
36 Reviews
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Warning (II) (2021)
It's films like this that make it worth it
18 October 2022
I watch a lot of crappy movies, most of them turn out to be junk, but this gem of a film makes all the crappy B-roll movies I've seen worth it. It is a genuinely interesting, meaningful and poignant film.

The reason I would say it was mostly panned is because you have to pay attention. What, you say?! Yes, in today's day and age of tiktoks and 4 second videos, a film where you have to pay attention to the overall theme to understand it is not an easy feat, but the people who are willing to do so will be rewarded. I don't want to give any spoilers, so I will just leave this hint; this film (and yes I say film rather than movie because this truly is a simple masterpiece) is a commentary on human relationships and how they are affected by technology. How love between couples is affected, between parents and children, between random strangers, and even between people and their religion. There are many characters who each reflect this theme, but only one main character, the rest of the stories are told in brief snippets between each other. So, compared to a regular movie, which is a linear story with a few main characters and which follows a simple, predictable plot and satisfying resolution, this story gives none of that, which is probably why people did not like it.

This is not a movie for the everyman. It's not a movie for casual film fans. It's not a movie for someone who wants nonstop action. This is a movie for people who like to think a bit deeper about things, and who can read between the lines. It will never be appreciated on a massive scale, and that is okay. If you can watch the film and understand and digest the themes, symbols and plots woven within, consider yourself exceptional.
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I can't forget this movie
27 April 2022
I watched this several weeks ago, and I still have it in my head. I will never forget this film, that's how strange and unique it was. When I first began watching it, I thought it was some old foreign film- turns out it was and is not, just filmed in that style.

The entire film is very symbolic, hidden meanings abound, but for the strangeness alone, I would highly recommend it.

I gave it 8/10 because, although a great film, if the writing had been a bit more telltale and decipherable, it would have made it that much better. As it is, it's very esoteric, which is fine, but for that reason I felt I could not rate it a 10.
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Umma (2022)
I was disappointed.
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I will say it again; I was disappointed. The plot that they laid out was a decent concept; in fact, towards the end, the real highlight of the plot glimmers through. An immigrant mother, abandoned by her husband in a hostile country, with only her daughter for comfort. That same daughter also becomes her only source of venting her frustration and sadness, as well. It's a good concept, that failed to materialize.

This could have been a really good film if a little more thought was put into the story. For example, they could have scrapped the part about the electricity and added more content about the mother/daughter relationship. It also would have helped to have a bit more jump scares, or just scares in general. A picture of grandma looking stern didn't exactly bring the fright aspect.

I can completely see what this movie was trying to be, and I can completely see why it wasn't that. I will say it again; I am disappointed.
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Get Duked! (2019)
Fun and worth a watch
28 January 2022
As a purveyor of underscrutinized horror films, I really enjoyed this title. I would not necessarily categorize it as a Thriller, which is how I found it, but more like a gruesome comedy. Nevertheless, the fast pace and inane situations made for a fun hour and a half. Definitely worth a watch.

If you are the type who likes their storylines to be well buttoned up and make a lot of sense, this won't, but overall that just made it more hilarious in the end.
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Evil Takes Your Time and Flushes It Down The Toilet
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film started off with pretty good production quality, unlike other b-type films, so I was hoping this would be a hidden gem, but 30 minutes into the movie it began to feel like a series of disconnected bits of story, or maybe just random bits of different stories?

A witch type looking creature in a hood? Ok, this must be the villain! But wait- what is this scary looking tree monster?

A high school aged girl loses her mom to... a curse? Or just bad luck? I dunno, it doesn't really explain it. Another high school girl also loses her mom, but again the reasons aren't clear, and for some reason she lives with her uncle who is a priest.

Wait, the mom of one of the girls had a boyfriend? Are these girls related or something? The connection between them seems to be nonexistent.

A flash of a scene where a girl is holding a bloody clump of hair, followed by a flash of a scene of the OTHER girl having nightmares. A flash of a scene of a dog with red eyes. Are these scenes significant in some way?? Your guess is as good as mine.

For some reason, there's a black Catholic priest, with a heavy African accent. But then there's also a white Catholic priest, but are they from the same church? Do they know each other? I'm not sure. They each are in different scenes with one of the dads of one of the girls who lost their mothers, but if they know each other or something, it's undefined, like dividing by zero.

