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Norton's acting delivers the sheer loss that racism can truly bring
9 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Probably one of the most powerful films I have ever seen, with a subject matter that is so delicate and easily could have been mishandled – this film delivers a performance of a lifetime from Edward Norton and a superb story shaping the influences around him.

The film is told in two tales; one in black and white, conveying the wrongful doings of Derek Vinyard (Norton) and about how his racial crusades slowly infiltrate the mind of his little brother. After a brutal racially motivated murder of three individuals for breaking into his car, Derek is sent to jail where he soon learns the errors of his ways and comes to realise the pain and suffering he has caused.

The second story told in colour, runs parallel to that of the past of Derek. This story focuses more on Danny Vinyard, and about the effect his brother has on him. After handing in a paper on Mein Kampf, the school's headmaster orders Danny to write a paper about his brother. This is where we hear the vocal expressions of the effects that he has had on him through a well delivered voice-over. On the same day when Danny is reunited with his brother, Danny sets about trying to impress his brother by taking up where he left off – the tattoos, the haircut, the attitude – aspiring to him.

But as Derek's story develops from his time in prison, you begin to realise that he cannot let his brother take the same path as he did. He disowns all his friends and connections in the neo-Nazi party in a ditch attempt to save his brother from a similar life of destruction and mayhem.

The relationship between the two brothers is what drives the plot of the film; the acting between them is impeccable and emotionally driven. As Danny finally realises what his brother is trying to teach him, he is shot by a gang member that he encountered before his brother showed him the right path. Derek holding his dead brother in his arms is the greatest lesson of all. Norton conveys with such passion, the pain, the guilt and true regret the character is feeling –his brother's death was his entire fault.

Without a doubt one of the most powerful films you will see, and I can't help but feel that under all this there is a powerful message that mankind is twisted and troubled in today's society over such petty issues as race and equality which could so easily be dealt with by the governments in place.
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Seriously where did this dark horse of a film come from?!
17 March 2006
Without a doubt I thought that this was truly entertaining film. I only managed to catch it at my local cinema in a one off showing, but I really wasn't disappointed.

Me and my friend went in the film not truly understanding what to expect. Basically it cracks down to Robert Downey Jr. starting the film off as a burglar, after being shot at he accidentally runs into an acting audition. Breaking down with tears in the office, he accidentally gets the acting job and whisked off to Hollywood with hopes of playing a detective in an upcoming film.

Cue Gay Perry a.k.a Val Kilmer who is fantastic in this film with his dry wit and humour adding some hilarious scenes to this film. He plays a gay detective assigned to help train up Robert Downey Jr. The pair of them get sucked into a story starting with discovery of a corpse and building into deeper plot involving kidnapping and murder. The plot line is genuinely well crafted, and is explored in the perfect amount of depth. It is quite simply littered with many funny moments. Probably the favourite of mine being the running joke of the gay detective through the film, involving the 'faggot' gun. Shane Black directs this film superbly, keeping it alive with sharp wit.

The whole cast clicks together perfectly with Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer shining with good support coming from Michelle Monaghan. The film is accompanied by a very light hearted narration from Robert Downey Jr. which makes the film that even bit more engaging.

Overall, a quirky, very amusing film, with a superb cast, and with a run time of 99 minutes, you simply can't afford to miss it.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang... A solid 10/10
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Munich (2005)
Spielberg does it again
2 February 2006
Having seen this film only yesterday, all I can say is that without a doubt I'm seeing it again next week. Having been disappointed with Brokeback Mountain I entered the cinema with low expectations, have not been treated to a masterpiece since Crash. Munich did not disappoint me.

The story follows 5 top secret Israeli assassins hired to hunt down and kill 11 Palestiniens who had a hand in planning the Munich killings. The story is superb, and is conveyed in a really convincing manner. While some parts may feel a little confusing, simply sticking with it is rewarding.

Eric Bana does indeed steal the show as the team leader for the deadly five, and is well supported from Daniel 'Bond' Craig, who puts on a more than convincing south African accent. Not a single hollow performance is turned in, and they all seem to be heavily affected from the job they are carrying out. It is superbly crafted how with all these brutal murders, their mindsets begin to change and the harsh reality of war hits them all.

The action scenes shot in this movie are brutally real. The action shots covered the actually killing of the Israeli Olympic team feels hauntingly real, as does some of the bombings which take place.

While some may be turned away by the 164 minute run time (which I know my friends were) I feel this is a great film, and definitely one of Spielberg's best. Definitely does deserve some recognition.

