
16 Reviews
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Starting 2013 with an amazing movie...
4 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Impossible (2013)

Starring: Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Tom Holland, Samuel Joslin and Oaklee Pendergast

Synopsis: Based on the true life story of a family caught in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that devastated and engulfed the area they were staying in Thailand on 26th December 2004.

Review: JA Bayona (The Orphanage 2007) brings a harrowing account of the 2004 tsunami from the point of view of one family as they fight to survive. The movie opens only days before the catastrophe, seeing a holidaying family relax in a tropical paradise as they celebrate Christmas together and then on 26th December 2004 saw one of history's most destructive and deadliest tsunamis. Bayona uses the sound and effects most convincingly during the tsunami and its aftermath, as the scene was playing out on the screen I was literally froze solid, using practical effects and little CGI through the duration makes it feel incredibly real and scary. Bayona masterfully uses a lot of the camera framing shots that normally are used in horror movies lending us the belief that the ocean is a killer waiting to strike.

Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor play husband and wife, Maria and Henry holidaying with their three sons. After the tsunami as struck Maria finds her oldest son, Lucas (Tom Holland) showing that even after the waves have calmed surviving a disaster as actually only started to begin. Later we see what happened to Henry and the younger brothers Thomas (Samuel Joslin) and Simon (Oaklee Pendergast). The acting on display throughout the movie is not only believable but fantastic, this is a movie that will be nominated for many awards and I believe should win at least best actor/actress and new-comers awards for the family members.

The actual event and story belongs to a Mexican family who were on holiday in Thailand, I'm not sure why the movie choose to use British stars but believe this is the only change however a major one. The film is certificated at 12A (can take younger than 12 if accompanied by an adult) but I would be very careful and choose who you do take as the film pulls no punches, submersing the audience in with the family without having to force graphic death scenes on you. An emotional film with a lot of lows but a major high points, one character in particular makes you laugh during one of the films lowest points. It also a movie that doesn't go out of its way forcing views on us, from the all other characters portrayed well from hospital staff to villagers and other survivors, with exception to one English holiday maker.

Watch this if you liked: There aren't many true life movies that bring you this much emotion and deals with an event of this magnitude, or at least one I have seen. To anyone who watched and liked fictional work such as 'Day after Tomorrow' and '2012' you should watch this movie.

Verdict: A surprising realistic movie that will take you on an emotional ride, always believe and never give up.
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A feel Great movie..
16 December 2012
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Rise of the Guardians (2012)

Voice Cast: Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Isla Fisher and Hugh Jackman

Synopsis: When Pitch (Jude Law) the bogeyman uses fear to make all the children of the world scared by turning dreams into nightmares, trying to make them forget about the good things in life including the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy and Sandman however these are sworn guardians and protectors of all children of the world with the help of new recruit Jack Frost (Chris Pine) will try and stop Pitch's plan.

Review: You'd have heard, like I had that this is an animation equivalent to 'Marvels Avengers', is that a bad thing really? There are a lot more film references throughout the movie from Bourne Identity to Crocodile Dundee purely to keep the adults entertained when they take a child to see this movie, It's a trick not needed the movie is a solid 97 minute film that will make anyone of any age remember their inner child.

Jude Law as the villain of the film does steal a lot of best scenes and I understand the American reasoning in this movie in using a British actor as a villain. However for me I enjoyed the re-workings of some well-known characters, Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman) is a six foot tall rabbit that as a very competitive side and travels the world through underground tunnels that can be created with a tap of the foot. North (Alec Baldwin) a strong build Santa Claus with 'naughty & nice' swords and tattoo's and not only using his sleigh to travel he can create portals through snow globes, Tooth (Isla Fisher) only real stereotype as a fairy actually gets the children's teeth via an army of tooth-fairies. Sandman is actually made from his own sand and can create any shape he needs, creating the dreams all children have.

When Pitch plan becomes known to the Guardians, they will try to recruit a new member in Jack Frost, who's a playful spirit with a love for making snow-days, freezing water and letting children have fun but never having any responsibility or having any self-confidence, before he can become a Guardian he'll need to find the truth about how he came to be and try to find his confidence. Not a hugely original movie you'll spot most of the high and low points as they happen however a fun movie that'll leave you feeling good and keep you entertained throughout.

