
25 Reviews
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver (1976)
7 December 2012
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Taxi Driver was a great movie. It is about a taxi driver that wants to clean up NYC's "scum". In the movie he works on cleaning him self up and tries to kill a senator, but he doesn't and ends up saving the life of a 12 year old prostitute. To do this he had to kill three people. I really like how this movie was filmed. At some points during the film the scene had a kind of glow to them and others were crystal clear, I thought this made the film more interesting. I give this film a 9 out of 10 because I really enjoyed watching it, and I thought it was very captivating. This is one of those movies where if it were to be released today it would fit right in, even though it was filmed in 1976.
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Apocalypse Now (1979)
7 December 2012
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Apocalypse Now is an amazing film. The cinematography is fantastic. Francis Ford Coppola does a marvelous job with the lighting and shadows. I think this film is a great way to show people a glimpse of what the Vietnam veterans had to deal with when we were at war. This film was very deep and meaningful, but they story line the film was based around isn't very believable. The fact that a soldier had to go and eliminate a rouge commander, that was actually helping win the war, is just not that believable. Over all I thought it was a great film. I give this film more of a 9.5 than a 10, because I really liked watching it, but it was a very intense film.
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Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
5 December 2012
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I think Bonnie and Clyde was an amazing film. I love crime movies like this. Clyde meets Bonnie when he is trying to steal her mother's car, and from there on they are inseparable. The two of them convince a young mechanic to join them, and Clyde's brother ends up joining the gang with his wife after he killed a policemen. The gang is rather successful and enjoys them selves until one night were they get surrounded. They escape from that only to surrounded again, where Clyde's brother dies and his wife gets captured. In the end bonnie and Clyde decide they are going to stop robbing and stealing and settle down, however they were trick and ambushed. After the cops riddled their bodies with holes they realized Bonie and Clyde didn't actually rob the bank they thought they did; they only got groceries, that they paid for. I give this film a 9 out of 10 because I think this film was very well done and i really enjoyed it.
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The Graduate (1967)
The Graduate (1967)
4 December 2012
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The Graduate was a very funny and entertaining film. The movie is about a young man who comes home from college, not knowing what he wants to do with his life. This results in him sleeping with one of his parent's friend. However later in the movie this cause a problem because he wants to marry his parent's friend's daughter. He ens up stealing her away RIGHT AFTER she got married to another man. This movie is really funny and has amazing film editing, but the theme the film is based around is a little odd and can be uncomfortable at some points. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because it was a great film, its a classic, and i enjoyed it, but not that much.
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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
3 December 2012
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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a great film about the a young lady who is going to marry an African American man. The famous actors that are in this film are amazing. However the young Katharine Houghton didn't do as good of a job acting when compared to the other actors, but she played her role very well. I think this is a great film for children learning that the color of our skin doesn't matter and that everyone should be treated equal. I give this film a 8 out of 10 because its a very funny film that reminds us that the color of our skin doesn't make a difference. This film still has an impact on people today because it is still a "problem" for some people.
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The Killing (1956)
The Killing (1956)
24 November 2012
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The Killing is the classic heist movie. I really enjoy a good heist film and this one was defiantly one of them. There is a group of people who are planning on stealing a large amount of money from the race tack. Each person needs the money for one reason or the other. Like most heist films most of the movie is about how the group prepares to pull of the job. When it comes to the execution of the plan, it is done with very little flaw. Once the money was stolen, most of the crew were waiting for it to arrive when they were found out by two thugs. Every one died but two people, one ended up dieing later after he killed his cheating wife. The other, when he made his attempt to flee the suitcase full of money fell on the tarmac and all blew away, and he was captured. I give this film a 8 out of 10 because it was such a great film, and because i love this kind of genre.
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The Naked Kiss (1964)
23 November 2012
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The Naked Kiss is about a prostitute who tries to make a new life for herself. From watching the movie trailer I didn't think it was going to be a very good film but it was much better than I thought it would be. Once Kelly, the prostitute, arrived at the local town she started working a children's hospital. She becomes the best nurses and is the children's favorite. She also built a liking to the rich owner of the hospital. this man seems to be the perfect package, until she walks in on him molesting a child. When she find out she ends up killing him and goes to jail for it. The story line of this film was rather bizarre, you could never really tell where the movie was going. I give this film 7 out of 10 because it was much better than I thought it would be, but I didn't enjoy watching it. It didn't seem to have a very good flow to it and when it seemed like it would end it just kept going.