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Jarhead (2005)
A superb war film... with no action
14 January 2006
The trailer had really hyped this film up for me and I thought it looked like one of the coolest films to come out in a while... I can safely say I wasn't disappointed.

The story follows that of Jake Gyllenhaal, a young American man who has no prospects for him back in America. Enlisting in the marines, he figures this may be a mistake. The story then unfolds with Gyllenhaal and his unit of marine led by Jamie Foxx on their tedious waiting in the desert for the Iraqis to finally strike to they can see some action.

The Iraqis never strike, but one by one the men begin to lose sight of what they are there for, and all of them are in someway affected by their times in the desert.

As stated in the title, no actual battle scenes occur in the film which I found bizarre for a war film... but I think it just deepens the meaning of this film, the way Swofford truly intended his story to be told.

Jamie Foxx I feel turned in the best performance as the squad's staff sergeant delivering a very powerful yet funny role. Actually that said, this film is hilarious in places. For about the first hour you are treated to some scenes which aren't too far off from being in a Gulf War comedy.

The shooting style is brilliant with the scene in the burning oil fields being incredibly moody and darkly shot.

Overall I conclude this is the third masterpiece from Sam Mendes, and definitely worth a viewing.

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Welcome to the most original film on Earth
23 October 2005
This is without a doubt the most genius film I have ever seen, my hats off to Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman for taking a risk and making this film.

The title basically sums up the general plot... being John Malkovich! Depressive puppeteer John Cusack finds a job on the 7 and a half floor of a building. When he turns up to work the floor is only half a storey high and no one seems to make sense.

His job leads him to find a portal in the form of the small door. The portal leads the person into John Malkovich's head for 15 minutes before being dropped on the New Jersey turnpike. After trying to market this product, John Cusack's character gets bored and decides to permanently take over Malkovich to see what kind of life he would lead.

After reading that quick summary of the plot you must be thinking how can a film with such a stupid and bizarre plot be any good? I ensure you, that the sheer originality of this film will keep you entertained! The plot, script, acting and humour are all top notch in this film over-ally delivering one of the greats of cinema history.

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Three Kings (1999)
Genius humorous action
23 October 2005
I have seen this film three times in the past week I am that fond of it. I expected your more than average war film attempting to recreate the gulf war but I was pleasantly surprised.

The film tells the tale of George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg and Ice Cube, three men intent on 'taking back' Kuwaiti gold for themselves. However on their quest they realise the people of Iraq are greatly at risk, and after suffering a severe conscience bash they decide to help a group of Iraqi villagers across the border.

The plot and script are superb, with some genuine funny lines inserted into the film. George clooney is on top form as the sly and laid back Archie Gates- the mastermind behind the whole idea.

The film is very well made with some unique camera angels and film techniques. The one which sticks predominately in the mind, is the little clip where they show how a bullet affects the internal system.

Definitely worth a view, great entertainment and many great songs littered about. Get around by the beach boys probably being the most memorable as the troops storm the village.

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Sin City (2005)
Sin City is devilishly satisfying
23 October 2005
This was one of the much better films of 2005!

This was a complex and original conversion from the popular Sin City comic books by Frank Miller. The conversion is very effective as you feel like you are watching a comic book for the entire film. The cinematography and CGI effects need special commendation, as it is these factors which combine to make probably the best looking film of the year.

Basically there are 3 story lines. Bruce Willis heads up the 'Hartigan' storyline. The classic good detective who is arrested on the day of his retirement, saves a poor little girl from being raped by the sadistic Nick Stahl. He returns years later only to find she is under attack again. A very decent storyline and in my opinion the best one in the film.

The other one sees Mickey Rourke returning to better roles as 'Marv'. A large ugly brute, he has been shown the night of his life by the hooker Goldie only to wake up to find her dead. Realising he is being set up hearing the cops arriving too prematurely he is intent to bring the real killer to justice; but ends up uncovering more than he bargained.

The last storyline sees Clive Owen in read sneakers bringing us the character 'Dwight'. After pursuing his lover's rough old boyfriend into the hooker dominated Oldtown, severe consequences occur when they realise that there is more to this old boyfriend than meets the eye.

Overall, a very decent plot, great action and a superb cast. Sure, some of the lines may sound a little corny, and it might not be everyones cup of tea- but its a comic book! Its fun! Its nice to escape reality occasionally.

Definitely my second favourite film of the year 10/10 (Sorry Crash was my ultimate favourite film of the past few years)
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Lord of War (2005)
A good solid film, raises some interesting points
16 October 2005
Having just seen this film I believe to rate it on the whole as a very good film. Again Nicolas cage turns out a very good (and convincing) role as a Ukrainian immigrant to the US who starts to develop a natural role for dealing in arms.