Avengers' similarities for me, and if the Guardians are the Avengers then: The 'Yeti's' are 'Shield agents', 'North Pole' is the 'Helicarrier', 'Pitch' is 'Loki', 'Nick Fury' is 'The Moon'

Watch this if you liked: Avengers, Toy Story, and Despicable Me

Verdict: Highly entertaining with a feel good factor, best animation on the cinema since Toy Story 3.
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An Unexpected hit...
13 December 2012
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D 48fps (Frames per Second)

Starring: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage and Andy Serkis

#New Line Cinema & MGM, if your turning a 365 page story into a trilogy only because you know people we spend money on it, I'll be annoyed and not too annoyed not to see it but I hope as it's my favorite of the Tolkien novels it's done to its best. – Alex Powell November 2012

Synopsis: J.R.R Tolkien's story of a little hobbit called Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman), this maybe a familiar name to anyone who has seen the 'Lord of the Rings' Trilogy a few years ago. This is how Bilbo became an adventurer and on this particular quest with thirteen Dwarfs invited by Gandalf (Ian McKellen) to raid the stolen treasure hoard and retrieve it back from a very dangerous dragon called Smaug.

#Spoilers may be contained, nothing to essential or purposely provided.

Review: My first questions when I heard about The Hobbit are they going to keep to the story of the novel or make it more relevant to the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy? After seeing the film my question was answered in full, yes to both. Peter Jackson (Director) brings middle earth back to the cinema with his very own stylish camera angles and with a pleasant mix of CGI and practical effects which brings this fantasy world to life.

Starting at an unusual point, from the beginning of the 'Fellowship of the Ring' we see Ian Holm (Bilbo LOTR Trilogy) getting ready for his party and starting to write his story of a particular adventure he once took. As the story begins and now sixty years earlier Martin Freeman (Sherlock & The Office) takes to the role of Bilbo excellently, playing the part as Ian originally did however still bringing some of his own character traits to help make it his own role. Ian McKellen returning as Gandalf the Grey is as good as ever.

To make use of making this story a trilogy Peter Jackson said he was going to use the appendices from Tolkien's notes and other novels written, I didn't think it was going to be woven in to the story of the Hobbit so well, making middle-earth seem more populated and seeing a faint undertone that Sauron is already becoming a presence to the world, making this film even for fans of the novel a different story and will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Peter Jackson makes a lot more use of all thirteen Dwarfs as I always felt in the novel five of the Dwarfs where just secondary characters that aren't needed. Making great use of the 'Lord of the Rings' scores and bringing new ones for this tale, however the Dwarfs songs aren't a big part of the story as in the novel a minor irritation and maybe they were trying to keep away from 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' territory.

From the title of this review you may be wondering way the description of the 'Frames per Second (fps)', it's because they made a clear decision when making the film to film using over thirty 3D camera's and in this particular fps giving better clarity, as on close up shots of the cast, seeing imperfections to skin and other details never really seen before. The 3D isn't used as a gimmick in the movie either, as in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 2' or 'Toy Story 3' only giving a greater depth, you won't see Gollum (Andy Serkis) jumping towards you or any other gimmick.

It has to be acknowledged that Thorin (Richard Armitage) Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Fili and Kili, Oin, Gloin, Nori, Dori and Ori play equally fantastic and humorous parts as the others, stand out performances for me with exception to Gollum and Bilbo was Bofur (James Nesbitt) making me laugh throughout the film.

Watch this if you liked: Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Verdict: I'm glad I was made to eat my words and see an almost perfect adaption to one of my childhood favorite novels. Excellent, highly recommended and I'm seeing this again on the cinema.
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Not a film to be judged by critics, you'll know if you'll like it before it starts.
8 December 2012
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Expendables 2

Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Terry Crews, Randy Couture and Liam Hemsworth with Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Synopsis: When CIA member Church (Brue Willis) catches up with the crew of the "Expendables" and enlists them for a routine mission, however when the youngest member of the team is caught and murdered and they're forced to give up what they came for it becomes a personal quest for revenge which will see them deep into the enemy territory.

Review: Bringing together returning members of the "Expendables" from the first film and introducing new member from 80's and 90's A-list action film stars, and 00's B-list action film stars, the "Expendables" come face-to-face with a new threat in the form of Jean Villain (Vam Damme). It's a film that hits high on all cliché's of 80's action genre and is a likable romp for it. The second outings as better acting or at least acted better from Bill the Kid (Liam Hemsworth) and a returning star who seems to be having fun with his role of Gunnar Jenson (Dolph Lundgren) shame that the rest are either over-acting or performing their same old routine. A predictable story with a lot of unrealistic fights and action sequences however with enough fun to keep you seated and watching.

