
9 Reviews
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Boss Level (2020)
Actually A Pretty Good Movie
28 July 2021
I usually expect new movies to disappoint. Hollywood makes so much crap these days. Most of it, ridiculous race, gender or social virtue signaling. This movie seems to cut through all that nonsense and laugh at itself doing so. Well written, well acted and good effects without being over-the-top. Mel Gibson has a small part but lends credibility here. This is a fun action movie that will make you laugh with a good balance of action. I enjoyed this film because it entertains without insulting your intelligence. You can sit back and take this one in with confidence. It's not the greatest movie in the world, but that's the point. It doesn't take itself too seriously. It does it's job, plain and simple... Good work all around here. Quality workmanship with a few good twists in the story to keep your interest all the way through. My suggestion is to see it cold. Don't even watch the trailer. It's a fun ride that you will enjoy. Let it take you on the adventure and I bet you'll dig it too. I applaud the team that created this film. It seems familiar but makes its own mark. It takes its rightful place in cinematic history. I'm proud to add this one to my collection of "Good" modern films.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Ice Road Stupid
29 June 2021
What happens when Liam Neeson runs out of "Taken" sequels to do? He makes a Canadian fairytale starring him, along with, his Man-child Brother, Morpheus and the Bank Teller from "Hell Or High Water". This movie is so bad that it makes the TV show "Ice Road Truckers" look like Emmy Award winning entertainment. Why does Hollywood keep making crap like this? Is it because studio executives are now made up of Millennials and Gen Y-Z simpletons? Or is it that the audience has devolved into drooling, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging masses that will watch just about anything? Like the movie "Idiocracy" has come to fruition. Much of the content reaching mainstream is insulting and moronic at best. This movie is simply terrible. Where do I start? Well, the acting is laughably bad. A one dimensional woke mob consisting of, yep you guessed it, a black guy, a woman, a disabled man and a bunch of B-movie actors with bad Canadian accents eh... There was no LGBTQ character, so I'm sure this movie will get cancelled soon. It's packed full of toxic masculinity (hehe). The story is... Well, there is no story. It's a ridiculous series of disjointed plot points that confuse and insult the viewer's intelligence, to the point of laughter. It takes suspension of disbelief to an absurd level. A freak show, carnival act that will leave you wondering if COVID killed off all the talent in the movie industry. Yet another shining example of the decline of motion pictures made in America. A Multi-million dollar nonsensical action movie with disastrously bad results. Literally, one hour and 48 minutes of people fighting over who gets to drive the trucks.
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Those Who Wasted My Time
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like Taylor Sheridan. "Hell Or High Water", "Sicario", "Wind River". Very Talented writer but... Directing is NOT his thing. This movie was a real stinker. First of all, The story is very formula. It's very weak. Pretty much what you've seen countless times. The professional assassin squad hunting down a kid, but he gets help from an unlikely source. Think Bruce Willis in "Mercury Rising 1998". But, now it's Woke. You have an interracial couple, expecting a baby, running a survival camp in deep woods Montana. Yeah, I'm not kidding. The pregnant wife is also an expert marksman that can kill a well armed bad guy with a deer rifle, no problem. First she torches him with a Macgyver blowtorch to the face. The Damsel is of course Angelina Jolie. She's lookin beat, old and tired, like a seat cushion in an old work truck. A few innocent victims get murdered along the way. Meh, no biggie. The Assassin squad is complaining about their budget, as I' sure the film crew was too. The acting is good all around. Lots of characters from other Taylor Sheridan films. It's just another weak action movie in a sea of ruined studio movies that permeate the industry these days. Forgive me for being so blunt, but this movie is not very good. I did not like it.
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Hotel Mumbai (2018)
True Story Hollywood Nonsense
12 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I know that this movie is based on a true event but it really is terribly done. They Hollywoodized the "True" story with your typical formula writing. First, these characters seem to be able to move all over this hotel without being detected by the terrorists. They're banging on doors and yelling. Nobody hears them. They always seem to be looking the other way when they move from one room to another. The Terrorists must be deaf. I know this sounds mean but the lady with the baby irritated me. She reacts like a total idiot with her crying baby in her arms. Like the Terrorists can't hear this burping, farting gurgling baby? After a while I was rooting that they would be found and both shot dead for being stupid and loud. In the end, they both miraculously survive and just walk right out. Also, all these police are outside and none of them think it might be a good idea to go inside and stop the terrorists? They wait for 12 hours? Great response time. Well I guess that's India for you. They may be able to run a call center and Microsoft scam center but their Police are totally incompetent. Honestly, if you just watch it as an action movie its way better. You will not find any accuracy in what actually happened. I had no connection or empathy for any of the characters. I just kept thinking how dumb they are to not just leave the hotel. Break a window, smash a door open. Anything is better than wondering around in this aimless script of total Hollywood nonsense.
