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Medium (2005–2011)
My All Time Favorite TV Series
28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If someone asked me what is your all time favorite TV series? i'll simply say Medium.

Now a lot of people might think that i'm overrating this show and they are a better crime series such as: CSi, NCIS, Bones etc. but what is so special about this show is the whole package in a way none of all these series bring it to the audience.

The first thing ( which is the strongest thing) is the family life of medium i dare anyone to give me any series (a long side with Friends) that makes you feel that you know this family, that you feel most of the time that you are living with them. and the whole family is likable Alison and joe are perhaps the best couple I've ever seen in my whole life, and it doesn't mean that the are perfect the have ups and downs, fights and a lot of times they are out of money, but nevertheless the continue to live as a happy family. Also all of Alison daughter are likable. Ariel is so sweet and intelligent, Marie is so innocent,and Bridgette is the soul of the whole show she is so cute so intelligent and walks and talks as she was an old person.

The second thing that was so special was they way of the crime, most of crime show is to identical by not knowing the killer and then the investigation method tell at the end you discover the whole thing, but in medium it is different the brought a new thing which is knowing the truth by psychic lady that helps the police to get the bad guys although she have no experience in crime scenes.

Even when you goes out of the dubois family you feel the same way of the supporting cast :

Miguel Sandoval (Alison boss) which delivered one of his best performance till this date.

David Cubitt also gave us a very nice performance of the ideal Detective, even when it comes between the justice and his own brother he choose the justice immediately.

The only thing the bothered me in the whole show is the final episode , i mean what they where thinking when they killed the husband the made the show so stupid and the way that Alison died was very bad and annoying (at least they could gave us a nice ending not a bad one!!!)

At the end it was and still a great TV show with great cast, a show that is focusing on everything from A to Z, and brings to the audience the suspense, horror, love, some how an ideal family life that everyone of us hoped to have.
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The Ring (2002)
A Great Horror Film After All These Years
29 June 2017
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A few Days ago i watched rings which was release this years after 12 years since the ring 2 and i really struggled a lot while watching it, anyway after finishing it i went back and watch the ring (the original) which was released back in 2002 and i discovered immediately why i didn't like the new one.

Even this film was originally a remake for the Japanese version (Ringu 1998)it has it's own magic ( The Hollywood magic) which is the way of shooting the film a long side the special effects that no other one can due till this date. Naomi Watts delivered one of her best performance to the big screen she really gave us all the emotions of a women who is more scared of her son's life than hers, even though she is going to die before him!

And the best thing that saved this film and made it a successful hit in 2002 is the story line which shows you each day what's going on with the character's life till the final day, which made it superior to the sequel and the remake.
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Golden Axe (1989 Video Game)
One Of the Best Arcade Games Of 80s And The Early 90s
26 June 2017
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I still remember when we used to play this game (me and my brother)in a place for kids called Toy-town back on the early 90s. and i still remember how many coins we used to waste on this game in order to finish it, but we couldn't simply finished it, even after that when we bought it in the Sega system we never couldn't finished it due to the limited life for each character.

Anyhow a few days ago i heard that Sega made most of it's classic games free on the apple store and the play store. and i rushed to download this game and play it, and because it is on the phone it was easy to finish on one hour or less because there is no need for coins so all you need to do when you die is to press the coin button and then the play one and play it with endless life. As for the game i still find it great till this date for our generation , but i don't know about the young generation maybe they will find it slow with bad graphics and with no cut scenes, but in my opinion it doesn't matter because the game is so enjoyable.

One of the best things of this game is the ending, after rescuing both the king and the queen you see an Arcade machine that suddenly explode and all the character of the game come to life which make people in the store run away.And what an amazing thing to finish all of this by saying (See you next game) Sega.