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The Bad Seed (1956)
The Bad Seed (1956)
23 November 2012
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The Bad Seed was an interesting movie about a young girl who turns out to be a heartless killer. The little girl, Rhoda, killed a young boy at a school picnic so she could have his medal. Rhoda believed that she deserved this medal because she thought she was the better writer. when ever she spoke to adults she was very mature and "perfect", acting like how a good little girl should act. During the film Rhoda's mother finds out she was adopted and was actually the daughter of a famous murderer killer, and believes that is why her daughter is stone cold killer. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because it was a very interesting movie and was good but I don't really enjoy these type of movie.
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Singin' in the Rain (1952)
10 November 2012
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I think Singin' in the Rain is the best musical of all time. This is such an energetic film, definitely one for the whole family. Its about a how a studio deals with the new switch to sound movies, in 1927. I used to watch this film with my great grandfather all the time. I don really like musicals, especially modern ones (like the TV show glee), but Singin' in the Rain is different and I don't really think of it as musical (yes I know it is). Even though musicals always have that sense of make-believe, i feel Singin' in the Rain has a more real feeling to it than most musicals. I give this film a 10 out of 10 because it is such a great musical and its one of my favorite movies ever.
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Out of the Past (1947)
31 October 2012
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Out of the Past is a film about a gas pumper, Jeff, who's past comes back to get him. A gambler hired him to retrieve his runaway mistress, Kathie, but Jeff end up falling in love with her and they go off together. Kathie eventually leaves him and goes back to the gambler. Now the gambler has set a trap for him to get back at Jeff, but he is too smart for that. After Jeff makes a deal with the gambler Kathie shoots him and convinces him to run away with her. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because the acting and story is very good, but I don't like how the ending plays out. Despite what Jeff's def employee says I think Jeff would have went back to his girlfriend.
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Mildred Pierce (1945)
31 October 2012
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Mildred Pierce is about a mother (Mildred Pierce) who becomes single and has to raise her two daughters by herself, the older (Veda) being selfish and snobbish and the younger (Kay) being a cheerful tomboy (who dies from ammonia). Mildred's goal is to be able to giver her daughter everything she wants, which just makes Veda more selfish. Her daughter gets so selfish she tries to take Mildred's husband, but ends up killing him when he refuses. I give this film a 9 out of 10 because it was considerable better than i thought it would be. The filmed seemed almost boring from watching the trailer, but after watching the film I knew I was wrong. i definitely recommend watching this film.
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Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
31 October 2012
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Psycho Is about a young woman, Marion, who steals $40,000 from her employer in order for her to start a new life with her secret lover. On her way to him she is forced by sleep and rain to stop at a motel. Here she meets this young man that is controlled by his mother. Psycho is very well known for its famous shower stabbing scene. Alfred Hitchcock made the scene seem so real, but without even showing Marion getting stabbed. Marion's sister and friend come looking for her and soon find out the truth(which i will not give away). The ending was very unpredictable, and well done. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because I thought Hitchcock did a very good job creating this film, but it did not really keep me entertained.
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Casablanca (1942)
Casablanca (1942)
19 October 2012
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Casablanca is about a club owner (Bogart) who has in his position to paper that will let anyone leave WWII Casablanca no questions asked. Bogart tries to keep everyone happy, which included the French police, Nazi officers, customers, and his one competitor. Through out the movie Bogart is is debating weather or not he should help the husband of his past lover, who happens to be a leader of a large underground movement against the Nazis. In the end he helps them escape just in time, before the Nazi officers arrive at the airport, and he and the police chief become friends once again. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because I didn't like the movie that much but i did find it enjoyable.
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The Maltese Falcon (1941)
19 October 2012
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The Maltese Falcon is about a bunch of different people who are all after a gold falcon studded with priceless jewels. As detective Spade (Bogart) attempts to find the killer of his partner, her stumbles upon a group of men who are searching for the special falcon, and a woman who got in over her head. Bogart ends up getting his hands on the falcon and arranges to sell it to the group of men. After he sells it to the men, they all learn that it's a fake. In the end the group of men go off to search for the real one and the woman gets arrested for his partners murder. When I watched the trailer for this film I thought I wouldn't like it at all. Despite what I thought I gave the movie a try, and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I give this film an 8 out of 10 because of how well the movie is done.
