14 Reviews
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Blockbuster (2022)
Full Disclosure: could watch Randal Park do anything or nothing
4 November 2022
I know it's a silly show but I'm loving it. Watched the first 10 episodes and I know I'll watch it many more times and have it playing in background for awhile, just like SuperStore. Just kind of has that same vibe, with diff characters but same set-up...different Clerks...plus, this has Randal Park. He has a very calming influence over me. I love him in everything he's in. His Louis Haung as Dad in Fresh off the Boat!!!..is one of my top 5 favorite TV Dads of all time. I could watch him read the instructions to a complicated commercial copier and be entertained. Plus it's got JB. Smoove and Melissa Fumero. Two underrated actors, especially Fumero! JB has become a lot more recognizable (Sports betting, anyone) but she remains a lost jewel in a drawer full of simulants. I find her very "Elaine"y-from-Seinfeldish...in the way they are both Beautiful woman who can always keep up with the Boyz and put them in their place, no matter the Comedy giants (Andy Samberg will be remembered as a Giant)
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I slipped a rib laughing
22 May 2022
I broke 4 ribs 2 weeks ago and I laughed so hard watching this show that I slipped a rib that I was trying to heal!!...but the thing about it, was I couldn't stop watching!!! These guys should be on a Canadian Mt Rushmore...Beer, Hockey, Rush and the Kids in the Hall!!
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Unlike other subpar CW Super-Shows, this is REALLY good
25 February 2022
It's hard to imagine that this show is remotely connected to CW Arrowverse. The special effects are not just better but in a league of their own. It's like comparing an elementary school football game to an NFL playoff. Better story, better players, better coaching and all around better product.

It seems like a lot of the negative comments are more cruel takes on certain peoples looks rather than honest objectivity. Anyone who reviews that Lois looks old enough to be Clark's grandma isn't trying to express an opinion, rather just acknowledging they're A-holes.
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To Catch a Smuggler (2012– )
Laughable but not funny
5 February 2022
This show is a joke. From the ridiculous amounts they estimate contraband to be valued at, to the cast of A-Holes enforcing their Jack-Boot tactics on travelers. They keep referring to themselves as the "good guys" and that they are concerned with safety but it's all a joke! They shame innocent people into confessing to crimes they suspect them to be guilty of and justify their actions as "nothing personal, just doing our job". Where have we heard that before? If these are the Good-Guys, I'm rooting for the Bad-Guys.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
R.I.P. Daphne Dorman a true voice for LGBTQ
7 October 2021
It's hard to believe that this "Comedy Special" has caused even more flack for Mr Chappel with the Outrage-Cancel-Culture-Club. It goes to show that there will always be a few that ruin it for the rest. I would direct everyone who watches this show to look up Daphne Dorman and ask "Who was REALLY there for her and who she was?"
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Molto Buona!!!
2 October 2021
Don't believe the negative reviews True Believers! This was a gift to any & all fans of the Sopranos.

Full Disclosure: I am NOT a professional film/tv critic, but I AM one of those people who thinks the Sopranos, was/is, one of the best tv shows of all time.

However, I came into this movie with Extremely Lowered Expectations. Even when I watched the preview, the only thing that got me excited was the "Money that's what I want" song & Ray Liotta asking what does he know, he's a murderer! I found myself using words like "nepotism" and "money-grab" to describe my perceived expectations.... Santo Cielo was I wrong!!!

My only problem with this Movie was that it ended. The 2 hours run time was 84 hrs to short. I could watch Alessandro "Uncle Dickie" Nivola give a "Presentation on Tax Laws" and be entertained!! Wow!!! That dude Killed-It!!

Also, Gandolfini jr. Was.... Perfetto!!! He honored his Father's legacy and proved himself capable as an actor.

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Gomez is OK, Martin & Short r GREAT
31 August 2021
Selena Gomez is a talented singer & beautiful young lady but she isn't a very good actress, especially up against titans like Martin Short and Steve Martin. However, this is a very good show with a very good supporting cast, so it's worth watching.
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Holey Moley (2019– )
this is my new Anti-Depressant...
5 July 2021
...even though I yell at TV and laugh uncontrollably, I find Holey Moley very comforting.

