
6 Reviews
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Middle rung of Jackie Chan's franchise
16 September 2007
Not horrible, not great - kinda in the middle. A few funny scenes and some cool fight scenes - typical Jackie Chan fare. Better than some, worse than others. Chris Tucker was a lot less enjoyable this time around though. He was annoying before, but in a slightly endearing way - now he's just annoying.

I liked Jackie Chan's earlier movies better, actually. But the out-takes are always very amusing, so be sure and stick around for those at the end when they're rolling the credits.

It's amazing that this guy can still pull off these amazing acts defying gravity at his age. I applaud his athleticism and amazing physical abilities!
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Stardust (2007)
A VERY pleasant surprise of the summer
16 September 2007
I had no real expectation about this film going in, but I was SO PLEASANTLY SURPRISED by what I found. It was charming, amusing, inventive, and told a wonderful story. I fell under its spell, so to speak.

The film had a slight "The Princess Bride" vibe (though nothing, in my view, will EVER hold a candle to that masterpiece), but this was just an enjoyable ride the whole way through.

I could have done without Michelle Pfeiffer's over-acting and pathetic attempt to play a "witch" - but aside from that, the acting was great and the characters were enjoyable. Robert DeNiro's character was pretty amusing, in particular. Loved the ending too. A great choice for any age or gender - it's got something for everyone.
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Balls of Fury (2007)
Silly but entertaining
16 September 2007
Not the greatest comedy of the summer, but it had its fair share of laughs. Some of the situations were pretty amusing and some of the lines were laugh-out-loud funny.

Christopher Walken seems to always make the best out of his roles, whatever he's given, he makes it his own. And this is no exception. The script wasn't rolling on the floor funny, but it had its moments. This would qualify as a good choice for a matinée-priced movie, I'd say.

As an aside, I don't know WHY ON EARTH that African American lady who played Christopher Walken's female henchman keeps getting roles (she played Jennifer Love Hewitt's antique shop partner for a while and stunk in that role too).
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Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
What a waste of money
16 September 2007
OMG - I am so mad at myself for not walking out of this movie. It never got better, it never started making sense, it never explained, oh, 20 different things at the end - it just plain stunk. The writing was horrible, the acting was even WORSE, and the story was ludicrous (but not in a good way).

All I took away from this film is that Clive Owen is STILL ticked that he wasn't selected to be the next James Bond. This movie proves - yet again - why he wasn't chosen. (Not that the laughable choice the J.B. franchise made with Daniel Craig was by ANY MEANS a GOOD decision, of course.) To me, the ONLY choice for the new James Bond should have been Jason Statham, full head of hair or not. HE WAS IT and they walked right past him, for some astounding reason I'll never understand.

So, in conclusion, aside from kicking myself about why I sat through this whole movie, I still want to know: WHAT WAS THE D-E-A-L with the stupid CARROT?!?!?
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Superbad (2007)
FUUUUUNNY movie and great cast - laughed throughout
16 September 2007
I was a little skeptical that this movie would be another "American Pie" male teen (in a very stupid way) movie, but I was pleasantly surprised. As a 40-something female, this type of movie isn't my usual movie fare. But I'm SO GLAD I went to see this one.

The casting was superb, the actors (esp. Jonah Hill and the kid who played McLovin) had terrific comic timing and delivery, and the script was simply hilarious - regardless of demographics.

Bravo - well done - I laughed my head off! Will be looking for Jonah Hill in future roles, in particular. He's going to be a big star, me thinks. And if I recognize the boy who played McLovin in another trailer, I'll probably go see that too!
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The Kingdom (2007)
Slap in the face to our military and country--as unpatriotic as it gets
16 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the trailers for this movie, I thought it looked pretty good with interesting subject matter. After attending the sneak preview showing, I left the theater in disbelief at the way it ended. But I wasn't just disappointed - I was downright ANGRY!

The war zone action was certainly p-a-i-n-f-u-l-l-y realistic, but the message behind the movie was, in my view, despicable. I think the people who are applauding this movie either (A) have no respect for our military who are risking their lives every day, (B) they believe the U.S. actually DESERVED the horrific attacks of 9/11, or (C) they were NOT paying attention when the "loose ends" were tied up at the end of this movie - and the real "message" behind the movie was revealed.

*SPOILER!* Early on in the movie, FBI agents are gathered in a meeting when an announcement is made about a massive terrorist attack on a U.S. compound in Saudi Arabia, which killed an FBI comrade and took many American lives.

Jennifer Garner's character (an FBI agent) starts weeping in the meeting after the announcement of her colleague, but is consoled by Jamie Fox's character (an FBI leader) when he whispers something in her ear. We don't hear what was said, but she stops crying.

At the very end of the movie, once the FBI agents have successfully deduced who the terrorist bomber was who blew up the U.S. compound (a grandfather missing a couple fingers from early mishaps making bombs). They shoot the bomber/mastermind grandpa (as his older grandson is also shooting at the FBI agents in their residence).

But as the terrorist bomber mastermind grandpa is taking his last breaths, his younger grandson (whom he forced to watch his "art-in-action" from the rooftop beside him as he blew up the U.S. compound, mind you) leans over his grandpa and terror man whispers something in the boy's ear and he turns towards the camera and gets an evil grin on his face (clearly looking like he's going to carry on grandpa's terrorist bomber handywork/legacy).

At the same time, the FBI agents are asking each other what was whispered into Jennifer Garner's character's ear earlier in the movie. The answer to both of the questions was the same. What the terrorist bomber grandpa whispered to his young grandson and what the FBI leader whispered to his agent was...

"Don't worry, we'll kill them all." So, for those not paying attention at the end or didn't "get it", let me translate for you. What this filmmaker is TRYING to say is that we - the U.S.A. - are responsible for the sadistic, horrendous terrorist attacks we have all suffered through here and abroad, and that our brave and heroic men/women in harm's way are the same as terrorists.

I'm all for free speech, but I will NEVER go see another movie by this writer or director EVER again - and I will tell anyone who will listen NOT to go see THIS film! This kind of message is demoralizing to our troops and everyone in public service trying to aid in fighting this war on terrorism - as unpatriotic as one can get.

I hope our military men and women never even HEAR about this terrible "theme/message" movie. It's irresponsible and downright unpatriotic when we are at war. If they hate our country so much, why don't they LEAVE?!? Please, you guys, LEAVE!!!!!!!!
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