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Nosferatu (1922)
Nosferatu (1922)
19 October 2012
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Nosferatu is a classic vampire movie. Count Orlok, the vampire, moves from his home in Transylvania to a town in Germany. Here Orlok hopes to find easy prey, naive to the threat of vampires. Once the count arrive in Germany people thought a plague was causing all the deaths, but Hutter's wife Ellen knows better. She knew Orlok was a vampire and in the end sacrificed herself in order to put an end to all of the deaths. I went to a screening of this film where there was a live band that played. Since the film is silent, it was the band job to make the move come alive. The band definitely did their job, and made me really appreciate the film and their talent. I give this film an 8 out of 10 because it's a great silent film, especially if seen with a live band. If you ever have the chance to see Nosferatu with a band I would recommend it.
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True Grit (1969)
True Grit (1969)
19 October 2012
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True Grit is about a young girl (Mattie) out for the revenge for her father's death. She teams up with a one-eyed bounty hunter (John Wayne) and a Texas lawman too help hunt him down. Mattie wants to bring the man, called Chaney, back to town so he can be tried and hung, but the Texas lawman plans to bring him back to Texas so he can be tried for the shooting of a senator. Nevertheless Chaney ends up getting shot by bounty hunter. Compared to the film released in 2010 the 1969 version is terrible. The acting done by Kim Darby is terrible! She is very hard to take seriously throughout the whole movie, which is sad because I think this movie could have been very good. I give this film a 5 out of 10 because I think this film is really bad, but I think John Wayne does a god job with what he had to work with.
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Stagecoach (1939)
Stagecoach (1939)
19 October 2012
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Stagecoach is a film about a group of people attempting to make the journey form one town to another. On this coach there is a thoughtful sheriff, a drunken doctor, a kind prostitute, a chivalrous gambler, an anxious whiskey seller, a runaway bank manager, a southern girl, a notorious outlaw, and a worrisome driver. The whole stagecoach is venturing to Lordsburg, however the only way takes them through hostile apache territory. Patiences are tested and friendships are formed. This film is definitely one of John Wayne's better westerns. He does a superb job with his character. I don't enjoy many westerns however I found this one entertaining, much better than some of John Wayne's older films. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because I thought it was an enjoyable western that wasn't too cliché.
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The Invisible Man (1933)
3 October 2012
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The Invisible Man is a story about a scientist who creates a chemical mixture in order for him to become invisible. One of the ingredients in the mixture causes him to go crazy, and he soon thrives for power. The drug also caused him to kill multiple people. In the end of the movie the Invisible Man was surrounded and shot, and later died in the hospital with his girlfriend by his side. The story line of the movie is very similar to many of Universal's other monster movies. You learn of the "monster", the monster does some evil deeds, and in the end the monster is captured or killed. I did not enjoy this film very much, i kind of found it silly. This may be because my generation is used to movies like Paranormal Activity. I give this film a 7 out of 10, mainly because I am just not that into old monster movies.
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Frankenstein (1931)
Frankenstein (1931)
3 October 2012
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Well every one knows the story of Frankenstein. A monster that was created with a "bad brain" that goes on a rampage. There is some great cinematic photography shots in this film, which helped make it seem, at the time (in 1931), almost scary. This is especially so in the scene where the monster has just hung Fritzs by his own whip. If this movie could have been filmed in color I don think it would have helped make the movie any better. I think the black and white film enhances the nightmarish mood the movie is trying to portray. I personally did not enjoy this movie very much. This does not mean that Frankenstein is not a great movie. I give this film a 7 out of 10 mainly because it's not my favorite genre but it is still very entertaining.
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Bringing Up Baby (1938)
28 September 2012
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Bringing Up Baby is about a zoologist, Dr. David Huxley, who has spent the lat our year putting together a brontosaurus. He life was finally coming together; he was about to get married, he just received the intercostal clavicle bone (the last bone for his dinosaur). He was also about to get a million dollar grant for the museum. Then he meets this woman, Susan, who just causes problems for him. During the film Susan acquires a jaguar and convinces David to help her bring it to her aunts house. The situation just keeps getting more ridiculous every scene, especially the jail scene (I don't want to give away too much of the movie). This film is so funny; you will be laughing through out the whole movie. I give this film a 9 out of 10 just because I like this type of film and it's just a great film overall. I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a good laugh.