Whilst watching I was thinking it doesn't need a story line with the cast line-up, sixty minutes of fighting and violence would be enough to keep any action fan from walking out or not buying this on DVD/Blu Ray. It's a better film than the first film was, however with nothing new happening through the duration of the film to make it original or overly exciting, I wouldn't be surprised if after a week you've forgotten you'd seen this film. There is a few cringe worthy laughable moments, when they each start using each other's catchphrases and someone threatens Trench (Schwarzenegger) that he'll be "Terminated".

Chuck Norris steals the show as a one man special weapon army, Norris's role in this film is to show up when the odds are against the hero's like when playing the old arcade game "Streets of Rage" and you could use a power move to destroy all enemies in one go. The editing and cut shots are jumpy and incoherent making some scenes awkward to watch, dialog is laughable and story is predictable, if you looking at picking some of the flaws in the film. However this isn't to be taken serious, it's a film made to make money and keep people entertained, which it does do and does well.

Watch this if you liked: Cobra, Commando, Universal Solider or Transporter.

Verdict: Sit back, relax and enjoy a feast for the eye's and then exercise your brain after with a crossword or any other puzzle.
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Ill Manors (2012)
Excellent Debut but not my style of film.
3 December 2012
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Ill Manors (2012) DVD

Starring: Riz Ahmed, Ed Skrein and Anouska Mond

Synopsis: How the lives of four drug dealers, a user and two prostitutes cross over and affect each other.

Review: Ben Drew (Plan B) directed and wrote this the movie showing the world he can now sing, act, write and direct. Set in London and showing its underworld side evolving around drug dealers and gangsters, visually looks impressive and you would not have thought it was from a first time film maker. Ben is also the narrator of the story and gives back ground information to new characters by rapping there story; I liked this as it's not seen in films a lot however it does remind me of Eminem's song "Guilty Conscience".

A difficult story to convey as you can't show the world as being fun and exciting as it could influence any young viewer of the movie to follow suit, but in that comes the problem the audience needs a good characters however there is only one character that seems to have a slight good side. Aaron (Riz Ahmed) who is stuck working childhood friend and drug dealer Ed (Ed Skrein).

A difficult movie with lots of characters, back stories and themes introducing a lot of new characters as the film unravels. Understandably I'm not the demographic for this movie, I'm a complete apposing side, it's not a "Snatch" or "Lock, Stock…" style of movie giving a humorous account of gangland London, and I fear its borderline documentary and worry slightly for any person who's trapped by this as a way of life.

Whatever thoughts of Ben Drew as an actor or singer he is a talented writer but I feel this film could have used a rewrite by another screen writer to help the story flow easier, directing and camera use was very good and will see many more films from him.

Watch this if you liked: Wild Bill, Adulthood and Kidulhood.

Verdict: A complex story and characters normally associated with Steven Soderbergh (Oceans 11) but for a first time director and writer a job well done, although the movie only really appeals to a certain audience.
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Ted (2012)
Seth, I only like your Family Guy show.
2 December 2012
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Ted 2012 (DVD)

Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis and Voice Seth McFarlane

Synopsis: At the age of twelve John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) makes a wish that his new Christmas gift, a teddy bear was actually real and would be his friend forever. Twenty-six years later after his wish was granted John and Ted (Seth McFarlane) are drug taking alcoholics that can barely been motivate each other to make it to work on time. John's girlfriend of four years Lori (Mila Kunis) wants to move forward with the relationship even if that means Ted has to leave.

Review: Writer, director, producer and actor of Ted, Seth McFarlane creator of Family guy, Cleveland Show and American Dad makes his first live action movie, bursting with lots of laughs or so the advertising campaign will tell you, not only is the movie predictable but the best of the jokes are given away in the trailer leaving only pop-culture references and toilet humor remaining. After years of being a Family guy fan I'd have liked to have seen this film and loved it.

Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis are good in their roles and Lori isn't being horrible when asking John to give up Ted as he isn't actually having any positive effect on John's life. Seth McFarlane comedy timing is as good as it is in his television work, the jokes are played out well even the not very good jokes work however with ill effect. The CGI on Ted works well throughout the film only with one or two moments of blatantly obvious CGI. The story is the main problem, predictable with too many characters not either given enough to do and I couldn't relate to any of the main characters being only two-dimensional.