The place is gone and also the arcade machine but the game and the beautiful memories will always be in my heart.
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Tomb Raider: Chronicles (2000 Video Game)
My Second favorite of the classic series of TR
24 June 2017
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the first time i played this game was back in 2001,and i didn't know that it was even existed ( i thought that TRLR was the final game at ps1. anyway i didn't like it at all back then, because the first level was sort of dark and the game was like any other game of the series, so i just put it away until last month i tried to play it again, and i must say that i was so happy with it. The main difference in this game is that you play Lara in four different stories in a way that made me feel very happy with it (it is like a entertainment game not a really difficult one in order to pass the time). I've heard many people hated Lara levels when she is 16 due to the baby zombies, but honestly i didn't find them annoying at all, as the matter of fact these levels were my all time favorite of the whole series. Another thing was good and somehow new was the cut scenes they were a lot of them comparing with the first four of TR after i finished the games i kept asked myself what the hell the team did with TAOD every new movement was already in this game, except the graphics (which is obviously must be better because it was release in PS2!
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Joy (I) (2015)
So Underrated
10 May 2017
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probably one of the best films of 2015 Miss, Lawrence delivered one of her most powerful performance to the screen, and even though she won an Oscar for (Silver Linings Playbook 2012) her performance here is much more powerful. she bring a very hard combination of both comedy and tragedy that no other actress can bring to the screen, and i must give a big thanks to David O. Russell who gave Jennifer three Academy Award nomination for three movie they worked together ( SLP 2012, AH 2013, and this film).

There're so many critics criticized the film by saying that all the rest of the cast are so weak or unnecessary and any other unknown actors could do there job, which i totally disagree with. yes the role of other actors are not as the size of Joy's role and that's for a reason ( because she is the center of the whole story), but all of them give a brilliant job. Robert De Niro was amazing in his small role and gave us a couple of funny scenes such as the wedding, and the fighting scene between him and Virginia Madsen ( his ex- wife) which also was so good and funny even though most of her scenes were made in one room the bedroom.

Also the grandmother role (Diane Ladd ) which also was the narrator of the whole film was very powerful to the whole film, because she was the the person who encouraged joy to become a important person in this world.
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An Okay Film
2 May 2017
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this film was sort of film that you find difficult to describe as a good or a bad film, it was an okay film with both okay story and action scenes, But my biggest problem with this film was the story line which is the same story line in every film or TV episode the MR. Freeze starring in it . And i kept asking myself the whole time while watching it why producers decided to made it even it was released a year after ( Batman & Robin) which was made exactly a year before this one ( maybe the wasn't happy about because it was a big flop). Anyway i only recommend this film if you're a Batman fan, it's a fine film with fine action scenes but please don't except to watch a great film such as Batman Make of the phantasm.
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Tomb Raider (1996 Video Game)
A Great VG For It's Time
11 April 2017
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The first time i played this game was in 1997 after playing TB2 i wanted to see the original one and it really attracted me from its opening scene which i found much better than the second one,but after that i found that TR2 was much more better in graphics,enemies and even in the story line. back then i couldn't continue the third level after beating the T-Rex, well eventually i didn't again and finished it through the PSP.

The PSP version is very much similar to the original one, but the only thing that wasn't good about this version is that they dropped the battles musics, which bore you a lot because most of the time you hear Lara's boots which made me in many times just play it in the silent mode.

The enemies were very few and easy some of them don't make any sense (Giant Rates) and some are great at the final levels of the game.

the cut scenes were very nice and funny at the same time (I couldn't stop laughing every time i heard Natala Or Larson).

As for the bosses the problem is like the same problem with Dino crisis (which are very weak) compering them with the hard puzzles.

Did i enjoy the game? Sure i did But is it a great one? Well it's hard to say especially after all these years, but if you like classic games of the 90s and you want to now how the TR series began i highly recommend it for you. But, if you want to play the best one of the TR classics i recommend you to try the second TR it has more enemies more fun and a great cut scenes.
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Gilda (1946)
One of The Best Films Of 40s
8 April 2017
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The film is one of the strongest film that I've seen so far for the forties it had a great opening scene, great acting and a great story line that forces you to watch this film till the first 50 minutes of the film. after that the film goes somehow weaker and predictable (I guess because that was what the audience want back then), but anyway you get satisfied with brilliant songs performance by Rita Hayworth (Although she didn't sang them, but her way of dancing and seducing men were very magical and powerful to watch).

I still think this film is somehow underrated at least to it's actors performances Rita was superb her acting performance was great and i just don't get it why she didn't get any Awards (and yet we saw a weak actress such as Joan Fontaine got an Oscar nomination for Rebecca!!!). Mr. Ford was also great especially his way of gambling he really attracts you by the way he do and make you believe that he is a real gambler. the rest of the cast were also very good everyone has his one magic, but the one that i really like and made me laugh many times was Steven Geray he's such a brilliant comedian and actor at the same time.
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Another Awful Film
30 March 2017
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I don't know what to say, I've just saw it and i was amazed by how really bad it was (i know it was bad, but not like that!).

The begging of the film is the same stereotype of every horror film (couple get a new house sorry a new HUNTED HOUSE), nevertheless i continued to watch it, and the more i did the more i felt terrible.

