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I don't get it.
9 April 2024
Glad I'm not the only one here who doesn't understand the high regard this film holds for many. I don't often go to theatrical screens these days. Saw this at a museum film series that's featured great past and contemporary international films. Upon exiting the theater I commented my displeasure to a fellow attendee who thought well of it. My criticisms bounced off his defence of the 3 hour run time, indifferent acting, murky cinematography, pointless story and unsatisfying ending. "So is life", was his rationale. Uh, ok?!

My real complaint is with the review community I read prior to attending this. The praise out weighed the more accurate cautionary warnings.

Thankfully a month later the series featured 'Perfect Days'. I loved THIS 2 hours of nothing much happening.
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Very good looking
18 January 2024
Despite formulaic plot this is a first rate Korean film. Not as intense as Man/Nowhere. Great cinematography, a cast I recognized from other films and high production values make this very enjoyable.

The smallest child is what brings Man/Nowhere to mind. Why I find Korean people so good looking is a sorta mystery to me. This has some of the sadism to be found in the genre but the comedy and mystery dominate.

If you've read this far you're probably into Asian action and I recommend this one.

Found on Tubi which has the best free platform for Asian films. Fertile selections for viewers tired of the typical.
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Very good commercial, jingoistic, eastern front war film.
21 November 2023
Mosfilm on YT has been streaming a number of 60s-70s popular Soviet Russian films. Coming of age in the 70s I watched a bunch of international films but was aware we were seeing only films of artistic merit. The foreign films most popular in country's of origin didn't make the repertory theaters or film clubs.

This is sequel to a popular 76 film. I never heard of it. Its solid in what it wants to tell. The action is clunky, dialog preachy, acting first rate, production values very good along with practical effects and scenes of hundreds of partisans.

You can enjoy this from many perspectives. As a slice of WWII history, A dialectic on how to recount history, human endurance and sacrifice, what is culturally significant in other parts of the world.
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Stalingrad (1990)
Russian proganda, high order of war film
16 October 2023
Very watchable Russian film starring Powers Booth. Big production, Lots of practical explosives, room to room gun battles, and soldiers knowing their final sacrifice is imminent. Sometimes clumsy drama, much of the time impressive battle action.

The 1993 German 'Stalingrad' is very good at telling this story from the German side in the context of the entire German invasion finally defeated here, betayed by Nazi leadership of frontline soldiers. That film is more futility of war, this is Russian, agitprop, patriotic war legend. Similar to the spirit of the 2014 3D megahit which I recommend.

Its a hell of a story that fires anyone's imagination. Pick anyone of them or all. At this writing the two older films are on youtube.
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Schon wieder Henriette (2013 TV Movie)
Decently dubbed into English, likable, routine Viennese mystery
13 August 2023
AKA MURDER BY THE BOOK; found this on freevee and enjoyed it. A little too sharp, grisly for Hallmark mystery but has a bit of that tv vibe. A very accomplished actress has the lead at age 80, dies 4 years after this release. Its always fun to see a genre piece from another country/culture.

I prefer original language but compliment the dubbing to encourage subtitle-phobes. Honestly the dubbing is above typical euro horror but well below the best.

The central character makes this above an average genre entry. She's not your typical author sucked into an obsessed fan 'who is it'. The fact that she's genuinely aged, selfish, deluded and unpleasant makes it rise above Murder She Wrote.

(All admiration to Angela Lansbury)
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Frozen Lake (2017)
Conventional murder mystery set in rural Hungary
1 August 2023
Wonderfully dubbed into English this is easily enjoyed by mystery fans. Its an exotic watch for us westerners. The setting seems like early 20th century and all the actors are unfamiliar faces. The lead investigator is an interesting character and the lead male actor reminds one of Jean Reno. The production, costuming, and supporting actors are first rate.

Never heard of this and have nothing to report beyond watching it and cursory imdb searches of actor, director. All have quality credits I'm unfamiliar with. Looking for something different within the murder mystery genre; you'll find it here. The high quality dubbing for modern film is very unusual.
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New Tricks (2003–2015)
Why didn't U.S. tv remake this show
31 July 2023
I put this in a class with Lenny Briscoe era Law & Order. The stories are so involved they stand up to rewatching. The acting is great with actors very committed to their roles. Its an outstanding entertainment.

U. S. Loves to try remakes of Brit shows so why not this one. I can think of all sorts of casting possibilities. The balance between character back stories and episodic crime solving is very well done. Some of the the stories seem ripped from contemporary news items like L&O.

I concede replacing original cast members was not too successful but for nine seasons it worked wonderfully. Solid premise, great character/casting, britishisms and surprising stories make rewatchable series television, despite one of the most annoying theme songs.
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Thatcher: The Final Days (1991 TV Movie)
Being a U.S. citizen, a thoroughly unqualified opinion
25 June 2023
I'd feel more comfortable if this was a comedy rather than a day by day docudrama. My perspective is Thatcher was like Reagan in spearheading an anti union, anti social service, and letting the well off have more and rest have less.

