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Inspector Morse: Second Time Around (1991)
Season 5, Episode 1
Do as you would be done by.
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Perhaps she was", is one of the final lines in this sublime and beautifully crafted episode of Inspector Morse. I was crying by the time it was said, as were my mum and dad (he had been a policeman in from the 1950's to the 1970's) and it sums up the poignancy of the episode which deals as much with justice as it does familial love. Not only does this wonderful piece of drama focus on a mystery needing to be solved, it looks deeply into the depths of a parent's love for a child and the desire there is to be there, to protect and to care. All of the performances are excellent and you want all the characters, even the killer, to be heard and understood. If you never see any other Inspector Morse episode, see this one.
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Lovely and Lyrical.
19 April 2020
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As with most reviewers of the film I really like it - well actually I love it and think it is one of the best war movies ever made. Why? Because it looks at why people are fighting this war...they are willing to fight, die or even kill to protect a way of life that is little changed from previous centuries. Yet change is coming - the characters each embodying the changing roles, hopes and expectations that they are also fighting for. A Canterbury Tale is beautifully shot, engaging and captures what life in Britain was like a Britain many would like to return to but is now firmly in the past for good or ill. I really do recommend this film, especially the ending and that glorious organ music sending encouragement to a tired war-time audience who were desperate for better times to return.
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Enjoyable, fun film.
1 January 2019
I wasn't expecting much - all the negativity surrounding this film and pettiness had had an impact. However I was pleasantly surprised to see a funny, piquant and enjoyable film that can be watched by all the family. My husband, brother and niece all had a blast watching the film, and I really liked all the references and cameos from previous stars in the series. So I hope people enjoy the movie, take it as it is, a witty tribute to the previous movies, with an enjoyable take on who the Ghostbusters could be. Highly recommended!
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10 October 2017
I really enjoyed the original Blade Runner film and have seen several incarnations. This is a worthy follow up which takes the visual beauty of the first film and further explores the themes of humanity and reality. The plot, characters and score work together to bring a delicate story to the screen which delves into the whys and wherefores of existence. I was moved, both to laughter and tears as ideas were interwoven and the story developed. This is clearly a marmite movie and many have been disappointed, I was not one of them and found all of it a chance to be immersed in a difficult, despairing world yet one that still gave hope.
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The Nativity (2010)
A poignant and moving portrayal.
14 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of my favourite versions of the Nativity story. It is a careful, poignant, and believable filming of the tale. The characters are written as people who are responding to an incredible vision, told by those who would normally be dismissed. Each of the roles is acted with sincerity and a depth of care, the wise men, a shepherd, the families of Mary and Joseph are all there as are Herod and his officers. Their voices build up the story, working it into a picture of God intervening in the world, remaking it. Mary and Joseph are portrayed convincingly and with a pathos I found incredibly moving. These are young people, in love and looking forward to their future before Mary is chosen to bring God to birth. Her acceptance of this, and Joseph's gradual coming to terms with her child is beautifully shown. Joseph is hurt and bewildered. Mary confused but willing to trust. Their slow coming back together makes this retelling a lovely exploration of what it is to be human. I was really glad that I have seen the series and recommend it to anyone who is curious about what it might have been like to witness and be part of this story.
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Short Circuit (1986)
A lot of fun and some interesting ideas.
30 December 2016
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I watched this film when it was first released and pretty much any time it has been on TV since. My husband and I can quote the dialogue and thoroughly enjoy this movie. It is funny, sweet and life affirming. Short Circuit is a welcome change from the many dystopian sci-fi movies around, then and now, with much humour and a sound message of treasuring life, no matter the form. There are some truly hilarious scenes e.g. the 3 Stooges tribute and excellent effects which have easily stood the test of time. It reminds me somewhat of D.A.R.Y.L which focused on similar themes about the limits and beginning of sentience. As Ally Sheedy says in the film 'We're just machines, and we're alive, who knows how it happens??' What a pleasure to watch it again, and enjoy the film that gave me much joy through the years.
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The Wave (2015)
A gripping movie.
13 September 2016
I would prefer to give this 7.5! This gripping action movie uses real life events, future and past to create a dynamic movie with believable and fully fleshed characters. The set-up is simple, a beautiful village set on a Norwegian fjord will at some point become victim the mountain partially collapsing which will lead to a catastrophic tsunami. This film follows one of the scientists, and his family, who has been monitoring the mountain as this happens. The effects are excellent, the dialogue interesting (especially the science of the mountain) and the characterisation good as we see the varying groups of people react too and be consumed by 'The Wave'. I was aching for the resolution and found the film a satisfying if slightly salutary exploration of what is likely to occur. The actors conveyed the shock, awe, and fear of what occurs and I cared about all the characters. An very worthwhile production, it's just a shame that so few cinemas in UK showed this film as it must have been incredible on the big screen.
