
52 Reviews
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Fan Service Failure
13 May 2024
This is a typical sequel. It has a similar scenario. It hits all the same beats. It sets itself up for yet another.

However, it fails to have the same punch as the first one. The character this time around are somehow more shallow. They play up to what the fans are expecting by being white supremacy stereotypes and yet they manage to have even less back story than the first.

There is an emptiness in the mayhem. The demise of each of foe feels shallow and empty. The villainy of the characters feels over the top. The stakes are not as high. She is older now and yet her approach is less clever.

Having just watch the first. I cannot say I am disappointed but I am left wanting for something more.
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Nothing New
11 May 2024
The simple people rise against the empire!

The simple farmers are so simple, their simpliness so simply simple that we cannot help but root for them.

Oh, wait. I can. This concept is so over done is boring. Just another technology advanced civilization with advanced space travel with farmers harvesting by hand. It's such banal nonsense that we as the viewer are expected to just accept. The writer and director must see us as simpletons; giving us these shallow simple people as what we are able to relate to

I would rather see the story of the lineage of the royalty and their magic than this trite garbage.
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Arcadian (2024)
Shallow with no payoffs
11 May 2024
There is a lot of stuff in this movie but it is severely lacking in depth.

It's never really clear what is going on or why anyone is doing what they are doing. Some of this is for effect but the vast majority is simply shallow writing.

It's not that we do not understand the motivation of the characters, we never understand what they are even attempting to accomplish.

For example, they go scavenging. But for what? There is no obvious plunder. Another is helping with a farm, but to what end? What is received in return? Certainly not camaraderie. There appears to no cooperation. Just a reason to insert a love interest?

It really doesn't make a lot of sense. There is so much going on and yet there is explanation for why these specific things are going on. It's simply poor writing and there is no pay off to make the journey worthwhile.

It feels like half the movie is missing and it's not simply the first or second half, it's half of every scene.
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Cargo (I) (2017)
Not Worth the Time Investment
7 April 2024
I cannot in good conscience give any zombie movie that involves a group having survived the first wave suddenly and unexplainably falling apart as they refuse to follow the established rules of survival.

The is much potential wasted here by a script that creates tension by having its characters making foolish choices that lead directly to their inevitable conclusion.

It is one thing for characters to make bad decisions but compensating in other way that lead towards their continued survival. This does not occur here. The only explanation is that the characters have survived based on purely dumb luck, these are not the stories I want to waste me time on.
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Funny Games (1997)
Lame Attempt to Create a German Clockwork Orange?
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Congratulations to the director for creating the most boring movie in this genre. It appears justification for this is for effect but the ego always backfills such justification.

From the start it is quite obvious this family is not surviving this encounter as its follows that their intruders had finished murdering the neighbors and had moved on to them.

The long shots after the murder of their son is an interesting way to burn through film but is a boring way to show the family feeling the boys death.

That they do this instead of exhibiting any survival instincts is the director's fetish through and through and this is not the first time they idle about.

The literally waste time fiddling with there phone rather than attempting to flee the scene. Their lack of urgency is really bizarre.

Their failure to arm themselves during the ordeal is equally bizarre.

This movie leans hard into the caviler nature of its killers, it's like the director is trying to summon clockwork orange. If this is the case it's a horrible failure. I found myself checking the remaining running time.

Between the killer uses the remote to rewind, and the movie ending on a still shot of the killer looking into the camera, I found myself wishing I could rate negative stars.
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Sick (2022)
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible in so many ways, I got bored trying to keep track of them all.

Only one of the main characters, Beth has the proper looks for a slasher fill so we're not left with anything to look at while attempting to ignore the plot holes.

Eventually it's revealed that there as many killers as there are victims and suddenly the girl the killer was trying to murder is suddenly held captive.

The movie is so ridiculous. The killers are mad because their stupid kid went to a Covid party and got sick and of course rather than blame their stupid kid, they hunt down everyone at party and murder them. This is so beyond stupid that I struggled not to give this one star for being based on just a stupid premise.
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Terrible in Every Way. Painfully Terrible.
2 April 2024
Everyone in the cast for this movie is at least 20 years older than they need to be for this style of comedy to land.