Riggle & Tessitore could read an owners manual for anything and make it entertaining.
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It took me 3 days to get through. Very disappointing
24 May 2021
All the negative reviews I've read sum up my experience with this movie. Story is so stupid and the acting is bonkers-bad!! (Especially the daughter character) I was really bummed to because I wanted so badly to enjoy a Snyder-return-to-zombie-flick.
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Waiting... (I) (2005)
Ryan Wilder (Van Reynolds) at his BEST!!
24 September 2020
Any Gen-X'er who's worked a restaurant will "get it" I understand that there is a a lot of people who can't/don't/won't identify with any of these characters......but those who do, WILL FU@$ING LOVE THIS MOVIE!! And Bonus, it's got Ryan Reynolds with the stink of "2 guys a girl & a pizza place" still on him.
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The Voices (I) (2020)
Good premise, Terrible movie
20 September 2020
Save your time and read the synopsis. The actresses who occupy most of the screen time are not capable of pulling off the emotion or resonance needed to make this film engaging.
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This movie touched my heart & haunts my soul
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I checked this movie out of my local library over 15 years ago and it still crosses my mind from time to time. Whenever I find myself conversing about documentaries, this movie is never the first one I discuss but I ALWAYS bring it up eventually. Not because it's the Best Looking documentary, because it's not. In fact, it's production value is Busch-League Amateur-Hour...but as I've come to realize, none of that is as crucial as what the subject is that's being documented. When the subject is presented and you are transfixed, looking past your world into another world, and you feel it like you feel yours,you learn Production Value is as useless as it is worthless. Devils Playground really made me try and put myself in the Rumspringa Rugg-Rats Shoes, try to look at it from their, perspective....a look that warmed my heart and broke my heart but I'm grateful I've seen it...it makes me think about what I feel from time to time. (*Spoiler Alert* (kind of a spoiler, not a blatant spoiler, more a heavy-handed-trailer kind of spoiler)) I also bElieve what I see IS these kids, at that time!! and remembering my own youth and thinking that these kids have to decide their Body & Soul and ALL THEY KNOW ABOUT THE OUTSIDE WORLD IS WHAT THEY SEE FROM WATCHING the ENGLISH FROM THE SIDELINES....THEY ARE THROWN INTO AN ALMOST ANARCHIST ORGY OF NIHILISM AT PEAK (male predominantly) TEENAGE HORMONE HAPPY-HOUR...and they must each make Heaven & Hell decisions while crawling out of a cornfield hung-OVER A-F!! All of the kids are Genuine & Extraordinary...but the 1 who REALLY got under my skin & into my thoughts was Farron Yoder (not sure about spelling but that's how it sounds) ....I LEGITIMATELY wish that Yoder kid a Happy Life!! This Movie Got to ME
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An absolute roller coaster ride of depravity and despair....AWESOME!!
16 August 2013
If anyone has dealt with drug addiction,personally or thru a friend or family member,this movie will strike a very real and uncomfortable nerve. It is uncompromising in its telling of how drug addiction can creep into the lives of both the seemingly responsible and the irresponsible alike. Do not take the "Bob Dole approach" to this movie and dismiss it as a glorification of drug use,at face value. This movie is a warning! It says "Yeah,drugs can be fun,or in Elen Burynst case,helpful...but before you realize what's happened,your lost down the rabbit hole!" also the musical score that plays thru the movie is simplistic yet brilliant! Just like the movie,it starts out slow and meticulous,gradually becoming more and more louder and complicated leading into a symphonic cacophony. If you get this movie,it will disturb you as much as entertain!
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The troof is this movie is awful!!
29 May 2013
I read all the horrible reviews this movie had received and like an idiot I still watched it! I thought "Quinton Tarantino and Eli Roth are attached to it,so it must be watchable! Right?" WRONG!! RZA is as competent an actor as he is a director or writer! This movie is an absolute train wreck!! I'm not writing this review as a "Hater",rather as a warning to all those fans of the Kung-Fu genre,and or Quinton Tarantino/Eli Roth....."Do not enter! There is no sign of Quinton or Eli here! Do not be fooled by the credits! There is no depth or direction! The story is laughable,the special effects are terrible,and there isn't a single character that you don't wish dead within 3 minutes of watching! Seriously!"
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