That said, the treachery of politically like minded male party leaders conspiring to bring her down is sad and not a moment to rejoice. This needs a tone like Veep. A wtf cynicism expressing, " Can you believe these people are in charge?".

One needs a lot of background knowledge to really appreciate this. I don't have enough. Anyone can appreciate an arrogant, mean character getting their comeuppance. That's here documented with dates, character ids, and collective knowledge of Machiavelli and tragedy.
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Murder Once Removed (1971 TV Movie)
Forgettable, not good, tv movie!
24 June 2023
I can't write 600 characters about this particular '71 tv movie. It's exemplary of much of commercial shows of the era. Its no beter or worse. Paper thin characters, unimaginative costuming, locations you've seen for years, and pacing that merely carries through the commercal break. I feel badly about the time wasted watching products like this. The plot conformity, the lack of recognizable humans, one can feel the loss of intellect like doing bad drugs.

This product serves as an indictment of the vast hours of seventies tv. Early in the seventies I remember Andy Warhol said He didn't watch tv cause its all the same show. At first I took offense but it stuck with me. From this distance, with some exceptions, tell me he was wrong.
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This Is Jinsy (2010– )
Where did these creators go?
24 June 2023
Since I watched this in '15 I occasionally checked to see what they'd do next...nothing! This was unique, funny, bizarre and canceled before its time. The high caliber guest stars and great songs made me think we had a pair of great tv creators for decades to come. I'd really like to know what happened to these guys.

If you like any of the absurdist Brit comedies ya gotta see this. The premise is brilliant. The ensemble of regulars seamlessly weaves in guest stars who all appear well into the joke. My recommendations fall on deaf ears and blind ears among my friends and acquaintances but if you've found your way this out.
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Attention rifftrax, here's one for consideration!
19 March 2023
600 characters is alittle much for cheese like this. This just popped on YT and Im happy to report I had fun watching. Sets, costumes, casting are all above tv movie calibur but the inside tv exec struggle is laughably lame. Dion Warwick sings a time setting imitation Hal David tune that puts one right in the groove.

Glossy, well intentioned trash can be fun. Theres a bit of homophobia here that is remembered as part of the time, if not unforgivable. Sexually agressive women too. Its very Jackie Susanne and feels like Beyond The Valley of the Dolls without being aware of the joke. I prefer lame melodrama to lame MCU.
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German documentary of its own history leading up to and thru nazism.
5 March 2023
Ive been watching, reading, listening to accounts of WWII for 15 years. Series from GB, France, Canada, and Russia. World At War is still the best. All have their particular perspective. So this 2021 release from Germany, with voice over interview translations is very well done. It seems that in the last 20 years the myth of the good German soldier has been exposed as wishfully false. Its perspective is from the homefront with mere mentions of the raging battles. Extensive coverage of the holocaust with interviews of citizens who interacted with camps and slave labor.

Criticisms are its breaks in timeline that might cause confusion for viewers not intimate with the sequence of events along with episode titles that are misleading. Familiar footage is mixed with some new (to me) images and footage. The historians (Ger, UK, U. S, Ital,Pol, Sov.) are authoritative and somewhat familiar to those steeped in the YT universe of docs and lectures. Found on YT 3/23.
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This most adapted author's very personal film
17 January 2023
I'm from Portland, Maine, back in '74 King published Carrie and it was a genre bestseller. Reading it I thought it would make a great B movie. It made a good mainstream film. A string of very good books and adaptions followed.

It wasnt untll Tommyknockers did I sense a personal note in his fiction. This, despite so many contemporary references and details of American life. Nothing supernatural found here but that makes it more intimate.

I don't think previous reviewers take King seriously. I havent read the source story but I'm convinced this is among his most revealing, personal writings. Separations between individuals, even in marriage, are gulfs to be fathomed and pondered seriously like they are here. This pop fiction comes into Dostoyevsky country.

The best Joan Allen performance that I've noted since her Pat Nixon.
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Yes, its very good, its diff is the lighting of Vic London
10 January 2023
Paddy Considine is a great actor. Victorian London is a great setting. This series has brought it to life most vividly. 'To Hell' came close. Its all about candlelight. The British class system, the empire's racism, the dark smelly streets, theyre all here more deeply than other films I can recall.

Les take a moment to examine Whicher as detective and human. I love a melancholy central character. He's a knowing witness to personal trajedy, social injustice and human frailty. Considine sells this amalgam of cliches with undeniable conviction. I love him! The narratives are well written and inolving. The look, mood and Wincher's sadness are what's most memorable.
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Perfect Murders (2017– )
Clever Columbo type detectives unravel perfect .....
21 December 2022
Season 1 just dropped on Prime for limited time. A series from France streaming on MHZ. Every two eps feature different eccentric detectives, seemingly 5 in all, but the premise remains throughout. Quite a bit of charm with some nice locations and likeable actors portraying unlikely detectives.

We don't watch these for plausibility. Its more like putting comfortable slippers on. It could be a hallmark product but the murderous intent is more convincing than garage sale, cup cake etc. Also less makeup and hair.

