
17 Reviews
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Well Written but with poor optics on the goodness of man
9 October 2022
The show's premise is that, given half a chance, a critical mass of men would descend into some terrible oppressive cult dominating a resource of fertile women and controlling them to a pious pseudo religion. To me, all great fiction needs to stand on the ground of "Who we lets change something (no matter how obscure) and literally examine what comes next". The vision of the writer seems completely askew in that regard... I would dare say it's actually misandristic. Apart from that, the writing is very well done. The show is painful to watch as these women are forced into situations not of their choice. They are subjected to a rigid protocol of behavior while being monitored by, essentially, a secret police force and their informants. This hard hitting fiction is severe to say the least. If it wasn't for the premise being so askew, it would be one of the best.

The idea that an insane pseudo religious cult would catch on so completely and with enough numbers that they would overwhelm all opposition and the rule of law and the US military overnight is ludicrous. When you start with such an askew premise, you might as well call it an "alternative reality". This show seems designed to demonize patriarchy and religion...two subjects (essentially) an Atheist and a militant feminist, like Margaret Atwood, clearly has strong feelings about. The show also seems to drag on and on. The actual book had a beginning and an end. It wasn't supposed to be a constant homage to sadism. At this point I'm ready to wait until the final season and just watch that because all the rest of it can be summarized with the words "The Religious Patriarchal Cult is Evil" which doesn't seem to be a good enough reason to waste another 40 hours witnessing. I've got better things to do with my time.
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Blonde (2022)
The horror story of her experience
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I get what the creators were trying to do here: The tragedy of Norma Jean's life as she constantly searched for her absent father's approval in relationships with men. This film rubs the viewers face in nose first to the tragedy, abuse, loss and betrayal of this poor woman's life as she creates a fictional person through which to cope. This is almost like a horror film except the same victim keeps getting hurt and abused over and over. Like a horror film as well, it lacks plot and subtle nuance. I mean give this poor woman a win every once in a while. There is only 45 minutes in this movie but I've had enough. There has to be more going for a movie than "This girl's life sucked and then she died". The actors were all d good!! I can't fault any for their performance.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with this Show
19 July 2022
I guess the thing about it is that I mostly don't like is how it depicts varieties of masculinity on a linear scale between wimpy and tough. That the guy who is the toughest is, somehow, also the most sensitive partner. That smacks of female romance novels; junk food for story consumption. The story shows how a ruthless bloodthirsty killer is reduced to tears because his wife says a few nice words to him. Despite the fact that it offends my sense of realism in stories as well as promoting an unrealistic ideal of behavior, somehow it works. I find myself engaging with characters who do a kindness at one time while murdering the next. What I realized in my more thoughtful moments is that John Dutton's family is a mixture (even in themselves) of the very good and the very bad. They have a refined sense of denial to keep themselves from fully realizing it...or do just enough good to make themselves believe that they are "good people". I think the engaged viewer also operates in a modular fashion in watching this... parceling off the good from the bad like we all did with Gustav Fring from Breaking Bad.
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The Outer Worlds (2019 Video Game)
Like ME1, it's a good start.
10 January 2022
Cain and Boyarski are two of the major powerhouses in Computer RPG's. The writing and intrigue is spot on. The combat is decent and challenging as well. It seems to lack life, however. I'm not sure if that is something I can blame the game for since it was written for a new audience with all the "new audience" issues underlying the dialogue and interactions. It seemed a little too "Try Hardy" that way. I bought this game because these guys are old school RPG who say it like it is; I didn't expect they would be so ... constricted.'s a good start.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Good Fun
5 December 2021
I never saw the anime version, nor realized one existed before doing my search for a season 2. This is a tale of a few struggling bounty hunters (known as 'Cowboys' in the series) and their efforts to come to grips with the past and present. John and Mustafa's acting really bring this sci fi action series to life. Daniella's character Faye brings a lightheartedness to their grim struggles. I was looking for science fiction that wouldn't take itself too seriously with lots of action, suspense with a helping of weirdness to keep my imagination on its toes. This delivered in spades. TY Netflix!!
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Battlefield 1 (2016 Video Game)
I'm Absolutely Impressed!!
25 October 2021
Single Player Mode has been the red headed stepchild of games lately and it's been a shame. The indifference to story in favor of sports-like competition with the least mature people on the planet is not my thing. If I can't reach over or even drive over and smack you for being a git then nothing is to stop another person from being that way. EA's Battlefield experience has been some my finest gaming moments. Cooperative server against bots on hard mode for Battlefield Vietnam has been the best.

