
88 Reviews
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The Killer (2023)
Good but forgettable!
10 November 2023
David Fincher name alone makes you wanna watch the movie, and only a few directors have this power. His last creation is a most watch for anyone who loves movies, yet I feel a little bit disappointed after watching the 2 hours The Killer, don't get me wrong, it's a good movie with essentially Fassbender on the screen (really good) and some unique visual style, the movie is more a character study than an action movie, a lot is happening yet nothing happens which makes the movie good but easily forgettable, especially the last act, you will probably enjoy some good scenes, a few good quotes about modern society but as soon as the film ends you will move on to something else like you watched nothing....that's the limits of the latest Fincher movie!
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Peak Cinema!
29 July 2023
Oppenheimer isn't a biopic, it's a journey of questions through the eyes of one person, Nolan delivered an intellectual dilemma that leaves you thinking for a long time.

The Acting is aces, everyone delivered a great performance, but yes Cillian is incredible and will get at least the Oscar nomination, Damon, Blunt are fantastic and RDJ is phenomenal, finally he gets to show his real talent in real movies!!!, a lot of cameos and boy I enjoyed everyone one, but Affleck and Malek will steal the show, Gary Oldman was superb too.

The movie is long but you will not feel it, Nolan managed to tell the story in such a way you can enjoy it without losing focus or interest ( make sure to stay focused, everything you see at the beginning will be needed at the end ).

Music is the key "Actor" in Nolan movies, same here, at some scenes that were just spectacular! Best of the year till now!

The way Nolan shot the Trinity test was really smart, it wasn't about the blast itself but about humans, fantastic choice in my opinion

This is Cinema as I love, everything is about telling a story the best way possible, only a few directors can still do that nowadays. The end of the movie was just the beginning of another chapter and yes it leaves you asking a lot of questions!
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Fast X (2023)
How bad!
9 June 2023
Fast 8 was probably the peak of mediocrity and I couldn't imagine a worse than this, but the immortal Vin Diesel somehow managed to do much worse, this movie isn't just mediocre but really stupid, the plot is a complete nonsense, hilarious twists, bad CGI, bad acting, and some awful scenes that i had really to laugh at especially the 3rd act.

Vin Diesel is THE ISSUE of this franchise, he needs to step down and reboot the whole thing and maybe we will have something good out of this saga,

1 out of 10 is really too much for this crap, i even couldn't enjoy Mamoa cliches, he wasn't the worst but God I hated the way they created the character!

Don't waste your time if you want to enjoy a movie, this one isn't good enough!
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Nope that's not good!
28 March 2023
I didn't like the first Avatar and I was skeptical about watching this one.... and I was right!

This movie is so empty and cold which the director prefer the technical demonstration of the new technology and cool CGI rather than telling a good story.

This movie is about going to cinema spend money to watch a beautiful CGI set up until overdose! !

I didn't either hate or like any character just everything feels blue and cold! Maybe a scene or 2 had some impact but I felt so disconnected from the stupid story!

Avatar The way of Water is just like a good package for a crap food, I'm surprised how they managed to gain so much money for a horrible product! And No I didn't watch it at the closest Cinema I didn't want to waste my money!
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Good documentary about an Apocalypse! !
23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As an outsider, I've never heard about the Waco tragedy so I went without any judgment on this terrible situation, that's been said I have to say that I'm a little bit disappointed by almost everyone participated in this carnage.

ATF ,FBI or any agency have to deal with this in much better way but instead of this they are justifying the Death of 28 child, that's wild, at some point you have to clear your mind and tell the truth!

As a Muslim I hate everyone who kills or sacrifice humans using the name of God, Davidians simply choosing death of all this people in the name of God is madness, this situations exist in every religion and should stop now no one should die because of any belief, the survived Davidians should be ashamed of themselves and ask forgiveness instead of blaming others

The whole people talking in this documentary have done mistakes at least recognize them don't hide behind others!
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MCU fatigue!
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's really complicated to fully express myself about a movie that try to honor Chadwick Boseman, the tribute at the beginning was wholesome and touching.... sadly the movie is stupid and really bad, same basic story as the first one just a different strangers!!!

The plot is really bad, someone created machine to find Vibranium for the CIA and the "cool" Villain Namor has to kill her so no one can find there City.... but but it's the CIA damn once they had the machine they can manufacture as many as they need, Riri isn't the issue anymore! That's a stupid plot

Namor was a good villain at the beginning despite the bad plot but the end.. that was hilarious... I was really laughing so hard! He attacked Wakanda and killed the Queen creating chaos and yet he will say yes to Shuri (stupid Black Panther choice ) to conclude a deal... just like that.... Shuri just lost her mom because of Namor but they will create an alliance? Wow i'm not that stupid to accept such a mediocrity. 2 stars just for the Boseman memory!

