
2 Reviews
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This potentially good film could have been so much better.
25 August 2006
Having recently purchased the box set of all 10 Star Trek films (including Next Generation), I watched Star Trek V, not having seen it since it was released, hoping that it would improve on a second watching.

Watching it now, I can see that here was a story that could have been very, very powerful, and the film could have been an equal to Star Trek: The Motion Picture, which is also underrated by non-Star Trek fans.

The overwhelming sense I got in this film was that everything proceeded so quickly, as if the producers/director felt that a successful film was trim, with no excess fat. Those people who really enjoy a good steak, enjoy that little bit of fat on the edge, or marbled through the meat. It makes it all so much more tasty, even if it has little nutritional value. To remove myself from the metaphor, Star Trek fans enjoy the taking of time over certain elements - seeing the ship, seeing it travel, dialogue en route, etc.

If there was a director's cut, or another cut, that wasn't so very lean, I think the new pace would work to the film's advantage. Of course the worst element of pacing is the finale. When we finally arrive at the centre of the galaxy, Kirk & Co. march straight in without much ado. Think to the Enterprise venturing into the cloud that surrounded V-GER. We were given time to savour the beautiful visuals set to a engaging score.

To my mind this doesn't happen in Star Trek V, and this is its weakness. I think it is still a reasonable film. The scene where Spock and McCoy are shown there heart's deepest wound is quite moving. With a little more breadth, this could have been incredible. It's frustrating that the film will not get the best treatment the story deserves. When watching the special features, it seems that the production was not smooth sailing, the finale weakened due to poor response (according to Shatner) from special effects teams. As a Star Trek fan, I can't give this film less than a 5. I hope that's not out of sentimentality.
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Watch it for the ending!
4 February 2005
Amongst a group of Donald Sutherland devotees, I watched this film with numb awe. That a film could be so incredibly unfunny despite a video cover describing it as a "riotous romantic comedy" was disappointing to say the least. The film contained none of Donald Sutherland's eccentric acting traits, which I enjoy in most of his other performances, and it was hard to recollect exactly which part was "riotous", though my friends and I thought we may have found it. I love films that are so awful that they are great, but his one failed to measure up even to this standard.

Despite this negative opinion, I must still advise anyone with an interest in Donald Sutherland, Suzanne Somers, or bad movies, that one should watch this all the way through, despite the tedium, to appreciate the bizarre and remarkable ending. Even though I could not describe what it is, it is to be seen to be believed. That someone, or some people, at the end of several months work watched this last scene and thought "Yeah, that makes a good ending" defies belief. Watch it for the ending!
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