9 Reviews
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Vir Altyd (2016)
When you didn't speak the language but keep watching anyway
10 April 2024
I have to give this movie a 10 because I watched it all the way through even without subtitles. The thing is, I ALWAYS have subtitles on, as I'm old enough to sometimes have difficulty hearing.

I'd dozed off and woke up to this movie just starting. I'm not usually interested in romances but something caught my attention - the beauty of the actors and photography and scenery plus a language I didn't recognize. Then I was pulled in further by the wedding reception that happened without the groom or guests, followed by the bride and her friend waking up to a pilot announcing they were landing at the honeymoon destination - more beautiful scenery. By now there'd been a few flashbacks to childhood friendship, and while I could guess where the story was going, I was intrigued enough to look it up here on IMDB and at least find out where the gorgeous beaches were located.

Now I'm hoping to find a subtitled version and see if I like it as much when I know what they're saying - especially at the end. No spoilers here as again, I can only guess!
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The FBI Story (1959)
Engrossing, whether factual or not
11 July 2023
I caught this movie like many, on a movie channel playing in the background - until I got caught up in it.

How factual is it? I have no idea, I'm not an FBI expert - but it contains a lot that I do know from history, so while the film overall is clearly romanticized, it's also factual enough to pique my interest in learning more. I plan to check out some of the movies noted in other reviews.

Meanwhile, I'm scoring this one highly, because it drew far more interest than the average old movie that I enjoy playing in the background.

It actually tells two stories, one of how the FBI developed and grew, and one of an agent and his family, growing alongside the agency.

I love Jimmy Stewart but honestly he only plays one part, which is Jimmy Stewart - and seeing the details of how the FBI operated at that time (focused primarily on the first half of Hoover's reign) through the Jimmy Stewart character - or, through Jimmy Stewart as we know him in every movie he ever made, the super-good idealized man imbued with every good moral characteristic that exists - is a charming as well as interesting story.

I plan to watch this film again, this time with intention.
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A movie for the dreamers
14 April 2023
I'm laughing at the reviews who complain this movie isn't realistic, the acting isn't good enough, the ending isn't good enough. (I'm laughing because they pretty much mirror all the complainers in the movie itself, the "yes, but" people, those who can only see whatever they see and are incapable of seeing alternatives, for whatever reason - those who want to squelch the dreamers and see them as their enemy...) I guess if I were interested enough I'd look to see what movies they DO like - but I'm not interested, because the first few minutes of this movie pulled me in. I'm a dreamer and this is a movie for the dreamers, of all ages.
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I hardly know how to rate this!
2 November 2022
I checked out this show after my friend was nominated for an Emmy, for being on the hair and makeup team.

First, this "style", for lack of a better term, is completely foreign to me. I'm old - my childhood experience with tv was watching The Wonderful World Of Disney on Sunday afternoons.

I've heard of Nickelodeon, but again, no experience. My kids watched more tv than I did, but it was mostly PBS.

So I'll start by saying that this show is a bit of a culture shock!

Once I was able to tune out the laugh track, which I detest, and got over the shock of weird little square cartoon people jumping in and out of the scenes - and the constant singing and dancing - I focused on the characters, the story, and the scenery.

(Why I hardly know how to rate this is because while as a whole it's pretty awful, there's also a fair amount of good - from my point of view. Full disclosure, I've only seen 2 episodes so far.) A lot of the acting is embarrassingly exaggerated - but not all of it. Some scenes are actually well-acted, and touching. Roy in particular is such a cheerful and goodhearted character that I want to see more, I care what happens to him even by midway through the first episode!

The premise of fairy godparents is a timeless theme, one that's fun to revisit even as an adult - if only we could have our wishes fulfilled! Also timeless - the lessons learned when we get what we wished for and find it wasn't a good idea after all. Storylines like this are perfect for the age group I think this show is aiming for, 8-12ish.

And the scenery is fun! Yes, there's just a few sets that are used over and over, but that's not in itself a problem, many shows do that. Personally I like the stage-like sets, with sparse but effective props used to support each new plot. Why not? It's a simple, clean, and cute kid's show.

I'll keep watching!
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Absolutely awful!
22 September 2022
I watched this movie because I wasn't feeling well, lying in bed, and it came on one of the streaming channels. I enjoy a good rom-com and even an occasional Hallmark movie, but this "love story" was so awful I came here to tell y'all - don't do it!!!

I don't even have words to say how terrible it is - drippy, whiny, zero plot, terrible actors, even the music, which is the reason I started watching in the first place, as I came in during a full orchestra scene - was dreadful. There's absolutely nothing I can think of to recommend this piece of drivel. And if by any chance you're interested and should look at my other reviews, you'll notice that I usually rate movies higher than others do, I'm a generally positive, loving, and optimistic person. But this trash made me feel like trash for watching it!
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Pit Stop (1969)
Enjoyably super-noir
13 February 2021
Sometimes I read some of the IMDB reviews and laugh my ass off at the seriousness, pretentiousness, and wannabe a film critic-ness of so many posting here. I just wanna know if it's a good movie or maybe a bit of trivia about it. So, in my not-a-film-critic opinion, this is a fun movie. Good enough in it's unique genre to give it a 9. I ran across it in the lineup of Saturday afternoon movies being shown on antenna tv. It's a gem of noir-ness, stark black and white versus smoky, with a great soundtrack of the times, running at incongruent times throughout the movie. I looked it up on IMDB to confirm that's indeed the beautiful young Ellen Burstyn, radiant in the late 60's.
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Anyone who rates this less than 10 must be lacking in compassion
28 January 2021
Noticing this listed on my local PBS channel, I expected an ordinary documentary. Instead I found a deeply moving, multifaceted and fullfledged movie, with unexpected "stars" who are real people, living out their real lives. It left me with the desire to know more about each of them, and huge gratitude to my family who move everything aside to make sure my father can continue to live comfortably in his own home, with daily visits - and even more gratitude for my daughter who gives up everything to keep me happy in HER home, following unexpected multiple health catastrophes leaving me disabled at 60. Watch this movie, please, and see where it touches you. If it doesn't, watch it again.
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The Spanish Princess (2019–2020)
Really fun, if you remember it's not a history lesson
27 December 2020
I'm laughing at these reviewers whining and complaining about "Catherine didn't do this" and "Henry didn't say that" - it's a tv show, for goodness sake! And quoting Phillipa Gregory as the arbiter of historical fact is even more hilarious - a writer of historical FICTION, she refers on her own website to "blending history and imagination". Just relax and enjoy the drama, folks. It's fabulous entertainment which is exactly what it's supposed to be.
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Skin Deep (1989)
Jeez, this was awful!
29 August 2004
It was a hot summer afternoon and I was happy to stay in and watch this John Ritter movie when I saw it featured in the TV guide, but it turned out worth not to be watching at all, unless you are planning on doing a thesis about the 70's "Me Generation", the I-want-it-all and the I-want-to-have-sex-with-anyone-and-everyone lifestyle, or maybe you're interested in 70's disco costumes and puffy super-sprayed mullet hairstyles. but maybe you can tolerate it if you drink as much as the characters do. Hoo boy, what made me ever think those times were FUN!

I turned it off halfway through and I don't even wonder if the pitiful protagonist played by Ritter got to live happily ever after - he certainly didn't deserve to.
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