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Frequency (2000)
A satisfying sci-fi with a strong emotional pay-off.
18 December 2015
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This is a lovely, well thought out film with an interesting scientific basis and great acting. The interplay between the characters, who show care for their actions and a strong sense of responsibility for the affects of these, carries the film through. All the plot twists and alterations flow together making for an intriguing story which requires some thought and ideally a second viewing. I particularly liked the scenes at the two wakes where we see an adult and child John Sullivan react to the events as the alternate time streams are created. The acting is excellent throughout and it was truly touching to see the two male leads connecting as they recognised their importance to and need of each other. The ending may seem a little overblown but it is a gentle, sweet reminder of the specialness of a loving family.
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Black Forest (2012 TV Movie)
Interesting Idea
8 November 2012
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I've seen a far few SyFy films and watched this one with quite a bit on fast forward. It was though quite good fun and had some interesting ideas with some good performances,e.g.Cazmar and The Doctor, and attempts at a decent storyline. The main let down were the effects and some of the performances that were poor and unconvincing. This is a shame as the story had real potential and the initial premise was very strong. It was good to have a movie set outside of America and that played with conventions so much more than normal. There was a good, scary, effective movie hiding away in this and it is a shame that it got buried! Worth watching, but only just.
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Murdoch Mysteries (2008– )
A fun, yet thoughtful show.
9 April 2010
I caught 'The Murdoch Mysteries' by accident while drifting around the satellite channels and was instantly hooked. A well performed, touching and interesting show caught my eye. The characters are involving, are worth caring about and have a strong sense of purpose. Each one brings something to the mix and adds their own skills to the events of each episode. Each episode has a strong mystery to be solved, sometimes offering an intriguing moral dilemma to both Murdoch and the viewer. It is also very reassuring to not have modern day morality thrust into the past as happens so frequently with other shows (yes 'Dr Quinn Medicine Woman', I mean you), dealing with the nineteenth century. Instead we are allowed to explore the world as they see it, enjoying the discoveries and trying to find a way forward into a new century. Well done to all concerned and long may it continue.
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Flashforward (2009– )
Good Start.
1 October 2009
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I was very excited by the trailers and ideas contained within 'Flashforward'. Fortunately the programme itself did not disappoint. It will be an interesting journey to see how/if/why the futures foreseen pan out, though the suspense needs to be carefully maintained and explored as the series develops. Will there be any more from a European POV? What on earth happened in Australia/New Zealand/Japan, after all the populations there may well have already been asleep. Can there be a few more comic 'Flashforwards'? It was refreshing to see a variety of futures shown, with aspects of one in particular coming true, through that character's choice. (Apparrantly). I am looking forward to seeing how things go, hopefully without to much descent into hystrionics. My question to other readers: Would you ever really want to know?
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A great movie that makes you think
9 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a neglected gem, and it is a real shame that it never quite received the popular audience it deserved. A well made, genuinely tense film that plays with ideas about race and explores consequences of decisions made years before. The graphic opening is not one I can watch easily and adds an tight rope feeling to the following events. The male criminals' venality is frighteningly mundane to themselves. Cynda Williams as the broken Lila, doing what she can to help her son, brings a vulnerability to Bily Bob Thornton's character which is not enough to lessen his coldness. He appears to love her yet we all believe he would kill her without thought if his survival necessitated it. Bill Paxton's portrayal of a good ole boy, with a secret of his own is sensitive. Sympathetic enough to make us care and believe he is a fundamentally decent man, it does not shy from the reality of a man who has failed to live up to his own expectations. Using another ordinary house as the backdrop to the final bloodbath again emphasises the sadness of the story which reflects far too many broken lives. Having Dale meet his son for the first (and last?) time plays on our emotions and leaves just as many questions unanswered as have been tackled by the events and characters of the film. I wanted to know what happened afterward to the characters left behind by the physical and emotional carnage they had lived through.
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Creepy, intelligent and eerie.
