
18 Reviews
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Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em (1973–1978)
Makes You Laugh Until You Can Barely Breathe!
23 April 2005
Some Mothers Do Have 'Em is an immensely entertaining comedy about a grown man who is such a klutz that everywhere he goes,trouble is bound to follow.Portrayed by Michael Crawford,Frank Spencer is a bumbling idiot whose hilarious predicaments always end in disaster,with everything he touches falling apart.The hilarity comes from his endless quest for employment be it a pipe salesman,a chicken farmer,a window cleaner afraid of heights,a ventriloquist,a postman,and the list goes on and on as Frank creates the ultimate hell in the workplace,seriously irritating everyone he comes into contact with.One person who does tolerate him however is his patient unconditionally loving wife,Betty,played by the beautiful Michele Dotrice.Dotrice is a doll on camera,always managing to look cute in colorful frocks and pigtails.She has an endless amount of patience for Frank,the high pitch voiced walking disaster.The physical comedy performed by Crawford will have you in stitches.The humor comes from watching the antics of a man so incompetent,who has good intentions all the time but never fails to cause a catastrophe.Some Mothers Do Have Em is the type of show where everything that can go wrong,does.Nothing is ever simple,and uncomplicated when Frank Spencer is around.

I am now delighted to have the entire series of this brilliant comedy on DVD.
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Nice to see a Nanny reunion
23 April 2005
It was wonderful of Fran Drescher to open up her spectacular Malibu home to hold a reunion for the much loved,and never forgotten characters of the hit sitcom The Nanny.Although Fran still has that somewhat annoying,thick Queens accent,her appearance has dramatically changed since the Nanny.However,with long straight black hair,and style still in tact,Fran Drescher makes the 40's look fabulous,and was the gracious host for 'A Nosh to Remember' A must-see for all fans of the Nanny. All actors from the Nanny were present except for Daniel Davis (Niles the Butler) who unfortunately couldn't make it.His absence was noticeable too.The stars had a meal together on the balcony overlooking Malibu beach,as they reflected on memorable moments from the show.It was a real treat to see Maggie,Brighton and Gracie all grown up and it was obvious that the actors truly formed long lasting friendships during the series that remain in their hearts.It was wonderful to see the cast all together again,and great to see hilarious and 'special' Nanny moments relived again.
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Bewitched (1964–1972)
Elizabeth Montgomery: So Bewitching and Beautiful
23 April 2005
Bewitched is truly a magical classic 1960's sitcom with delightful characters such as the very beautiful and elegant Elizabeth Montgomery who sadly passed away in 1995,and hilarious plots based around the mishaps that come from being a nose twitching,broom riding witch. Elizabeth is truly a presence on screen as Samantha Stephens,a lovely blonde hair,blue eyed witch married to a mortal man,Darrin Stephens (Dick York,and later replaced by Dick Sargent)who's only request of his wife is to 'never use witchcraft'.Talented actress Agnes Moorehead portrays Samantha's 'bad witch' heavily made up,red headed mother Endora who does everything by magic,and detests her daughter's mere mortal husband 'Derwood' as she lovingly refers to him as.With Endora always 'popping' in to visit her daughter,but never using the front door,or any door for that matter,its a guarantee that Darrin will be blowing his top every time as he and Endora are always at each other's throats which makes for very entertaining viewing.But Darrin learns after awhile that his mother in law can and will turn him into an artichoke or a chimpanzee whenever they have a feud.Add a nosy neighbour determined to catch a witchy Samantha in the act,a bold and bossy employer,crazy and kooky witches and warlocks always causing trouble for the Stephens,occasional visits from deceased Benjamin Franklin's,and Darrin's nice and normal parents,and you've got this classic spell binding comedy that will bewitch you!
