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Lengthy But Highly Intriguing
28 July 2013
I found this on Hulu, and I am obsessed with movies about WWII (the Holocaust in particular). Armed with my smartphone, I dove in. Initially, I was confused because the director/interviewer jumps into the French Revolution shortly after having some associates of Klaus Barbie describe his childhood. Then these leaders of the Revolution start talking about the betrayal of Jean Moulin. I had to hit pause and check it out on the web. After getting a bit more background, I moved on. I was disgusted when I heard back pedaling from Rene Hardy and Francoise Hemmerle. Ultimately learning that Hardy was framed, and seeing an interview with him towards the end of his life, I did start to pity him. However this Hemmerle woman would chuckle when talking about atrocities of torture then say "oh, I helped I the resistance, then proceeds to refer to the film 'Night & Fog' as "propaganda". This is where the running theme of "oh it was so long ago." This seems to be a running theme with the people who helped this butcher later on. The narrator really doesn't talk much about the Holocaust too much during the film, but focuses on the CIC (American intelligence) utilized Barbie as an informant. Woah, stop the bus! Then what really foxed me was if you Google any of these Americans, not a whisper. The person who drove me insane with his non-answers was a certain Eugene Kolb, who was Barbie's handler. He states that based on his relationship with Barbie, he doesn't believe he needed to use torture to get information out of people. I think that is similar to saying the Holocaust didn't happen. Every word out of his mouth is a contradiction or a back pedal. I knew that the US wanted nothing to do with the Jews until the very end of the war. This disgusts me as a human being. The film moves along with more people who "were just doing their jobs" (much like those who dropped Zyklon B into gas chambers) in the hunt and capture of Klaus Barbie. Turns out, that Barbie was involved in the capture of Che Guevara. The film alludes to this, but that was another topic of my own research. One person who is actually more candid than you would think is Barbie's former bodyguard. He was apprehensive at first, but through his story he tells of how he has to get people to go shopping for him as he was persona non grata in Bolivia. I think he realizes as he is speaking with Maurice that if he tells the truth, it may benefit him. It's a bit of a buildup, but watching him break is rather interesting. Well, as most know, there comes a point Barbie needs a lawyer at his trial. This lawyer is Jaques Verges, a well known defender of terrorists from Palestine and Algeria, and also a cohort of the leaders of the Khmer Rouge (this I learned more about from another film, Terror's Advocate). He did what he did more because he wanted France to acknowledge what they did to the French in Lyon and in Algeria. This is touched on, but never fully explained. The jury to me is still out on him, only because there is logic behind his intentions, even though I don't agree with him politically, or on a level of humanity. I won't ruin the end, but this four hour documentary is well worth the watch. I will say that it would be wise to get caught up on the French Resistance a little beforehand. Because I was so interested, I purchased The Sorrow and the Pity, so stay tuned for that review!
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Quentin Done Good
30 May 2013
I have seen mostly high reviews for this movie, and I am in that crowd! To those with dissenting opinion obviously have not come to appreciate Mr. Tarantino's work. For this, I say that I feel sorry for them. The dialog is not overly intellectual, it is real human speak! As a whole Americans are nostalgic for Westerns, and are remorseful of what our nation found acceptable for many years(yes, slavery). But this movie was only using those themes as a backdrop to basic human emotions and actions. We want prosperity, to protect those we love, and want karma to work in our favor. However, there are times karma moves a bit too slowly, and that is where Tarantino finds his niche. Violence, banter, and victory (even if its not what the audience expects). This film delivers on all accounts. I am a Tarantino fan, and as such, I have to give this movie a 10.

There were times the violence was mildly amusing, and others I had to peek through my fingers. Many of those who say its overkill (pun intended) are under the impression that events of the time were what we read out of our 6th grade history books. I feel that we are only given a glimpse of the horrific crimes that actually happened during that period. This is not a "liberal" movie. And while the Western angle may seem silly to some, it serves an ironic purpose to the subject matter.

Lastly, I actually watched the Oscars this year because of the host who was "too crass", (my hat is off to you Mister MacFarlane), but I was so jacked to see that Christoph Waltz won an Oscar again. He was incredible as always, which only made me want to watch the movie even more. I was tickled as well to see some of Quentin's choices in supporting cast, being some well known people as well as bit players from his other films. Samuel L. Jackson made his appearance, and this was one film I wanted to punch him in the face! But he added a layer of hypocrisy to the film which speaks volumes to the real subject matter that was prevalent at the time.

Laymen's review: I loved this movie!!!
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29 April 2013
In terms of slapstick comedy, there are only 3 people I can name off the top of my head who actually are funny. Adam Sandler is not one of them. I don't care for his serious stuff, but there are times he appeals to my dork nature. I loved him in Airheads, Billy Madison, and Anger Management. But if actors want to improve their craft based on constructive criticism: stop doing the stupid voices. It isn't funny. How studios back some movies, one can only guess. This movie is one of five that I just stopped watching because it was just that bad. Sadly, this is the only "comedy" I have turned off 15 minutes in (I waited 20 minutes for Date Movie). The timing was off,the plot was stupid, and I still want my 3 dollars back.
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The Factory (V) (2012)
Why I Shouldn't Believe Just Anyone's Review
28 April 2013
The gamut of ratings doesn't surprise me, as everyone has different tastes. The acting was just fine, and the premise I thought was happening for the majority of the movie read much like Law & Order: SVU. I love that show. So this movie was kind of my niche, and I still watched it despite it being a straight-to-DVD film. Hey, Boondock Saints is a B movie by definition, and that movie is awesome, in my opinion. But back to this film. I was having some issues with Netflix, so I had to pause it frequently. I read some reviews during that time, and I knew there would be a major plot twist at the end. So I was pretty excited through the whole film. I think anyone who enjoys SAW movies will like this film. I love those "no way, it was right in front of me the whole time" moments. Also, the cast towards the 2nd quarter of the film were totally believable to me. I am not an expert on cinema, and I have liked some "bad" movies before, but this one doesn't fall into my bad movie category. Date Movie....that was a bad movie! But if you take away anything, stay tuned for the plot twist. Unless you are Sherlock Holmes, you will not guess it!
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Not So Bad While Waiting for My Other Shows on Hulu
25 April 2013
Honestly, I'm not sure why everyone is downing the show! It's not Masterpiece Theatre, but it has it's moments. I think Sarah Chalke is charming, and her parents are amusing. Brad Garrett is a good comedian, and has just been dealt some not so popular shows. Her mom's Drug and alcohol usage makes her relatable, even though I know many folks out there wont admit that. I think there are too many reality shows out there, and this is far better, if not just a lesser evil. Many of my favorite shows are getting canceled, and I'm really picky when it comes to having television I actually follow. The acting isn't bad, the plots are interesting and believable. Give it a chance!
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