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It's not about free speech......
20 October 2018
Many positive reviews for this pseudo-documentary claim it is not a debate of ID vs evolution but rather a conspiracy by evolutionists to stop ID proponents from having a say in the same forum (classroom) as the evolutionists. Given the indirect portrayal of evolutionists as idiots and subliminal use of footage to implant ideas of evolution giving rise to Nazi ideology etc. one can argue that the so called director was certainly keen to push a bias in favour of ID over evolution (odd that there is no footage of abominable acts in the name of religion), so the first point of the show not being ID versus evolution is not correct. However let's focus on the proponents of the show claiming it about evolutionists gagging ID. Well, it's true, and for a very good reason. The fundamental nature of science is to observe, create a theory, propose a hypothesis and then test that hypothesis. This is for ALL science, not just evolution. The proponents of ID however, do not form hypothesis about ID and then test the hypothesis to support or disprove ID, rather they try and disprove evolution and then conclude that ID must therefore be true. This is not science and does not belong in a science forum or in a science classroom. Science set the rules of the game hundreds of years ago and now ID proponents want to join the game but use different rules. Is it any wonder they are not welcome to play? If ID proponents would start applying scientific methodology to their own ideas they would be welcome to play the game but until then they can take their bat and ball and play somewhere else.
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What about grieving parents of missing people???
11 March 2018
This 'genuine' woman only seems to get contacted by spirits for whom the crime has been documented via police investigations and court proceedings. There are thousands of people who have been murdered yet no body or murder scene have yet been located. It is very odd that the spirits of these victims never seem to contact this 'genuine' woman so the grieving relatives can find closure and the police can have a crime scene and/or body to work with.
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Sub-average children's film
6 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The plot (and subsequent direction) for Alabama Love Story conveys a sense of immaturity and I can only guess it was produced with an early teenage (probably female) audience in mind. Well, I hope so because if it was intended as an adult film the plot and acting was well below standard. As one reviewer pointed out there is no gratuitous sex or violence however I am somewhat baffled by the scene where Goodie rips a live chicken in half by it's legs in order to use the talon to open the snake bite on Roper. Although you don't see the actual ripping of the chicken it is pretty obvious what she has done. Not kiddie material at all. Also baffling that the producers chose to show a method for treating snake bites (cut and suck) that has been discarded for decades. Goodie could have easily applied a pressure bandage using a piece of clothing instead of tearing a poor chicken in half and using its excrement covered talon to rip (I won't say cut since chicken talons are not that sharp) Roper's cut and induce septicemia at the same time. Just an indication that the producers didn't bother researching the plot and didn't give a stuff if children learn outdated and dangerous first aid for snake bites.
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Salvage (I) (2009)
Unbelievable dribble
24 October 2015
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For a modern horror this film is the pits. Poor acting, poor script, poor plot and little suspense. The ending is especially golden. The film presents a modified human on the rampage that takes out well armed soldiers and civilians alike with single blow. A whole attachment of special soldiers who have to kill it (oh, they also have to kill the civilians who are witnesses) cannot kill this fast killing beastie. They hunt the beastie for several days with no success (although their success would have been better if they were equipped with night vision goggles but perhaps they weren't special enough for such hardware). This beastie knocks off soldiers and civilians with quick ease yet in the finale it seems unable to instantly kill a 14 year old girl who fends it off with her bare hands for several seconds until her mother is able to kill it with a mere fire poker. As if..... I give it 2 stars for the fact this movie was apparently done on a low budget but have to admit the results reflect the budget.
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Troll Hunter (2010)
Not funny from any angle.
18 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly did not know which angle this movie was coming from and I can't believe it garnered a Blu-ray release. I always get annoyed at sentences like "footage has been examined by experts and found to be authentic" so I guess the movie started on a bad note. I gathered after a short time this was a spoof but if it was comedy it gave very few laughs (OK I did laugh at the troll eating Ned Kelly). Is using flawed science comedy? Didn't work for me. What ever angle this movie was presenting it didn't float my boat. Still I give it 3 stars for: A: Interesting CGI of trolls B: The cute blonde camera girl C: This movie is 99% filming of driving in cars, people running through forests, talking in camper trailers etc. Add a few dollars for some slime and a not so real looking dead bear and this movie was really done on the cheap so kudos to the producers for keeping to a low (and I mean low) budget.
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Poor excuse for comedy.
15 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because the plot seemed like a good basis for a comedy. Unfortunately the plot was wasted with a mixture of foul language, schoolboy humour and poor slapstick being passed off as comedy. I once worked in my younger years in the catering business so am familiar with the way restaurants work, hence my liking the plot.

The idea of an abusive ex-boxing boss threatening to punch and hurt staff while shouting obscenities and belittling them was not funny. Wait staff acting like retards in a (I assume) expensive restaurant was also not funny. Patrons physically and verbally abusing staff was also not funny. All the schoolboy humour and sexual references sprinkled with every swear word under the sun was not funny. I don't mind swearing but it simply wasn't funny in this movie.

Overall this movie gave me a few chuckles but otherwise left me cold. The one part where the chap dining by himself and eating next to nothing gives the busboy Donnie the largest tip was a good moment but it was for sentimental reasons, not humour. Maybe with a different director and producer this movie may have faired better. I have not seen Supertroopers or Beerfest and am now reluctant to do so if this is the sort of garbage Broken Lizard portrays as comedy.
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