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Poison Ivy (1992)
A Sexy and Thrilling Teen Drama
24 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Poison Ivy is appropriately titled as the lead character 'Ivy' played brilliantly by a younger,blonder and trashier looking Drew Barrymore is a conniving,deceitful bitch who moves in with her friend Sylvie Cooper (Roseanne's Sara Gilbert) and slowly begins to destroy the already messed up family.Embarking on a disturbing relationship with the older Tom Skerritt,who plays Mr Darryl Cooper,Ivy is free to move in on the guy,as his wife Mrs Cooper (Cheryl Ladd) is lying in a bed a lot of the time,and has thoughts about committing suicide,sick of her pointless life.With Mrs Cooper out of the way,Ivy seduces Mr Cooper behind her friend Sylvie's back and what happens next is chilling and disturbing as Ivy gets deeper into the life of the family and shows her true colours.
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Perfect Body (1997 TV Movie)
Perfect Portrayal of the Extreme Lengths A Girl Will Go to for the Perfect Body
22 March 2005
This film could be used to educate young girls and their parents about deadly eating disorders.Beautiful actress Amy Jo Johnson of Power Rangers fame,brilliantly plays the role of a young girl passionate about being a gymnast,but is brainwashed into believing that unless she is dangerously thin,she'll never be successful.Johnson's character becomes obsessed with her weight and soon begins to fall into dangerous habits of throwing up everything she consumes to not eating at all.Her bulimia quickly leads to anorexia,and a frighteningly thin Johnson's health begins to fail,sparking concern for those who care about her.The film is a decent portrayal of how eating disorders orginate and could be useful for anyone who suspects someone they care about suffers from bulimia or anorexia.
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Oswald (2001–2003)
I love Oswald!
13 March 2005
Maybe I shouldn't be admitting this due to my age,but I cant help but love Oswald,and be captivated for the 15 minutes its on TV each day.The big friendly blue octopus is lovable and delightful,and is voiced appropriately by the gentle natured Fred Savage whose child-like enthusiastic and cheerful tone of voice brings the character of Oswald to life.I can see why little kids adore this show,because I always have a smile on my face when I'm watching it because its just so bright,happy and playful,and is a good quality show for the kiddies.Characters such as Oswald's best friends Weenie the Hot Dog,and Henry the Octopus are very cute and entertaining contributions to the show.I cant help but be in love with the show,and I don't care if I'm too old for it.I love the warm fuzzy feeling I get inside after watching it.Fun,cheerful and uplifting.
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The Wonder Years (1988– )
Looking Back With Wonder...
12 March 2005
The Wonder Years truly was a great television sitcom in its time,and for those of us who still enjoy the re runs,it is still much loved today.Kevin Arnold was the typical all American teenage boy we all felt close to,even if he was just a character that doe eyed actor Fred Savage brought to life.We followed his daily trials and tribulations,using his experiences to reflect on our own.The sitcom's true to life story lines,comedy,drama and nostalgic tone contributed to the show's success and made watching it enjoyable.The Wonder Years could make you laugh,make you cry,make you remember what it was like to be 12 years old,and in love,as we fondly watched the relationship between Kevin and his dream girl Winnie Cooper,blossom,overcoming all the obstacles along the way.The closing dialogue of this magical sitcom will forever be remembered: Growing up happens in a heartbeat.One day you're in diapers,the next you're gone.But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul.I have fond memories of the Wonder Years,and enjoy watching the re runs.Hopefully the complications will be overcome in the near future,and the magic of this memorable sitcom can be re lived on DVD.
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The Magical World of Disney: Rock 'n' Roll Mom (1988)
Season 32, Episode 13
Mom Never Looked So Good!
12 March 2005
In Rock 'n' Roll Mom,the gorgeous Dyan Cannon is Annie Hackett,a single mom with a daughter and a son who aspires to be a singer,while she works full time in a local cafe.When a close friend reveals to a respectable record label that Annie is ultra-talented and has what it takes to go to the top,Annie becomes an overnight sensation,with a hit song that I assure you,will be in your head for weeks after watching.Annie's amazing transformation from a small town single Mom to a sexy songstress takes your breath away and she quickly becomes the mother her kids are no longer embarrassed by.Annie goes on a remarkable journey discovering the ups and downs of fame that this great family movie brilliantly exposes.Annie pays a price for her overnight success,and like all good things,it all comes crashing down for her,when the public discover the truth about 'Mystique'.A very enjoyable film!
