
3 Reviews
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A criminally boring and nasty little film.
18 March 2021
This is a dark, nasty little film deceptively marketed as a Disney kids film, it deals callously with death, murder, rape, infidelity and almost all the characters are selfish (in as much as they're fleshed out at all.)

All this might make it sound either tantalising or a potential morality tale, or a conversation starter to talk about these issues with children.

Unfortunately, its biggest crime is that it's utterly boring so by the time it's finished you won't care, you'll just want to have a shower. As well as unengaging, poorly paced, ugly, needlessly theatrical (this stage musical is unconvincingly transferred to screen) especially in its 2nd half. It's 'dark humour' is woefully misjudged and leaves a sour taste. Maybe Tim Burton could have handled the source material more successfully?

Plusses? A funny scene with the two princes and some clever lyrics. I get what it's doing; subversive... retelling... modern... blah blah blah. and I wish it hadn't bothered.

I don't have many free afternoons to sit and relax with my 7y.o. daughter - this wasted one of them in the most profound ways and left her bored and me angry. Very much regretted watching it with her. I truly hated this dark, grimy film.
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The Underthinker
23 September 2018
What happened? Demitri's standup used to be sweet, clever and relatively clean. This is sweary, lazy, undeveloped and embarrassing. Literally admitting onstage that you have no ending to a joke... come on. So disappointed.
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Wow, this was bitterly disappointing
10 May 2012
The Wicker Tree is more disappointing than I ever thought it could be. Terrible acting, clunky direction, naff music, unbelievable characters.

In the original, Howie's character was a believable, devout Christian - committed, horrified at Summerisle's pagan practices and living out a believable battle between his commitment to faith and all the temptations that Summerisle presents. In contrast, the Wicker Tree's Beth and Steve are shallow caricatures, lame stereotypes played for cheap laughs. Their mission to evangelise 'heathen Scotland' doesn't ring true. Relocating from a remote island to mainland UK removes any hint of genuine threat and isolation (you don't for one moment believe this place actually exists) and, given that Hardy is a Brit, that kind of lazy writing and directing is unforgivable. Clearly no research went in to trying to authentically present these places and characters - S+B's relationship is unconvincing from the first moment, their behaviour dubious, Beth's back-story is laughable and their methods of faith-sharing unconvincing guess work on Hardy's part. These things are also true of the characters' portrayal in Hardy's book (Cowboys for Christ) so it's no surprise that the film lazily regurgitates these errors. By the time their inevitable demise ensues, you've long ceased caring and you're just left hoping that the pay-off for these wretched cardboard cut-outs is worth it. It's not.

Clearly the Wicker Man is fantastical, but the joy and horror of it stems from the possibility that it could.. just be.. a true story. Tree, on the other hand, is like a poorly thought out play written by 15 year olds for a GCSE drama production. Everything that was bold, funny, scary, shocking and beautiful about the first film is (I assume unintentionally) mocked or (intentionally) rehashed. In 90 minutes there was one moving moment and only one genuinely (and intentionally) funny scene. Thematically, any attempt to comment on faith and religion, hope and virtue, sacrifice and naivete, love and death, nature and fear all go out of the window - if they were ever welcomed in to the room in the first place. The whole thing stinks. The music is tagged on, unmemorable and cringe-worthy. The comedy characters are woefully misjudged and their story arcs embarrassing. It doesn't matter how many breasts are thrust at the screen, there is zero erotic tension - Steve's temptation and subsequent actions are so ludicrous that Woodward would turn in his grave if he could see his character's virtues and struggles being so lazily lambasted.

Did I also mention: it's not at all scary. The Christopher Lee scene should have gone straight to the cutting room floor. The dialogue is naff. The acting is - for the most part and excluding Clive Russell - amateur. The rituals and rites of May Day and the Riding of the Laddie fail to engage or intimidate.

Pluses? The scenery is nice. The poster art is excellent. Nic Cage isn't in it - although I'd watch that sacrilegious Wicker Man remake 10 times before I ever sat down to watch this again. Why? because for other people to demonstrate sheer stupidity in tearing apart and misunderstanding the Wicker Man legend is one thing - for Robin Hardy to do it in such a cheap, tacky, boring, patronising way is something else entirely and he should be duly ashamed.

If you love the Wicker Man, curiosity will drive to you see this anyway - I'd be really interested to hear if people found it more bearable or less disappointing than I did. Am I being too harsh? Whatever - I won't be watching it again to find out.
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