One of the girls is deaf, and speaks sign language. The other takes sign language classes at school. Do these girls know each other?? What does this have to do with anything else in the movie? Apparently nothing, I guess it's just there to character build? Although to be honest, it's a pretty weak storyline. It doesn't appear that these two girls even know each other.

Then, at the end, the fathers and the priests converge with the boyfriend of one of the dead mothers (it's weird because they're all just like, all together, all of a sudden) and they do some sort of exorcism or something, and the boyfriend scribbles some stuff on a tree and walks away and not even two minutes later some construction guys come along and cut down the tree (apparently releasing the demon).

It's really a waste of time to watch this movie,m even if you are a person who likes terrible horror movies.
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Nicole (2019)
A Hidden Gem
7 September 2020
This movie was extremely compelling. The production quality at first seems like it's going to be a cheesy B flick but the black/white film was a great choice and makes you forget about low production while heightening the surrealness of the entire movie.

Within the first few moments you find yourself interested in knowing more about the main character, and you end up hating the bad guy right away, he comes off as so sleazy.

Overall, acting is great, story is great, and I enjoyed this horror movie a lot. I am not sure why I hadn't heard of it, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye open for this writer and director's future work!
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Spree (2020)
A Comical Bloody Depiction of Social Media Obsession
19 August 2020
I really enjoyed this film, it was very 2020. It takes a basic idea and morphs it into a pretty interesting and convoluted look at social media trends, self esteem, and people reaching their breaking points. It also had these underlying humorous scenes that at first don't seem to be adding humor but ultimately do, in a very sly way that only the perceptive will really appreciate.

It wasn't overly gory or overly sexed up, and for being filmed in a way that makes it look like it was poorly done via social media the production crew really hit all the highlights in a great way, so even though you have the chat boxes and insta filters besides the movie playing you barely notice it, and it just adds a realistic ambiance without taking away from the film.

I think this type of writing really shows you don't need to have some high budget horror film with tons of hype to tell a good, creepy story and you can veer away from the "found footage" type of films of the '90's and still make something unique. original, and a solid 10. Definitely worth a watch!
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City of Salt (2020)
Watched this by mistake but was pleasantly surprised
16 August 2020
I started watching this movie thinking it was going to be more of a horror/thriller/mystery/suspense type film. The intro titles looked super professional, so I was surprised to see it was a B-quality film along with B-quality acting. But, I was curious so I watched the first 15 minutes. I quickly realized the plot was about a Mormon community that is rattled by a missing teenager and a suicide. Okay, sounded intriguing. I watched more.

Some of the acting was not great, and some was really good, but I wouldn't say it was all terrible or even the worst I've seen because it really isn't. I was intrigued by the theme, I wasn't sure who this movie was for. It was based on a Mormon community, but seemed to be preaching acceptance of others, including the LGBTQ community, which I know is not very accepted in conservative circles. So I kept watching to reveal more of the plot and actually was drawn in. The production quality is a little hokey and again the acting is not all great, plus I was really thrown off by some of the actors who were supposed to be kids looking like 40 year old women, but overall I was interested and before I know it the movie was almost over.

The film came to a close with fitting retribution. Most satisfying was the positive message it exuded, even in lieu of the religious backdrop. Though the production wasn't top notch, it wasn't the worst I've seen and there's a lot of other much worse crap out there you could watch.

Give it a chance!
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Babysplitters (2019)
Highly recommend!
9 July 2020
I usually don't enjoy rom-com type stuff but this movie was hilarious.

I had never even heard of it but one of my friends sent me the IMDB link and I saw Danny Pudi was in it, and he was really great in Community and I enjoyed that type of humor, so I decided yes let's watch it. Well, I'm glad I did.

Was it cheesy and did it have a silver lining at the end? Yes indeed. Was it vulgar and over the top, with a ridiculous scenario that only crazy people would even think to participate in? Yes, definitely. I will also say it was the best 2 hours of my time spent this week, and although it was long, I found myself towards the end not wanting the shenanigans to end.

For people reviewing saying it wasn't good, they must not have been paying attention, because the humor is subtle but poignant, so if you aren't really paying attention you may not see it. A great example is when one of the couples complains about how all their friends just share pictures of their dumb babies over and over. They both agree that it's a waste of time and nobody wants to see them loll over their dumb baby. They then turn to their chihuahua and proceed to dote all over it while taking pictures for social media.

