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A shame it's been canned.
19 August 2022
I loved the book when I read it twelve years ago and after doing so it made the film hard to watch.

I always thought it would have played better as a TV series. It's just a shame it hasn't had a chance to complete the story. I just wish it had been done as a limited series over 10-15 episodes so we could have had it all. It's not the kind of show people would rush to see but I think it would have gained more of a following heading into its second series.

It's great seeing Rose Leslie and Theo James in leading roles and they carry it well. Some of the elderly make up was a little ropey but all in all I really liked it.

Well even if we're not getting series 2 at least we got a tightly written first season.
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Reviews lost in politics
20 December 2019
In a time where we will judge a movie and start slating purely based on a trailer that we saw 6 months ago it is hard to get a genuine reaction to a film.

Take "The rise of skywalker" for instance. Two years ago we were treated to the marmite that was "The last jedi", critic adored it and fans hated it in equal measure, unfortunately I came in the latter although I found more to like on a 2nd viewing. Trolls rose out of the shadows and grownups overreacted, threw temper tantrums and declared their childhood destroyed. Two years on here we are with "the rise of skywalker" and once again we are in the marmite phase only this time its the critics who are getting angry.

Is the film perfect? Not by a long shot. The first 30 minutes feels rushed as we race fro maguffin to maguffin but there is a point where the film levels out and I finally found myself unclenching and enjoying the film.

I really enjoyed "the force awakens" and hoped for a similar feel. Unfortunately it felt like JJ had a lot of boxes to tick however with the detour and scrapping of future plot point courtesy of Rian Johnson, and the tragic passing of Carrie Fisher, JJ has been handed ball of wool that he needs to untangle and all things considered he does a pretty good job.

I would have loved it had he been a bit braver in relation to certain characters surviving/dying. Some of the new characters are instantly forgettable but that's more of an issue with them being underwritten and I feel like a few missteps were taken with "the force" but I guess they can do what they like, they're writing it, it's up to me to get on board.

Is this a 1/10 defiantly not, those who rank it so are your trolls, is it a 10/10, no it is not. I'm just glad I saw it and made my own opinions and I hope you all do the same.
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After Life (2019–2022)
I had to change my 9 star review as I couldn't stand the last two seasons.
23 March 2019
I love Ricky Gervais and have always enjoyed his humour but having reached the end of series 3 I am fed up of the attempts to emotionally manipulate me.

Tony isn't a nice character, and that's not a problem but having watched three series of him essentially bully and belittle people I find it hard to shed any sympathy in his direction. He's not even the most loathsome character (the shrink was the ultimate downfall).

The message is nice I guess I'm just disappointed with the delivery.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Starts well then they try to choke you with love
10 March 2019
I'd like to begin by saying I really enjoyed series one. "This is us" managed to make something which in reality is quite small feel like a major twist. It was escapism in what has become a cynical world...

...then season 2 came along...

All of a sudden it feels like all the niceness is being rammed down your throat. The Pearson family are so sickeningly perfect you'll need an antiemetic just to stomach each episode. Even when Jack's fate is revealed (albeit a very emotional episode and not a spoiler because its revealed in season 1 episode 2) this is ruined by giving you a Jack's greatest hits in his old car episode the following week. When they killed him off they should have left him off the show to allow the viewer to feel the loss. Instead he's in it more afterwards then he was before. Kate is overweight which seems to be the basis for every storyline she has. Chris's Metz has more than proved her acting chops on this show so can we not give her a storyline where the main crux isn't because she has weight issues. The saving grace of the show is Kevin because at least he has some flaws making him the most relatable. He's the most watchable out of the "perfect Pearsons". I've read ahead about series 3 which doesn't seem much better from now on I'm out.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Ignore its flaws and enjoy the ride
10 March 2019
I'm a bit of a sucker for anything with time travel in and will normally pick apart any plot holes in these sorts of films or shows however there was something about this I loved. The first few episodes were filled with eye rolls and Clichés - she's the lead, he's the brave one, he's the brainy one, and I'm not sure they needed to bump into a famous person from history nearly every episode (had it have happened anymore my eyes would have rolled out of my skull) . However by the end of series one I was really invested in it. By the time the shorter series two rolls around the storytelling is more concise and everyone is given something to do. The story flips itself on its head a bit by series two and you begin to see that they've found ways to freshen it up. I've not seen the TV special finale yet but can't wait. Gutted it was canned before series 3 but I'm glad there will be an ending of some sort for me to enjoy.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
Great show, fantastic cast
10 March 2019
Although at times Glitch is a little slow it's a great watch. In story the concept is similar to the returned and yet it manages to do new and gripping things with the story. The casting is spot on and and the acting is fantastic. It's the sort of show that doesn't shy away from new ideas and is all the better for it. Had this have been an American show it would have been strung out over a much longer series which would only have ruined it. The concise story telling really allows it to thrive.
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Friends from College (2017–2019)
Top end comedy drama
13 January 2019
I struggle to understand why critics don't enjoy this comedy as much as I do. One criticism I've heard is that none of the characters are nice people and are therefore unlikable. I disagree, there isn't a character in it I don't like, yes most of them do questionable things, make bad decisions or act inappropriately, but it makes the great television. If they were all nice people we'd end up with something annoyingly sickly sweet like This Is Us. The comedy is dry/dark but I love this programme and I really hope the more people watch it and it gets a third series
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