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Vastly underrated
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am not sure why this movie is rated so low on this site. Huge spoiler:

Maybe because it follows the cliché of a robot becoming more human by falling in love.

However, otherwise the movie is very well-made and deeply philosophical, but at the same time not boring by any means. Being familiar with the USSR does provide some context that makes the movie more enjoyable, but it's probably not required.
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Kedma (2002)
One of the Worst Movies in History
14 August 2008
The story of the founding of the State of Israel is one of war, suffering, refugees, political intrigues, miracles and whatnot. Taking any of the above attributes and making a movie that focuses on it cannot leave you with a bad movie. Even a completely talentless director could make an entertaining film out of the Israeli independence story. But somehow Amos Gitai managed to make even this important and exciting episode of modern history into an amateurish and boring series of scenes, which is hard to actually call a film.

The movie can be summed up fairly simply: Have you read Antigone, or another similar ancient Greek tragedy? Well, imagine an ancient Greek performance of Antigone filmed with a $200 camera, without any cinematographic additions. The scenes are not linked in almost any way, the dialog seems uninspired, as if read from a piece of paper, and the 'message' of the film is told by a raving side character.

The acting is terrible, the choice of cast mediocre at best, and while the film makes use of several languages, even someone who understands them will have trouble watching the movie without subtitles, because most of the actors themselves don't pronounce anything correctly.

In short, a horrible movie from a horrible director. Not recommended to anyone.
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Kippur (2000)
Boring, Plain and Simple
22 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
While I can appreciate the message that the director was trying to get through with this movie, while watching I was constantly reminded of how boring the movie was, and how I could be doing something better than watching it, for instance, watching fish in a tank.

The camera work was bad, the story... what story? And the little character development that was there didn't make any impression on me at all.

Being from Israel myself, I had very high hopes for this movie, but Gitai flat-out blew it.

Back to the point of the movie - I believe it was trying to portray how war is terrible, especially for the common soldier. However, Gitai failed on all accounts: firstly, the viewer never feels sorry for the main characters, because they're never in danger and never lose anyone they really care about. Secondly, in his crusade to portray war as terrible, he completely destroys the image of the Israeli army. Thirdly, and this is probably the most important, the main characters (Russo and Weinrub) don't die, but return home safely. It's as if, right at the end, Gitai spit on his message, and decided to create a new one: nightmares happen, but eventually they're over and life returns to the way it used to be.

Whatever you do, don't see this movie. Not only is it bad, but it's also plain boring. Movies are meant for entertainment, or for provoking thought, or both. This film provides neither.
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Décryptage (2003)
6 May 2005
Superb is this movie summed in one word. It's an honest and interesting documentary, and not dull like most out there. Definitely a must-watch for anyone interested in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The movie starts by showing scenes of Itzhak Rabin's memorial, with a famous modern Hebrew memorial song in the background. For any Israeli who was here at the time this happened in 1995, it will surely strike a nerve, making the movie that much more desirable to watch.

After that, different interviewees go on to explain the bias toward Israel in the French media. The movie is packed with information about this.

To anyone familiar with Jewish history, the film can be compared with Zola's letter/article called 'I accuse', where he accuses the French government of anti-Judaism. Much in the same fashion, this movie accuses the French media of anti-Israelism, and provides substantial evidence as to why this is true.

If you're interested in the Israel-Palestine conflict, get this movie.
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Excellent Movie
20 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: May contain spoilers!

First of all, let's forget the political implications of this movie. Doing so enables us to see that it's a masterpiece documentary. It could be the most entertaining documentary I've ever seen, and that's considering I already knew all the information it presented before seeing it.

Now, about the political implication...

It's no secret that this movie is pro-Israeli. It interviews just one Palestinian as opposed to about a dozen Israelis, of which there's just one that is left-wing (supports the Palestinian state on pre-1967 borders openly).

On the other hand, one must understand that the Palestinians are taught from youth nowadays how to act with the media around and it's seen in every Israel-Palestine documentary, including this one. When the Palestinian interviewee speaks, he says the official lines that he was told to say, and guess what? They're lies.

SPOILER: For example, he says that they have no problems with the Jewish people, only the 'Zionist occupation'. I won't get into why 'Zionist Occupation' is an incorrect term, but it's enough to see the Palestinian sermons on TV (sanctioned by the PLO/PA!) where preachers say 'Jews are Jews! Kill them!' to understand what I'm talking about. And this is one of the things this movie shows.

So, what about the Israeli responses? They might be pro-Israeli, coming from Israel, but if you double- and triple-check all the facts presented by them, they're all true. Not a single lie inside. This is important because I can personally pinpoint outright lies in every single pro-Palestinian documentary to date.

Sure, omission is used in this movie as a tool to get the pro-Israeli point across, but the fact needs to be faced that there are very few objective documentaries on this subject. I've seen at least two dozen (probably more, lost count) in total and only one was objective (and one more or less objective). Moreover, the majority of these are pro-Palestinian.

In other words, this movie shouldn't be taken as a standard gauge for objectivity and it should be understood that it's pro-Israeli. However, even considering that, it's the best there is for a quick presentation of the Israeli point of view. And also it doesn't tell lies - that's important.
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Fahrenhype 9/11 (2004 Video)
Must-See for Fahrenheit 9/11 Fans
20 April 2005
At first when I started watching this movie (after having seen Fahrenheit), I thought it was quite boring and offered absolutely no proof for its claims.

Then the pace picked up and became more convincing. The climax came when interviewees from Fahrenheit talked about how the things they said in Fahrenheit were taken out of context, and about how they never even suspected they were going to be in an anti-Bush film.

A documentary can show archived footage, documents, etc. to prove its point (like Fahrenheit did), but in the end, all of it isn't so difficult to manipulate and it's possible to make a convincing documentary where 90% of the information is a big lie (i.e. Jenin Jenin). However, when you see people from the actual movie saying they meant completely different things, this is solid proof that cannot be faked or manipulated.

Therefore, if I were to watch just the first half of each film, Fahrenheit would be so much better. With the second half though, this movie, Fahrenhype 9/11, convinced me much better.

A must-see for everyone who has seen (and enjoyed) Fahrenheit 9/11 - so you aren't left with just a one-sided argument.
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