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No grit and grime.Just glamour and glitz for Troop Beverly Hills!
12 March 2005
If only all girls scouts were as fun as Troop Beverly Hills! The film about a down and out divorced house wife with a passion for fashion becoming a girl's scout leader is both hilarious,exciting and thoroughly entertaining.Comedic actress Shelley Long shines as Phyllis Nefler,the woman who dares to make alterations to her daughter's scout uniform,and modify the location of their bushland camping trips to the Beverly Hills Hotel! Phyllis rejects traditional scout activities such as bush walking for manicures and pedicures,preferring her troops to live in the lap of luxury.Needless to say,the girls adore her,the leaders of the other scout groups despise her,and this is all makes the delightful,hilarious and wacky comedy that is Troop Beverly Hills!
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Heartbreakers (2001)
I Loved Heartbreakers!
12 March 2005
Pussy Power is this films message,and Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt are two hot actresses who team up to create Max and Page Conners,a seductively sexy mother/daughter con team who deviously lure men into marriage and then leave them broken hearted,and....Broke. Heartbreakers is a delightful comedy that proves how deceitful a clever woman can be,as Weaver demonstrates as the gorgeous and alluring Max Conners,who targets wealthy gentleman,walks them down the aisle,and then empties their pockets through divorce when she discovers that they have eyes for other women.But the amusing thing about this film is that the other women is Max's sexy younger daughter Page,and she can turn just as many heads as her mother.Unknown to her husbands,Page is trained to seduce them,helping her mother get out of her newest marriage with a few bucks in her pocket,and the freedom to put more foolish men under her spell.Ray Liotta is hilarious as Dean,and Vinnie Stagliano,the ex husband of Max,who is bitter and desperate for revenge when he discovers how much of a bitch his ex wife is.Meanwhile,Page believes she could just as easily lure men into marriage like her mother,and sets her sights on Jack Withroe (Jason Lee)a bar owner who falls in love with her,unaware of her game.But the plot really gets interesting when we learn that Page has a heart and is in love with Jack.The ending is exciting,enjoyable and romantic.Heartbreakers is a fun film for the females,with plenty of eye candy and cleavage for the males!
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A masterpiece that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling! 10 out of 10 for 10 Things
12 March 2005
All the praise in the world goes to every individual involved in the production of 10 Things I Hate About You,a film that rarely leaves my DVD player.I'm not a fan of Shakespeare's traditional plays,but the modern day screen adaptions are brilliant,and 10 Things I Hate About You is no exception.The highschool stereotypes of the cool kids nobody messes with,the wannabe's that try too hard to be something they're not,the geeks everyone picks on and the rebels everyone is afraid of,mean there's a character in this film everyone can relate to.The stand out performances are Heath Ledger as Patrick,the rebellious,feared and elusive bad guy who wins the heart of Kat Stratford played to perfection by fine actress Julia Stiles who has no interest in the opposite sex and is perceived to come from the planet 'Loser' while her more sociable,boy crazy sister Bianca (Larissa Oleynik)hails from planet 'Look at Me,Look at Me'.Her good looks catch the eye of the smooth,suave and egotistical Joey Donner (Andrew Keegan) who is a male model,and fights for the affections of the prettiest Stratford sister with Cameron (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) the highschool geek,with a big heart and a big crush on Bianca.The hilarious Larry Miller stars as Walter Stratford-the kind of father who puts his girls on a short leash and desperately tries to shield them from the horrors of sex,drugs and rock and roll,and of course,boys.A typical teenage comedy,but its witty dialogue,goofy,sexy,cool and bad ass characters,and enjoyable storyline set it apart from all the rest.There's plenty of memorable moments,romance,and clever and classic lines,all leading up to a predictable but perfectly good ending that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling about teenage love.
