
8 Reviews
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I signed in to review this title after reading an awful, hypocritical User review
5 July 2019
I signed in to review this film after reading a User's review with a 3/10 rating but then elaborated, "But I do still recommend that you watch it for the bizarre experience of seeing first-rate acting in an otherwise supremely amateurish film."

The self-described pro, "somewhat familiar with the (photographic) equipment of that time" exemplified the "awful film making" of The Devil's Doorway stating that the priests in the film, "should be (using), at best, state-of-the-art movie equipment from that era." What a ridiculous criticism! This is his primo example of "awful film making"??? Perhaps he ought to look into the historical (& present-day) availability of funds to purchase ANY video equipment within various parishes or non-Vatican-based emissaries. The priests were fortunate to not be using stone slabs and chisels to document!!! "State-of-the-art" photographic equipment.... what a load of tosh!

The User would better have said he was unsatisfied and left it at that. His detailed "examples" of "awful filmmaking" only revealed an over-inflated sense of self, lack of global insight, bitter dissatisfaction and limited experience in life. What rational person gives a film a rating of 3 out of 10 and then urges readers to watch it? It's hypocrisy, ego, arrogance or a mix of all 3.

Reading that User's review truly made me angry. Capricious reviews like that lead to films being under-rated and overlooked.

As a simple individual who enjoys thrillers, The Devil's Doorway was one that kept my interest throughout. The characters were engaging whose performances inspired the viewer to root for/against them. It was far from cliché-ish and the plot built to an ending that was not certainly predictable.

There can always be, "greater this or that," and if what you're looking for is the "product" of millions in CGI, Louve-quality scenery and famous actors demanding billions in salaries to perform in a set of formulaic-plot arcs and slasher "thrills," then, no, The Devil's Doorway isn't for you.

If you want a mysterious thriller for a brief interlude of your time, it's an entertaining film that I'll probably watch again. The only way you'll know is if you watch it yourself. Maybe that other User just had a bug up his pah-too-tee and on a different day would have rated it higher. I enjoyed The Devil's Doorway.
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Border (2018)
Excellent film, hoping for a sequel, hungry for more.
29 June 2019
I can't add more than what's already said, except a plea to the director, producers & cast to continue this story.
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...this movie had me sitting on the edge of my seat from start to finish....SUPERB!
29 June 2019
I normally don't take the time & effort to write a review, but this movie had me sitting on the edge of my seat from start to finish. This is NOT Hollywood's typical & cheap (tho hundreds of millions wasted on extravagance) formula for making a quick buck! There are no gory, sick blood & guts, no disappointments, no let down at the end, no ridiculous script, no predictable stupid acts that a normal, reasonable person wouldn't do. I felt this movie in my heart. Why has Hollyweird overlooked this excellent film? Jealousy or, "Why didn't I do a film like THAT?!"
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
David Spader is outstanding
10 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really like the premise of this show - it allows for a lot of opportunity for creative ideas, guest cameos as well as incorporating relevant topics of the day - (such as security issues we face in our country). But I have to say, the female lead, Megan Boone...her interaction with Mr. Spader is so acerbic that her performance comes off palpable - you feel the hatred emanating from her. It's as if she's not "acting" the hatred - it comes off too genuine. Is she thinking she should be the lead and Mr. Spader just an accessory? Her acting range is weak and repetitive. I liked her in the first season - but now I can barely stand to watch any episodes. I wish you'd either get rid of her or change the direction of her role - but it's literally killing the series.
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Brick (2005)
7 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If I had heard this was a film based on high school teenagers before I watched it, I would have missed an interesting movie. While the humor (like the Mom serving cookies, cornflakes and juice to her son, the "Kingpin" and his thug friend/friends)is really enjoyable... the setting - high school dope ring - kind of tempered the movie down a bit. The plot kept me curious, though, and thankfully, the evil queen at the end of the movie answered, "yes" to a most necessary question that tied it all together. It's difficult to watch JG-L acting mad, but he makes an impressive tough guy! (Alright, it is the movies, but it sure did make him look like he could really take it and dish it out pretty damn good!)
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Mockingbird Lane (2012 TV Movie)
Whoever at NBC passed on this as a series should be fired!
6 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am old enough to have enjoyed the original series but I also really appreciate the take from these directors/producers. I like the fact that the make-up and costuming are not to "gimicky" as it allows one to picture this family as if they could really live "down the street" a bit. I also love the casting choices - really excellent choices - there is so much potential here that I am STUNNED that NBC passed on it... I'm willing to be that had they chosen to continue, the series would have several seasons! I suppose the network executives would prefer the raunchy script and fart jokes of CBS's Two and a Half Men or other formula-driven "cookie cutter" canned series - because they surely seem oblivious to the FANTASTIC potential of the blend of dark and comedic here! I hope that some other entity has an option to pick up this gem and develop it as a series... I'm guessing it would reach the level of success formerly held by "The Office." Sad...I wish I didn't have to wait and hope... wish it was already in the running! So much talent put to waste.
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25 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have to disagree with the reviewer who wrote, "cinematography is quite beautiful, showing off Waterville, Ireland" as it seems they never caught Ireland on a sunny day - or even a sunny moment. All the colors are bleak - not something that would do Ireland's rep any good. As to the acting - tho it's early in her career - I was annoyed at Ms. Katic's mannerisms - or perhaps how the director chose for her to do... but she was constantly flipping her hair into her face and then dramatically pulling it aside, her mouth (as well as the other actors) always hanging open (I mean - really annoying) and then her putting on her "research" side with hair pulled back, nerdy glasses and attentive, mouth open, hair flipping dramatic...wait...wait... wait for it... and ... nothing - just a scene with her doing some intensive, serious nothing. She barges in on people, brash, rude, and using really unnecessary vulgar language. The screenplay is weak, as is the dialogue. So, so much more should have been done with this play. Then - the ending - while predictable ... the only ones seemingly NOT in the know are the participants in the screenplay. Sad.
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Head Trauma (2006)
Head Trauma: Nominate this film for awards, people!
25 November 2012
To not duplicate any of the excellent comments made about this film let me just say that the acting is authentic - you cannot tell that the actors are acting! The screenplay not only keeps you on the edge of your seat, but what is said is so real that either someone unloaded their conscience on a passerby who happened to be a writer or hmmmm... is Vince really acting? What a pleasure it is to watch a movie that isn't filled with nauseating pandering to the lowest common denominator of T&A, gore and body functions "humor." What an excellent job folks! This film's poignant plot reminds me of the 1930s-1960s films that were NOT the product of today's writer's formula - a "change the names, places and theme" format decided by what would statistically be the greatest money-maker! This film is worth watching more than once! In fact, I plan to purchase it! Hope you enjoy it too!
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