
86 Reviews
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highly enjoyable fantasy
21 April 2024
I always feel that people who rate 10s and 1s have an agenda. Theres no way they could have watched this show and rated it honestly. Its a pretty decent fantasy series with good acting performances all round. Special effects are pretty decent and the story moves along at a pretty decent pace. It may not exactly follow the bok or the movie but it dosnt take anything away from the entertainment value. My only gripe and its a small one at that is that the children are a a bit to old, having said that it dosnt take anything away from the show. Christian slater is great in a role that was made for him. Its well orth a watch if you give it a chance.
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absolute joke of a movie
13 December 2023
One of the worse movies i have ever seen and ive seen some bad ones. This seems to be a terrible trend with reboots of a successful franchise, simply put the name in the title and any old garbage in the scrtpt and hope it will sell. This fails on every aspect from acting to directing to cinematography. Rachel zegler is badly miscast and really lame, at least jennifer lawrence was believable as a badass but zegler just dosnt cut it. Its about time holywood stopped piggybacking off successful franchises and started to come up with more original concepts before irreparable damage is done to the movie industry.
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Undateable (2014–2016)
truely awful
11 September 2023
Once again the canned laughter kills wshat should have been an above adverage show. It feels like its on constantly and theres just not that manylaugh out loud places in the show. The cast feels like they are trying to hard to see who can get the biggest laugh with the outcome failing badly. There are no redeeming qualitys either and i have tried on more than one occasion the watch this as it does have a pretty decend cast, but alas my perciverence was wasted. I feel that this happens with a lot of american comedies, too much caned laughter takes you out of the moment and ruins the punchline. A sad show from a great cast.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Over hyped tripe
31 August 2023
I found this to be just another over hyped show, piggy backing off a successful franchise. The acting is really sub par and the plot is simply at its thinest, comes across as put together to make a quick buck. Special effects are awfuyl, so bad that it feels like it was plucked straight out of the 70s. I dont know wether it was done deliberately as to be more conected to the original star wars or its just plain bad, ill leave it up to you the viewer to decide. Same goes for the wardrobe, outfits look like they have been hanging in a wardrobe since the 70s and just dusted off for this . All in all its just terrible.. did manage to watch 3 episodes and i was done. Very disapointing,
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Slasher (2016–2023)
not for the faint hearted
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 5 is quite possibbly the best revenge / horror ever made but be advised it can be really gruesome and not for the faint hearted. Its a real plot twster with it throwing suspects up at every turn with some real hateable characters thoughout this season. Its a nice idea to set in the period which it is set, having to deal with inadaquacies of forensics and the corruption of law inforcement by the rich and powerful. This reallly is an awesome show with some really great performances all round and the big reveal at the end is well worth the wait. I binge watched this as once i started i just had to see who the killer was.
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just not funny anymore.
11 November 2022
This used to be a pretty half decent show, when there were actual celebritys on and they were genuine. The confrontations and arging was real and so was the humour and laughter. Now the show is full of non celebritys and everything seems so fake and forced. Ant and dec need to be put out to pasture, their school yard humour just isnt funny anymore. Everyone is so afraid of social media that they just tow the party guidelines, make assinine comments, childish jokes and over the top and fake reactions to every situation in the hope of boosting their media profile. Long gone are the days when celebrity actual meant being famous.
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Grimcutty (2022)
enjoyable horror flick
12 October 2022
I have to say i quite enjoyed this horror movie. Will probably be more relatable to social media brigade but enjoyable none the less. A real creepy looking monster and a few scares along the way. Lead was quite likeable and rest of cast gave good supporting roles. Nothing to gory, makes more of a scare in the tense built up to altercations with the protaganist and the ending although seemed a bit predictable was enjoyable none the less. Special effects were a C+ or a B. Its definatly worth a watch for something a bit different. You wont be disapointed a nd maybe relate to those of us who have children that are glue to social media.
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this dosn't suck (no pun intended)
17 September 2022
If you use the books as a guide rather than a script you get a pretty decent vampire show. Ignore all the 10/10s and 1/10s and read the inbetween reviews and you will get a more honest feel of how good or bad the show is. I for one quite enjoyed it. It wasnt quite as good as the movie but it came pretty darn close. Script is pretty solid and decent performances from most of the characters. Special effects are on point. Given the state of streaming platforms and how fast they seem to cancel shows whether good or bad. I could see this show running for 3 or 4 seasons if it picks up the pace and with legacies finishing its a good way to get your vampire fix.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
just blah
21 August 2022
Granted its only one episode in but it was nothing special. Maybe expectations are high but i was a bit disappointed. I really hope it picks up as its predecessor was awesome.