14 July 2008
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I watched this on a summer's evening enjoying a drink and completely unsure of what to expect. What I saw was a chilling, creepy and extremely thought provoking drama which explored our relationship with the planet. The incredible use of light added to the eerie nature of the film with the whiteness cascading out of the screen, almost melting the figures in shot. The clever use of music heightened tensions and gave an added depth to the plot and characterisations. Each actor gave a good performance which added interest, the people portrayed were intriguing, representing many of us and allowing us to ask the question, what if? I loved the surreal nature of the film, it harked back to one of my favourite 'X-Files' episodes-when a group of loggers unearth some extremely unpleasant insects- yet it surpasses that with the sense of menace and loss that the ending delivers. The growing hints about the threat works well: is it real or imagined or a combination of both? My only query, how does the survivor reach hospital? An excellent movie, I've not seen 'The Happening' but I sense that this is the film that should have been.
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Battlestar Galactica: Revelations (2008)
Season 4, Episode 10
Wow; we are in for a treat next year.
24 June 2008
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The final episode matched up to my expectations and was very tense, the discovery of Earth and the subsequent disappointment was mirrored on the fans and characters' faces. Both Cylon and human are left subdued with very little to look forward too. (Or do they?) I was very interested in the potential pairings being suggested at the end of the show with Kara at the apex of a triangle between Leoben and Lee, Six approaching Saul, and Adama supporting Laura. Where will this all lead? Who is the final Cylon? Will it be a left field surprise or one of the key players (my money is still on Adama being the most likely candidate although Gaius is always an attractive choice.) How will we find out about Earth? Is it our Earth or a stepping stone as many planets were in the original series. Only time will tell. I am excited and annoyed by the wait, no more strikes folks please!
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Wow for Pan's Labyrinith
26 May 2008
I failed to see this film at the cinema and regret that as having just seen it on DVD I was amazed by the quality of the production and the haunting beauty of the alternate reality Ofelia creates, or is drawn into. The ending is both wonderful and poignant, well done to all for sticking with the ideas within the story, and for blending the real and mystical worlds so completely. The imagery and ideas swept me along and I was intrigued by the darkness of the alternate world. Each performance was carefully played with an inherent bleakness that summed up living through a war. This period of history is often overlooked in Europe as the wider war with fascism in Germany and Italy holds prominence. The civil war's confusion echoes the confusion Ofelia is feeling and the adults reactions are very well thought out. A true fairytale for adults.
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A wonderful reminder of family love
29 March 2008
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I saw this film recently and was reminded of just how good it is. The children are adorable and their language and movement incredibly well used by the director/writer. There are so many scenes worth noting, particularly when the Grandfather beats the older boy. Carried out off screen the faces of the three on screen characters, the granny, Aunt Kirsty and the younger child show their feelings and the strictures of a society that demands the respect of discipline without question. The subtle romance carried on between Kirsty and Wilhelm is shown beautifully through the use of expression facially and in tone, a controlled, almost heartbreaking exploration of suppressed feelings. Wow!That is acting, making us feel all they are feeling with the sparest of movements. The ending makes me cry every time showing the change in the grandfather who is finally able to show the love he has for his family. He may not say it but by God he loves those boys and only wants what is best for them. A wonderful film that has easily stood the test of time and reminds everyone who watches how precious a gift love is. I hope that this is available on DVD as I would truly value the chance to share this story with my year 5 class.
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Anna's Storm (2007 TV Movie)
An intriguing piece of film making which is as much about relationships as meteors.
5 January 2008
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I have just seen this film on the Sci-fi channel. I was pleasantly surprised both by the quality of the acting and the strength of the story.

The decision to focus on the characters relationships and the every day decisions that can effect us was a brave one. I thought the image of Anna's dead son throughout the film both moving and thought provoking. It was also very interesting to have a film where the ending was really in doubt and that these characters were left on their own by the authorities, a reflection perhaps on events after Hurricane Katrina? All in all a well made, carefully thought out film without the usual stereotypes. Would it have been better with a different ending?
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An excellent yet neglected movie
2 October 2004
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I love Black and White movies having gained an interest from older parents and far too many afternoons watching BBC2 and Channel 4 rather than studying. 15 years ago I switched on expecting to see sport when the joyful news of rain meant a movie was on instead. That movie was 'Only Yesterday' and I remember it fondly to this day. I was utterly entranced by the film with its' sensitive handling of relationships, the difference between male and female attitudes to sex, and of course the heartrending story of a woman who seems doomed to lose out on love. SPOILERS: The ending is a masterpiece in understated emotion which still haunts me. Mum and I were left crying over so many lost chances. I wish more people could see it. Laura
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