The opening line of the film had me hooked on it straight away:

"There are 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation, thats a firearm for one in every 12 people on the planet, the only problem is... how do we arm the other 11?"

Even if you find yourself not enjoying the film, there are plenty of nifty little statistics and historical facts which will keep you entertained throughout.

The film has a slight echo of goodfellas about it, as the character of Nicolas Cage, 'Yuri', grows up in a run down neighbourhood with his brother and slowly rises to the power of his profession with his brother.

Of course the film does raise the issue of morality with arms dealing, and you can feel the strong moral at the end with Yuri's brother.

I won't ruin the film, but the acting is strong and the story interesting and well written. The only criticism I have of the film is that the constant jumping from one year to the next can make the story feel a little loose at times, but apart from that a good film.

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Sideways (2004)
A corker
5 October 2005
I watched this film out of pure interest from recommendations I had read and heard. I was delightfully surprised.

It is always a treat when a film can entertain from start to finish purely on plot on character and not rely on big explosions and gunshots like so many films of today.

The film starts with the depressive Miles and his best friend Jack going on their final road trip before Jack's marriage on Saturday. The pair are out to have a final good time, tasting wine and playing golf. However, Jack is determined to have a little 'fun' before he finally settles down for good.

The basic plot offer many amusing moments, and you feel yourself always enjoying this light offering from Alexander Payne (About Schmidt). The characters are all extremely interesting, but I feel it is Paul Giamatti who stands out the most as the depressive wine expert. His acting talents have never really shone through till now I feel.

The film has a good overall feel, and decent performances ensure the morale at the end if fulfilled and felt by the audience. It is suffice to say that the film never deviates from its subject; wine tasting. While although not a wine expert, any keen wine taster will feel right at home settling down with a good bottle to enjoy this delightful comedy.

In my mind, destined to be a classic.

Rory Mckenna

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Crash (I) (2004)
Some people in Hollywood still care about making a superb film
11 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the best film I have seen in a cinema for a good number of years. The script is what I would call close to perfect, with the different story lines all developing in meaning and concluding together into one large important message. Some moments of this film made me laugh, with the two car thieves delivering some fantastic lines. Some moments made me cry, with Don Cheadle's character painfully losing his long lost little brother. And some moments kept me on the edge of my seat, the intense scene with Matt Dillon saving the woman from the burning car wreckage is just unforgettable. The wide diversity of characters is what makes this film so enjoyable to watch.

The underlining message echoing through the film is the effects of racism on the American public, and the attitudes people hold against each other. The film delivers the message in an effective manner, with the ending beautifully rounding off each character's developments and their self realisation. The films basically shows how despite people realising the problem of racism, it is one problem they just won't learn from. The Stereophonics song, Maybe Tomorrow, is strangely ironic in painting the film's final point.

Out of the whole superb cast Don Cheadle and Matt Dillon stand out clearly. Don Cheadle playing the restless cop with a heavy heart for his mother; constantly trying to look out for his brother. And Matt Dillon as the racist cop; who after cowardly abusing a coloured women sexually, seems to learn the most about himself through the events of the film. The resistance and guilt he finds, helps him to finally learn the error of his ways. The sheer complexity and diversity of the storyline and acting will definitely keep you watching until the end and illustrate to you why this film will be remembered.
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'I know now why you cry.... But it is something I can never do'
20 May 2005
After Die Hard I would consider this to be the best action film ever made. Hands down the best sequel ever made.

While this film may be 14 years old now, it still looks better than some of the CGI rubbish they are turning out today.

The story does not alter too much from the first one, except now Arnie is programmed to be the good guy and protect John Connor this time round. (I guess Cameron figured Arnie was a much more thorough good guy).

Against Arnie is the evil T-1000 who just won't give up! The so called 'liquid metal man' chases our victims through all kinds of terrain and scenarios coming to a final climax at the end.

The action in this film is unquestionably sensational! Clearly the amount of guns used it O.T.T, but who cares, it fricking rocks!

Bring on terminator 4 :) 10/10
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Collateral (2004)
Tom Cruise should be a villain more often!
20 May 2005
This film is directed by the legendary Michael Mann, and Heat being one of my favourite films I decided to see this.

I was not disappointed. The story sounds a bit plain and boring, but once you sit down and watch it the time will just fly by.