There is nothing special about this film(same ideas,Same plot,same acting performance). I really felt bad for miss Dunaway, she started her career with great hits such as (Bonnie and Clyde, Chinatown, and Network) and then destroyed herself with terrible films such as (Mommie Dearest,supergirl and this SH#### one!) i'm pretty sure this film will battle (fifty shades darker) at the next Razzie ceremony. please stay away from this film don't watch it in cinema, buy it or even download it for free.
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Fighting Force (1997 Video Game)
One of first realistic games back to the 90s
15 March 2017
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This video game was made by Core Design (The same one that made Tomb Raider), to me you can't say this is a great video game but a one that you must play if you're searching for fun and action.

The Game include four main characters (two guys & two girls) each one have his own strengths and weakness,For me i used to play either the giant guy (because of his strengths) or the girl with the blond hair(due to her quick moves).

What is amazing about this game is the reality that it tries to give you such as drinking coke to repair your health, kicking car or anything you find to make your own weapon. I still remember playing this funny game with my cousins back then at 1998 it was such a lovely game.

Core Design, you'll never be forgotten.
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A Great Film
8 March 2017
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I used to laugh many times when people (around me) ask me : why do you watch this film too much! And the answer i guess was very simple: because it is a spectacular movie! For Example i still remember that i went to the cinema three times to watch Gravity back in 2013, because it was one of those films that really make you feel something. The first time when i watch a film i took a general look at the whole film ( Story line, Characters, music, etc..) and as for the second and third time, i just watch the actors performance( focusing on their faces expression, how they moved, did they delivered what we need to see, to know and hear, etc...) Running On Empty was one of those films that i had to watch three times, because it's a superb one.

the story is about a family who are running away from justice after the explosion they made in a laboratory which made a guy blinded and paralyzed, and since then the family go from city to city in order to live.

The movie deliver to us a superb performance by all the actors of the film, especially River Phonenix who was nominated for best supporting actor for this brilliant role. and Christine Lahti ( who was nominated for golden globe ). The character Danny which played by Mr, Phonexi is probably one of my all time favorite male characters on the screen, it gave me the same reaction when i first watched James Dean Character in rebel without a cause 1955, and no wonder why so many people considered Phoenix as the next Jame Dean, it is so sad that both of them died too young, almost at the same Age! (Dean at 24 and Phonexi at 23). But both of them gave us a real great performances in a few films.

What is amazing about this film is the relation between the family members they really love each other and despite the problem they are living in, they are happy.And you can feel that they are like a one union. Now the most amazing part (or item) of this film was the music which was done by Tony Mottola (which worked also with James Dean in Giant 1956). he really did an amazing job the music is just superb and very touching and i don't know why he didn't get an Oscar nomination for his brilliant work in this film! Lumet also gave us one of his best films especially the way of telling the story of how Danny became a great pianist, we didn't know at the beginning of the film how he learned music, who taught him or from where he got his talent and at the end you knew that it was by his mother when she plays with him ( it really was a cleaver way to show it for the audience) .

At the end if you are a big fan of drama and musical films, or even a piano lover, i would highly recommend this for you, because the story is great, the directing is fabulous and the acting is at the top. not to mention the great music, so what can you ask more.
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Heartburn (1986)
My all Time Streep's Movie Favorite
6 March 2017
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Among All Meryl Streep Films, this one is my all time many people might say that she made a lot of better films, but for me this one is my favorite ( maybe because it is a light comedy, or maybe because there are a lot of lovely actors in this movie such as : Jack Nicholson,Stockard Channing, and of course Miss Streep). The films tell a story of a naive women who married a guy who thought that he is the man of her life, and that all blow up when he love another women although they had two beautiful kids, but he still can't leave his tall mistress! The film has a lot of funny a enjoyable scenes such as the imaginary TV show that is talking about the heroin own feeling and what she is going to do, the phone scene between Merly and Stockard and of course the pie scene (which is a mix of comedy and grief ) It is really Sad that both the of the leading actors hadn't got an Oscar nomination for there brilliant performance or even a Golden Globe nomination!

