouts are funnier when you know they have the potential to be something more, but they keep sabotaging themselves because they needs the weeds.

Anna Farris delivers a sympathetic and pathetic character at the same time, her comic timing is incredible as always. Also John Krasinski is a highlight (and admittedly unrecognizable)

The comedic dialogue really snaps with observations and the phrasing alone always makes me crack up just thinking about it.

C'mon dude, dont wanna be late for that dentist appointment!!
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
not sure what other people are watching...
21 January 2021
Read plenty of recommendations and saw screenshots and this show looked beautiful with an intriguing premise.

i could only get 25 minutes in. the boys are obnoxious, the dialogue is kinda stale, too many cliche lines. acting is equally obnoxious and just didnt hook me right. could be wrong but i dont see it getting to a place where its watchable to me, sorry
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Relic (2020)
this movie was terrifying...
13 July 2020
People need to come off it. this movie's monster scared the hell out of me

there's a lot of relationship dynamics coming from grandmother - mother - daughter and how strained and uncomfortable they can be in the uncertainty of what your duty is in each role

the effects in this film are grotesque and made my skin crawl. its body horror in that fashion. can't even think of a scene as disgusting and beautiful as the final one. and then it leaves you with a smack in the face about how we all kind of fear the same thing to an extent.

Natalie Erika James is a talent to watch and seeing her vision of what family horror is makes me excited for her future work. she brings a meaningful performance from Emily Mortimer and an endearing one from Bella Heathcote.

If you're on the fence whether to watch this film, ask yourself if you are willing to stare death in the face for a full hour and a half? some people find this dull and depressing, i found it horrifying
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