The humor is a sort of ridiculous slap stick that requires the characters to be mentally disabled. It is impossible to accept these characters as existing except as escapees from a group living facility.

There isn't a single normal realistic character on the entire movie. It feels is like a skit that goes on for 10 times longer than is tolerable. If they had used child actors then I cold see this being quite clever.

At one point they talk about a hospital that is just for kids with cancer and claim this isn't believable. Since such a place does exist, it's becomes clear that the script is not in on the joke. The writing is simply the best possible from a cast of very ignorant people and it's difficult to find the humor.
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Outsiders (2021)
First Half a Potential Good Movie
1 April 2024
This movie is the first half of what could be something interesting, unfortunately this ends without explaining what's happening.

There is some interesting setup and some interesting questions are raised but the movie fails to deliver on any of it.

The events in the movie indicates this isn't the first time someone has mysteriously vanished from this town. That's cool but if you're looking to understand why there is no answer. There is subtext to read into indicting that anyone else has any idea either.

There is a lot of drama and some excellent tension but the viewer is left with nothing when the movie suddenly ends the credits roll.
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Wonka (2023)
Tiresome Slog
31 March 2024
What could have been a deep dive into the magic of wonka chocolates is belly flop in a shallow pond of chocolatey disappointment.

Every inch of this movie has the feel of a some other movie I've seen too many times.

There is a very simple story here; incredibly simple and rather than creating depth there is nothing.

The style of the movie edges on Tim Burton's but again in a way that is irritating.

The musical aspect is grating. No aspect of it expands the universe we find our self in, its use is merely to hastily shove the plot forward. The lyrics lack any sense of a cleverness.

I waited for the whole the plot to start clicking and it never came. The entire movie is an upward slo., The protagonists being a conspiracy aided by a corrupt police force makes it all the more tiresome.
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Not Comedy. Not Funny.
28 March 2024
This is not a comedy act. There are no jokes, there are no punchlines. This is a monologue. A one woman show on her personal relationship with human sex organs.

This is the very definition of the adage that all young people think they invented sex.

I'm sure this plays well on college campuses. Anyone above that age is going to find this boring and repetitive.

The laughs from the audience are weak. More chuckles than uproarious laughter.

The pace is annoying and exhausting without no pay off.

The only thing impressive in this performance is her ability to talk about this singular subject without saying anything.

There is no aspect of her perspective that is new or interesting. Nothing she says is anything that teenagers haven't discussed amongst themselves over the ages.
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Life Like (2019)
A movie that leaves you asking, Why was this made?
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is clearly a movie that had a single idea and filled in the details needed to achieve that point.

We are presented with a movie that fails to show and instead relies on telling. It tells and tells and tells.

The company he inherited from his father is losing money. This causes him stress. Exactly what the company does is never clear. Why it is losing money is never clear. This is simply used as plot device to indicate he is stressed and not fully available to his wife.

There is zero chemistry with this couple

This is a weird portrayal of rich people. At one point they say they are richer than God but nothing about the scenery says wealthy. They appear upper middle class at best.

Their house is said to be a mansion but the exterior shot we see shows otherwise. Their bedroom is tiny as are the other rooms, such as kitchen. There are two servants and this is supposed to indicate their wealth and how much house it is to maintain. Early in the movie, the wife fires them both as a display of kindness.

The cinematography seems to think whiskey and cigars are enough to indicate wealth. Everyone is wearing poorly tailored suits. He runs the company from behind a cheap desk.

Then there is the robotic company setup. Apparently the robotic company is doing this all on the down low, luckily his company signed NDAs with them. This does not mesh with any reality. Robotic companies are always over promising and under delivering.

The robotic salesman, ceo, whoever is so artsy that it's hard to take it seriously. In one scene, he commands the robot licked the bottom of a shoe. "Unbelievable" exclaims the couple -- yes but only if you don't understand robots. It's more trashy than anything.

This is the only time the robot will do as explicitly commanded. Throughout the rest of the movie the robot will often answer questions with a questions or worse with a glib remark.

The robot is suppose to be perfect but has blemishes and calloused hands. It hard to find any aspect of this movie that was well done.

Then the robot goes full philosophy major. It's all quite ridiculous. What happened to the robot that made it stop taking command literally?