Max (Jamie Foxx) is a simple Cab Driver just trying to get by in life. Vincent (Tom Cruise) is the Hit-man, and he has one night to make five stops. Fate brings these two together, and Vincent relies on Max to take him everywhere around the city.

The violence in this movie is beautifully timed with nothing over the top. The gun effects in some places almost look real, and this is also tied in with a very unique style of filming and some beautiful aerial shots of L.A.

My credit to Tom cruise, he is a far superior bad guy. The menacing glances he gives during the film will long live into your nightmares.

Watch and enjoy, for this simple tale is not as simple as it looks.

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Die Hard (1988)
One hell of a good ride
20 May 2005
This is without a doubt, 'thee' action film. It is what all good action film should live up to.

The story is nothing special, one building, 20 or so terrorists and one bad assed vest wearing Bruce Willis. Its basically Bruce vs. the bad guys. And he does it with style, and many twists along the way.

The action shots are pure class, with Bruce cracking off one liners after taking out the bad guys. His struggle to remain undetected and conserve ammo is one that you feel genuinely drawn into.

Alan Rickman is also superbly cast as the villain, giving a great performance as Hans Gruber. But at the end of the day, you've got to give this film to Bruce Willis, one of the greatest action stars.

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Memento (2000)
Utterly insane story + fragmented time line = one of the most amazing thrillers ever
20 May 2005
Without a doubt I have never watched a film that has engaged me more than Memento. The story is utterly insane, the time line is all over the place – yet it proves to be one of the most effective and entertaining thrillers available to date.

The film starts off with a bizarre shooting of an unknown individual being shown in reverse. As soon as the credits finish the film starts off from the ending. We soon learn that the shooter Leonard (Guy Pearce) suffered a large blow to the head on the same night his wife was raped and murdered. Everything leading up to the murder he can remember, but anything afterwards he can't remember. This is a superb spin on the clichéd amnesia thrillers, where in this case, the hero cannot form new memories as opposed to not being able to recollect old ones. Leonard is out to solve his wives' murder, but in doing so he must use a series of tattoos and photos to collect evidence and solve the mystery. Along the way he appears to be manipulated by a cop who seems to have a strange interest in him (Joe Pantoliano) and a mysterious bartender who seems to know more than she's leading on (Carrie-Anne Moss). But the real challenge is in judging, who is genuine and who is false?

The inspiring thing about this film, is that it's told in reverse; the events are told roughly in five minute intervals playing back from the end and working towards the beginning. By the time the film finishes you will be questioning yourself as to the truth about Lenny. This is one of the most original characteristics about this film; it is all open to personal interpretation. You seem to find yourself pausing the film every few minutes just to try and comprehend exactly what is happening. Definitely a web of mystery worth solving.

When you finally reach the end of this masterpiece, and the ending has been revealed you will be very satisfied. The only thing I can recommend afterwards is purchase the DVD! Behold there is an option to watch the film in the correct order, much less taxing on the brain. Yet this film will always remain an utter classic!
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Carlito's Way (1993)
Great story, great acting
17 March 2005
Right well I can say this is one of my favourite gangster films ever, and I truly regard it almost as highly as good fellas or the godfather.

This is simply because of the way the story catches you. Pacino delivers an excellent performance (do you really expect any less from him?) as the main guy Carlito who just wants out of the whole gangster game. By his side is the almost unrecognisable Sean Penn. An afro wearing cocaine addict who just seems determined to lure Carlito back into the kind of world he is trying to leave.

This film is easy to enjoy with a great story and a great cast. And if you look carefully enough you can see a young Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn from lord of the rings in case you don't know) as a crippled low life. Made me chuckle.

Anyways, i give this movie 10/10
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Superb Viewing
6 March 2005
Just home from seeing this film and I am overwhelmed. A very powerful performance from Don Cheadle and a great support from the rest of the cast.

I hoped this film would be as powerful as it looked... it didn't let me down. This film was superbly directed, and shot- without having an overlong run time. I would be tempted to name this film a modern Schindler's List.

You genuinely feel attached to the whole hotel people, and you feel their pain as you are watching their struggle to survive.

Worth a look most definitely.
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Identity (2003)
Great Entertainment
1 March 2005
After watching this film one night I felt like just making a brief comment about it. While although nothing in the scale of an epic, this movie provided me with a good hour and half of pure entertainment.

The highly under-rated John Cusack and Ray Liotta take centre stage in this taught and exciting, 'who did it?' story line, as the poor motel guests disppear one by one.

Class acting is accompanied by a great ending. Actually if they scrapped the whole ending, you still would not be disappointed, as the film provides satisfactory entertainment.