The MCU are getting horrible after every movie for a few years!
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Glass Onion (2022)
The last act ruined it!
23 December 2022
I still don't know exactly what I feel about this film, it is not a bad one but has a lot of downs, the story begins well with a fine setup ( yes it's slow but entertaining ), reaching half of the movie something happens and that's the real kickoff, it's was smart and bold that should have been a great foundation for a cool ending but .....sadly it is not the case. They put in a stupid and noncreative ending to a good story, and to make it worse some of the actings were very bad. The first movie was more sophisticated with some cool twists, this one is built to be more fun but in my opinion, they failed so don't have a high expectations for this one !
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Athena (2022)
Good French movie!
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rarely I watch French movies as they are so repetitive and out of depth emotionally, Athena is different, it's really intense from the first second till the last one almost without any break. We will follow the reaction of three brothers to the death of their 4th one, each one have his own agenda, each one will have to deal with the complex situation with his own perspective, every scene is spectacular and leads to a different brother that has a decision to make... sadly every decision will lead to more chaos, the ending was really good and so dramatic, this one of the best French movies i've seen in a while, I was just hoping that Neo Nazi or Zionist would be used instead of the extreme Right wing as the guys who started all the chaos, otherwise it's really a good movie!
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Nope (2022)
Marvel fanboys can't watch this!
26 August 2022
In a world of Marvel garbage, NOPE tries difference approach, far from perfect yet so good!, it's hard to describe it but you have to watch it and try to go deep into it, and that's not boring, but slow burn, building up the final act (yes the final act isn't great, main issue of the movie ). This genre is going to die as there's a lot of people only watch fast pace brainless action movie and comes to NOPE giving it a one start... thanks for been original yet old school movie there's still some who likes the NOPE way!
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Boring Wandavision final episode!
22 June 2022
Again there's nothing new in another boring MCU movie, highly anticipated but fails to deliver. More importantly this one feels like a final episode for Wandavision rather than Doctor Strange 2!. MCU guys needs to wake up and gives us something really new... right now it's so repetitive!.
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WandaVision (2021)
Useless sitcom!
21 June 2022
Apart from the last 2 episodes, the show was really horrible and so boring, hopefully there will be no second season!, it was painful to finish this one!
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Moon Knight (2022)
Mixed feelings!
4 May 2022
I didn't really like the whole show, confusing and somehow it's tough to fully understand what happening.... but the show gets better especially the last 2 episodes (5th episode is the best). Overall the acting was really good especially Oscar Isaac. I didn't really like the end of the show but I feel like there's a 2nd season!.
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The Batman (2022)
Fondations for big Batman 2!
18 April 2022
I don't think that I've watched the best Batman movie, but they create an excellent fondation for something big if they decide to launch Batman 2 ( which I think it will happen especially with such an end). Great acting and atmosphere. Loved the approach just lack some intensity sometimes but overall it's a good movie!.
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Just a set up for something else!
12 March 2022
Average fan service movie especially for the under 18, very disappointed with how the story went, yes it's about Spiderman but this movie sounds more like a set up for Doctor Strange 2 rather than anything else.
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Eternals (2021)
Not good enough!
13 January 2022
Don't waste your time! Stupid plot, bad characters development, and almost nothing to enjoy, it should have been a show so we can really explores the Externals....
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Fun and bring a lot of good memories!
8 January 2022
It brings up a lot of memories especially in the final act, this is not a great movie but I had a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the little surprises! The acting was good only the plot was weak and lack some depth! Otherwise it's was really fun!
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Don't Look Up (2021)
We should watch it and really think about it!
24 December 2021
A fantastic satire that is closer to the real world than you imagine... Just replace the comet by Covid.... Then you will appreciate the movie even more, good acting, some funny moments, maybe a little bit too long but doesn't ruin the full experience.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Easily forgettable!
23 December 2021
Low standard for a MCU series! Nothing really important happening, stupid action sequences, some bad acting and a very weak plot! It's probably going to be a good show for teenagers!
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Anti conformists!
22 December 2021
Before anything i know for sure that Matrix Resurrections will be a love or hate opinion, and I fully understand both sides. For me it's just a fantastic ride against conformist, control, and prejudgement. Even WB studio is criticized. Making fun of the Matrix itself we are close to a satire, totally different from the first 3 movies. Neo/ Trinity are just unbelievable, perfect chimestry that will lead us to the final act. Yes I really enjoyed a movie that doesn't want to be mainstream. I didn't like some acting, probably some action sequence aren't that good but the story, the Matrix universe is just amazing!
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Hellbound (2021– )
Great concept... badly executed!
21 December 2021
The concept is interesting and original yet the plot is so badly executed... it feels like 3 episodes would be enough... when things started to be interesting again it was over.... CGI are just good... in some cases they are really bad!. Still waiting for the 2nd season maybe they will do a better job!
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Arcane (2021– )
Promising start.... for the 2nd season!
19 December 2021
A little bit over hyped but still a great anime... good story line and a fantastic design. Yet I found some plot weakness that I really didn't like. Slow start there after the third episode things got much better.... the ending was really good and promising for the 2nd season!
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The Last Duel (2021)
2 chapters was good... adding another one was a mistake!
29 November 2021
I enjoyed the first Hour and a half... then something was clearly wrong, the way the movie was made by telling the same story from 3 different points of view and each view have a chapter... as expected the last chapter was.... boring. The acting and the cinematography are excellent. Still a good movie but far from a great one.
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Hawkeye: Never Meet Your Heroes (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not MCU standards!
25 November 2021
The stupid fight scenes are so mediocre and feels like a B movie.... really not MCU standards. The plot looks straight forward without surprises.... hard to watch it again!
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King Richard (2021)
Could be better!
19 November 2021
Great story about the Venus family, even if it's predictable and have no surprise if you know the sisters life. Yet the acting and hearing the view of the Father (excellent Will Smith) makes the movie enjoyable even if you don't like Tennis!
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Mayor of Kingstown: The Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good start but....
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like the show especially the acting and the atmosphere of the city, but they managed to kill a major character in the episode... I didn't expect that especially after all the advertising about him!
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