Oh, right it learns from its environment,m. It's learned to be annoying based on what the couple has asked of it. It knows them better than themselves and here's where we hit the point it was driving head first towards and it's less satisfying than one would think possible.

He was never a robot. It was a human the entire time!

In summation, the annoying wife fired the servants and replaced them with a slave.

It's also not sci-fi. It's a shallow misdirection.

This entire movie would be better if it just allowed itself to be soft core porn.
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All drama. No Comedy. No Horror.
23 March 2024
Do not be fooled by the genres listed. This is all drama. Any hints of comedy or horror are drenched so thoroughly in the drama aspect that their flavor cannot be detected.

It is long. Very very long.

The scenes are interesting for a while but it becomes clear it's just layers of surreal upon surreal until it becomes boring. Then it keeps going, layer after layer.

The movie's runtime says 3 hours but it feels more like 5.

Nothing meaningful happens.

These types of movies have a purpose but they need to have a message. This has none. One might say that that the message is there is no message.
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Waste of Time
18 March 2024
It's starts off with some descent action but then just hangs and hangs.

Three friends whose lives have amounted to nothing just hanging out. They are each a caricature of a common blue collar worker to the point that it is insulting to blue collar workers.

Then when the moment comes for them to do something. They don't. They are all weak willed and show themselves as all bark and no bit.

There are so many options they could have pursued beyond the original plan but instead they do nothing.

And worst of all we spend all that build up just to see them do nothing. This is beyond disappointing because the build wasn't interesting.

There is no redemption.

No character growth.

We are introduced to some losers and the credits role and they are still losers.

The only thing I'm left certain of is their fathers would not have backed down.
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Argylle (2024)
Fun Romp That Never Takes It Serouisly
18 March 2024
Never takes itself serious and neither should the viewer. This checks off all the boxes of a mystery spy thriller and adds a few checkboxes.

It's a mystery spy novel based movie where our lead is the writer writing the story as it unfolds and with the whacky premise comes a whacky movie.

The cat is steals a lot of scenes. Often hilariously so. This alone makes it a movie to watch with the children.

I for one cannot help being entertained by a choreographed dance gun battle.

I never knew how much fun an ice skating based fight scene could be until now.

If you're thinking, wow that sounds cheesy, you're damn right. I did say this didn't take itself seriously.

Enjoy the ride.
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Don't bother God will forgive you for not watching this
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There is an adage in writing show don't tell. This movie doesn't show, it only tells. And tells and tells and tells.

There is nothing here for the viewer to interpret. The script tells you exactly what everyone is thinking and how to think and feel.

There is man that is lost in life and and old man that is not lost and shows the younger man the way.

There is bad guy trying to buy an old man's land. He won't sell so henchmen are sent to force the man to sell. The bad guy is of course connected and knows some judges because this explains everything. We never met this bad guy because this is shallow plot device.

There is a lot of talking about god and how god has answers and praying for each other. This is done in very heavy handed and has literal preaching. This is more telling not showing.

It's hard not to groan when the younger man, who committed armed robbery tells the older man he is the real bad guy for not being a father to a child. Turns out this is a child he had with "another women" and the other women bounced out of town preventing him from doing the right thing, which he fully intended to do.

The young man has to be talked out of executing one of the henchmen but instead they just collect ids because that'll solve it.

Given the shooting locations the cinematography is shallow. The writing is lazy writing and the result is forgettable experience.

I'm sure a church going Christian would disagree because this movie was written directly for that audience.
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A lot of pieces that don't fit
16 March 2024
It's hard to make sense of this movie.

It's starts as at a fast food restaurant and this apparently plays a larger part in the movie but it doesn't make any attempts to tie this into the later pieces.

The scene with the stoner friend should have been left on the cutting room floor. It serves literally no purpose.

There is banter between him and his sister and the the sister brother relationship does not play into the rest of the movie. There are a few key scenes here but the college, the vegan friend, it goes now where. Cutting room floor.

Then we get into the ridiculous aspect. Every illegal immigrant is arrest as well as their children for being accessories? What? Minors too?

It's not really addressed.

We spend too much time watching our lead in a detention cell. Nothing happens here, none of it matters, keep or moving. Cutting room floor.