Definitely worth a look!
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Quite possibly one of the best movies ever made
1 March 2005
I feel this movie has everything- a great cast, a great script, a great ending- and a runtime which isn't going to bore you to death.

The whole film rotates around 'The Usual Suspects', a bunch of five hijackers who share a common past. The film shows them interacting on many different jobs all coming to a final job for the mysterious man, Keyzer Sozai.

The mystery of Keyzer Sozai and Kobayashi adds huge depth to the story, and makes it very engaging. Gabriel Byrne and Kevin spacey are on top form in this film, delivering career performances.

The whole story starts off with the death of all of them apart from Kevin Spacey the cripple, the sole survivor. The film reflects his re-telling of the whole events. The excitement of this story never lets go, and it is beautifully crafter along side some very decent action shots.

I'm not stupid enough to ruin the ending of the film for you, but I can assure you... it is quite possibly the best ending to any film around today. It left me shocked and with a sudden desire to watch this masterpiece again.... and again... and again.

Top notch stuff 10/10
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The Thing (1982)
Genius film, a horror film concentrating on more than just scaring you
1 March 2005
I must congratulate John Carpenter on this fine film, for I feel it will remain the best of his career.

Now I know some people will argue that the film nowadays will look dated and tacky, but in my opinion some of the effects in this film look better than some of the rubbish rendered by computers in today's films.

The setting of this film is beautiful, I felt myself being drawn in by the snowy white artic tundra - adding a sense of mystery and uncertainty to the film before it even begins.

Now without wanting to ruin the film for those who haven't seen it, basically the film is about an alien than can imitate perfect human form. Simply this film is a clever study of the characters interacting. It all boils down to trust between these people, reflecting if they will survive.

You can't help but be drawn in by this story, genuinely wondering who 'the thing' really is at the different points in the story. It is marvelously executed, and the end just adds a sense of mystery to the whole story.

The film is very entertaining, not over long - and definitely should remain a classic for many years to come.
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Highly enjoyable, great fun and an all round great film
17 December 2004
My dad, an acclaimed John Wayne fan has been preaching to me for many years on the magic of John Wayne films. Personally I have never really gotten into the 'Westerns' finding them all a bit boring.

However, upon watched the good the bad and the ugly, my opinions have been changed forever. While in the 21st century, some of the camera work and sound dubbing might be a bit dated, it cannot change the true magic of this film.

The general gist of the film is 3 people, surprisingly the good (Eastwood) the bad (Van cleef) and the Ugly (Eli wallace) on the search for gold. All three go down a path of betrayal and greed, all trying to get one over on the other.

A great aspect of this film is the Ennio Morricone score which accompanies the film. The score beautifully accompanies the film by producing some memorable scenes.

I won't ruin the plot of the film for those who have yet to see it; but the final show down will have you on the edge of your seat.

Even if you are not a fan of Westerns, I would personally say that even this film may appeal to you from its sheer amount to entertain audiences from 1966 to present.

Rory Mckenna
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Best film ever made
12 December 2004
Well one lonely night downstairs, with the parents up in bed this film came on, and without warning I found myself watching. By the end I was blown and away and I instantly went out and bought it.

This is without a doubt the most original film I have ever seen. Packing a superb cast and great hairstyles this movie is bouncy and enjoyable. Every character in it has superb lines, written by the genius Quentin Tarainto. Samuel L. Jackson in my opinion delivers the best performance as the afro bible bashing Jules. It's only a pity he didn't win the Oscar for his performance. While although some people may feel the film drags, and lacks action - most of the joy is to be found in the words. Behold characters in this film engage in conversation! A fact regularly left out from Hollywood films of today, these characters freely discuss burgers, drugs and pancakes at will, without the need to be tied down to a monotone script delivering boring word after word. I rate this film as highly as possible, it is only a pity Quentin Tarainto is slightly diverting from his gangster roots of reservoir dogs and pulp fiction, but I defiantly support him in his future work.
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Aliens (1986)
12 December 2004
One of the best action films i've ever seen in my opinion. I think they should really remake this film, the marines were so cool. The designing was awesome as were the weapons. Although the first hour can drag if you aren't a fan of the franchise, once the movie gets going you can't help but enjoy it.

You just feel sheer pity as they all get picked off one by one. Personally I think Sig. Weaver should have won the Oscar for this film for the powerful performance as the unfrozen superhero.

This film, although closely rivalled by the first one, is much better than the other two, and i feel that a mjority of people would join me. The general feel of tenseness and suspense is greatly captured in this film.
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