The ridiculous and culminating plot twists just heightened the laughter for me, and even the directing was well done as one scene clashes with the next in very good storytelling transition. You find yourself thinking the story is going one way, only to be lead back to the actual story in a completely unexpected way, and accompanied by real emotion for the characters. When they are in an awkward situation, I felt the awkwardness! When they are irritated you can feel it. When they are sad, I felt it too.

Was it a dumb comedy with a lot of tropes and stereotypes about sex and kids and parenting? Heck yes! It was also very funny and had a lot of emotion for a dumb comedy.

If you've liked any of Danny Pudi's other work you'd probably like this movie as well.
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Tooth Fairy (2019)
Love it for the comedic value!
6 July 2020
Some of the highlights of this film inspired me to write a review. The finer highlights:

-The "grandma" being younger than the daughter

-The "grandpa"'s silly wig

-The inventive use of dental implements such as toothbrush and floss as death instruments

-The silly ghost mask used for the bad guy

Overall, a solid 5 as far as bad horror movies go. I am always interested in seeing a new spin on an old classic theme and this one failed miserably! It did make me laugh out loud, though, and inspired me to write this review. Give it a try, if for anything other than the laughs!
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This type of trauma doesn't fit in the narrative.
29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so it explains why Mr. Robot existed and took on the image of his father. That's about it. There was no foreshadowing leading up to this. I really feel like Esmail left this hidden, purposely leaving out any hint of it, to do a big shock at the end, but honestly it doesn't fit the universe he created. Up until this episode, from Elliott's flashbacks, there's absolutely no indication of his father being a bad guy, only fond memories., In fact, the only time anyone says anything negative about his dad is from him remembering comments his mom made about his dad, and since she wasn't really an upstanding citizen herself, her accusations about Elliot's father weren't exactly reliable.

It would have fit the narrative and the universe around the show much better if there had been more of an indication of the true nature of Mr. Robot, such as comments from Darlene and Angela about his dad, or more than one event where Elloit lost time or injured himself. I know the episode got critical acclaim, and the acting, directing, cinematography, soundtrack and dramatic elements were all great. But when Krista started unravelling the truth, I was silently saying in my head, oh jezz, don't let this be some sexual abuse something, that makes no sense in the grand scheme of the show. Let it be any other type of trauma, but not sexual abuse.

0 stars. Poorly written explaination for Mr. Robot's existence and exploiting a serious trauma issue in a fictional universe that didn't need it and where it honestly just didn't fit.

Hope the rest of the series doesn't cave on the giant narrative sinkhole Esmail just opened up.
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Loophole (2019)
Not an actual movie- Christian fanfiction
29 January 2019
This it the type of movie you think might be interesting, but it is actually just one of those movies trying to secretly convert you by showing you how cool and edgy Christianity is.
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If you watch any of the Krampus movies out there, make it this one!
29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After spending an entire weekend watching every single Krampus movie I could find, I would have to say, at 6 stars this is the best you will get! Usually UK films are quite terrible, but this one stood out in several ways!

One, it had pretty decent actors, and a cohesive storyline, with a bonus twist at the end!

Two, it has the most gore. I especially enjoyed the scene where Mother Krampus takes a gingerbread man cookie cutter, stabs it into the skin of one of her victims, peels out a skin cutout of a gingerbread, cooks it over the fire and eats it.

If there were any major drawbacks, I'd say, although the character was supposed to be a Krampus-like demon, the actual storyline has nothing to do with the mythos of Krampus, which is probably why the film was also/alternatively called "The 12 Deaths of Christmas", and that title was even misleading because she doesn't even kill 12 kids only 5, and it doesn't take place 12 days before Christmas, it takes place like, 2 days before Christmas.

In either case if you like terrible horror, this one was worth watching!
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Out of the entire Krampus franchise, this is the absolute worst.
29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie definitely deserves one star! As a fan of horror including terrible B movies, this film had no redeeming qualities. It seems to have been made by the same studio that made Krampus: Unleashed, which was only slightly better with 2 stars.

These two films tie into the same universe because of the backstory involving Arizona, which probably was just written in because that's where the people who filmed it lived so they decided to place it there, even though Krampus is a Germanic folklore demon, from Germany.