If you're interested this genre its nice to put your slippers on in another country.
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I was exhausted at pt 1 but part 2 was even more revelatory!
29 November 2022
I think the low scores are for this being too long. I just dont think they stuck around. Part 1 covers familiar territory covered in Dopesick along with earlier Doc productions. At end of 1, I couldn't imagine what 2 had left to cover. Part 2 covers the detail on distributors and pharma companies imitating Purdue biz model and tactics. It was news for me the doc gets into SEC companies having boiler rooms dedicated to defrauding insurance companies and the intricacies of seducing and bribing medical professionals is detailed here where other sources merely reference.

Without sensationalism Gibney documents a big, depressing account of irresponsible corporate greed and their minion supplicants. Drug dependecy moves to a white, mainstream, population thanks to sophisticated, deceitful marketing. Big, big story.

Profiteers blame it on the moral weakness of its victims. Spit in your hand, swish the pill in spittle , remove the time release coating, Rush Limbaugh taught me that (sorta).

FWIW, 2010-13 i worked in many rural areas VA-ME and kept seeing front page overdose stories, spikes in rates, narcan for cops, etc.
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So many interpretations, here's one more.
23 November 2022
Portraying a long life is a serious undertaking. Here is a film that is purposely filled with artiface, briiliant color and makeup. Our hero is filled with corny virtue and presumptive thinking that England's right to empire is inarguable. It took me a third viewing of the 163 min version to get this film with any comfort. I'ts about an individual who's core doesn't change in changing times. There are tragic aspects to this inflexibility along with heroic aspects that are ripe for ridicule.

I'm of 70+years and see Inflexibility is at the heart of comedy. My relationship with contemporary music comes to mind. For that matter MCU too. Check this film out at different times of your life, along with YouT's Scorsese and others insightful analysis. Its a splendid old school film and regret I havent seen it in 35mm.
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Breathe: Into the Shadows (I) (2020– )
8+ rating..oh please!
22 November 2022
If you havent noticed productions from India are universally overrated. To say this is good/great is beyond any credible reasoning. I try to avoid generalizations but i gotta call em as I see em. The acting elevates this above dreck. The premise is ludicrous, pedestrian direction with cheesy production values. Do people give anything an 8 cause they sat thru all of it? Im repeating myself here cause I wrote much the same for Nazi Hunters (whada pos). 8 should mean meaningful, memorable and of some solid merit. This is forgettable trash like NH. I've completed my rant but if you like this, you're a candidate to be my serial killer.
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Fanatics espousing beliefs and condemnations is tedious!
14 September 2022
I have zero interest in LDS fanatics. A bit more interest in reasoned believers caught in conflict with exremists. But, only a bit! Muslim, survivalist, Amish, Christian nationalists, they're all annoying to me. So this series features a lot of that claptrap and conflict but its got a number of nice human beats and a native american outsider detective that kept me watching. Though Brother, Ive got time to watch all sorts of stuff. Acting, casting, locations, production values, are all very good. Writing is problematic when it has fanatical dialogue taking up so much time. Garfield is a strong lead.
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Private Eye (1987–1988)
Pilot moves like a glacier. Lead actor is a stiff, but...
20 August 2022
Supporting cast and production values wre very strong. Josh Brolin is stong in good character part. Locations, costume, hair are all well integrated. Hard to get past the stiff in the middle.
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The class distinctions are somewhat subtle.
10 July 2022
I don't Know Chelsea outside of NYC. This is a classic Brit mystery series with the slow but interesting pace and great character casting. Yoga studios, big backyards in an urban setting.
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The Protégé (2021)
How many more times, avenge me the way you do!
10 July 2022
Korean filmmakers do this so much more interestingly. The lead actress is not that interesting. The globe hopping is not that convincing.. Secondary characters not up to scratch.

If this formulaic, fast moving entertainment is your thing, you'll be enertained.
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Underbelly: Aussie Bob & Kiwi Terry (2009)
Season 2, Episode 1
S2 knocked me out back in 2010
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderful, gratuitous nudity, cool Aussie music, lots a beah and testosterone. Solid central characters and great secondary character parts.

I've sampled other seasons but none hooked me like S2. Binge worthy and it put me onto other OZ tv series.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
This and Reacher are similiar, forgettable, righteous revenge fantasies.
1 July 2022
For all those who rate this higher than me, check out the Korean crime stuff. The John Wick team is remaking Man From Nowhere. This series is small, unmemorable beer in comparison. It does have the momentum to push thru, just like Reacher, but in a month comb your memory if you can remember what it was about.
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On the duty of Lady Violet and romance might I recommend.
21 May 2022
I still wonder why I find Victorian/Edwardian era GB so interesting. This concept of duty reoccurs. On YT you can find '86 All Passion Spent starring Dame Wendy Hiller as widow to a distinguished diplomat in service to the realm. 3x1hr tv production, impeccably cast in a story of people in 'service'. If you have an idea of what I'm talking about I think you'll like it.
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