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no original
19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a stand alone movie this would have been a pretty decent flick but tying it to the original fails. Anyone who was familiar with the original knows the big reveal came as a bit of a shock and the protaganiost was definately creepy. In this the child looks like an adult so the creepiness isnt quite there. It is however creepy and decent performances all round. Definately worth a watch.
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Prey (I) (2022)
great add to the predator series
6 August 2022
I have to say i really enjoyed this. Amber Midthunder is an absolute badass in the lead. I was particular impressed by the was it was aged to wild west. This is well worth a watch and in my opinion its one of the better movies from the predator series.
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this sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 July 2022
What you have here is lazy made movie with all the players cashing in on a great franchise with as little effort as possible, all in the name off making a quick buck. The situations the cast get into is laughable and the way they escape them is proposturous. FX are great and at times entertaining but definately not worth the small fortune i spent at the cinema.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
A real let down
17 June 2022
Terrible casting makes this a failure ,with a lot of bad acting thrown in for good measure. This should have been a great chapter in the NCIS legacy but fails miserably. Disappointing.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Solid action thriller
5 June 2022
Above average thriller. Clips along at a good pace. Strong cast and good performances all round. Definitely worth a watch. Liam nelson at his kickass best.
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Morbius (2022)
Epic failure
1 June 2022
This has got to be the worse casting ever. No empathy for any of the characters and a substandard plot. Pretty cool effects but fails everywhere else.
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Scream (I) (2022)
dull,boring,phoning it in.
17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Putting the killers front and centre on the movie poster has to be the dumbest idea ever, completely spoilt it for me, took me right out of the moment. Its like almost every sequal thats released lately, no real thought put into the plot, actors just going through motion and just churn out a movie that relies on its predecessor . If i'm completely honest i think the scary movie franchise ruined the scream franchise, you cant watch it without laughung a little. Enjoy it for what it is but dont expect to much.
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Sad demise of an old friend
22 December 2021
If this had been the first there would never have been a second. It seems its the run of the mill these days, add a sequil to a popular movie add put no thought into it. Epic let down across the board. Worth watching to compare to original but be prepared to be disappointed.
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pretty decent reboot
22 December 2021
Has to be said they really captured the creepiness on the first 2 games, especially the mansion and the RPD building. Story moves along at a pretty decent pace. My only negative take away would be the terrible casting. The jill valentine and leon characters in particular were nothing like they should have looked, which for me it took a lot away from the finished product. Its a good watch but it could have been a lot better.
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one of the best
10 November 2021
Loved this final outing for daniel craig and in my opinion definately one of the better bond movies. Action moves along at a good pace and a great storyline. I have to say who ever cast Lashana Lynch as 007 , it was inspired, such a badass, really hope to see more of her in future bond movies. Absolutly worth a watch.
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
Same old same old. Move on.
10 November 2021
Just another teen drama about rich privileged doucebags. Bad acting and tired plot line doesn't help. This theme has been done to death and done much better.
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absolute garbage
16 October 2021
Nothing redeemable about this instalment. Bad acting and special effects and giving micheal what amounts to superhero powers is turning this franchise into a joke. Clearly no thought has gone into the plot. Just a big body count and ridiculously stupid decisions by the victims make this a slasher movie Cliché. Obviously thrown together to make a quick buck. Worse one of the franchise.
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Nightbooks (2021)
truly magical
15 September 2021
This is a great movie from start to finish. Just love kristen ritter as a witch. 100% recommend for all the family.
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epic failure
6 August 2021
With the amount of money this must have cost to make, you would have thought it would be half decent. It couldnt be further from the truth. Fails across the board, not surprising will smith gave this a pass. Seriously cant think of a single good thing to say about it.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
just awesome
31 July 2021
Great movie from start to finish. The leads are great together and very funny. Cant honestly fault it, disney back to its best. Recommend to adults and kids alike.
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Jolt (2021)
Beckinsale is badass
23 July 2021
Kate Beckinsale back to her kickass best. Great revenge action movie with great support from a big name cast. If you loved her in underworld the this is just your cup of tea.
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