Then to get out there is a program the children ca. Go into? This makes no sense, pothead idea? It really doesn't work, but don't worry, they quickly move past it.

Now we're in the meat of the movie, something interesting is definitely going to go here. Not really. I want to say it goes off the rails but it was never on rails to begin with.

The pacing never comes together. It's just a mishmash of common played out scenarios until the merciful end.
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Dual (2022)
Ending Ruins It, Rest is Barely Watchable
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Premise is silly. The idea that clones pop out as fully formed adults. Ok, common plot device.

Laws that force one to become a murderer, incredible far fetched. Clone support? What the hell, I thought it was an adult not a child, it's all nonsense that isn't well thought out.

But then for her clone to kill her and pretend she is the original and no one can tell...jumped the shark into silliness.

She is clearly not but we are to accept those in her life cannot tell either or are lying but without letting us know. It becomes way too much and is completely unnecessary other than to add a twist that doesn't change anything.
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Strange Lovely Film
10 March 2024
This film is a small snapshot of the life of a man who wears his bitterness on his sleeve. Displaying some potential alcoholism and is as lost in his dreams as he is in life.

His main goal is own home but like many he lack the funds or income. A story that will resonate with many today struggling in their own way but our main character is an adjunct professor of economics which gives him the platform to declare his displeasure on how he feels the system treats those without means.

His other dream is to become a writer and when he stumbles upon the opportunity to own a home with clause that forces him to have a roommate of sorts, he finds himself a story worth telling.

Over all this is a lovely tale of person and growth and while there are moments that stretches the realm of reality, these are offset by the introduction of characters who are each living their own American dream. Thus offering a contrast not often explored in this type of film.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Romance Disguised as SciFi
4 March 2024
This is a romance story. There is no denying otherwise.

The spacecraft and its SciFi are merely the setting.

The space spider is the vehicle for telling the story.

But remove all of that and there is nothing new here. Nothing new to explore. Just musically backed introspection on what is loneliness and what it means to love and lose love.

Was the ancient space creature real or just his imagination. The interactions can be explained as nothing more than space madness. There are hints that the creature was never there which in my opinion is a stronger story in that it illustrates the power of the human mind to self heal and that alone dictates my rating.
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More Comedic Than Horror; Unintentionally
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
She brains her sister with the rock.

There, I've saved you the trouble of watching this movie.

Yes the ending is terrible. The aliens win. She's just more troublesome than most.

Before we find this out we see that she brains the first alien with piece of wood. But really that's one is more on the alien than her. Since the alien is tossing her and the room about and when your skill is easily pierced by a wooden shard, that's not a smart thing to.

Why this doesn't trigger a memory of her murdering her sister is clearly done to drawn this storyline out or she is such a terrible person she sees no connection.

Later she stabs another in the shoulder. She starts one on fire. The aliens don't take any of this personally because they don't take any of their numerous chances to kill her. So add that to the numerous plot holes.

Also, the aliens are lame humanoids that wear no clothes and are androgynous. But they come in multiple sizes and make a lot of croaking noises and sometimes make weird movements. Boo!

In the end the aliens spit her out and leave her alone but not really, that's just the only trance she could accept. Again, she's just more troublesome than most.

So the aliens took over and humans are presumably withering away in some bodysnatcher situation. I assume there is no procreation happening so it's really just a matter of time before humanity dies off.

The end.
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The Shift (II) (2023)
Hot Mess
3 March 2024
A lot of 10 star ratings skewing the reality of this films quality.

This thing is a Christian-centric message, there is no deigning this. It is incredibly heavy handed. If that's your thing, then ignore my review, this movie was literally made for you.

This flow of this film tries really hard to be a normal movie but it's clearly written and directed by someone who has a Christian message that want to deliver and isn't interested in creating a movie for anyone who isn't already primed to receive this message.

It is labeled sci-fi but it is not science based it is god-fi, or more specifically christian-fi.

The flow of the film is terrible.

There is no redemption in the cinematography.

There is no redemption in the score.

The characters are uninteresting and shallow.

I cannot recommend anyone watch this.
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Melancholia (2011)
Forgettable Trash - (Re)Watch Don't Look Up instead
4 February 2024
Anyone saying this movie is ridiculous because of the planet is overlooking the entire rest of the movie's ridiculousness.