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Blow Dry (2001)
Blown Away by Blow Dry
12 March 2005
A film about hairdressing championships could be disastrous,but a superb cast of fine British actors saved this film from Stinkville.The storyline is actually not bad,and the rivalry between Phil Allen (Alan Rickman) and Raymond Robertson (Bill Nighy) is humorous and entertaining.While this movie is amusing and light hearted it does focus on sadder issues like broken families,and terminal illness.Australian actress Rachel Griffiths gives a fine performance and perfects a British accent for her role as Sandra,who is romantically involved with Shelley (Natasha Richardson)who lives in fear that the truth about her illness will ruin their relationship.Young stars Josh Hartnett and the very adorable Rachael Leigh Cook are pleasant contributions to the film,with their brother-sister chemistry and secret adoration for one another.Heidi Klum also makes a special appearance,and sports some outrageous hairdos and costumes.Blow Dry was a film that should've,could've and would've been disappointing,but for some reason,wasn't.
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The Crush (1993)
A Sexy Villain Sells this Movie
12 March 2005
In her film debut,the attractive Alicia Silverstone plays Darian Forrester,a mentally disturbed 14 year old girl who develops an unhealthy obsession with her neighbour,Nick Eliot (Cary Elwes)a baby faced blonde hair,blue eyed journalist who has no sexual interest in her.Silverstone shines in her role as the villain,making life hell for Nick,who wants nothing more than a friendship with the girl next door.Darian's desperate attempts to seduce the older man are unsuccessful,driving her deeper into her obsession and making her more psychotic.Silverstone's acting is superb,but her facial expressions are what is so convincing about her performance.Alicia superbly transforms herself from sweet and innocent into scary and psychotic giving new meaning to the phrase,'When she was good she was very very good,and when she was bad she was horrid'. The film has you on the edge of your seat as the plot unravels,and truths are discovered about sweet little Darian Forrester who is crazier than anyone thought.Her anger at Nick for leading her on goes to the extreme until she comes up with a plan she hopes will destroy his reputation.Nick is oblivious to Darian's feelings for him and believes its nothing more than a silly school girl crush that will pass until he discovers just how dangerous Darian really is.
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Halloween has never been so Humorous!
12 March 2005
I loved Halloween H20,not because it scared the pants off me,but because it kept me in hysterics throughout the whole film! I avoid horror movies like the plague because I am a wuss and cant stand watching brutal and gory murders being carried out,but Halloween H20 is so poorly performed that not even an in-line skate wedged into the face of a teenage hockey player could frighten me. Jamie Lee Curtis returns as Laurie Strode/Keri Tate and her crazy brother Micheal Meyers is back to terrorize her,for another Halloween.Hot young talent Josh Hartnett makes his impressive acting debut as John Tate,the rebellious 17 year old son of Curtis who is sick to death of living under his tortured mother's thumb and yearns for independence.The fact that he is the nephew of a psychotic killer doesn't phase him.Dawson's Creek actress Michelle Williams performs decently enough as Molly Cartwell,Hartnett's intelligent girlfriend,who soon learns her boyfriend's family secret. The real highlight of H20 is the scenes that call for characters to scream blue murder.You'll either be on the edge of your seat,with your heart racing,or like me,doubled over in hysterics.I first viewed this film in the early hours of the morning and managed to wake my house up with my laughter,which is surely an indication that Halloween H20 is not bone chillingly frightening.