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Security (I) (2017)
Lousy Movie, Pinky Promise
24 August 2017
This has got to be THE worst premise for a movie ever!!! Mall security guards vs trained army of assassins??? Mall security guards win??? Are you kidding??? You have Antonio Banderas and Ben Kingsley, both of which are great actors. They decide to be in this truly awful film??? What were their agents thinking? They are deserving of much better roles in REAL movies. Security is low budget all the way through. Poorly written, ridiculous concept of a script. The sets are laughably cheap. The supposed "Mall" is obviously not a mall at all. All the set design in this film seems cheap and unrealistic. With the exception of Banderas and Kingsley, ALL the other actors are terrible. Like a student film. The characters are weak and one dimensional. The cinematography and editing are good but the story and cheap sets pull the whole thing down. I was actually laughing through this entire film. It starts out bad and ends up totally absurd. I really don't understand how this movie got funded and green lit. You would have to be a complete moron to take this film seriously or care about these characters in peril. Its a joke, a real stinker. Avoid watching this. You will never get the time back and be truly disappointed.
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Cell (I) (2016)
Complete hunk of crap...
6 August 2016
Hard to believe that John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson and Stacy Keach would lend their names to this truly ridiculously stupid movie. I like Steven King but this was total rubbish. Plot holes that you could drive a truck through. Since they had the budget for these really good actors, I don't understand what happened here. It made no sense at all. I even tried to look at it as an art piece. Well, it was a piece alright. I piece of wet turd... The acting was good but everything else really sucked bad. The story could have been good. Its a good concept but the way it was written destroyed the whole thing. The red hoodie kid looked like the guy from Pet Cemetery! Hahah, another Steven King flick. Its sad to see actors that I really enjoy at the end of their careers. This was painful to watch. I can't imagine why they took this project. I sure hope the money was good. Poorly written, poorly directed and poorly executed. No wonder this one never made it to a theatrical release. Not even zombies would enjoy this movie...
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Purge this from your list of movies to see...
10 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a great movie. The concept is really good and original compared to most of the lousy movies out there these days. It started out by capturing your attention and explaining the basic premise of the "Annual Purge". The setup and hook was presented in such a way that you expect some action and a bit of social commentary. Quickly after "The Purge" begins, things start to unravel. The characters are weak, the story becomes incoherent, and the twist actually made me laugh out loud with everybody else in the theater. Like a bad "Rosemary's Baby". First of all, you have the young sexy daughter who is admittedly HOT. Her boyfriend decides that he'd rather kill her Dad than bang her. I think NOT... I would have banged her first. Next, you have her half-wit brother who decides to let some homeless guy into their house. Really??? I would have put his ass "outside" for that genius move. The Mother and Father seemed to be disengaged overly tolerant progressive Pro-Obama parents. Well, at least that is plausible. Heheheh! This entire family seems to wander throughout their own home looking for one another but unfamiliar with the layout. Oh, and did I mention the crazed Yuppie Frat House killer? LOL! He has some friends that are just as crazed, flat and ridiculously one dimensional. Together, they are able to defeat an elaborately fortified security system with nothing but a Toyota Pickup and some chain. WTF??? The story goes nowhere and falls apart completely by the end. I think the homeless guy ends up married to the mother when it's all over. I just wonder if the writing was this horrible from the beginning? (Green Light). Or, did some dumbass studio executive change it be implausible, silly and totally retarded? Either way, skip this one. Seriously, not even worth a video rental.
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Rage of the Yeti (2011 TV Movie)
So lousy that it's funny...
23 May 2013
This movie is steaming pile of Yeti dung. The computer generated Yeti are hilarious. They look so fake that I laughed through every attack. The acting is even worse. None of these folks seem to be too upset as each of their friends get gobbled up by the Yeti. They wander off one at a time in a state complete stupidity. Flat dialog and poor effects add to the laughs. I actually enjoyed this film because it was so silly. If you have nothing better to do and are looking for some completely mindless entertainment then you'll find this to be a really funny funny movie. The female characters are all pretty cute so at least it has that going for it.
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2012 (I) (2009)
Complete piece of crap...
13 February 2013
This was probably the worst movie that I have ever seen. Everyone associated with the final product should be embarrassed by what they created. The actors should be ashamed to lend their names to this project. If the world ever does come to an end, we should make sure that this film is destroyed with it. The acting is OK but the story is awful and completely weak. The characters seem to navigate through special EFX that are so silly and unrealistic. I actually laughed at how it continued to unfold. After a while, it played more like a comedy then a drama. This movie is a well polished turd that only a complete moron would enjoy. No doubt that it should have been an Alan Smithy production.
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