
2 Reviews
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yes it is what you think
6 October 2004
I was wondering why there weren't many comments on this even though it's on the front page of a few popular internet DVD shops, so I rented it out a few nights ago. Now I know why the lack of interest:

This film is not about football and I wasn't expecting a football film. Basically this is a proper "lads" film, and like most films that fit into that category it is pretty bad. Sure some of the characters are interesting, and the acting from most of the cast is very good, but the overall feeling is that this film is trying to be a bit of a joyride for guys who have similar interests to those portrayed in the film. So, there's lots of violence, lots of shots of people stamping on each other etc, and a good deal of attention is paid to the pre-fight bonding sessions that the characters go through (including lots of drug taking and shouting). Well done for presenting it realistically, but to me its just not interesting.

There are a couple of very unsubtle attempts to make the viewer think this film might be going somewhere interesting, when the main character seems to begin to question the dodgy way he's choosing to live, once at the start of the film and once mid way through. Then, nothing! we see a few more fights, the characters don't develop and nothing is learnt. There's a good scene where the scariest of the group acts insulted to frighten one of the smaller guys, but even this is ripped straight from Joe Pesci's brilliant scene in Goodfellas. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't hoping for all the characters to see the error of their ways or anything, but I wanted to learn something or see something original.

The style was Snatch meets Human Traffic... so kind of fast and snappy, but not very original, and not at all interesting, at least to me. That said, due to the quality acting and totally realistic storyline, if you're a football hooligan or are in general into street violence this may be well worth a look.
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City of Men (2002–2018)
great stuff
6 October 2004
I've just seen the first two episodes after buying the UK edition of this amazing mini-series. Of course I watched the Film "City Of God" and thats how I came to hear of this. For those who say the series isn't as good as the film I don't think it should be compared to the film...sure it shares many things with the film, specially the humour and cinematic style but lets judge this on its own as it's NOT a film.

The music is excellent, the acting (especially Douglas Silva) is superb, and the cinematography is beautiful. The two episodes I've seen are brilliantly structured and I can't wait to see the rest...I only wish there were more episodes in each series (only 4 in the 1st and 5 in the 2nd). A pleasant surprise is the occasional computer animated sequence based on the narrative or what Silva's character is imagining..these are implemented so well that they really add to the atmosphere and feel of the show, and they're done with great humour.

For anyone who saw the film and is worried this won't be as exciting or "complete" forget your worries. I've only watched the first 2 episodes and my "City of God" thirst has already been quenched. But it's not all fun, and yes this is, like the film, also so memorable because it seems quite realistic and it grabs at the heart. You feel like you are getting a real taste of Rio slum life from a kids perspective, and although the overall experience is enjoyable I also find it quite sad and moving at times. Sometimes Silva's acting feels so real I wonder if he's not actually remembering real life problems he's run into on the streets. There's a wonderful moment in the first episode after he's been mugged where his character (Acerola) starts crying, and for a brief moment glimpses at the camera. To me its not like a "save the children" really is a "you see what I have to deal with!?" kind of moment, and for me it works superbly.

So my advice is if in your TV series' you like fresh ideas, great acting, original presentation, quality filming, addictive story lines, and some wicked humour then watch City Of Men.
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