So, how does Krampus end up in the desert? Well, this movie will tell you, but in a very slow, boring uninteresting and uncreative way. They couldn't even write in an interesting way to get the German demon to the USA. The introduction opens somewhere in Germany during world war, where it shows some crazy German dude with a fancy necklace and a book screaming random stuff, he and everyone else gets shot, and the bodies of the US soldiers are sent back to the states. One soldier's wife, a teacher in Arizona, is sent her husbands belongings, which just happen to include the German book and necklace.

The first hour of the film is less like a horror movie and more like a very boring biopic of 1900's Arizona as we learn about their beliefs of the time, and how the orphanage they work at operates. It isn't until you get near the end that the story even has literally anything to do with Krampus. It's almost as if they started filming a story about an orpahange in early Arizona days, realized at the end that it would literally make people's eyes bleed from boredom, and decided to throw in Krampus in the last few scenes to write it off as a horror story instead. Then, when he finally appears, it is really just flashy colors or a still shot that depict the Krampus. No murder or anything even takes place, just scenes of people running, falling, screaming, and then the assumption that Krampus killed them, it's really absolutely terrible. I mean, I truly believe a B movie can be totally redeemed from its crappy graphics and usually bad acting and soundtrack with originality and gore, but this movie offers neither. Krampus himself looks like a guy in a black paper mache' mask with some flames edited in his eye sockets, and you don't actually see Krampus move around or anything, all you see is a scene of his face he kinda rocks back and forth, and the rest of the time, he is in the form of an evil looking little boy, or the screen flashes color (you know, because flashing colors means murders are going on!! you just can't see them).

At the end Krampus basically disappears* everyone except the teacher, because she had the German necklace the first guy was waving around and screaming about and for some reason Krampus can't kill whoever has the necklace. But then she manages to banish Krampus somehow despite only having just learned about him and the amulet 2 minutes beforehand and everyone pops out of thin air so Krampus really didn't do any damage at all and the whole thing was pretty pointless since they all lived happily ever after anyway.

The drunk priest wins award for best actor, everyone else was terrible. This was like a bad boring episode of little house on the prairie.
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A poor addition to the Krampus franchise
29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A family stumbles upon an ancient rock in the Arizona desert of all places, which houses the German Christmas demon, Krampus. There is a much-too-long cut scene at the beginning of the movie which explains how the ancient rock got there, but it is not a very creative or interesting introduction to the film.

One of the children awakens Krampus from the ancient stone, who then chases the family about in the poor graphics style of a bad B role film, before the survivors figure out a way to trap him in a mine at the end.

Oh, and for really no actual reason, a baby version of Krampus pops out of the dirt at the end and eats a guy.

I watched the entire Krampus franchise, and must say this was the second-worst of them all, with Krampus Origins being the absolute worst. Those two seem to be made by the same people, in a sort-of similar universe since both of these stories take place in Arizona. This one had better graphics and a bit better of story than Krampus Origins did, but both are pretty bad, and me being a huge fan of B movies, when I say a B movie is bad, I mean it's bad.

The badness of this movie is not even slightly redeemed by the character Bonnie, the hot neighbor, whose only important scene seemed to be the one in which she is naked in the hot tub with her boyfriend.

There isn't really even any substantial comedic value from the movie like you sometimes find in B movies except for the totally unrelated appearance of baby krampus at the end, and no gratuitous over-the-top ridiculous violence or death either, but there was a semblance of an attempt, and for that they get credit. Two stars. Don't bother unless you seriously have nothing else to do.
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Should win the most erotic movie of the year!
25 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a PC gamer, I loved this movie. I think it was highly underrated, but only people who truly have a passion for gaming and niche interests would really get this movie and fall in love with it. The character is conflicted in just the way that a gamer would be.

The movie includes several scenes where the characters seemingly "make love" to an arcade game. Many people would think this is really dumb and stupid but I truly found it to be an erotic scene. It also kind of visually depicted the sort of fanaticism and passion a gamer can have over their hobby.

Many people many not appreciate the slow, artistic scenes, strobe effects and layered images but I personally enjoy that style of movie so this fit right in for me. A cult classic for sure. It deserves better recognition, but being such a niche topic and such an abstract directing style, I know it won't get it.

But, if you like games or nerdy stuff and understand nerd culture and would like to see erotic scenes of people making love to an arcade game and appreciate artistic thrillers, check it out!
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Not sure why this has such high ratings...
25 March 2018
I am quite annoyed that this movie has such a high rating.