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A Killer Among Friends (1992 TV Movie)
Terribly Tragic
11 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Tiffani Amber Thiessen never fails to make an excellent TV movie and A Killer Amongst Friends is proof that the pretty blue eyed brunette can act superbly as Jenny Monroe,the attractive,and adored teenage girl who is envied by her friends,particularly Ellen Holloway played by Margaret Welsh who nailed the performance as a conniving and deceitful teenager whose jealousy leads her to brutally murder her best friend.Holloway only becomes more hated throughout the plot when she fools Jenny's heartbroken mother Jean (Patty Duke) into believing that someone else killed her daughter,leading her on a wild goose chase for a killer who doesn't exist.Patty Duke's performance was so captivating that you can feel her pain and her grief from the time she was told her daughter had been murdered,to when she discovers the horrible truth about the killer. A gripping,emotional,and brilliant movie that doesn't leave you disappointed.
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Tells it like it is
26 November 2004
I'm not a fan of war movies usually,but when i sat down to watch Black Hawk Down,i couldn't turn it off.Heres a war movie which doesn't sugar coat.There is no crappy dialogue,no soppy love story tie ins,just the real deal,brutal battle scenes,the gruesome reality of war.Black Hawk Down is based on a true story,the bloody battle at Somalia and it leaves one drained.Its confronting,and exposes war in its true light-there's nothing glamorous to see.In two hours and a bit the viewer is able to imagine being there at the horrible battleground,and suffering like the soldiers did.It really makes you appreciate how lucky we are to be in a free country,relatively peaceful,and not having our lives threatened every second of the day.Everything about BHD is right; the setting of the film,the Somalians,the American soldiers going through hell,the brutality,the battle,the

fatalities.Not for the faint hearted,or weak stomached,but a truly powerful,compelling motion picture.Ridley Scott takes the viewer on an imaginative journey through Black Hawk Down and appeals to our emotions.A brutal,yet bearable war film.
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She Fought Alone (1995 TV Movie)
One of its kind
26 November 2004
I enjoyed this movie,and after watching it,it made me wonder just how many 'Caitlin Rose's' exist in the world.How many other girls have been subjected to this sort of sexual abuse,and torment by classmates and have been too frightened to open their mouth about it? Just how threatening and cruel can teenagers be towards one another,because as this film demonstrates,who's right is not foremost important,its who is popular,and feared which manipulates the minds of youths,and influences them to allow this sort of immorality to happen.Tiffani Amber Thiessen gives a powerful performance as the rape victim,and Brian Austin Green is convincing as the guy torn between the girl he thought he loved,and his best friend.This is the kind of film that doesn't get the exposure it deserves.Remarkable,and brilliant,too good to be just a film made for TV.
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O (2001)
O soars high
26 November 2004
Critics have accused Tim Blake Nelson's cinematic version of Shakespeare's Othello,of 'glorifying' violence in a school setting,but i strongly disagree,and believe that this somewhat controversial film should be viewed by teenagers.It explores the origins of school violence and how teen angst can lead to tragedy.The film communicates a powerful message that no teenager is incapable of taking their jealousy to extremes,and O's superb cast of young actors effectively demonstrate how treachery and envy can lead to tragedy.Quite correctly,the film is aimed at a teenage audience,with a smorgasboard of hot young talent.Mehki Phifer,portrays Odin,the star basketball player who has everything going for him,until his 'friend' Hugo (Josh Hartnett) is overcome with his emotions and envy for Odin that he devotes his time and effort to destroying his life,which he ultimately succeeds in doing.Phifer is remarkable in his role,but Hartnett steals the show in a performance that he's never outdone.Hartnett was perfectly cast as the dark,manipulative and evil character,and its hard to pick a flaw in his performance.Julia Stiles also performs well as Desi Brable,the sweet,smart and pretty girlfriend of Odin.O is a gripping tale based on love,friendship,betrayal and deceit,issues which are effectively explored and given the importance they need in the film.It is hard-hitting and confronting,and not easily forgotten.Excessive explicit language,graphic violence and a very disturbing sex scene are most memorable.What hits hardest is how the characters treat each other,and there are scenes that are difficult to sit through,but its important that you do.O leaves you drained,but its nothing less than a masterpiece.Don't expect any sugar coating either;there isn't any.Finally,a teen film which is raw and real.
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