Since after BF2, However, EA moved away from the offline bot idea in favor of full multiplayer online. The Campaign for single player in BF 1 does not suffer for lack of story and I am grateful for that. There are about 8 mini-stories... each of them worthy of regard but not lacking in combat and adventure. This is a new and welcome direction for Battlefield.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Contrived Plot, Contrived Drama
12 May 2021
I've noticed AMC doing this far too much: issues between men and women are replete with far too much drama. What they always miss is giving me a reason why I should care. In normal relations, there is a subtle personality that shines through. As we become witness to whom a person is, we feel invested in their well being. Well; AMC treats certain actresses like drama farms, never giving enough effort to take it from a 9 down to a 2. The cacophony of emotion only serves to irritate me as the writers have taken no time on the subtleties. I found myself reaching for the fast forward especially with any scenes with Lori. I could care less about certain emotional claxons but when their stupidity has pitted two people against each other - or the character is just that evil - or the writing is just that poor to not to have noticed - Then I have less than zero empathy for that character's "Feelings" and any time spent displaying those feelings - or any respect for any writer that would think I would care...oblivious to their own method.

I got into Season 3 and made a startling realization: "I don't care about any of these people". I skipped to the last episode of the last season just out of curiosity. I couldn't even watch 15 minutes of it because it was so boring...and I just didn't care.

The continuity is completely absurd as well as we have seen zombies sprinting as fast as anyone to shuffling along like they are trying to move as slow as possible. If you are into zombie violence, then this has you covered if you can suspend your disbelief. I found myself caring more for Randall than most of the main characters. AMC really needs to know how to do drama better. It all boils down to killing zombies and drama gimmicks any Soap would be ashamed of. I'm out. There is absolutely no meat on the bone.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
Inconsistent Fiction w. Consistent Awful Mono Drama and Hooks that Pretends to be More.
10 May 2021
All the characters in this show dealing with their friends, associates and significant others is tired, annoying and repetitive. It's like a Sit-Com without the "Com" part. The main characters were dealing with the same problems and having the same discussions over and over again. It's like the definition of insanity but I'm the insane one because I'm expecting the conversation to change...and it never does. The intrigue kept me going but I soon realized that many of the shocking and mysterious aspects were never really fully explained in both motive and reason and that many of the resolutions were contrived and lazy. The aspects of any decent serial Sci Fi is that it uncovers a greater truth. Different things happen to reveal interesting things along the way to give hints to that truth. This series was clearly written by someone using hooks but not using time and energy to outline a more full realization. It's all seat-of-the-pants writing.

I got up to the early 3rd season and realized that I was completely bored and annoyed at the poor writing and inane drama...and quit.
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It acts like a good movie but without a story or conclusion
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've lived life so the moment Ana asked Henry for $40, I was like "This is a horror Story if this guy doesn't completely and utterly cut this woman out of his life. He takes a hard fall and embraces drugs to deal with the pain...pushing people and healthy social structures out of his life.

Despite the movie having some excellent intense scenes and a shockingly realistic look at what it is to be around drugs and addicts, complicated with a deal that went bad, it never really went anywhere but down.

When Henry starts coming off hard to people he doesn't know in the addiction world? (I'm sorry...even a skinny, sheltered kid would know better than that.) It just looks weird and out of place. Imogen Poots did an amazing job of portraying an addict. The "Favors" that "Should" be reciprocated with cash (for drugs). The long stories where not so much is needed. The absolute anything for-a-fix desperation. The presuming too much and manipulating people by their conscience. This movie should be required watching at schools. Imogen's excellent performance makes this sad movie worth watching...but just barely.

It would have been nice if Henry realized who he didn't want to be at some point...but that just never happened. It's not really a plot twist if there is no plot. Yet, fine...I'll put on "Spoilers" just in case someone gets upset that I gave away the "Ending".
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Skylines (2020)
Great Action - Terrible Acting.
20 March 2021
Most of the actors, including the main protagonist, can't be bothered to lift up their tongues and enunciate. Every time they speak, the sentences are like on long word mumbled in half-heartedly. If it wasn't for subtitles, I would give it a 2. The action, on the other hand, is great. The plot is as weak as can be. This movie is a 5. The action pulls it through...but just barely.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Good enough
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know that people complain about Daveed's acting. I think people need to be aware that an actor should reflect the target audience. As a rule, the new generation is more cerebral than any that have come before. This takes on the appearance of being less animate and more tolerance for grey zone morality. We all remember Captain Kirk not lacking for an opinion on anything. That's not the new way of thinking. There are certainly enough decent actors that pull this show through; Sean Bean plays an excellent Wilford; we can witness both the menace, the desperate need for control and also the vulnerability. Jennifer Connelly's character is also highly engaging. Hers, imho, is the focal point of the whole series. Though seemingly morally grey, she is actually completely and selflessly dedicated to the survival of the human race. I also felt that Annalise Basso did an amazing job as a spoiled and demented rich kid but also with a character arc as well. Steven Ogg also does an amazing job as being, quite literally, the wild card; you never know what he is going to be up to.

There are good actors in this show. Maybe not everyone but with this many people? You're not going to get a star studded cast on budget. Just enjoy the good acting when you see it and give the rest a pass.
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Star Trek: Plato's Stepchildren (1968)
Season 3, Episode 10
This one got in my head
15 December 2020
Typical of the 3rd season Star Trek; They had a shoestring budget and had to make the most of it. Most of the acting was right out there and cringeworthy; not that it was all that terrible but the actors pushed their characters well past their limits in this one. The star of this episode was a character by the name of Alexander (Played by Michael Dunn). His revelation and struggles seemed the most genuine and central to the plot.