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My Man Godfrey (1936)
28 September 2012
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In this movie a "forgotten man" (Godfrey) is used as a part of a scavenger hunt fora very affluent party, and after he knows it he becomes the butler for a very rich family. Godfrey soon finds out that the family that hired him is extremely crazy, yet he doesn't mind. In the end of the film when the family find out they are no longer rich, Godfrey comes to their aid and gives them money he made from stocks. I love movies like "My Man Godfrey". They are just so energetic and fun. In this film there is so much going on. In the first few scenes there was so much chaos going on the camera kept moving deeper into the hotel show more and more disorder and confusion. There were some very long shots taken. I liked this because it made the film more interesting to me. I give this film an 8 out of 10 because it is just a very fun entertaining film.
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I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932)
19 September 2012
This film is about a WWI veteran, James Allen, who wanted to change his life when he came back, and he did. He was framed as an accomplish to a robing and put on the chain gang. After a while James decided to attempt the impossible and escape. James made it and worked his way to Chicago where he followed his dream of becoming and engineer. He was blackmailed into marriage which ended up forcing him to go back on the chain gang. When he was denied his pardon (that he was promised), he escaped, and was never seen again.

This film was based off the true story of Robert E. Burns, but in the real story he actually stole the $5.29 to eat. The film hoped to show the hardships prisoners experienced while on a southern chain gang, and it was successful. This movie brought more attention to the real chain gangs and the true hardships. The ending was very dramatic because James Allen had to say goodbye to his true sweetheart forever (not his former wife). I give this film a 8 out of 10 because I thought it was very interesting and exciting (well as exciting as a 1933 movie can get)
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Baby Face (1933)
Baby Face (1933)
19 September 2012
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This film is about, Lily Powers, a hardened woman from Eire, PA. As a teenager she was prostituted by her father so he could keep his speakeasy open. A pep talk from a local German cobbler encouraged her to go and make something of her life. Once she made it to New York she worked her way up the corporate latter at a bank, which resulted in the death of her two beaus. Lily then was moved to Paris where she worked hard for a good position at the bank. But after the president of the bank came to Paris, she charmed him enough that she became his. When Courtland Trenholm (the president) needed her help to fight the bank she denied him and left. But she then realizes that she actually loved him, but when she comes back, it is too late.

The acting done by Barbara Stanwyck in this movie is superb. Her character is ruthless when it comes to men. She just uses them to climb to the highest spot on the corporate latter. The movie was very fast paced; it never really stopped moving, which in my opinion didn't help the film seem as realistic. I give this film a 6 out of 10 stars because it was that "fun" to watch, but it was entertaining.
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The Navigator (1924)
one of the best silent films I've seen
12 September 2012
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This film is about a very silly love story between a pampered you man and a naïve young woman. Like many of Keaton's other films, it is always moving. The Film doesn't let you get bored. It keeps you interested with all the things that keep making a hilarious situation even more ridiculous, which only makes it all the more funny. The music adds to the entertaining stunts making them even more amusing. Toward the end of the film, the two ignorant individuals have become a fully functioning couple. In the end of the film Keaton saves the girl from cannibals and all is well. I decided to give this film an 8 out of 10 because it is a very funny film, definitely one of Keaton's better productions.
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Sherlock Jr. (1924)
Very Entertaining Movie
12 September 2012
Sherlock Jr. is a great silent film, released in 1924. Buster Keaton both stars in the film, the projectionist/detective, and directs it. The movie never has a dull moment, there is always something going on. In the movie Keaton does a great deal of stunts. Some of the more extravagant ones are done in the movie-in-a-movie. This movie-in-a-movie mirrors what is going on in the characters' real life. Each character is more elegant and their role more exaggerated. The music played a key role in setting the correct atmosphere for each scene. The screen editing was done very well for the time period. I thought this movie deserved a 7 out of 10 because it was very good and entertaining but it wasn't the best silent film.
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