I felt insulted by it's simplicity, it's lack of dialogue, and the dialogue that was there being terrible, it's lackluster character development and the incessant looping of the music. Seriously the music was like seven words just changed around throughout the entire movie. It was two hours of looping of a really bad song with a few lines of horrible dialogue sprinkled in there. The dancing was lots of spinning and arm-waving.

You get to know NO characters in the movie other than Barnum. Every other character is just filler, fodder, empty actors with no story development, who are just there to wave their arms in garish makeup.

I feel like a lot of people were just maybe fooled by the poppy, upbeat tune and the constant spinning and swirling going on that they failed to notice how bad this movie is!

The slap in the face here is that I LOVE musicals. And I hated this one.
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If you like zombie movies, add this to your watchlist.
9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is not really a zombie movie, but runs in the same vein. The characters, the story, and the setting of the film are all too similar to so many movies before it. That does NOT mean it isn't worth watching, because it is.

I particularly enjoyed the slow-paced, tense dramatic scenes. It fits the story well; each scene manages to shed some light into what each character is feeling at that moment. The music was well done and helped add to the suspense.

The characters are thrown into a position where the audience is constantly asking itself, what would I do? What is the choice I would make? It is not hard to empathize with all the characters, because each character has a relevant side and position to consider. The first hour of the film is setting up for the last 30 minutes, when the most tension and suspense is displayed followed by a conclusion that leaves you wondering.

One thing I kept asking myself is, what comes at night? There was obviously no monsters or villains that came at night in the movie although the title implies it. I think perhaps what comes at night is the sickness described throughout the movie. Perhaps it manifests at night. The other conclusion I considered was perhaps regret, or grief, and the characters experience these emotions most keenly in the twilight hours when all should be calm.

No matter what conclusion you come to, you won't regret watching this film.
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A Cure For Insomnia, Really
4 September 2017
Overall, this film started off great- I thought I was in for a good psychological thriller with some good actors and high quality cinematography. Some of the scenes were very creepy, long shots at weird angles with odd pauses, the kind that make you feel a tingle in your spine, but also have a certain artistic beauty to them.

As the story went on and on, though, it became so much convoluted nonsense. It started off as one storyline, then involves some stuff from the guy's past, then involves this other storyline from the far far away past, then there' some stuff about the water, and also some stuff about some eels, and a fire, and some incest, and more and more stuff gets added into the mix. An hour and a half into the movie I was getting extremely bored, the story was going in circles, and so many extraneous story lines were added it was ridiculous. At that point, I realized I still had AN HOUR of movie left to watch.

Really this movie could have been good if a good editor had hacked it to pieces. You could have made 2 separate movies from the budget and the content of this movie, there was so much story involved. You could have made one whole movie about JUST the water and it's effects and then a whole other story about the events that happened in that city in the past and then brought into the present day. And for some reason they kept involving storyline from the main character's past too, which had absolutely no relevance to the movie at all (that I could tell anyway). The movie really needed some editing, it was just too much and way too long, it got so boring toward the end, they tried to spice it up with some breasts and some incest rape but it still fell way flat.

This movie was like a mixture of Shutter Island, along with an entirely separate movie about a boy struggling with the loss of his father after he begins working for his father's compancy, along with a movie about a mysterious resort in Switzerland and the water's magical properties and immortal eels, along with a story about an urban legend in a small Swiss town that turns out to be true. It was a discombobulated mess.

After watching this movie, I watched another movie called Attack of the Killer Doughnuts, and THAT movie had a way better storyline than A Cure For Wellness.

Oh, and the lead character was great, I dunno his name but that actor is awesome.
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Actually A Really Well Written Story!
4 September 2017
OK, so the special effects are complete crap. The movie has that B-Side smell to it, complete with kinda bad audio and editing. But- it was completely redeemable. It had a perfect mix of horror movie elements, the right amount of comedy, and a happy resolution at the end.

Yes, the "killer donuts" were laughable. Yes, the acting was very immature. Yes, no fancy sets in this film, and the actors were probably all the director's high school friends. But I actually did enjoy it! The bad special effects were entertaining at least, the characters were exactly as they should be- hero, his lovable sidekick, the girl who pines over him, the snotty girlfriend, the quirky customers who come into the donut store, the overbearing donut store owner. It worked well. I'd like to see more from this director and whoever wrote the film- a true cult classic!
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The Crooked Man (2016 TV Movie)
Not worth watching to the end
26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I always am looking for a new horror villain in the likeness of Kreuger himself, and thought this might be it- however, it was just bad. Bad writing, bad directing.