There are a few laughs to be had though; Patrick Stewart opening mono- log is very funny and how Mark Wahlberg takes out one of the films villains towards the end of the movie made me laugh a lot. I could relate to Ted as a character asking myself a few questions throughout, "Why does the drinking or smoking affect him, not having any human organs?", "Why didn't he stay the cute bear from the beginning?" and "how come he's able to get a job?" also I think as in Family guy when Stewie (Baby) and Brain (Dog) characters talk mostly to the world no understands them and on reflection they are only making baby sounds or barking, if Ted was more part of John's imagination and the film being about adult acting like a child, It could been more plausible and maybe the humor may have worked better.

Watch this if you liked: Family Guy, Cleveland Show or American Dad

Verdict: A lot of hype made about this film, at sixteen years old I would have loved it, as an adult I can appreciate the work and what it was aiming to do, however I didn't enjoy it.
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Not yet Amazing but a good Spider-Man
28 November 2012
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**Spoilers contained**

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans

Synopsis: High school outcast Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) desperately trying to find out the secrets to his parents disappearance from when he was a young boy. After finding his dad's briefcase and searching for his father's former partner Dr Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans) at Oscorp. Secrets will be revealed which will ultimately shape Peter's destiny to become Spider-Man.

Review: Marc Webb directs the reboot of the Spider-Man story in which Andrew Garfield brings to the screen a more realistic Peter Parker than what we have seen before. I once heard that the reboot will be more in keeping to the comics and the cartoons of the 1990's and 2000's Spider- Man, I believe that was succeeded as we now get a real world application for Spider-Man rather than the comic book movies of the Sam Raimi trilogy. We see Peter struggle with situation's, with people and in dealing with his new found super-powers, Andrew brings a character that I believe will age better than the previous movies, which already seem like they're a decade old. One problem I had was why he feels the need to keep taking off the mask; a fun drinking game would be a shot every time he does.

Emma Stone brings the love interest to the screen as Gwen Stacey, daughter of the police chief, intellectually gifted student and intern at Oscorp. Rhys Ifans playing Dr Curt Connors, biologist who's working on gene splicing to create a better human race, accidentally turning himself into a giant Lizard that sets out to turn the whole of New York and then the world into humanoid Lizards. During the movie a problem kept occurring with the Lizard, he is a villain with a diabolical plan however and in the comics Curt is a family man who's lost inside the Lizard, I don't feel the movie portrays the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde side of the character clearly.

With more grounding to this movie, making it feel like the beginning of a trilogy where we'll see a more confident Spider-Man and a lot more truths about what happened to his parents still to come. During the origins of Spider-Man I've seen a lot of complaints online about there being no wrestling sequence and believe it was done well originally and the valiantly side of Peter trying to track down is uncle's killer was a lot more believable of a teenager with an attitude and new found super- human strength. This is Spider-Man to how I know him, Tobey Maguire made a family fun comic-book movie and Andrew Garfield's is more Super-hero movie making the differences, easier to relate to characters and a lot darker than before.

Watch this if you liked: Spider-Man Trilogy, (500) Days of Summer, Batman Begins

Verdict: With a little less of the love story, we'd have had Amazing Spider-Man, we got a very good start to Spider-Man film, looking forward to how the sequels, where hopefully we'll see the Amazing Spider-Man.
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A great film.... Shoot for that Silver Lining
26 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Silver Lining Playbook

Starring: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro

Synopsis: After losing his wife, house and job and spending eight months in a mental institution, former teacher Pat (Bradley Cooper) now trying desperate to prove to his wife and win her back that he has made a lot of changes in his life for the better. When Pat is introduced to Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) everything becomes more complicated as he finds her to be very mysterious and with equally as many problems as him.

Review: The film opens after the events of what brought Pat to be institutionalized and we're not given any answers to why, when or how from the beginning making him a hard character to like from the start although it is a story that follows Pat and not being given any time from him you quickly find a likable side to him, despite what's happened. Whilst trying to get in to shape and begin his life again with his family and trying to reach out for his estranged wife, Pat gets invited to a dinner with friends and meets Tiffany a recently widowed and mysterious woman. From anger management problems, OCD and a drive for perfection, being introduced to all the characters via Pat's eyes and drip fed information about their character traits and flaws you'll even start question what actually constitutes "crazy".

