
10 Reviews
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21 February 2023
Rarely am I left speechless after watching a tv-series but this historical epic story which contains all human emotions is truly breathtaking to watch, it took me places and it felt real. I've already watched it twice back to back and I crave for more!

The dilemma, at least that's how it works for me, is that I cannot stop watching a epic captivating series like this but at the same time I do not want the story to end! I love all the characters, the acting, the scenery, the sets, the fighting scenes, the complex friendship between the 2 main characters, the romance, the utterly lovely Yeon and last but not least .... the soundtrack omg the songs are all so good and well chosen! They really complement the story!

There are many great scenes, one that stood out to me was the scene in episode 7 that starts at around 17m30s with Bang-Won asking for some information, it's just incredible and so epic. Bang-Won who was masterfully portrayed and played by Jang Hyuk another superb character and actor in this fascinating historical drama.

I'm sure I will watch this series a third time, there's just so much happening. A mindblowing series, thanks go to all people involved, behind and on the set, with special thanks to all the great actors. Let me know if there are more series like this, I want to see them all!

Korean history is cool af!
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Who Rules the World (2022– )
Superb and almost flawless drama and love story
14 October 2022
Loved every single minute of it, never has time gone by so quickly while watching this wonderful Chinese television series "Who Rules The World". I just did not want to stop watching and I actually finished watching all 40 episodes in less than 4 days! As much as I wanted to keep watching I did not want it to end either! But alas, it did and I am now looking and searching for other similar series to watch because I want to see them all! This one was very special though.

The story was excellent with several twists and turns, loved the character development, the exquisite cinematography and the pace at which it all unfolded... it was just perfect and I commend everyone involved. The chemistry between the two main characters is almost palpable and contains all human emotions in existence.

Go watch this and let yourself be transported to another time and place, it's an experience well worth your time. I want more ... !

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Carter (2022)
Amazing adrenaline rush!!!
10 August 2022
This movie is 100% insane action, barely time to breath, simple story ... but with fantastic camera work, loved every second of this great action movie, Korean style! Awesome work by all people involved.
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He's Expecting (2022– )
WTF is going on at Netflix?
25 April 2022
Go woke, go broke! I have cancelled my subscription and many people who I know will do the same when they find out what kind of trash Netflix is putting out nowadays! According to Netflix Anne Boleyn is a black woman now, lol. And now this asian man is pregnant. For real, what a load of crap ... totally unwatchable all these woke nonsense series.
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2 December 2021
I could not love this series more than I already do, the real life stories and life lessons, the portrayal of the rough and simple life back then ... it will make u miss how straightforward life used to be, the love story between Helen and James, the many funny things that happen, the absolutely beautiful environment and georgeous surroundings, it's just perfect!

The cast is also wonderful and chosen brilliantly, there are so many great characters; of course James, the lovely & beautiful Helen and her sweet sister Jenny, amazing Siegfried, cheeky Tristan, miss Hall and of course the many locals that are the inspiration of all the stories ... Please continue this series for many more episodes and seasons (just like the original series which was great as well), it's just so much fun to watch and follow the lives of these people. This series is clearly made by people who care, thank you all so much!
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The East (2020)
Fantastic movie
15 May 2021
DOZENS OF DUTCH MOVIES have been made about World War 2 against Nazi Germany. Dozens! And rightfully so, it is an important chapter in Dutch history and should never be forgotten! (plus the Nazi Germans were the bad guys).

NOT ONE DUTCH MOVIE had been made IN 70+ YEARS TIME about another WAR that was happening far away in the former Dutch colony Indonesia, yet it is an equally important chapter in Dutch history!

So what's going on here? How come this war has never before gotten the attention it deserves in the Dutch education system, schools and history books? Almost nobody knows what really happened there!

This movie, THE EAST (DE OOST) finally changes that and shows in a partial historically accurate way what happened over there during the BERSIAP PERIOD after the capitulation of Japan. We see this through the eyes of a rookie Dutch soldier, really bad things happen (on both sides!) and we gradually get to see his struggle with it all.

The fact that this movie is the first cinematic Dutch movie that sheds some light on this controversial and difficult period in Dutch history deserves praise + it gets extra points for showing courage for making this movie!

It's a fantastic movie, great acting, beautiful scenery, raw sense of reality - but please also understand that it's a MOVIE, not a documentary!

Rating: 10/10.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
By far the Best sci-fi series in years!
18 December 2020
And that's including the horrible snowflake PC / SJW series like Star Trek: Michael "Don't Make Me Cry" Burnham and Star Trek: Picard "I need a Wheelchair".

Take your time with The Expanse, do not rush it, a lot is happening so give it time to take it all in; the great deep story, the many small realistic details, the believable world, the great cast, the funny moments, the mystery ... it will all draw you in like no other Sci-Fi series has done in years! Fantastic!!!

Rating, a solid: 10/10
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Star Trek: Burnham
4 March 2020
She is annoying as hell, Roddenberry would be disgusted with her. Don't know what this crap is but it sure as hell ain't Star Trek, it's the Crybaby Burnham Knows it All show. Garbage.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
For the love of all that is good ... Bring back Joel Kinneman!!! ASAP
28 February 2020
Which idiot thought it was a good idea to ditch the actor who carried this series and made it into a success? WTF?!? Joel was and still is perfect for the role! Bring him back ffs!

Season 1 rating: 10 stars Season 2 rating: ugh ...
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Star Trash
28 February 2020
This is definitely NOT how I would like to remember the great captain Picard; as a fragile old and weak man ... seeing him in any sort of fight or action scene is ridiculous. What moron thought this would be a good idea? And are they seriously planning a Season 2 of this Major Fail of a show? Will Picard be in a wheelchair and in a hospital bed most of the 2nd season? What the hell were they thinking! Don't know what this trash is but it's NOT Star Trek!
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