Final rate: 8 out of 10
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Best Marilyn Monroe Film Till This Date
26 February 2017
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Without any question (My Week With Marilyn) was one of the best films of 2011 and it shows up by bringing two Oscar nominations: -

Best Actress In A Leading Role ( Michelle Williams) And Best Actor In A Supporting Role (Kenneth Branagh)

If anyone looked Carefully at any films that were made before about (Marilyn Monroe) you will notice immediately that it were a bout here whole life (from her birth to death), and because there were a lot of events in Marilyn's life (even though she only lived for 36 years) you can not just put them all in 2 hours and show it to the audience, and that's for me one of the reasons of the success of this film which is focusing only one one event which is: (Shooting The Prince and the Showgirl). Another reason that made this film wonderful is the brilliant acting skills of Michelle Williams she really make you believe that you are watching the real Marilyn. The first time i saw the trailer i screamed when i saw her portraying Miss. Monroe, but shortly after i watched the film i was astonished by her performance, her emotions, her voice tone where all exactly the same as Marilyn even though she didn't look like her in some scenes but with her performance she made you believe that you are back on 50s in the same room with Marilyn Monroe. As for the rest of the cast they were all good at their job, but i was upset that Eddie Redmayne didn't got any nomination for his role even he was the soul of the whole film!

As usual there are a mistakes in this film:

  • The wig that Michelle Williams wore while portraying Elsie , Marilyn in real life didn't wear a wig for the most of the film she as the matter of fact changed the color of her hair (only on the bed scene she wore a hair-extension )

-The pregnancy and miscarriage scene. (I've watched a lot of videos about MM and read too many books and none of them mention that she was pregnant while shooting this film!.

-Marilyn was taller that Vivien Leigh but in this film it was the opposite.

-Laurence Olivier was thinner than Kenneth Branagh.

Final Word:

Whether you were a Marilyn Monroe fan or not, i highly recommend this film for you because you really will like everything in it including MM, and will made you knowing her much more better than before

Final Rate

8 out of 10
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Such Great Performance From Miss Monroe
22 February 2017
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Among all of Marilyn's films this is the best performance and although she is best remembered today by here brilliant performance as sugar cane in ( Some like it hot 1959) she is doing much better here, she gives us a very simple performance which is too hard to play because u have to be both simple and very real and that is the hardest style of acting. This was my the first film i saw for MM back to 2008 and it attracted me from the start till the end. The film is based on a play called ( The Sleeping Prince ) starring Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh and i think that it was back to 1953 anyway Marilyn bought the rights and played the part of Vivien. The production of the film was very difficult and there was a lot of tension between Sir Laurance and Marilyn because first they were from two different schools and second she was regularly failed to show up in the set and when does she never arrived on time not to mention the endless retakes , to know more a bout the production on this film you should see a documentary film called -The prince and the showgirl and me- which was made in which was made buy Colin Clark ( you can see it in YouTube) , and if u don't like documentary films u can watch a movie made in 2011 starring Michelle William called ( My Week with Marilyn). At the end yes Marilyn was difficult to work with but she delivered one of here best performance on screen and she was nominated for Best Foreign Actress in BAFTA Awards .
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Loved It !!!
17 February 2017
The accountant is an action, crime drama film . directed by Gavin O'connor and starring: Ben Affleck at the leading role.

Story line :

the story is about a mental calculator who works as forensic accountant tracking insider financial deception for numerous criminal enterprises brought to him by an unknown women voice on his phone.

Review :

to me this was by far one of the best films that were released last year, it is not an Oscar film but it is a good one with great acting performance from Ben Affleck, Cynthia Addai-Robinson, J.K. Simmons and Anna kendrick.

Affleck's performance here's one of his best next to his amazing role in Gone Girl 2014 (which i highly recommend you to watch), he really brought to the character everything and show to us how people with autism live.

the action scenes are the soul of the film, i enjoyed them very much especially ben's head shots they were very funny and enjoyable and his fighting skills were really amazing( i just which they had put a little more action to this film, but i guess due to the flashback scenes and the difficult story it would have become too difficult to focus.

As for the brother role it was OK in the flash back but when it came to present time it was a little bit bad and the reason of it is choosing an actor who is totally different in race and physic and i just kept looking at him wondering what the hell they were thinking when they chose him to play the role (even his body figure was totally different from the child's body!) for me that was the only bad thing in this film.

