
5 Reviews
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The Cook (I) (2008)
A watchable but still below average horror comedy
25 March 2008
I've really had some trouble rating this movie. Through the first half hour of the movie I really had a feeling this movie was a complete waste of time. The special effects defied the laws of physics by sucking and blowing at the same time, even for a low budget movie, and the acting, from every angle, was to say the least very questionable. But still... Somehow there was something about it. Maybe it was simply that it didn't try too hard and didn't get too serious about the comedy being the most original ever. Or it could be the fact that it's got some very nice pairs of boobs. It's still unclear to me if it's supposed to be an actual horror movie, just a horror comedy or a comedy on the horror comedy genre. It really could've used a budget boost. If you think you can sit through a low budget horror comedy with a bit of nudity you might like it.
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Shopgirl (2005)
Enjoy alone on a sad night with a glass of wine.
2 March 2006
I learned a lot from this movie. I felt it and I loved it. I only gave this movie an 8 because this really isn't the kind of movie I'd watch with anyone but myself. Don't take someone on a date to watch this movie, don't take someone you've known for a long time to see this movie but watch it alone. I tried watching it one night when I was actually in the mood for a comedy and I could only stand it for ten minutes, but when I sat down alone one night after a bad day feeling terrible, brokenhearted and confused I felt it really helped me. I feel like this is the kind of movie you should watch once to enjoy and feel good about and then watch again another day to analyze and really get the message. I hope I've given you an idea of what kind of movie this is.
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Stealth (2005)
Ridiculous, fun and filled with action.
15 August 2005
Let me start out be stating that this is absolutely not the movie of the year. But I rather enjoyed it anyway because of the endless amount cliché lines, the way you can't really tell if it's actually meant to be a comedy or if it's supposed to be the action/scifi-movie of the year. The perfect movie for the guy or gal who knows nothing about computers, chemistry or the air force, and couldn't give a rats ass what's wrong or right. The acting isn't much worse than what you'd expect from a high school class, but don't expect not to be offended by some terrible lines and acting jobs. Warning: This is not a movie anyone should try to think about. Doing so will make you want to throw up. Do not think about how the facts have been messed up. Do not think about how the plot must have been written in the 80's and most of all: Do not think of admitting to your friends you watched this movie and liked it. All you have to do is fall back into the seat and enjoy watching things blow up for an hour and 55 minutes.
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The Jacket (2005)
An excellent movie if you can take wanting more when it's over.
13 June 2005
I just finished the movie and it really is a great piece of work. No futuristic crap mixed up though you might expect it. Miss Knightley really does a great job playing the part, though her role seems to have been kept a bit too far in the background.

The whole idea of changing the future has been brought up before, but this time instead of changing the future by altering the past it brings new perspective by altering the present by adding new info from the future. At first it reminded me very much of Butterfly Effect. If you like that one, you'll love this one.

It also shines new light on the subject whether or not you can change your own destiny which hasn't been brought up in a while.

It surely is a "must-see".
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Fahrenheit 9/11 - antiwar/antibush movie
7 August 2004
In my opinion the movie is not a very good piece of work. It lacks a lot of objectivity which pretty much just makes it stand out as a propaganda movie. All I saw in the movie was a loud cry to the US saying "Do NOT reelect the warmaniac bush, he'll kill all your children". I do not see myself as a pro-war person, maybe not even pro-bush, but this is what the movie looked like to me. In my opinion the movie was created to mess with peoples minds and reminded me a lot of Soviet propaganda. If you have not yet seen the movie I cannot advise you to, but still, if you choose to anyway all I can say is: Make sure you know where to vote before you watch it, and guard yourself from what you see. Yeay God and bless ya all.
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