
10 Reviews
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Burt is going bald haha....
5 May 2023
One of THE greatest zombie movies ever.... This movie coined the zombie trope "BRAINS....". Need i say more?

It's got a superb soundtrack, great actors and great use of the 5 C's of cinematography (Camera angles, Continuity, Cutting, Close-ups, and Composition.) And it's got boobs too..... What's not to like?

A must watch for any Zombie movie fan. Dark comedy done just right. I grew up watching this movie in the 80s. I think I wore out the tape on my VHS I watched it so many times.... I can honestly say I've watched this movie more than 50 times, so that makes me a pro. You should watch this movie, you'll be better off for it....
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We need more Sandler & Aniston.
15 June 2019
Happy Madison at its best. Good comedy and a decent storyline. (Half a star extra for some decent action scenes too)

Sandler and Aniston pair up again in this funny whodunit comedy. Great chemistry from Adam and Jennifer, and the rest of the cast are hilarious and well placed. The action scenes were pretty good and should keep you action comedy fans happy. The jokes are well placed and often and they wont disappoint fans of the genre, not too much toilet humour and back to the good old Sandler days.

Hoping we see more from this great comedy duo.
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Blark and Son (2018–2021)
I love you Son.....
10 February 2019
A zany little outlook on single parent family life using puppets.

As a father raising a teen boy alone I find this show effing hilarious.... I can relate to Blark and I can also relate to Son. The fact this show is played out using puppets is even more amusing. The simplicity that they use for the show is brilliant. (Watch the behind the scenes footage on the youtubes and you'll understand) The puppets used kinda remind me of the superb English satire show 'Spitting Image'.... Ah, brings back memories..... I could definitely watch more of this show.
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A Christmas Carol (II) (2018)
Not a Humbug.
24 December 2018
Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol' is a classic. It's been told in many different ways and formats. From book, radio, the stage, the big screen and beyond. From Muppets to CGI, through comedy and through tragedy, there's even musicals. This version doesn't fail to impress.

A Scottish retelling has old Scrooge the boss of a distillery in modern days. With Bob Cratchit his faithful employee, and her ill husband Tim.

Shot on a budget but with good camera work and pretty decent acting all around. The colours are dark and gritty but it makes sense when Ebeneezer comes to his senses and his world lights up. Stuart Brennan emotes pretty well as Ebeneezer and he had me cheering for him in the end. Keeps to the Dickens spirit and is well worthy of a watch at Christmas..... Oh; and it stars the gorgeous Bonnie Wright too. Extra half star for that.
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The Clapper (I) (2017)
We need more movies like this.
25 February 2018
Ed Helms plays the ignorable average joe. Just about getting by on steady paychecks from his regular work as an infomercial audience member. Amanda Seyfried portrays the quirky, shy and caring love interest that hates her job but holds onto it because that's all she has. It's the classic cliché that's been done many times.....

But this is one of the great ones.

Ed and Amanda REALLY show their acting skills here. The quirkiness of their characters and the chemistry they provide is enchanting, funny and believable. Tracy Morgan also shines as Eddies best friend.

A feel good movie with brilliant acting by a great cast, excellent cinematography, and a decent score. I highly recommend this movie.
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24 February 2018
Yahoo Serious, What a guy..... Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, Stuntman, Composer.....

This movie came out when i was 7 years old, it was my favourite movie then, and It's my favourite movie now. I can probably say I've watched this movie more than a hundred times and it gets better every time. A zany, silly, funny take on a Tasmanian Einstein with a nice little love story thrown in for good measure. Oh, and there's beer, atomic bombs and electric violins too, so that's a bonus.
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Ignore the bad reviews. Give it a try, you'll be glad you did.
24 February 2018
Ignore the bad reviews. Saw this today with my (picky) son and we both liked it. OK It's not gonna win any super awards, but It's funny and quirky and it stands on its own.

I've never been a massive Owen Wilson fan, but here he shows his big brother side and is actually pretty good. Yes ok It's the typical Wilson role, but he brings a little extra to his character that he doesn't usually emote in most of his movies. Ed Helms nails it and is as funny as always. I don't understand the hate surrounding Ed, he's a really funny guy and a talented actor. They both play off each other brilliantly in this movie and I would pay to see more of their comedy pairing. Add in the brilliant Glenn Close, the awesome Christopher Walken, the kickass Ving Rhames and other great cameos and you've got yourself a decent comedy that's worth the £8 at the cinema.