Final rate :

8 out of 10
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Dino Crisis (1999 Video Game)
Finally I Did It !
21 January 2017
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I finally had the chance to finish this amazing game after many years of bad luck. when it was released back to 1999 i was both very scared to play it and at the same time not good as now in playing games with hard puzzles such as Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. After that i tried many times but all of them were a flop (due to: bad disc, collage, and laziness). and now i'm proud to say that i finally did it.

the game was and still one of the best horror video games of all time next to the original resident evil series (1-2-3- code veronica). A lot of people might say that the graphics are bad, but to it's time it was perfect and Capcom really delivered one of the best video games of the 90s.

the only thing that made me mad was the hard puzzles, there were a lot of them and it reflected badly on the number of enemies.

final rate 7 out of 10
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The Letter (1929)
Terrible Film
11 January 2017
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I can't describe my shock when i watched this film version. the film is really bad, very bad the actors are acting like robots there is no emotion no expression and you feel most of the time as you are watching a play instead of a film based on a play which is a terrible thing to do to a great work that was written by (Garrett Fort). Jeanne Eagels was a great actress on theater but here she was really bad she is acting as she was on stage, look at Mary Pickford performance at coquette (which was released at the same year) and see the difference: she used to act in theater too, but she is playing according to the camera rules she knew exactly the difference. I still wonder how Miss Eagels got an Oscar nomination for this performance she was unbearable, and the gun scene was terrible i couldn't stop laughing when i watched her shooting her lover down! A five years old kid can shoot better than her. Bette Davis knock her down when she portrayed the same role in 1940 and even the story line was much away better than the original play. If you are a fan of the play don't bother yourself by watching this one just go to 1940 version starring Bette Davis.
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Dark Blood (2012)
River's Last Work
23 December 2016
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This movie was something special for me, most of it because it's the last film for one of my all time favorite movie stars (River Phoenix). what made it more interested to me (and maybe to many river's fans) is that it was never completed due to his sudden death back to 1993. The story line or let say the idea of it is very slimier to the 1990 film (Misery) Starring both: Kathy Bates & James Caan, but unfortunately Dark Blood failed to reach half of Misery due to many reasons: First and the main reason was the movie was never completed because the scenes are just 80% of the film which destroyed a lot of aspects although the Director read some notes that weren't shot (in order to understand many things), but this was not enough. the second reason was there was no chemistry between Phoenix and Davis especially from Miss Davis side( not to mention that she doesn't have the qualities to attract a young man) in other words she was miscast for this role. As for both River Phoenix and Jonathan Pryce they really delivered one of there most powerful roles till date. MR. Phoenix gave us a brilliant performance as a villain. and he really developed himself very hard to present this part. he didn't care about his looks at all, he made himself really look like a half Indian half American and the death scene was very powerful i think if it was completed back then he arguably will be nominated at least to Golden Globe. At the end if you are one of River Phoenix Fans i highly recommend you to watch his last great performance, but don't expect to watch a great movie. it's a fine one with a very good performances.
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Tomb Raider (2013 Video Game)
A Very Good Video Game, But ...
5 December 2016
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I Finally had the chance to play this game (due to my busy time) and i really was amazed by it's design, details and story(especially with the definition edition on the PS4). So all the time while you playing it makes you feel as if you were watching a movie. It really is a superb one, and if you are looking for a great video game for this generation i really recommend this game for you. But there is still somehow some disappointments for this game as a Tomb Raider fan: 1- I still missing a lot the old Lara, this Lara is more beautiful but in many times you feel that you are playing a different game,with different character, even you can't play with her guns only at the last on the final fight scene! 2-The problem here is Lara is so fragile not like the strong Lara that we really used to know, which made you in many time feels annoyed with here sobbing and caring in many scenes that were unnecessary. 3- finally the puzzles are good, but not like the classic tomb raider versions on the PS1. But again it is a terrific video game and deserve to be at your games collection if you were or weren't a tomb raider lover.
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Shades of Blue (2016–2018)
One Of The Best Series of 2016
25 November 2016
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I've decided to write this review after the Emmy Awards Of 2016 and my question was ( what they were thinking when they gave nomination and Awards!) I think that the world is coming to an end when such great series such as (Shades of Blue) and (BlindSpot) don't get at least a single nomination in Famous ceremony such as the Emmy. This is by far one of the most strong crime series of the year the plot,the suspense the story line all were great. And as for Jennifer Lopez and Ray Liotta they were both excellent. Lopez really brought to the screen another great role which is equal to her marvelous performance in Selena . And Liotta performance was really superb he brought to the character everything that no one else could do,and although he had done a lot of evil characters this was his best and not like anyone of them. As for the rest of the cast each one from the biggest role to the small part gave us their best for example : Warren Kole indeed gave us a mean character as it should be presented, Dayo Okeniyi also gave us how the good cop should be like and what he feels when he is surrounded by people who are totally different from him. What is so special and interesting about this show is what it delivers (which is a powerful message) that in this life there is no such a thing called a bad guy or a good guy , there is on each one of us a mix of these two elements.
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Bombshell (1933)
Jean Harlow At Her Best
12 August 2016
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This movie without doubt is one of the best Harlow performances in her whole career (next to Libeled Lady), she is so natural and her comedy skills are superb. In my opinion at our time her performance and act are more realistic than Greta Garbo and a lot of female stars of the 30s. One of my favorite scenes were Alice and Cinderella Argument with Tracy, Fanny Fish and of course the last tow scenes. All the characters played very well such as: Frank Morgan,Ted Healy and Louise Beavers. Now the only actor who annoyed me was Lee Tracy, he really gave me a headache every-time he opened his mouth, his acting skills were good but he had a terrible voice which annoyed me a lot and i had to finish the film in two days in order to keep my ears quite and clean! i wish if Spencer Tracy was instead him for this part, because he really gave us a great performance a few years later also as a news paper man in (Libeled Lady).

