
9 Reviews
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Touching Evil (2004)
Not a lot of reviews for this
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately this forgotten gem has never been released on DVD and wasn't replayed as far as i know so it's been relegated to tv obscurity. This remake of a UK show made me a fan of Jeffrey Donovan before he went on to Burn notice.

I think i read somewhere that USA network cancelled it because it was too dark. Given shows like Criminal minds i think it would have been far more accepted now a days. I really hope someone puts it on DVD some day.

Donovan plays Detective David Creegan who after a near fatal gun shot wound to the head returns to work 3 years later a very different man. Similar to Criminal minds in plot but Touching evil is the better show IMO.
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Mildly entertaining but nothing great
26 February 2024
Unfortunately this makes the same mistakes as the second one. The filmmakers seem to be taking all their inspiration from Rambo or possibly even Friday the 13th turning McCall into a brutal seemingly unstoppable killing machine.

Did they even bother to watch the show. The whole gimmick of the show was that McCall wanted to atone for his violent past by reconnecting with his son and helping the helpless. I guess they delivered that with the small bit about the pension but in the end it was just an excuse for the filmmakers to send McCall on another slasher film like killing spree. Fans of Rambo will get a kick out of this but fans of the classic series will be disappointed.
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A pathetic end final film for a horror film icon
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I was sitting down for a Halloween movie as advertised. What I got instead was the Laurie, Cory story with Michael relegated to a bit character in his own damn franchise finale. This was a horror icons final go and he's barely seen in the whole movie. It felt more like a spin off with Michael there just to pass the torch to Cory.

It's a major shift from the first 2 films that featured Michael as a powerful menacing force. Here he just seems weak and feable. A once feared and powerful entity is man handled by scrawny Cory who then takes his mask. And if that isn't insulting enough to the horror icon they end it with him having his ass handed to him by Laurie who at this point is a senior citizen. This will rank as my new least favorite entry just above the terrible Zombie flicks.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
generic procedural
23 September 2022
I'll start with what i liked. Raymond Lee, who i hadn't heard of before this show, was likable enough as the lead and Ernie Hudson is a welcome addition to any cast. Unfortunately neither of these 2 are enough to pull the show above mediocrity.

The show had a generic procedural job of the week feel to it. It lacked the heart and fun of the original that stemmed from Bakula and Stockwell's performances and chemistry. Lee's brooding romantic interest/holographic guide made me miss the humor and charisma of Dean Stockwell's Al. Maybe it will improve but so far i'm not impressed.

I also like that it didn't have the cringy, preachy woke writing that seems to saturate the writing that most all modern network shows seem to have fallen victim to.
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Professionals (2020–2022)
A fun lightheart action series
27 September 2021
The reviews are overly harsh. This was a welcome port in a storm of overly political shows that take themselves way too seriously. Everyone wants to be a podium for social justice now a days. This was just good old fashioned turn your brain off, escapism entertainment. Welling is a likeable lead and Fraser may have put on some weight but he's as entertaining as he always was.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
What a huge dissapointment
16 March 2019
I couldn't get past 3 episodes of this dreck.They've taken one of my all time favorite tv shows and turned it into a generic action procedural That's all about fights,car chases and shoot em ups.If you've seen the Hawaii 5-0 and Macgyver reboots then your not missing anything.

Aside from being just another unoriginal procedural i truly hate what they did with Higgins.The chemistry between Selleck and Hillerman was gold.They had a great dynamic as odd couple war heroes from different eras who over time came to respect and care for each other.Here they've dumbed that dynamic down to the cliched Moonlighting will they won't they schtick.I would rather rewatch the original again than watch anymore of this crap.
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1 season wasn't enough
4 October 2017
This show had all the right ingredients.Iconic genre legend Bruce Campbell in the lead.Cool old west setting.Science fiction subplot about mysterious other worldly objects.Cool supporting characters that were just as interesting and enigmatic as the lead.I could really kick the idiot at FOX that was completely blind to this shows potential.This had future cult classic written all over it.
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Alien Nation (1989–1990)
Buddy cop/sci-fi show
24 August 2016
I was hugely disappointed when this was cancelled.Although looking back i cant say i'm particularly surprised given the network it aired on.FOX network has a long history of cancelling cool sci-fi shows without giving them a fair chance.Their biggest blunder of course being Firefly.You know their regretting that one especially.

I think i loved the buddy cop aspect of the show more than the sci-fi aspect.And that's coming from somewhat of a sci-fi/horror nerd.This was due to the great chemistry stars Gary Graham and Eric Peirpoint had with each other.Even if your not into sci-fi it works great as a cop show.Just with sci fi elements.Wish it had lasted longer than 1 season but at least we were treated to 4 follow up TV movies.Rarely does a 1 season cancelled show get that.In fact i can't think of any other.
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Raven (1992–1994)
Didn't hold up well for me.
5 August 2016
I still enjoy the pilot and its a half way decent action show.But as the show went on a lot of it was very cheesy and generic.The plots for the most part were very by the number for a show like this.The writing wasn't especially creative or ground breaking.Majors seemed to be playing it a bit over the top at times.Sometimes he seemed like a competent trained side kick.Other times he came off as an eccentric old coot who i wouldn't trust anywhere near a loaded weapon.

Also found it to be a bit misogynistic.All of the women are portrayed as either weak inept villains who are easily taken out by the lead or helpless victims who need to be saved.This would feel normal for any pre-90s TV show.But here it feels a little ridiculous and out of place.
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