An unlikely pairing of characters between Tiffany and Pat does keep you intrigued as the story flows and as deeper truths are revealed and why they're helping each other to stay away from their own demons. A film like this with a talented cast from Jackie Weaver, Robert De Niro and Chris Tucker provide equally as interesting additional characters as the leads themselves. If you ever thought that Bradley Cooper or Jennifer Lawrence were not good at acting, I believe this film will prove you wrong. To star in a film playing a troubled character is a difficult task, however playing a trouble and likable character is almost impossible last seen portrayed well by Jack Nicholson in "One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest". I don't think it's a film for everyone and not a typical comedy-drama at all.

Watch this if you liked: Lost in Translation, Shopgirl or Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.

Verdict: Not a film for everyone I understand, however if you like a film that makes you think and keeps you entertained that's actually believable this is a film I'd strongly recommend.
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A comedy movie without a lot of comedy.
19 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Here Comes the Boom

Starring: Kevin James, Salma Heyek and Henry Winkler

Synopsis: When budget cuts threaten the music class and music teacher (Henry Winkler), Scott (Kevin James) a lazy biology teacher at the same school decides to help out by trying to raise the money by fighting in mixed-martial arts cage matches for the prize money.

Review: The film opens with under-achieving biology teacher Scott hardly finding the energy to make it to the school on time let alone to teach and inspire his students. When budget cuts threaten the extra-curricular music department and the last inspirational teacher Marty, Scott although with ulterior motives showing off to school nurse Bella (Salma Heyek) he stands up for Marty and soon realizes he's the only one willing to help. This movie is advertised as a comedy however you'll struggle to laugh more than a hand full of times through the duration. I found it constantly struggling with what style of comedy it was aiming for with some gross-out humor and then some subtle humorous moments. Kevin does take to the fighting scenes very well and I believe him to have lost weight and bulk up during the film as the story lines plays out.

As Scott settles in with training and the occasional victory in the ring he also learns to become a better teacher in the process and quickly becomes favored by the students. It's a very predictable movie seen hundreds of times before but a strength this film has is that the fights are not predictable and are played out incredibly well. Henry Winkler gets a lot of laughs playing a mild mannered music teacher, whose eyes are opened when introduced to the world of mixed-marital arts. Many of the laughs do come from Niko a fun loving Dutch MMA and gym instructor however and unfortunately written with a lot of stereotype. The next 'Rocky' movie it won't be however an enjoyable movie that will keep you entertained throughout.

Watch this if you liked: King of Queens, Zookeeper or Grown-ups.

Verdict: Enjoyable movie with great fight sequences shame the comedy is not polished and the story is predictable.
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End of the world never seemed so funny
7 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Seeking Friends for the End of the World (2012)

Starring: Steve Carell and Keira Knightley

Synopsis: As an asteroid nears Earth, a man finds himself alone after his wife leaves in a panic. He decides to take a road trip to reunite with his high school sweetheart. Accompanying him is a neighbor who inadvertently puts a wrench in his plan.

Review: This is the story of what if Bruce Willis and pals didn't stop the asteroid in Armageddon (1998) and what would you do if in the last fourteen days the world was going to end … would you hire an assassin to take your life for you… look up a long lost love… run away with a lover… try to get home from another country to see your family one last time… these questions and more are answered in a movie closer to a documentary than a comedy/sci-fi or at least that's what I thought. With black comedy undertones your mind will always be split between finding a situation funny and saying to yourself "that's what I'd do".

The movies pacing is very quick opening up on day fourteen as the countdown begins, Dodge (Steve Carell) is still adjusting to life still makes his routine journey into the office where he sells insurance, trying to get to grips with a wife who's just ran off without him and being stuck with friends who are throwing sex and drugs parties. As the days are moving on and he meets and becomes friends with Penny (Keira Knightley) a born again romantic and free spirit having recently dumped her boyfriend and is desperate to go home to United Kingdom. Forced together to head across country as Manhattan becomes engulfed in looters and riots, we witness one of movies strangest pairings since Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation (2003) or Claire Danes and Steve Martin in Shopgirl (2005).

Filled with great scenes and many characters showing how they are handling the last days of the world I have a new found respect for director and writer Lorene Scafaria (Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist (2008)) approach to what could have easily been a bad idea and has treated it with a lot of fun and respect. It isn't a masterpiece of the cinema and not without some clumsy editing or convenient set pieces to help the story flow. If I could change something it would be the ending, the happy ending or happiest the ending could be stopping this film narrowly from being a favourite movie of the year.