Finally if you are a big fan of Miss Harlow i highly recommend this light comedy for you.
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They Should've called it: Batman & Freaks !
26 July 2016
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This is probably the weakest animated film of batman and here are the reasons: First and the most silly thing is the sex scene between batman and batgirl, i know someone might say they wanted to do a new thing but the place that they did in it (For GOD SAKE) in the roof of a building where everybody can watch them! and what about the coffee! Second the story is complected first there is a prologue from batgirl which was a really nice thing but then we go back to the Joker(i mean can't the producers think of something new just for once) and what about the flashback of how the joker became the joker it was OK but we already knew that from comics! Third: at the last part the film turned to be batman & freaks (taking the same idea from 1932 movie and at the same place at circus!) Finally when Gordon became shocked at circus scene, it wasn't a clear at all, because his eyes were opened as he was dead! and when someone's body is in a shock no one became as the way the had show to us! The only thing that was likable was the ending scene it was really something new, gay and at the same time funny.
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Michelle Williams still the only one who gave us a real image of MM
17 February 2016
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From the beginning i wasn't happy when i heard about this project, and that is for an important reason : Marilyn Monroe's life is like Anna Karenina which is impossible to capture in only two hours or even two episodes ( even she only lived for 36 years) u cant make it in this short hours so the best thing for this case is to capture every important thing as a movie ( just like My week with Marilyn 2011) starring Michelle Williams. so in the future i recommend film makers for example to shoot a whole movie about the Misfits 1961 etc. the second big problem is the actress who played Marilyn in this film (Kelli Garner) she doesn't look like MM , she isn't pretty and even doesn't act like the real Marilyn God sake. I recommend who wants to film a thing about marilyn to read biographies about her and listen to documentaries cause there are a lot of long mistake for ex: when Marilyn met the life magazine journalist it was totally in a different way , and when she went out of the hospital Joe DiMaggio wasn't with here it was Pat Newcomb .
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Interstellar (2014)
Gravity is still the best sci-Fic of all time
10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
first of all i'm happy that the film wasn't number one at the box office and that's for a simple reason it didn't deserve it. I went last Friday to see this film for two reasons : first i like Nolan's films specially Inspection, and second reason is because i thought i'm gonna see a film like or even better than Gravity, but it wasn't. as the matter of fact it was the worst film i have ever seen for years and that's for many reasons: 1- the graphic design was OK, but not like Gravity gravity was much real as if u were in the space with them 2-the story is very long unreasonable ( specially the end) and confusing because once u are in space and once u are in earth i really wanted to leave the theater but i because i paid the ticket i refused to go out. and i the end all i wanted is to( get my money back )
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Medium: Psych (2010)
Season 6, Episode 13
The Best Episode Of This Season
12 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Among all of the episodes of this season ( season 6) this one is probably is the best. First of all the story is very strong and gives you to believe that the truth is some while it is something totally different, so it a bet confusing but in a very nice way. As for the actors all of them were really great from the main roles to the small roles especially (Danielle Panabaker) who played the psycho patient in a very impressive way that you got astonished at the end when you discovered that she was performing her illness all this years!!!and i think that she will be a great actress in the future . As for (Patricia Arquette) in this episode she played her part in a very impressive way especially the final part she really was marvelous at the end . Finally if you want to see the great episode of this season just watch this one and you will surely like it.
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