It's a very predictable plot, so there's no surprise or suspense; as the description says, friends at a sleepover summon "The Crooked Man" as kids, years later he returns, they regroup and come up with a way to stop him and everyone is happy ever after. I just saved you from wasting 2 hours of your life.
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Split (IX) (2016)
Great movie!
26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
All of the acting is fantastic, especially the main villain and the main protagonist. If there was one thing I would change, it would have been the connection between the protagonists' past and how that tied into the end. The reason why is because it is very subtle, and could be easily overlooked if someone isn't paying attention. But otherwise it was great! The writing and everything, and a very interesting concept.

I've always enjoyed Shyamalan films and this one is no different! I love the slow, sort of almost awkward quality to his directing that makes you feel like you are one of the characters, or feeling awkward like they do.

The cameo appearances are welcome! Also, I like how Shyamalan took this opportunity to tie the films in his "universe" together.
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Arbor Demon (2016)
Not Impressed
28 February 2017
A boring creature feature film with an equally boring ending. The film tries to do too much with a simple concept, it seems really over-produced to me. Most scenes are not scary at all, and the creatures I thought, looked pretty silly. I'd compare this to an old school SCI FI channel film that you'd watch in the middle of a weekday. Really not worth watching in my opinion. About 30 minutes in I was ready to call it quits and rate it in IMDb, but decided I should give it a try if I'm going to write a review about it- maybe it has an amazing, redeeming ending- nope, it didn't. At the end I was even a little confused about the intentions of the bad guys. Were they really religious or something? Are they feminists? What exactly was their motivation to stalk these woods?? There was the guy's name who made the film all over the place too which seems annoying and like he is deliberately trying to shove his name down your face: Patrick Rea: Arbor Demon! Arbor Demon BY Patrick Rea! A Patrick Rea Film: Arbor Demon! I mean, I don't know who this guy even is and he pastes his name everywhere possible. The only good thing about this movie is that I know who made it so I can avoid his crap in the future!
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Antibirth (2016)
If you like horror, this film is exceptional.
28 February 2017
As a horror buff, I will usually watch anything, even grainy B-roll films or the kind of movies where the soundtrack is delayed by about 3 seconds or the music is really loud and the audio really quiet, or terrible acting or terrible special effects.

This movie had none of that. It was really well done, and felt like a mainstream film. It's got the acting and high quality, but most importantly it's an interesting story that really makes you want to keep watching! I mean, don't get me wrong- we are talking about a protagonist with some very undesirable traits- but there's still something about it regardless of the undesirable content that you just don't want to look away from! And the lead character, some of her best roles are playing the smartass druggie but- she does it so well, this is really her best role! Was she typecast? Probably, but it paid off. She does great.

I love the pace at which the story unfolds, telling a little at a time and leading up to a satisfyingly humorous and also appropriate ending that really ties it all together.

Despite the racy content and the often deprecating humor, this movie had more to offer than most mainstream films nowadays! It's just too bad that not that many people will have a chance to find this diamond in the rough.
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Man Down (I) (2015)
Confused at first, and then bam! It hit me.
26 February 2017
I must say, I tend to really like films that Le Bouf plays in. He has a knack for picking good films, he just really does. As much as you might hate him personally, he knows a good story when he sees one.

This film I had heard very little about, I knew it had something to do with war, but not much else. Seems it is highly underrated. I'm not even sure if it had a theatrical release or not.

When the film opened I was pretty skeptical. It seemed boring as all hell. Slow moving. Not very interesting. Military guy, yadda yadda. The opening was tinted with confusing "flashback" type scenes, boring paranorama or desolated wasteland that wasn't explained and other apocalyptic type scenes that didn't seem to fit into the rest of the movie. I kind of started losing interest and was barely paying attention, when all of a sudden...

The movie took a crazy turn, and I realized what was really going on, and why everything seemed confusing and off with the timing. It all came together, and I was sincerely impressed.

The music is a little over the top and too sentimental at a lot of parts, but the story is very well written. You just don't realize it at first how brilliant it is.

7/10 because the first part was so confusing and I felt a lot of the music was bad and just distracted from what was happening.
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