Give it a chance, I reckon you might enjoy it.

And as always, NEVER go and watch a movie with any expectations. That way you will enjoy it more :)
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The House (I) (2017)
Don't pay attention to the bad reviews.
14 September 2017
Switch of for 90 mins. Enjoy a movie for what it is. Don't compare to others, criticise, judge or hold a candle. Just watch the movie with no bias and expectations and ask yourself at the end did I like it?

I did that and I enjoyed this movie. It made me laugh. Will and Amy were great as the quirky couple who will do anything to make sure their daughter gets a good start in life. The supporting cast were funny and believable (In that zany movie dimension) and I enjoyed the other characters as much as the main cast.

"Will it win an Oscar?" Hell no... "Will it go down in history?" I doubt it.... "Is it the funniest film ever?" No way.... But give it a try. It's ten thousand times better than most of the garbage that's been released this year.
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Could have been so much better.
18 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS (But if you've seen Episode IV it's OK, this is basically a remake)

"Oh look, a desert planet...."

Stormtroopers STILL couldn't shoot a white whale on a black background.

Train a Stormtrooper to use a rifle for years and he still can't hit s**t. Put one at the weapon controls of a Tie-Fighter and the Millennium Falcon for the first time ever and he's a crack shot.

Funny comedic effect droids make perfect delivery containers for VERY VERY important information. (I wonder where I've seen that before)

Who the f**k takes a wanted droid to a parlay? (This is Han Solo BTW, lap it up fans.....)

"I'm a huge bloodthirsty savage monster. I'm gonna roll about and kill and eat everyone in my path RARGH.. Oh except this guy (A main character). This guy I'll just grab and run around for a bit instead"

"Oh look, The Death Star..... Wait, Never mind....."

General Hux rips off President Whitmores speech from Independence Day.

"Lets destroy a planet with our huge energy weapon on our Death Star... Sorry Captain, I meant our big spherical ship... Wait, what, We're a planet? Sorry Sir..... OPEN FIRE."

The Cavalry rolls in on their horses just in time.... Sorry I meant The Resistance in their X-Wings. 75 mins into the movie, more than half way through, I'ts almost over..... It's like the Americans in WW2...

Kylo Ren should have kept his mask on.

OK I've been captured.. This ugly Vader wannabe tried reading my mind with sound effects and everything, but I beat his a$$... OMG I think i'm a Jedi, well whaddayaknow.... Let's successfully use the Jedi mind trick for the FIRST F***ING TIME EVER..... "You will remove these restraints and let me go so I can stop watching this damn awful movie...."

Someone else is your father Luke, sorry I meant Ren, or is that Rey?... No wait, I am your father, I think... Hang on a minute, are you my father? No I'm not... What about the guy in the back?... No he's your mother.... Well what about that guy, is he my sister? No he's your aunties cousins sisters brothers nephews son.... :( I'm f***ing lost here..

:Pilot raises hand: "So we have to fly our X-Wings through a trench to hit some weak point so we can blow this Death star up? I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before Captain." :Captain: "I'ts a planet" :Pilot: "F**K YOU....."

Rey closes her eyes and is suddenly a master of the force.... Move over Yoda, Later Vader, That's all Darth Maul.....

Oh look it's Luke Skywalker, let's hear what he's got to say....... ROLL CREDITS
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Get busy watching this movie.
31 January 2015
Truly a work of art.

A great movie with a little bit of everything thrown in. Like The Green Mile (Which is also another brilliant prison movie & King adaptation) this has to be one of Stephen Kings best horror stories and pretty much one of the best prison films ever created. What could be more horrifying than being locked up for the rest of your life in a prison like Shawshank knowing you're innocent?

With great acting by a top notch cast, a brilliant score, superb screenplay & direction by Frank Darabont and a simple message of hope, what's not to like?

I highly recommend this movie. And if you haven't read the book yet then go out and buy it. It's pretty short but you'll be glad you did.
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