The director is a clueless hack.

The movie opens in slow motion. Painful, boring, slow motion that means nothing, ever at any point.

For the rest of the movie we are treated to jerky camera work. With the camera often jerking all over the room, cutting around randomly just to jerk around some more it becomes nauseating.

I'm sure the director thinks this creates a feeling of something, I think they're just incompetent and hiding their inability to portray emotions without resorting to gimmicks. The sound is used the same way; the instrumentals a exploited for heavily for exposition.

After the slow motion ends, we're suddenly in a limo with a bride and groom whose driver is having trouble parking. In what world does the bride and groom stay in the limo while it's being parked? In what world does anyone who has hired a limo stay in the limo while it's being parked? The director and writer are showing their incompetence isn't just a one off, it's going to be the entire movie.

I'm sure there is supposed to be some deep hidden meaning behind no one noticing when the bride gets up and wanders off in the middle of dinner by herself, but this again shows that this world is nonsense.

Apparently this is about depression but it's not really, I'm certain that just a cover to explain this horrible mess.

This isn't what depression looks like for most people. Most people that are depressed aren't surrounded by horrible; people who find it appropriate to chastise the bride about the cost of a reception; people who pull the bridge aside to remind them not to cause a scenes; people who make the night about their petty grievances rather than the wedding couple and their future.

The second half of the film shows an alternative reality...apparently. This is closer to depression but the first half is too terrible to make up for it.

If there is a story about depression meant to be told here I don't see it. There is most definitely a depressed character in this movie but there is zero exploration. The director disgustingly uses it as a vehicle to provoke the viewer on multiple occasions.

The director did the viewer no favor by not flipping the second half with the first and I'm not going to subject myself to a second viewing because of the director's incompetence. The idea of rewatching the jerky camera work makes me want to vomit.

It's quite clear by when the reviews were created that this movie was overly hyped during its release and then quickly forgotten. Good riddance.

If there is a movie that does a better job of insisting upon itself, I have not yet seen it.
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Last Man Down (2021)
22 January 2024
There is no reason to watch this unless you personally know someone that is involved with its creation. And then, only so you can make fun of them for said involvement.

I spent most of the movie reading the other reviews on here and I disagree with any that proclaim some redeeming value here.

They kill off the prettier of the two women.

There isn't a decently acted scene in the entire movie.

There is a virus but it doesn't seem to matter. We don't see anyone sick.

The apocalypse apparently was a forest fire.

Everyone is wearing matching shirts and armor in a post-apocalyptic environment. Really doesn't seem like anyone is suffering.

Our main character switches between guns and bow and arrow at one point just because.

The action scenes are terrible.

The main character has no situational awareness, taking a potty break while the enemy wanders on to the property.

The enemy is worse. Coming out of hiding slowly enough to be shot without a chance to return fire. They are often looking in the wrong direction, like a bot in a video game. They all wear black armor that serves no purpose.

I applaud anyone that makes it through the entire thing.
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Freelance (2023)
Ridiculous Yet Enjoyable
21 January 2024
The premise of this movie has been done dozens of times previously but never found myself bored. The action beats are excellent.

The storyline is ridiculous yet relatable. The country doesn't exist but the reality of the story is something anyone with a bit of South America history can follow along.

The story avoids and weird twists that these types of movies try to throw into the mix. This allows the viewer to just follow along and enjoy the ride.

And the ride is fun so while there are definitely many things one could point out as ridiculous the story doesn't dwell on any of it and so in the end there is no need to dissect it. Just enjoy.
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Escape Room -- No Skills Required
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This might have been better if not for the random killings. Literally random.

It makes the entire premise pointless. The people who are alive aren't special, they aren't smarter, more bold, etc. They simply didn't get their switch flipped by a random actor.

I found it impossible to care about the outcome.

There are also too many characters. It becomes difficult to keep track of them all but about half way through, you realize it's pointless. They are all as likely to die as any other because of the random switch flipping.

The gore isn't that gory and the story line isn't all that interesting. I found myself tuning out and was even further disappointed with the ending showing it's just one experiment amongst hundreds of others all occurring at the same moment. This some how makes it feel even more pointless.
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