I was so intrigued that I went to ask my my search engine whatever happened to him. I had just watched him looking so real and personable. Mr. Dunn died in 1973; 47 years ago. That really got in my head.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
They could do better.
25 November 2020
The overarching plot for the second season is extremely contrived complete with deux ex events and pointless dead end plot branches. Though it started off very exciting, it flapped around and floundered under what can only be described as lazy writing habits. The way it was packaged to build for the suspense, I felt sure that it was going to deliver. It didn't. The "Plot" seemed like it was written by 7th graders on the fly. Unfortunately, the use of gimmicks and suspense has been a trick used by poor and lazy writers for years now...especially on Netflix. It's all hat and no cattle. I've watched all of season 2 except for the last episode in memory of the entertaining first season. 'Disappointing' is an understatement. I'm not giving it a low ranking because I'm sure the writers can do better for season 3...they better.
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Rage 2 (2019 Video Game)
Excellent High flying shooter with, unfortunately, shallow characters
8 August 2020
I cannot disincentivize the game for what it does well. The game is a high flying shooter with excellent build components and satisfying combat.

If that's okay by you, this game delivers.

They did away with most of the racing elements, making it more optional. The first race, though was mandatory. If you are like me, you will grit your teeth through it and never touch it again.

Most of the characters in this game are more over the top than they were in the first. When you create such bombastic personalities, one detaches from association with them and the story and motive to play the story suffers. Even Borderlands didn't go this far.

The villain was simply a sadistic jerk who wanted to recreate the species - though the reason why was never quantified. In reaction to Rage 1's "Why should I hate the Authority!?", Rage 2 went all the way the other side and created a stick figure rather than a being with a logical train of thought.

ID games has never been big on story and their games have all suffered for it. I would rather no story than the stuff they continuously deliver. Would I start the game as a marine with a pistol and fill in the blanks or Satan's nightmare (and where do you go from there!?!?). The thing is, without believable story content in any game, you might as well be playing tiddlywinks in a sandbox.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
I came for the action, and stayed for the "Plot"!?
4 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
That moment that you realize all the complex nuances don't add up to anything except the illusion of an intelligent outcome. I loved the action but it was almost as if the plot connecting action scenes was written in crayon with fancy words: inept, incongruous and inexplicable. Somehow consequences seem to be dropped in favor of more action scenes. Somehow mutiny is shrugged off as "Well their heart was in the right place". Attempted murder is met with a firm social snubbing. None of this makes sense. It's not a waste. Enjoy the action. Just don't pretend to yourself it is anything more than that.
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Lost in Space: Ninety-Seven (2019)
Season 2, Episode 10
"Story" without Cohesion
4 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We're conditioned to believe that all the wonderful details to a story serve a purpose. Most of us were raised on the rare genius of storytelling like this. Enigmatic characters were complex and to unravel their mysteries was to reveal secrets in the plot. Yet what I have come to realize is that most modern story tellers use simple devices to pretend having a complex plot. Most people don't notice due to the action or the devices used in the delivery. LOS ending is full of action and reveals itself to be stupid. All consequences suddenly don't exist. Adler sacrificed himself to "make it right" for a dying robot...only to wake up some kind of robot apocalypse(Joke was on him) at the behest of some other robot that was "His Friend". That "Friend" was enigmatic and, with the possibility that it might have been "Compromised". So he was compromised after all? No. He was just going to take the chance to wipe out a thousand human beings to "Do the right thing". Obviously not the "Major General Bot 1000". The whole show has this unreal expectation that it is better to rail against the odds of killing everyone than to sacrifice just one person. There doesn't seem to be consequences for any action other than a momentary shock anklet that you can break and get free of with no further repercussions. This show is full of action and uses devices to make you think there is so much more to the plot than what really exists. It's fun but that "Meat on the bone" is just cotton candy.
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Ghost Wooden Frigates with Depth Charges? Seriously?
12 May 2019
I have to say that I've been spoiled by excellent TV as of the last decade or two. When I was a child, I used to love this show. This episode fails to realize its own potential. "Ye Old" Captain can stop time but fails to make an appearance until the end of the first, and very lengthy, realization of the "Frozen" anomally. That just feels padded out. They could have enhanced the effect of the ship a dozen different ways but "Depth Charges"!? They could have taken that first time-stop "pad out" and used that time to set the drama up right. The gravity of certain moments as well as most of the acting seemed pretty well "phoned in". "Ye Old" Captain was never all that enigmatic as he was very up front with his willingness to do harm. All in all, the acting was bland. The ambient music was weak. The story was sloppy. My issue is that there was the makings of a good story here if done right. We are spoiled in the current times by those who have plenty of time to craft a story for an episode right. Back in the day? Everything was rushed.
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