Verdict: I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a not so serious movie and looking for a good time. Steve Carell does this type of film well, were other comediennes would take it too far his subtle approach really works. Keira Knightley is good fun to, look out for when she as dealings with a police officer.

Watch this if you liked: Nick and Nora Infinite Playlist, Dan in Real Life, Little Miss Sunshine
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Skyfall (2012)
Bond is back on form
28 October 2012
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Skyfall (2012)

Starring: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem and Dame Judi Dench

Synopsis: MI6 becomes under attack from Sliva (Javier Bardem) a well organised and methodical criminal who sets out to destroy MI6 from the inside, the only man for the job is…. Bond, James Bond (Daniel Craig) however when his loyalty to MI6 and M (Judi Dench) are tested can Bond track down and stop Sliva no matter the personal cost to himself.

Review: Bond is now celebrating fifty years since the screening of Dr No (1962) and we see Daniel Craig's Bond as an antiquated figure that he really is, however can Bond be relevant today is the question…. With Sam Mendes on directing duties and showing us that Bond can be and have another fifty years of movies at least. As seen in the trailer and the pre-title sequence Bond is back to his best with the train stunt that's exciting and action packed whilst being full of Bond-isms (Straightening his cuff links). There's a lot of reminders to the last twenty-two movies including the Aston Martin DB5 back on the screen, a good game is when you see the movie see how many you can see.

The whole story is a roller coaster of excitement with a look into the future and past of the franchise and characters. There's still the world travelling elements seeing locations including China, Turkey and Britain. With Q-branch and a new Q to work with Bond for this and future films James Bond is certainly establishing similar premises as seen before. I'd be happy to see Daniel Craig reprise the character for another few films before another actor comes on board. Seeing some bad edits during the final showdown and that the Adele theme "Skyfall" isn't overly fitting and slightly depressing for the opening credits would be my only complaints.

Verdict: Daniel Craig's best outing since Casino Royal (2006) but his most comfortable performance as 007.

See this if you liked: Any Bond Movie, Bourne trilogy.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
Not an laugh out loud film!
13 October 2012
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Dan in Real Life (2007)

Starring: Steve Carell, Juliette Binoche, Dane Cook

Synopsis: Dan (Steve Carell) a professional self-help columnist and single dad of three daughters, during their yearly summer vacation at the family home and all the family come together. On the first day there Dan's mother tells him to spend some time alone. That morning Dan meets an interesting woman in a small bookshop instantly there's a mutual attraction, only to find out she recently begun a new relationship with someone. Later that afternoon as he seeks advice from his family whether he should pursue a relationship with this woman his brother announces his new girlfriend Marie (Juliette Binoche) to the family as it turns out to be the same woman from earlier, now Dan as to spend a week trapped in this situation.

Review: (May Contain Spoilers) I watched this film originally with the thought of other of Steve Carell's work but it's not that type of comedy. Dan starts the story juggling personal life and work for the first twenty minutes of the movie as most parents can relate to him, however he soon becomes self-obsessed during the film and I struggled to find a connection with the character after the story line was placed in to position. Dan and Marie talk about telling the events of that morning's meeting to the family, Dan say's that would be a bad idea and now the film has a premise. If this or similar was to ever happen to you do the exact opposite to Dan, although we wouldn't have had a movie.

Dan starts struggling with his children, two of them are teenage girls and he still treats them like children, not letting them spend time with boyfriends or learning to drive. During the holiday he seems to ignore his youngest whilst sneaking around to constantly talk to Marie. Marie's character you can relate to her being new to a family who are very close however she is well liked by all, we're left all the time thinking that Dan is the better choice of brother for her. Saying that Dan from the beginning twenty minutes and not the majority of the movie.

Dan does change throughout the duration of the film, beginning with trusting the daughters and sitting down with them and talking. Dane Cook, Dan's bother quickly goes from likable to a horrible character as the story progresses, leaving you thinking that the writers didn't really care about the characters after their use was fulfilled.

Verdict: This wouldn't be a film I'd rush to see again but it is on Netflix if you were ever wanted something to watch, although not a laugh out loud comedy it has some good humor and the all the cast members give a good performance and have their funny moments. A nice movie for two, you and your partner can sit with a bottle of wine and enjoy.

See this if you liked: Definitely maybe, Last Kiss, Garden State and not Netflix's suggestion of the US Office.
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Best Zombie film ever????.... Not even close!!!!
8 October 2012
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Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town (1989)

Starring: Jamie Rose, Catherine Carlen, Lycia Naff and starring Academy Award Winner Billy Bob Thornton

Synopsis: A female biker gang riding around America come across a small town where recently a few accidents have taken place and the residents have killed. The funeral undertaker has been experimenting on the recently deceased and sees an opportunity to kill off the 'Cycle Sluts' gang, use their bodies for experimentation or to feed the zombies. Review: From the title and synopsis, you'd be right in thinking this isn't a high valued film or even a serious one, it is a comedy-horror and it is in fact let down by its own writing. The film opens of the gang making their way down an open highway, just outside a small village a boy breaks into a deserted mine entrance and finds a room of zombies who feed on him and escape to slowly make their way to town, there 'homes'. In the town the biker gang go for some food, a garage to fix one of the bikes, stumbles across an ex-husband (Thornton, who didn't win his Academy Award for this film) and generally looking for a bit of fun and get themselves into a fight all before they leave. Jamie Rose (E.R, Chicago Hope other TV appearances) plays Dede a former resident of the town and once married to Donny (Thornton) who first discovers what is happening in town and to one of the biker's. Lycia Naff (most famously the three-breasted alien in Total Recall (1991)) is a former groupie turned 'cycle slut'. I don't recall any over the top funny moments except there is a particular song playing when the zombies are marching into town, it reminds me of Nightmare before Christmas, when Jack Skeleton is getting ready for Halloween. If you see this on any digital streaming website or horror channels of satellite ever… challenge yourself to sit through it… I dare you!

Verdict As an Zombie movie it's poor, as a spoof it's poor, as a straight to DVD/VHS/TV movie, I've actually seen worse, wouldn't make my top ten worse films of all-time list, although I wouldn't remember it after a couple of days…

See this if you liked: Any B-movie….
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Cross no one cares about Aaron.
25 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Starring: Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton

Synopsis: The fourth instalment to the Bourne franchise see's Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) a member of one of the black ops programmes Outcome. Taking place during the events of 'The Bourne Ultimatum', we see CIA's Deputy Director Pamela Landy being questioned about Treadstone project and the operation BlackBriar all of which has come to light due the events of Jason Bourne (Matt Damon, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, and Bourne Ultimatum). Also linked due to his involvement is Noah Vosen who's also now being investigated by the FBI too. Eric Bryer (Edward Norton) a retired USAF Colonel responsible for overseeing the CIA's clandestine operations is called upon to help stop any further information being leaked and to stop other programmes becoming public knowledge.

Review: this film opens with a quick recap of Ultimatum and shows Aaron on a training mission, the best I can make out project Outcome as only a few members and is still in early stages of development. Aaron a former highly trained and skilled soldier now an Outcome agent who is being controlled with performance enhancing drugs, making him stronger, faster and giving him better memory than an average person. Norton (Fight Club, Incredible Hulk and American History X) makes the decision to eliminate all members of Treadstone and Outcome as Pamela Landy Knows about these two projects and to keep the many others in the dark. Norton is at his best as a villainous CIA member, giving orders to kill all involved and including scientist behind the green and blue performance enhancing pills the Outcome agent's use. Rachel Weisz (The Mummy, Dream House) Dr Marta Shearing targeted by the CIA for her involvement is rescued by Aaron, who recruits her help in him becoming free from using the pills.

Beautifully shot with a lot of the world's destinations being used, exciting action sequences and an overall good story, let down it's every twenty minute referral to Jason Bourne. This feels like Lazenby's Bond movie, always mentioning the previous outing. I felt that it never truly gives Renner (Avengers, Swat) any chance to get started and become someone we want to care about. Some of the story feels rushed, especially when it comes to another agency sending out someone to take care of Cross and Shearing. I believe if it didn't have the constant references to Jason Bourne and the earlier films this would have given the franchise a new look and possible sequels, from what I've learned to date nobody is really interested in seeing another film now unless Matt Damon is attached, this might not be an end to Aaron Cross, however if given another chance keep the Bourne references to a minimal and let Aaron Cross's story become the forefront of the story.

Verdict: A poor man's Bourne but not the fault of the actors/characters but he story focusing on Jason Bourne and not Aaron Cross.

See this if you liked: Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, on her Majorities Secret Service, Bourne trilogy.
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The Sweeney (2012)
The Sweeney - Good film, average story.
16 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Sweeney (2012)

Starring: Ray Winstone, Ben Drew, Hayley Atwell

Synopsis: Based on the 1970's TV Show of the same name, The Sweeney is London's Metropolitan Flying Squad, cockney rhyming slang Sweeney Todd. The Squad's purpose to investigate and prevent armed robbery and other serious armed crime. Jack Regan (Winstone) and George Carter (Drew) are two members of the Sweeney, using brute force and any other means necessary to stop criminal activity in London. When known armed robbers come to Britain and take the life of a young woman in a routine Jewellery heist, the Sweeney investigate the case.

Review: It opens with an already established Sweeney team carrying out an investigation, which I see as a positive for the movie. I feared an origin story, which would've been pointless given the type of work carried out. Quickly we see cars being destroyed and punches being thrown, as the team celebrate another victory, a new threat of armed robbers start going to work. It's not long before the Sweeney are back on the case. I enjoy Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast, 44 Inch Chest) however in this role sometimes had to remind myself he is for the law, rather than against it as in the other of his movies. Ben Drew (Plan B, Harry Brown) gives a good performance, bettering his other work, I didn't relate or like his character in Harry Brown, even though that may have been the point of his character, although Ben's character Carter does seem to be over looked for the whole of the second act of this film, returning to help for the third. Hayley Atwell (Captain America: First Avenger, I, Anna) playing one the female members of the team an enjoyable character who you wouldn't want to get on her wrong side. The Sweeney become investigated by Metropolitan Internal Affairs for methods used and conspiracy of theft, there always seems to be a personal angle to be written into the film, villain and co-workers making it there duty to prevent Winstone from his work.

It's an entertaining movie which should be enjoyed and not thought about, I came from the cinema and the more I was thinking about the story the more plot holes, bad edits and mistakes there were, some characters are forgotten about and others seem to be there to make up the numbers. There's no attention paid to early story plot points and very convenient incidents to help the film progress as the film comes to its close. It may seem at this point that I had not enjoyed it however at 112 minutes long I wasn't bored at any moment. I don't think the fans of the TV show will enjoy this as an update, I'm not entirely sure it's supposed to be, more of based upon The Sweeney. The car chases are well shot and realistic, exciting for a low budget British movie, however all members of the police and villains do need help with shooting, some almost hilarious misses to witness. It's always good to see Ray Winstone hit someone and dispense some cockney wit, "so get my way, or I'll break your legs".

Verdict: Average movie… Good film, enjoyable if taken on the face value of it, if you don't see it on cinema rent it in a couple of months.

See this if you like: (Insert any Cockney/London gangster movie title her), anything that starred Ray Winstone.
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Dredd (2012)
Dredd (Some Plot Examples)
13 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Starring: Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlbey and Lena Headey.

Synopsis: In a violent future only the Judges stand in the way of total anarchy, they're Judge, Jury and Executioner in one. Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) a veteran Judge is assigned rookie Judge Anderson (Olivia Thirlbey) for assessment. As they look in to a triple homicide and the dealings of a new reality bending drug SLO-MO, the distributor and gang leader MA-MA (Lena Headey) traps them inside a two hundred story building and sends in waves of her gang to hunt and kill the Judges.

Review: Dredd is an old fashioned action movie, high on violence and gore which folds around a simple plot and some gimmicky 3D sequences. I however did enjoy this film for what it is (all the above) the opening ten minutes shows you how on the brink of failure and anarchy mega city one is, as there are almost ten deaths one of which we see a villains head melt. Karl Urban (Lord of the Rings, Star Trek) and his chin give a great performance as the main character Dredd, an incorruptible figure of justice. Lena Headey (Game of Thrones, 300, Sarah Connor chronicles) as fun with a homicidal and angry character such as MA-MA, from the first moment we met the character you want justice and the plenty of death. Olivia Thirlbey (Juno, No Strings Attached) delivers a nervous Judge at first, but you know and early on that Dredd's ability and drive will make her character stronger. I'm not a lover of 3D and would say even though some scenes in the film look great, they won't in fact translate to DVD/BLU Ray unless you have a 3D system of your own. The look of mega city one is great but the majority of the film takes place in a skyscraper making me think there is so much more this world can offer, and hopefully will in any future sequels.

See this if you liked: Robocop (1987), Rambo (2008).
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